NovelToon NovelToon

Broken Wings Of An Alpha

Marry into Knights

Eckart villa
a young boy was in the kitchen
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*cooking peacefully*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
*came from behind and push him toward the stove*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*surprised and tried to balance himself* Ahhh *mistakenly touch the flame but withdraw immediately* *hand got a little burnt, look at Troy with teary eyes*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
*grins* oh dear brother don't look at ne like that l, or I might think you want me to fu*k you right here *push him against the counter and touch his butt*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*flinch and move away*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
*came close to him and leans uncomfortably close* why don't you speak? or do you really want me to fuck you? is that what my little brother wants? *dirty smirk*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*feeling very uncomfortable*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
*put his hand on travis's waist while smirking*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*scared, push him away and run to his own room*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
YEAH! YOU KITTLE WH*R- *cut off by their mother*
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
*yelling from the living room* TROY, TRAVIS COME HERE YOUR FATHER WANTS T O SPEAK!!
hearing Maya's elephant like screaming Troy and Travis both went to the living room
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
*sits in the sofa while shamelessly staring at Travis*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*standing in a corner while trying hard to not tremble*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
... I have decided something *cold voice*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
*flinch and sit up properly*
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
*sipping tea elegantly*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
I have decided Travis is gonna marry... *cold voice*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
*shocked* What did you say father?
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
*stares coldly at Troy before shifting his attention to Travis* little boy.. I have fixed your marriage with the current mafia king's eldest son, Dominic Knight, the sole heir of KNIGHT family.. *cold voice*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*too shocked to react*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
*slap Troy hardly across the face* Do Not....unless you want punishment... *cold voice*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
s-sorry father.. *withdraw while gritting teeth*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
hm.. *turn his attention back to Travis who was standing quitely looking down* Travis.. *cold voice*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*standing still, not knowing what to do or say*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
*walk toward Travis and put his arm around travis's shoulder* You have to marry... I gave them my words...*cold voice*
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
*meddle in* honey don't you think it would be better if Troy marries him instead of Travis?
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
*glare at her* DO.NOT.MEDDLE.IN.AGAIN *Cold voice*
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
*step back in fear*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*trying not to panic* f-father I..I don't want to marry now... I..I want to study.. *low voice*
*suddenly Travis felt a string pain in his left cheek causing his head to turn right*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
*the one who slapped*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
*hold traviw by his shirt and throw him on the ground*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*fall down hardly, look up at Vincent with fear* f-father
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Bring me my whip! *shout at the maid*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*flinch hard*
(maid) : *brings the whip and hand it over to Vincent while looking at Travis with pity, left*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
*hold the whip rightly* What did you say? *cruel voice*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*crawl backward in fear*. I..I don't w-wanna- AHHH!! *Got hit by the whip*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
don't *whips* anger *whips* me *whips* Travis *whips*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*screaming in pain with each strike*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
*smiles in satisfaction*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
I..I.. don't wanna marry father please... *crying*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
dog's tail never straightens up even if you put it into line-pipe *whips*
after a few hours of continuous whipping Vincent throw the whip at Travis and left the living room with anger
maya chuckles seeing her youngest son laying in a pool of blood, breathing heavily and also left while dragging troy with her
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*unconsciously laying on the ground with blood flowing out of fresh wounds along with old wounds*
the maids and butler of the house took travis's unconscious body to his room and cleaned him(butler did), treated his injuries and slip him into fresh clothes before tugging him into his bed and leaving him alone
so this was nearly the daily routine of Travis.. working for his family as their maid.. and get beaten raw.. the maids and butler would always help him in secret
later that night in dinner table
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
*cold aura* where is that brat?
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
in his room... *blank voice*
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
I bet he is weeping in his room I don't get it how did I gave burt to such a useless son? *disgusted*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
... call him here *coldly spoke to the butler*
the butler hesitated but went to call travis
as he open the door of Travis's room he saw Travis sleeping peacefully, he shoke Travis to awake him
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*slowly woke up but couldn't move cause of pain*
the butler felt pity but he knew if he try to help him, it will worsen the situation so he told travis that he is called downstairs
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
... *get up while enduring the pain and walk downstairs toward the dining table*
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
*snarls as soon as she sees him* here comes the wh*re of Eckart's..
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
join us *to Travis*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*sits on his seat*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
so.. what did you decide? are you gonna marry in Knights or not? *cold voice*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*flinch and look down at the food to hide tears* I..I..
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
*slam his hand on the dinner table* Travis! don't make me repeat myself!!
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*bite his inner cheeks to stop himself from reacting, and gulps down the limp in him throat* y-yes.. I will marry...
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
*cold glance* if you said this sooner I wouldn't have to waste my energy on you *cold voice*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*bite lip* I apologise
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
*clench his fist under the table*
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
Maya Eckart(mc mother)
*rolls eyes*
after dinner everyone went to their own room and slept*
Kai's wife a.k.a. your author
Kai's wife a.k.a. your author
1st ch done..
Kai's wife a.k.a. your author

Character Intro

Kai's wife a.k.a. your author
so I'll introduce the characters today
Kai's wife a.k.a. your author
so I am.. your author...
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*smack author's head* you idiot author no one wants your into start now..
Kai's wife a.k.a. your author
*sobbing in a corner while making circles on the ground*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
Kai's wife a.k.a. your author
*gulp* I...ahem let's start
Travis Eckart
rare alpha
is the youngest son of Eckart's. He is abused very badly by his parents. Has a twin (Troy). Likes his family even though they hate him
he is very depressed, has trauma from childhood. He has DID (one of the reason his family hates him). he is very weak, and looks like a weak omega even though he is a alpha.. No one knows he is a rare omega expect his father
nice to everyone, literally everyone.. gets scared easily..and a dumb bish(trust me when I say he is dumb)
Troy Eckart
Dominant Alpha
The elder son of Eckart's. A arrogant basterd, he is obsessed (in negetive way) with Travis, despite being his brother.
He is his family's favourite thought their father sometimes is strick with him. He is the sole heir of Eckart's business. is a complete brat but serious with work
he wants to help Travis but his obsession doesn't let him, he is crazy.. super crazy
Maya Eckart
is the wife of Vincent and the mother of the twins. she's really beautiful despite her age. she was a good woman before some something changed her into this character. very arrogant, hates Travis and Troy..can't show her hatred toward Troy as he is the heir and Vincent's favourite.. so she used Travis to take out her anger.. biological mothe rof the twins
she loves Vincent truely. Thus she never does anything to anger him
Vincent Eckart
he is also handsome despite crossing century (guess handsomeness is in their blood) he loves his family but can not show it.. very reasonable.. has a secret no one knows.. He doesn't hate Travis but is not able to show his true self... lacks every emotions expect hatred
Kai's wife a.k.a. your author characters are to vicious... and dangerous*sobbing quitely*
Kai's wife a.k.a. your author
nevermind see you again
Kai's wife a.k.a. your author
bye butterflies~~~

Visit of Dominic Knight

the next day
Vincent went to his work and Maya went to her ~kitty party~
only Troy and Travis were home
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*typing on his laptop while sitting in the kitchen counter*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
*was in his room*
they both were busy in their own worlds when the calling bell rang
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*immediately went and open the door*
*standing in the doorway with a few bodyguards* "is Vincent here?" *cold*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*flinch at the cold voice* "no... he is at work" *timid*
... I see.. call him ask say Dominic Knight came... *cold*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
After a few minutes
Dominic Knight(ml father)
Dominic Knight(ml father)
*sitting majestically with his legs crossed*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*standing away*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
*sitting in opposite of Dominic*
Troy have already called Vincent, and he is on his was back home
Dominic Knight(ml father)
Dominic Knight(ml father)
So... who's Travis?" *cold*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
The one standing away like an outcast *Snickers*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
Dominic Knight(ml father)
Dominic Knight(ml father)
... *narrow eyes at Troy*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
*Isn't minding, behaving arrogant*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
...s-sir shall I bring you some tea? *polite, low voice*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
*rolls eyes*
Dominic Knight(ml father)
Dominic Knight(ml father)
.... That would be nice *cold*
Until Vincent reaches home, Travis tries his best to keep Dominic entertained as well as covering up for Troy
After Vincent arrives
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
sorry for the wait Mr. Knight *polite*
Dominic Knight(ml father)
Dominic Knight(ml father)
Hm... let's get to point then *cold*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Ah yes…kids leave us alone *glare at both Troy and Travis*
Both troy and Travis leaves and went to their rooms
Vincent and Dominic talks about the marriage and fixes the date
later Dominic leaves their house
Vincent feels like he should talk to his children and calls them
Now both troy and Travis are sitting beside each other*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
next Monday… *look at Travis*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
*curious* Next Monday what?
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Travis...your marriage is next Monday
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*look at Vincent with shock*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Keep your voice low Mr. Troy *voice full of authority*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
B-but.. *low voice*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
*raise hand to slap Travis but stops* *remembers his discussion with dominic*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
*put his hand down* you are marrying in Knights this Monday and there's no argument *enigmatic dominant voice*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*flinch* *move back*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
*sigh* Travis...I don't want any arguments... you're marrying with or without your will *cold voice*
Travis Eckart (mc)
Travis Eckart (mc)
*look down*
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
Troy Eckart(mc twin)
*clench fist* *walk away*
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
Vincent Eckart (mc father)
You too..go to your room... it's late...
Just like this the days pass by
Everyday troy and Travis try to talk to Vincent about this marriage but nothing works...
Kai's wife a.k.a. your author
sorry butterflies I was very busy
Kai's wife a.k.a. your author
Meet you tomorrow~~
Kai's wife a.k.a. your author
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