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For You! I'm Capable of Anything

Episode 1

Author's Note*

Since the beginning of the story is with the clumsy protagonist, I will only post a photo of her later, I will only post a photo of the main characters, and for the others, use and abuse your imagination... Good story for us!

Maia's POV

My name is Maia and I can't remember my last name, it's been so long since I've been trapped that I don't even know my last name. I'm 19 years old and I look like a boy since my hair is messy and I wear oversized clothes... Ahhhh, after our alphas passed away, the wolves suffered a lot. Our alpha Luna, Bela, and the alpha Arturo were incredible, the last destined wolf couple that is remembered since the goddess decided that everyone would choose who they thought was best, but this led to our ruin. A wolf fell in love with a human who betrayed us, and now we are hunted and annihilated... The children of the Alpha keep the pack secure in the coldest place in the world, the wolves that manage to get there alive are very well received, I didn't have that chance...

Flashback on

14 years ago

Pedro_ Run Maia, run

Maia _ I'm tired, Daddy

Mia_ Daughter, we need to run, let's go

My father picks me up and when he turns around, Mom is hit

Pedro_ No...

My father transforms and fights against the humans, a losing battle, silver weapons are used against him, wolf's bane, and they threw silver powder on his body, making him fall within seconds and scream as he is consumed by it.

Man 1_ We have a child, boss, we can use her for experiments.

Maia_ Mom, Dad

I cried tirelessly at night, I was locked in a cell with other children, experiments of all levels were done on us, only 5 survived.

Flashback off

When our wolves awakened, the tortures became worse, I am thrown in the cell at the moment trembling because my body has difficulty healing since I never transformed, they won't let us.

Mirtes_ They were harsh on you, Maia

Brendon_ Why do they do this? They've drawn so much blood that it could feed a world of vampires.

I smile at them even though weak, the three of us are the ones who endure the most... Suddenly a loud noise outside, bombs and gunshots, wolf howls, we smell strong wolves, I am even worse, my modified DNA was put in me, the DNA of an elephant due to the powerful scent and excellent memory, they also put the DNA of a cat to enhance my hearing, and the DNA of a cheetah for speed, I still don't understand why, they could have put one with extreme strength so I could escape from here.

The grid is shattered, and we are in a panic, his scent is of a wolf and he looks inside the cell.

Wolf_ Sir, here are two men and a woman...

Two men?? Hahaha, sure, I really look like it

I signal to the boys not to say that I am a woman...

Leader_ Release them and take them to the car with the others, those who need treatment will go in the first aid truck... Later, they will introduce themselves and will be registered by the pack, if they remember which pack they belong to. There was a massacre here, there are cells with bones and fur... Humans.

We are taken and I am separated because I need a doctor, as soon as the doctor sees me, she comes running.

Doctor_ Hello, everything will be fine, we are the rescue team from the Alpha, rescuing the wolves taken by humans. Do you remember your name, young man?

I smile at her and push my hair out of my face.

Maia_ My name is Maia, I don't remember my last name, but if it helps, I am project 27...

She widens her eyes and notes it down... The truck heads to somewhere, but I can see the sky from here, it's so blue I had almost forgotten its color and how beautiful it is.

Doctor_ Still in pain, dear?

Maia_ The sky is beautiful.

She looks at me and smiles, continuing to treat my wounds.

Doctor_ My name is Allyna, and I am the doctor in charge of the pack, there are two more doctors that you will meet. None of the wolves we found have those eyes, what did they do to you?

Maia_ They changed my DNA, and I don't know the color of my eyes...

She takes what looks like a mirror and shows me...

Episode 2

A bit of the past

My name is Lucca Salvatore and I am 29 years old. Ten years ago, my wolf made a deal with the Goddess to resurrect the wolves. In return, she would give us a destined mate chosen by her to be only ours. She said that she had already been born, and so we have been rescuing wolves for 10 years. With each new ambush, I fight, searching for the scents and aromas of the women, but I can't find her. Discouraged, I call my beta, Attila...

Lucca: Do you think the goddess tricked me?

Atilla: Of course not, brother. Why do you say that?

I take a deep breath. He has full knowledge of everything, and even though we are alpha and beta, before that, we are friends.

Atilla: We'll find her, okay? I could have asked for one for me too, hahaha

Lucca: She will restore the destined ones as soon as I unite with mine. The problem with being the chosen one is this: the goddess does not give details, and we are already going to another human prison, and still nothing of finding my destined one. The stories say that as soon as we smell the scent, we will know that she belongs to us, that the bond is so strong that it is almost impossible to leave each other's side, our wolves recognize each other, and the bond becomes complete after we put our mark on them.

Atilla: That's why, man, I didn't choose any. I want to experience that, the butterflies in my stomach, the recognition, the feeling of belonging to a single person. It's surreal.

The trackers come in and say we're going to invade.

We follow them, and the invasion begins. More than 69 wolves were found in captivity, and their situation was terrible. Some cells were full of bones and fur.

Atilla: This is terrible, Alpha. There are wolves that have never emerged, so their healings are very slow.

I see a young man being taken to the ambulance and I'm uneasy.

Dexter, my wolf, gets restless.

Lucca: She said our mate was already born, not a man, Dexter.

Dexter: Go see... Mate.

I follow and see his condition. It's terrible. His injuries are huge, his hair is long and completely disheveled, he's very thin and certainly malnourished. After taking the pills, he'll be unrecognizable... I leave and find, once again, that I haven't found my mate.

Lucca: Follow to the pack. Take the wounded as fast as you can, and those who can, introduce yourself, I'll be available.

We all follow, but that young man left me uneasy. I think it's because of the situation or his scent mixed with something I don't understand.

It took about 5 days to get to the pack, and I keep thinking about the young man I didn't see again. I'm on my way to the truck when Allyna calls me and I end up walking faster.

Allyna: Alpha, I'd like you to see something...

Lucca: You know I was going to you.

She laughs and we walk to the room she leads me to. As I get closer, I smell roses and my heart races. Dexter howls, calling for someone, and the truck room is the same as the young man's... When she opens it, I am bombarded by the smell that arrives. I close my eyes and inhale deeply...

Lucca / Dexter: MATE...

Allyna: Oh my goddess, you found her...

I see a beautiful woman lying on the bed, her hair washed and combed, her curvy body makes me salivate, her lips are so inviting that I want to devour them.

Lucca: I thought it was a man.

Allyna: We all thought so. I bathed her and took care of her. The vitamins took effect very quickly, and it scared me, Alpha, that's why I went to call you...

Lucca: She sleeps so peacefully. What's her name?

Allyna: Maia, but I don't remember her last name...

I inhale her scent and as I turn to leave, Dexter howls in pain... Shit, I had forgotten. I go back and sit on the side of the bed. She needs to recognize me or my wolf will feel pain. Suddenly, her eyes meet mine and I get lost in those beautiful and unique [eyes].

Episode 3

Maia's POV

That doctor took wonderful care of me, the pills she gave me worked too fast and I ended up feeling pain and falling asleep... I wake up to the delicious smell of wood, I've never shifted but I can communicate with Violet my wolf...

Violet_ Mate...

Maia_ Impossible, it's been years Violet you must be confusing the scents, and what a delicious smell I feel like rubbing myself on it.

Violet_ Open your eyes...

I do so and feel butterflies in my stomach when I see him, how handsome he is and his scent makes me salivate, I remain silent I won't say the word until I'm sure I'm not crazy and the goddess really gave me a destined mate...

Allyna_ It's good that you woke up Maia how are you feeling? This is our alpha Lucca Salvatore...

Lucca_ Hello Maia...

His voice gives me goosebumps and I lock my eyes on his lips and damn how I wish they were glued to mine...

Allyna_ Maia? Are you okay? You look dazed, are you in pain?

Maia_ I'm fine... How is everyone and where are we going?

Lucca smiles as he hears me speak and I see him take a deep breath, his eyes flickering between brown and black, I believe from his wolf.

Lucca_ Our pack, the goddess chose me to rescue the wolves imprisoned by humans and I have been doing this for 10 years, we are almost at the end of this mission.

Allyna smiles because it seems like he's hiding something, me and my elephant DNA, I'm a born observer and I can always find out... I get up and only then notice my different body, whoa

I run my hands through the long strands that were my father's passion I remember, my body is recovered as if it had never been trapped, the completely feminine clothes that the doctor put on me. My eyes with purple irises are a mark of the DNA mixtures.

Allyna_ You recovered extremely quickly Maia and that's scary even for me who has been a doctor for years.

Maia_ I told you, I think the DNA mixes made me like this but I like it... Now I need to go see how the boys are doing...

I see the alpha's countenance change instantly and he clenches his hands into fists.

Lucca_ Who are they?

I look at him without understanding, does he feel the bond too? But why didn't he say anything?

Maia_ I'm sorry alpha (I bow to him) They are my cellmates, we were in the same cell since we were 5 years old, I need to see how they are doing...

Allyna _ What are their names dear?

She spoke looking at a notebook...

Maia_ Brendon and Mirtes

She flips through and smiles...

Allyna_ They're fine, they're not in the aid truck, they're walking with the soldiers and they've already introduced themselves to Alpha Lucca.

Lucca_ You need to fill out your form, Miss Maia, so we know which pack you belonged to.

Maia_ I'm sorry alpha, but I don't even remember my last name, how can I remember the pack?

Allyna_ It will be necessary to do the blood tracing, alpha, the sorceress already did it with some...

He affirms and turns his gaze to me, the veins in his neck are huge and his eyes are glued to me, I feel naked in front of him...

Lucca_ What is this Brendon to you?

I find his question strange and I need to get out of here, his scent is getting stronger in my nostrils and I'm salivating for him. Imprisoned for so many years I've never even been kissed and now I wanted to kiss the alpha right there, oh Maia.

Violet_ Mate Maia, our mate...

I don't answer Violet or she ends up making me say the word and if he doesn't feel the same way I'll be humiliated.

Maia_ Well, alpha, I've been with them for 14 years in prison, so I think it's only fair that I'm worried about them. Dr. Allyna, could you take me to them?

She agrees and as soon as I open the door I feel a jolt in my chest while the alpha just stares at me but my biggest mistake was forcing myself out. A scream escapes my throat the moment I walk out the door, I feel my body being broken, pain and more pain. The doctor came closer but it felt like her touch was burning me.

Maia_ Stop, stop. It's burning, stop.

She lets go of me and panics but then the alpha approaches...

Lucca_ I thought I was the only one who felt it, little one, you feel the bond too, say the word and we'll stop suffering.

His touch is pleasant and I feel disgusting rubbing myself on his hand so I let it slip, already knowing that he feels it too.

Maia_ Mate

Lucca_ Mate, I finally found you...

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