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Ceo Hates Omegas

Episode 1

Ethan Lloyd, that was my name. I had been living in the bustling capital of London for almost a month. The city rose before me with its imposing glass skyscrapers, beautiful nonetheless. I loved the idea that after 24 years of living in a boring town, I finally had the freedom to be in one of the most important capitals in the world.

Those days, I was desperately looking for an opportunity to settle down. I was a beta from a small town, an average student who had gotten his degree from an unrecognized and small local university, but who had managed to finish my studies and was now looking to leave that life behind and live in the big metropolis.

I had always dreamed of leaving my hometown, which was boring, cold, and ugly, and going to the capital, full of things to do and see, apart from the fact that most of my friends had gone to London and I was the last one to do so.

Already in the city, despite my efforts, I lived off unstable jobs and the little money my parents sent me, but still, every day I sent out countless resumes and traveled the city in search of some more promising job offer, which so far it had been in vain, apparently due to my lack of experience, for the same reason I even began to consider working as a delivery man, but I had neither a motorcycle nor a license.

While I was eating a slice of pizza that I bought at the supermarket, a call came from one of the many companies I had applied to, but this was not just any company, it was one of the most important Financial Consulting firms in the city, which recently its control had passed into the hands of the dominant alpha Alexander Stone, son of the late Leonard Stone, one of the most important businessmen in the country.

I was surprised that such an important company was interested in me, but it filled me with hope and excitement, as if finally, I was being given the value I deserved, even though I was full of nervousness.

The call went smoothly, apparently, I met all the requirements for a secretarial vacancy that needed to be filled urgently, so I was really lucky. They said they thought I had potential and at the end of it all, the voice on the other end of the line was insistent that I should take some blood tests to corroborate that my caste was Beta, and I thought that wouldn't be a major problem, I had nothing to hide or prove, I just wanted a well-paying job.

Although at first, the insistence that I was a beta did not catch my attention, at nightfall my head in one of its anxious moves began to ask why I should take medical tests that showed my caste, it felt like something illegal discrimination by caste, but maybe there was some loophole that the company could use. In the end, I came to the conclusion that I didn't care as long as they treated me well and paid me.

Episode 2

Ethan's POV

Finally, the long-awaited day had arrived. At last, I had the interview I'd been preparing for. That morning, I dressed and groomed myself meticulously, making sure to present myself in the best possible light. After all, this was an opportunity that could be a ticket to a prosperous future full of opportunities, or it could be nothing at all.

After taking public transportation, I arrived at the company headquarters, where I found myself facing an imposing building that radiated power and prestige. It was somewhat intimidating and looked nothing like the buildings you'd find in my hometown.

I stopped in front of the large automatic doors of the headquarters and took a deep breath, giving myself courage to enter. I was very nervous.

Once inside, the interview went relatively smoothly and calmly. I answered the questions with a confidence I didn't know I had, but I was genuinely enthusiastic about the possibility of working for the company. Once she finished asking me questions, the interviewer looked at me with interest and a hint of approval.

"I think you're what we need to be the secretary to our CEO, Mr. Stone. We will contact you in the next few days to let you know our decision," the interviewer said, remaining as neutral as she was professional. Inside, I was relieved by her words, but still, I was as anxious and unsure as I was happy. I felt validated.

I left the building, my mind still reeling from the interview. As I was about to start walking away, my attention was quickly diverted when I saw a group of executives come out behind me. In their midst, I recognized Alexander Stone, the recent but still respected CEO of the company. He was as handsome as he was elegant. Honestly, if he weren't so intimidating, he could be the perfect alpha for any omega, a certainly desirable man even for a generic beta like me.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched him walk by. His aura of authority was palpable even from a distance. Was that the presence of a dominant alpha? I didn't know, but I also wondered what he was doing there until I answered my own question, feeling stupid. Well, it was his company.

Still thinking about what I had just seen, I felt someone's footsteps behind me. It was the interviewer, approaching me with a friendly smile.

"You were my last interview today. I'm sure you'll get the job once they see the results of your interview."

"Oh... thank you," I said somewhat shyly. It seemed that outside of work, the interviewer was much less intimidating.

"I see you got a glimpse of our CEO. Good luck if you end up working for him; he's not an easy person to deal with. You can come to me, even if we're in different departments. I'm Lia. I'll let you know as soon as I have the results."

I nodded with a knot in my stomach. It seemed I had a high chance of landing this job, but also that it wouldn't be easy if my future was to be connected to Alexander.

Episode 3

Ethan's POV

It was Friday afternoon, and I received the call I had been waiting for, the call that would change my life. The voice on the other side of the phone informed me that I had been selected for the position of personal secretary to Alexander Stone. The voice belonged to Lia. The news left me breathless, and I could barely contain my excitement. It had been a long time since something good had happened to me, and Lia seemed to notice my happiness, so she congratulated me on the position.

After hanging up the call with the interviewer, I called my best friend Jacob, who had been in the city for about a year, and shared the exciting news with him.

Jacob was a beta a year older than me, but he had been my friend since kindergarten, so it was only natural that after so many years I wanted to celebrate my first well-paying job with him.

We met at our favorite bar, a bar he had recommended to me, so I could share the exciting news with him. It was a cozy place, on a fairly busy street, but the atmosphere was relaxing with its soft background music.

We talked for a while to catch up, until I blurted out the news.

"Really? I knew you could do it, congrats on your new job!" Jacob said, raising his beer glass for us to toast.

"Yeah... I still can't believe I got the job, although it was kind of strange, since I had to get blood tests to prove that I'm a beta. But I got it, so it doesn't matter." I smiled, sipping my drink.

"Don't tell me you're working for Alexander Stone?" Jacob said jokingly, but I looked at him in surprise.

"How did you know?"

"Huh? I didn't know, only the other time I came across an article that talked about 'The most handsome and eligible businessmen', and there was this Alexander, a dominant alpha but who detests omegas, I don't know why, it said that his type were beta women, I didn't read much more."

"I didn't think a gossip article would explain this, maybe he's not very tolerant of pheromones, that's why he prefers to work away from omegas, I hope that's it..."

"Well, we're not going to take that so seriously either, the point is that I'm very proud of you," Jacob told me with a kind smile, trying to ease my anxiety.

I was relieved to be able to count on Jacob, he had been my support for years through thick and thin, and a moment like this only reminded me how much his friendship meant to me. He really was like my older brother, the only person I confided in in that huge city.

The night flew by, and when we finally said goodbye at the entrance of the bar, I was filled with optimism, ready to face the following week. Even though I was full of optimism, I was also intrigued by the mysterious Alexander Stone, I wanted to know why he didn't seem to want omegas near him, there were so many possibilities as to what he could be, it was strangely exciting.

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