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Love Or Thoughts?



Age: 16

Parent(s): Jeanne Haln, Jule Jean

Sibling(s): Stephen Jean, Johnny Jean, Webner Jean

Stepsister: Rubby Morrison

Stepmother: Ludia Morrison

Nickname: Precious, Poupée, Cutie


Age: 23

Sibling(s): Skenjley Kan, Nakth Kan

Nickname: Moon, Venus, Bear

Parent(s): Ekther Kan, Ruth Paul Kan


Age: 18

Sibling(s): 0

Mother: Rita Gilbert

Father: Unknown

Nickname: Biby, Erjlan


Age: 21

Father: unknown

Stepfather: Jule Jean

Mother: Ludia Morrison

Stepsiblings: Jade Jean, Webner Jean, Johnny Jean

Sibling(s): Stephen Jean (half-brother)


Age: 47

Children: Johnny Jean, Jade Jean, Webner Jean, Stephen Jean

Ex-wife(s): Jennifer Anderson, Jeanne Haln, Natalie Laure

Wife: Ludia Morrison

Nickname: Jay or J


Age: 44

Children: Rubby Morrison, Stephen Jean

Step Children: Johnny Jean, Jade Jean, Webner Jean

Husband: Jule Jean


Age: 24

Parent(s): Ekther Kan, Ruth Paul Kan

Sibling(s): Taehler Kan, Skenjley Kan


Age: 26

Sibling(s): Taehler Kan, Nakth Kan

Parent(s): Ekther Kan, Ruth Paul Kan


Age: 24

Parent(s): Macklius Jacob, Lynne Mircel Jacob

Sibling(s): Yves Mircel (half-brother)

Nickname: Sunny


Age: 25

Mother: Lynne Mircel

Father: Patrick Salvador

Stepfather: Macklius Jacob

Sibling(s): Hannah Jacob (half-sister)


Age: 23

Sibling(s): 0

Parent(s): Carlo Peker, Tamarre Oden Peker

Nickname: Kitten


Age: 17

Parent(s): Jule Jean, Jennifer Anderson

Sibling(s): Jade Jean, Webner Jean, Stephen Jean

Stepsister: Rubby Morrison

Stepmother: Ludia Morrison


Age: 15

Sibling(s): Jade Jean, Johnny Jean, Stephen Jean

Parent(s): Jule Jean, Natalie Laure

Stepsister: Rubby Morrison

Stepmother: Ludia Morrison


Age: 12

Parent(s): Jule Jean, Ludia Morrison

Sibling(s): Johnny Jean, Webner Jean, Jade Jean, Rubby Morrison


Age: 23

Parent(s): unknown

Silbings): 0


Age: 25

Sibling(s): 0

Parent(s): Samuel Leonor, Elizabeth Charles Leonor



Reader discretion is advised for mature audiences, as the book contains strong language, explicit sexual content, and mature themes such as mental health issues (depression, panic attacks, self-harm), obsession, possessiveness, and death.

Author's Note:

A heartfelt thank you to those who have embarked on this literary journey with me. As a token of my gratitude, I would like to share some insights into my creative process.

This book is the first in a series of five standalone novels titled "The Softest Petal of A Blue Rose" Each novel explores the protagonists' love stories in different parallel universes.

While each book presents a unique storyline, certain leitmotifs, and themes recur throughout, creating a cohesive narrative tapestry. You can read each book independently, but experiencing them in numerical order may provide a deeper appreciation for the overarching themes and character dynamics.

As I navigate the complexities of this interconnected series, I am constantly striving to find a balance between continuity and originality. The characters' personalities and experiences evolve from one book to the next, reflecting the transformative power of love and the diverse landscapes of their emotional journey.

Would you prefer to embark on this literary odyssey in chronological order?

Love or Thoughts?

(Coming soon)

(Coming soon)

(Coming soon)

(Coming soon)

Please refrain from duplicating my work, as this story and the series it belongs to, hold a great sentimental value to me.

Translation of my work is strictly prohibited.

To my readers, both present and future, I extend a warm welcome. May you find solace, inspiration, and profound connections with the characters and their stories.

"Love or Thoughts: Book 1- The Softest Petal of A Blue Rose."

A.J.V. Sphej


"You have shown me that letting go is another way to express love. I will always love you and be grateful for everything you have done for me. You hold a special place in my heart that no one else can replace. Please, forgive me for any wrongdoings and for letting you go from my life, but know that my love for you remains." Jade broke down in tears while pleading for forgiveness from someone who could not give her an answer.

Jade Jean's innocence shone in her studies, her relationships, and her daily life. At the age of 16, Jade made the difficult decision to leave her mother in Cuba, and move to America to pursue her dream of studying at Stanford University.

This journey marked the beginning of her beautiful story, but it was also filled with unexpected challenges and heartache.

In a moment of anguish, Jade squeezed her eyes shut and furrowed her brows, her features twisted in anguish. She bit her bottom lip hard, her teeth sinking into the soft flesh as she fought to suppress her emotions. "Please, love me. I'm falling apart. I need you more than anything," she begged, her voice quivering with desperation as she was consumed by overwhelming despair.


A wicked grin spread across Taehler's face as he let out a low, menacing chuckle. "Just because you played the role of the victim in a relationship doesn't absolve you of all blame. Sometimes, the darkness swallows us whole, and we become something we never imagined."

Despite Taehler's efforts to suppress his desire for Jade Jean, it only seemed to intensify with each passing day, ultimately leading him to engage in a relationship with her.

Taehler Kan was a ruthless man, driven by an insatiable desire that consumed his every thought and action. He would do anything, regardless of the harm inflicted on others, to satisfy his cravings.

This insatiable desire haunted Taehler, leaving him constantly tormented by regret and longing. He was captivated by an unyielding grip of his desires, unable to escape its grasp.

"I yearned for you beyond measure, needing your presence more than anything, yet now the intensity of my desire for you consumes me, while I remain unable to attain you."


Explore the depths of their love, a love that defies reason and transcends boundaries. Dive into the tumultuous ocean of their emotions, where waves of passion crash against shores of heartache. Witness their struggle to navigate the treacherous waters of love, a journey fraught with uncertainty and heartbreak.


Author's Note:

Hello everyone,

This book is available on multiple platforms such as YouTube, Wattpad, NovelToon, and AO3.

**To read it on YouTube:**

Simply search for the book's title and my username, "AjignekVeiligSphej."


On YouTube, there will be more chapters available than on other websites. Therefore, if you're looking for a specific chapter not available elsewhere, please visit YouTube.

**For spoilers:**

I post updates and spoilers on TikTok and Instagram.

My aliases are:

* AjignekVeilig Sphej

* AJV_Sphej

* Sphej

Thank you for your support!

This book is the first in a series of five standalone novels titled "The Softest Petal of A Blue Rose" Each novel explores the protagonists' love stories in different parallel universes.

Reader discretion is advised for mature audiences, as the book contains strong language, explicit sexual content, and mature themes such as mental health issues (depression, panic attacks, self-harm), obsession, possessiveness, and death.

"Love or Thoughts: Book 1- The Softest Petal of A Blue Rose."

^^^A.J.V. Sphej^^^

CHAPTER 1: To Face The Unknown Path

The atmosphere was filled with a tangible feeling of love and tenderness as Jade and her mother, Jeanne, spent their last morning together before Jade departed for America.

Despite not having a conventional mother-daughter relationship, Jade and Jeanne still shared a special bond, which was even more remarkable considering the circumstances of Jade's upbringing.

Jade's parents got divorced when she was just two months old, and her father, Jule Jean, moved to America and started a new family. Meanwhile, Jeanne stayed in Cuba to raise Jade on her own.

After sixteen years, Jade was ready to begin her university journey. She had been accepted into Stanford University in America, and Jeanne couldn't have been prouder.

Jeanne's tears of joy flowed freely from the moment Jade received the acceptance letter, and she couldn't contain her happiness.

A month ago, Jade had contacted her father, Jule, to inform him of her acceptance into Stanford University and her desire to live with him.

Jule felt overjoyed when he received the news that his only daughter would be coming to live with him.

Despite maintaining contact and Jule's annual visits, Jeanne never allowed Jade to stay with her father due to his other family.

Jeanne was extremely cautious and had strict rules for Jade, but Jade had expressed to her mother that she would prefer to live with someone she knew— her father, Jule.

After much convincing, Jeanne reluctantly agreed to let Jade move in with Jule, especially since he lived in the same city where Jade would be studying.

"Good Morning, Precious," Jade heard her mother's voice— a soft whisper that gently stirred her from the comforting embrace of sleep. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she greeted her mother with a simple 'Good morning.' Her voice filled with a mixture of tiredness and affection. With tenderness, she pressed her lips against Jeanne's warm forehead, enveloping her in a tight embrace.

In that fleeting moment, Jade could feel her mother's love and warmth seeping into her very being.

After a few minutes of sharing the quiet warmth of the morning, Jeanne drew back. She cleared her throat, her voice carrying a subtle hint of sorrow and apprehension as she announced, "Breakfast is ready, Precious."

"Ok, Mine," Jade responded, embracing her mother once again. "I'm going to get ready, now," Jade added, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

Jade often addressed her mother as "Mine" when speaking to her. However, Jade did not intend to convey a sense of possession or ownership. Rather, for Jade, it signified the unique and inseparable bond between a mother and a daughter.

As Jeanne leaned in and gently brushed a kiss against Jade's hair, the weight of their impending separation settled upon them, casting a shadow over the morning. They both knew that this breakfast held a deeper meaning, as it would mark their final meal shared together before Jade departed for America.

Fifty minutes later, the morning sunlight danced through the window, casting a warm glow on the kitchen. Jade and her mother sat across from each other at the kitchen table, the silence around them thick with unspoken emotions.

Each bite of food seemed to carry a weight of longing and sorrow. Each glance stolen between them was a silent acknowledgment of the profound sadness that enveloped them.

Time slipped through their fingers like grains of sand, and soon enough, the meal came to an end. Jade looked at Jeanne, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears, realizing that it was already time to head to the airport.

With a heavy heart, Jade rose from her seat and embraced her mother, basking in the familiar comfort of her embrace. It was a farewell that neither of them was ready for, and the weight of the impending separation hung heavily in the air.

After a while, they reluctantly pulled away.

Jeanne drove off to the airport, the ride filled with a silence that was only occasionally broken by the exchange of sad, understanding glances. The journey to the airport was a journey to the unknown- a journey that would take Jade far away from her mother.

Tears began to flow freely down Jade's cheeks, their saltiness tracing glistening paths as she wrapped her arms around her mother once more and bid farewell once again before joining the line to check in for her flight.

"Mom, I love you," Jade whispered softly.

Jeanne's voice trembled with emotion as she responded, her own tears betraying her struggle to remain composed, "My dear, I won't be able to visit you, but please take care of yourself. I love you."

Jade's voice choked with tears and her words were barely audible. "I will, Mom. You take care, too."

As they finally let go of each other, Jade felt a sharp pain in her heart. Leaving her mother behind was incredibly painful, a cruel twist of fate that tore at her heartstrings, but she knew she had to be strong, for her mother, for herself, and for the journey that awaited her in America. Jade locked her gaze onto her mother for as long as she could, her eyes reflecting the deep love and sadness swirling within her.

As she slowly turned away, ready to face the unknown, Jade couldn't shake off the lingering warmth and love of her mother.

The airport became a blur of bustling activity, the sounds and sights melding into a haze as Jade made her way towards the gate. But her mind remained fixated on the image of her mother, her soft smile and tear-streaked face.

Their farewell was etched into her memory, an indelible mark that would forever remind her of the depth of their bond.

She swirled around for one final glimpse of her mother, her rock, her guiding light. The sight of Jeanne standing there, her face etched with a mixture of pride and anguish, tore at Jade's heart. Her hands instinctively reached out, desperate to cling to the love and warmth that Jeanne had always provided. But there was nothing to grasp, nothing but empty air and the harsh reality of their separation.

Jeanne slowly raised her hand and waved at Jade.

They continued to wave at each other, their farewell filled with unspoken longing, until the distance between them widened too much. They were separated by a sea of people and a vast expanse of airport, and they gradually faded from each other's sight.


As Jade arrived at the airport terminal, her heart raced with excitement. She spotted her father's silhouette waiting for her arrival.

Jule's face was alight with a welcoming smile as Jade rushed towards him, enveloping him in a heartfelt hug that held the comforting warmth and love that only a parent could provide.

However as Jade pulled away her gaze fell upon another group awaiting nearby, causing her smile to falter.

It was Ludia, her stepmother, and her brothers. A mix of emotions surged through her veins— a blend of excitement and trepidation. She had longed to meet them in person, yet the weight of their shared past history pressed down on her like an unwelcome burden.

Politely, Jade nodded her head in greeting, unsure of how to navigate this unfamiliar territory.

"Hello, Jade! It's so wonderful to finally meet you. You're even more beautiful in person." Ludia exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine warmth.

Jade mustered a polite response, her words tinged with formality, "Thank you. It is nice to see you, too."

"Well, let's get going," Jule said, a hint of amusement in his tone. Jade could hear her brothers chuckling softly, their eyes twinkling with mischief.

As they headed to the parking lot, Jule turned to Jade, concern etched across his face, "Jade, are you hungry? We have some food at home, but I can grab something on the way, if you'd prefer."

"No, thank you. I'm fine," Jade replied politely.

Just then, a small voice piped up from behind Jule, "I'm hungry," It was Stephen, his eyes filled with both hunger and anticipation.

Jule's lips curled into a knowing smile, as he shot back, "As always."

The drive home was filled with silence, each of them lost in their thoughts. As the car pulled into the garage, Jade's brothers bolted out, eager to escape the confines of the vehicle. With a sigh, Jade followed her inside, her heart racing with both excitement and apprehension.

"Jade, wash your hands here. We will eat first; then, your father will give you a tour of the house," Ludia instructed kindly.

Jade nodded obediently, following Ludia's lead.

As they took their seats at the dining table, Jule turned to Stephen, "Do you know when your sister will be back from work?" He inquired.

Stephen's reply was brief and to the point, "Eleven."

The conversation around the table dwindled to a whisper as everyone focused on their meal. Jade couldn't help but a sense of awkwardness hanging in the air— a palpable tension that made it difficult to engage in casual conversation.

When she complimented Ludia on the food, a genuine smile bloomed on her stepmother's face.

"It is no problem. I'm going to rest now, and your dad will show you everything," Ludia said, rising from her chair and heading upstairs.

"Thank you. Good night," Jade replied politely.

"Good night, Jade," Ludia responded softly.

As she ascended the stairs, she turned to Stephen, her voice stern yet laced with affection, "Stephen, you should go to bed early. It's difficult enough to wake you up in the morning as it is."

With that, Stephen, Johnny, and Webner excused themselves from the table, leaving Jade and Jule alone in the dining room.

Jule then proceeded to give Jade a comprehensive tour of the house, leading Jade to her room at the end of the hallway.

Jade's heart skipped a beat as she realized she would be sharing the room with her stepsister, Rubby, who had yet to arrive home

As they waited for Rubby, Jule and Jade spent the time catching up, sharing stories about their lives, getting to know each other better, and having a heart-to-heart adult talk.

It was almost midnight when Rubby arrived home, "Stephen, why did you call me?" Rubby's voice echoed from downstairs, her words carrying a hint of irritation.

Jade and Jule paused the conversation and waited for Rubby to join them upstairs.

"Hi," Rubby greeted them cheerfully as she entered the room. She was aware of Jade's arrival and didn't seem surprised to see her.

Jade greeted her with a warm smile, "Hi!"

Jule stood up, his eyes twinkling with amusement, "I'm going to bed. Rubby, show Jade her side of the room. And I don't forget to tell her about your little rules," He said with a chuckle, "Girls, take care."

With those parting words, Jule left the room, leaving Jade and Rubby alone.

"Jade, what's up? I don't have any rules. Your dad was just joking." Rubby reassured Jade, noticing Jade's tense posture.

Jade sighed in relief, her body visibly relaxing. "Ok," she muttered.

"Ludia has redecorated the bedroom for us today. It used to be only one bed, and I haven't slept on either yet. You can choose whichever one you want," Rubby explained gently.

Jade's eyes widened in surprise as she processed Rubby's words.

Noticing Jade's shocked expression, Rubby sighed and clarified, "I don't call Ludia, Mom, or Mother. Don't worry, and I have not changed; I'm still the same. I won't fight with you over a bed.

Rubby's shoulders slumped as she spoke, "I thought you remembered me,"

"Sorry," Jade mumbled.

"No need. And guess what? I'm taking you to your University tomorrow. Did you know that?" Rubby asked excitedly, plugging her phone into the charger.

Jade's face lit up with excitement, and she couldn't stop the smile from spreading across her face, "No, what time?" She inquired.

"Ten o'clock. I'm going to take a shower. Choose any side you want. Ok?" Rubby said, her footsteps echoing through the room as she headed toward the bathroom.

"Ok," Jade replied softly.

As Rubby disappeared into the bathroom, Jade couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. Rubby was just as she remembered her, kind and easy-going. The tension that had been weighing Jade down seemed to dissipate, replaced by a newfound sense of optimism.

Jade and Rubby had known each other in the past, having attended the same school for a year before Rubby moved to America to live with her mother, Ludia. They weren't exactly friends, but they had never been enemies either. Now, reunited after seven long years, they found themselves sharing a room and embarking on a new chapter in their lives together.

Jade took out her phone, her fingers dancing across the screen as she dialed her mother, Jeanne, who answered after the second ring. Her voice filled with warmth as she asked, "Precious, how are you?"

Jade let out a soft chuckle and replied, "I'm fine, Mine. Did you eat?"

"Yes, I did, and you? How was your trip? Jeanne inquired, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by bursts of laughter that echoed for over ten minutes before ending the call. Feeling invigorated, Jade went downstairs to look for her brothers, whom she hadn't spoken to since her arrival. The familiarity of their voices over the phone was comforting, but facing them in person felt strangely awkward.

"Jade, let's play basketball," Stephen excitedly hollered as he entered the living room, surprising Jade.

Jade hesitated and asked. "Isn't it too late?"

Stephen's enthusiasm was unwavering, "No, we don't go to bed early."

Jade's brows shot up in disbelief, " I didn't know you stay out this late, as well."

Stephen proudly replied, "We can. Mom says nothing about it because the neighborhood is safe, and Dad—" he paused, a small smile playing on his lips, "He won't scold us."

With a sigh, Jade agreed to play, "Sure. Just us?" Jade asked curiously.

Stephen grinned as he pulled Jade outside, "No, Johnny and Webner are outside. We were waiting for you."

Jade was left with no choice but to follow Stephen. Johnny and Webner came running towards her with big grins on their faces. They were eager to have Jade on their team, "She will be my teammate because I waited for her," Stephen declared.

"No, she will be with me. I was the one who suggested the game," Johnny protested, shooting a sharp glare at Webner before he could even utter a word.

Jade couldn't help but tease them, "I'll choose Webner then."

Stephen and Johnny's faces fell, but quickly they regained their composure and agreed.

"Don't be sad. I was joking; how about 3vs1," Jade proposed, her voice filled with mischief.

"I know you are weak for Stephen's puppy eyes," Johnny uttered, his words filled with humor.

"I know you guys plan this. It is not the first time, and I know who the mastermind is," Jade pouted, pretending to be upset, "My older brother hates me. He always punishes me," Jade faked a crying face, and then Johnny laughed at her cuteness.

"Sorry, I love you. I won't do it again, but let's start playing 3vs1." Johnny reminded her of the game's rules.

"Ok, let's get it," Jade said, and she knew it would not be the last time Johnny teased her, but she didn't mind; that was how she could get an 'I love you' from him.

Despite Jade's basketball skills, she couldn't outperform her brothers. Therefore, her brothers let her win because they liked her smile, and felt delighted to be the reason for it.

After the games ended, everyone returned to their rooms. Jade set her alarm and drifted off to sleep.

Jade was kind and innocent; she sometimes struggled to express her emotions. She was intelligent and talented, but her unique personality often got misunderstood by people because of her unique personality.

She knew and understood things that others wouldn't grasp or things that others would likely not know, but Jade found it difficult to understand things that matter—things that seemed easy for others to understand.


^^^A.J.V Sphej—^^^

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