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Rebellious Moonlight

vacation hits the waves

The office room of EDWIN company.
Reina edwin
Reina edwin
I don't think, it's an appropriate idea. It is dangerous lade. You must understand it.
lade Edwin
lade Edwin
I don't think so honey. She is the exact of you . I think I'm getting old. But we need an extra person to look after.
Reina edwin
Reina edwin
but she is childish. How can we support her for that.. She is always on parties and clubs. I don't think it is good. What about your brother jade Edwin. He is great.
lade Edwin
lade Edwin
I don't think he is great too. I don't understand why you love him so much. He is a womanizer. You must understand that..
Reina edwin
Reina edwin
Huhh ... I'm sick of this lade. You are really jealous right but we have 5 childrens. How can I do that to you honey!
lade Edwin
lade Edwin
I thought you will be admiring him. Because he's more beautiful than me.
Reina edwin
Reina edwin
No ... Haha . You're gonna call vella to dinner right. Maybe she would have a club party, tell her now otherwise she would never come.😮‍💨
sera vens
sera vens
You are really thinking of giving me this… I don't want it vella. Please, I know it's precious to you. I'm not going to take it from you. This big vacation is enough for me in the beach… ⛱️
vella edwin
vella edwin
sera, it's precious to me and you are precious to me like it. Girl you have to take it.
Tobias mill
Tobias mill
Why is some hot girls fighting???
vella edwin
vella edwin
Ohh TOB, just shut up. I called you in this vacation for-
sera vens
sera vens
-- Tobias, vella is giving me this!
Tobias mill
Tobias mill
Eyy hot girl, aren't you going to swim😚
vella edwin
vella edwin
Really, I called you here to help me on the party.
Tobias mill
Tobias mill
Party will be admiring girl ... ! But just give me a chance, you know
Tobias winks at vella.
vella edwin
vella edwin
You pervert ! I know what you mean. I'm not giving it to you, and you are not having me to pervert...
Tobias mill
Tobias mill
YYY vella, you're giving me a hard time… Anyway I heard that your father made a call on your phone. You just put it in the bed. So you must hurry up...
sera vens
sera vens
I think I will stay here watching the waves and sun. You can vella..🙂
vella edwin
vella edwin
I think I didn't tell them about this vacation. Shit. I am going see yee😑
Tobias mill
Tobias mill
Really I'm coming with you vella...😚
Vella on the hotel room 157. She jumps on the bed and untied her hair. And calling back father.

Father's menacy.

Call with her father.
vella edwin
vella edwin
Father, how are you doing ????
lade Edwin
lade Edwin
Vella, my dear. I'm worried about you lately.
lade Edwin
lade Edwin
You haven't been calling lately, that's what your mother said..
vella edwin
vella edwin
I'm in a vacation with sera and TOB--
lade Edwin
lade Edwin
TOB, isn't he a drug addict from mill family.
lade Edwin
lade Edwin
You better get distance with him..
vella edwin
vella edwin
father, may I know why you called me…?
lade Edwin
lade Edwin
vella, you need to come to our hotel in night for dinner. Your mother miss you so much, also I have an important matter to tell you…
vella edwin
vella edwin
But father I can't come today.-
lade Edwin
lade Edwin
don't tell me you had parties waiting for you..
vella edwin
vella edwin
No it's my best friend sera… It's her birthday today. So we are hosting a party for dining dinner.
vella edwin
vella edwin
I can't come… Sorry father
lade Edwin
lade Edwin
Vella, I have an appointment. You must come at that time. Whether if you have a party or not..
vella edwin
vella edwin
But father …. I can't ….
Lade Edwin (vella's father decline the call)
Tobias mill
Tobias mill
Did something happen…? I mean you and your family…
vella edwin
vella edwin
Shut up TOB… I can't attend the party…
Tobias mill
Tobias mill
What the ?? Why? Did that man said something...
vella edwin
vella edwin
Tob, I know you hate my father… He asked me to come for dinner tonight. I don't know what to do..
Tobias mill
Tobias mill
Ohh gosh !! Sera vens would be sad… You know she really likes you and wants to go with you to the party….
vella edwin
vella edwin
I'm going… To home.
Tobias mill
Tobias mill
What?? It's only noon…
vella edwin
vella edwin
it's because needs a 2-hour car ride from here… I will call you..
Vella puts her phone on her pockets and starts to pack her things. Tobias is helping her with it…
vella edwin
vella edwin
tob thanks for this help… Please tell sera about it… If I don't go, father would be mad for sure… I'm gonna get going….
Tobias mill
Tobias mill
your father sure is a madman… I will tell to sera. But I don't need thanks… I need something else, you know...
Tobias push vella to the bed and smelled her hair..
vella edwin
vella edwin
Hey.. Get off.. Otherwise I think I will have to kick you out..
Tobias mill
Tobias mill
Ohh vella, I want you so badly.. You are my type, you know
vella edwin
vella edwin
Stop it tob.. I need to go .
Vella runs to the door and slammed the door hardly..Tobias put up a smirk.
Tobias mill
Tobias mill
vella, you know what you are always mine..


Vella is looking outside through her taxi, thinking about her family. She feels that the taxi is going slowly..
After an hour.. vella's phone started ringing.. she grabs her phone and lookes.. it was Her mother Reina. she answers the call..
vella edwin
vella edwin
Hello mom..
Reina edwin
Reina edwin
Are you okay ?
vella edwin
vella edwin
hmm yeah ..! why ask?
Reina edwin
Reina edwin
hmm.. Its ... I heard its sera's birthday today and we called you for a dinner on an absolute bad time..
vella edwin
vella edwin
I really wanted to.. attend the birthday party... but
Reina edwin
Reina edwin
I know sweetheart.. We can call sera for dinner this week..
vella edwin
vella edwin
what.. ? I won't be there this week.. I attend to dinner and go back to my place..
Reina edwin
Reina edwin
but... You are coming after months.. also your brother is coming back..
vella edwin
vella edwin
He is coming back..* surprised * no way ... Is his girlfriend also coming with him..
Reina edwin
Reina edwin
hmm.. he is afraid, that you will do something to her ..
vella edwin
vella edwin
hmm, he sure knows me well..
vella edwin
vella edwin
Also he does the wrong thing too... He proposed to the bullying who always bullies me.. Not fair..
Reina edwin
Reina edwin
*laughs* Anyways , i dont know..if she's coming but he asked for an extra room..
vella edwin
vella edwin
what ?? How dare he..
Reina edwin
Reina edwin
Hope you are doing fine dear... come safely.. love you sweetheart..
vella edwin
vella edwin
love you mom
cuts the call
In the evening. 4:15 cars drop vella at Edwin main company building.
vella edwin
vella edwin
*walks towards the reception * hmm, excuse me..
Hello Mam, How can i help you??
vella edwin
vella edwin
ohh.. I think i want to meet my dad..
Mam your dad??* confused*
vella edwin
vella edwin
yeah.. also where is the cafe ??
mam there are 4 cafes in this building.. May i know which ?
vella edwin
vella edwin
hhh, okay .. can you call Lade edwin.. That's all i want...
Mam.. but we can't..
Jade  edwin
Jade edwin
ohh vella!!
*stands and bow*
vella edwin
vella edwin
Uncle.. its been long...
Jade  edwin
Jade edwin
Why are you standing here .. come to the head office floor...
Sorry , sir.. I didn't know .. she was
Jade  edwin
Jade edwin
okay,i will tell you-
vella edwin
vella edwin
im vella, vella edwin.* turns and looks at uncle * I said it..
Jade  edwin
Jade edwin
You're being rude to your only uncle vella...
vella edwin
vella edwin
hmm.. uncle.. I have to meet dad...
Jade  edwin
Jade edwin
He is on the 8 th floor.. be safe
vella edwin
vella edwin
Thank you

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