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Ready For The Ride?

Come One Come All

Sarah's lips part from velvet each lifeless husk

Saws off head now headless death musk

Shriveled and shrunken mini in the infernal sun

Skin festers ribbons blisters maggots run

Epoxy for color giggle swirl curl she is having fun

Massive spike spear ear spew mush pop other

Hole family is hear mother father sister brother

In the middle of the knife that slit their throats

Rivers flow fork drain hair collects stays floats

Horrid zenith chime hangs above ringing show

Bodies grotesque seats stitched stapled below

Levitated snared hooks chains lanced poles

Round and round Sarah's lovely carousel goes

Night solar lights keep bright mechanical sole

Lock your doors boards barricade your home

Four it's Sarah's dream to run pitched tent dome

Her rides wrenched rinds threads skulls to bones

Homage tableau wretched macabre carnival

Parts bled forged parents children know survival

Vile rides twisted mutated swirled bathed in bile

Unique indeed she hits streets mile two mile

Leaving shallow graves fashion trend knew style

Serial killer equality any man woman ore child

Finale gaze glaze ringleader beautiful and wild

Footfalls plea denial

Slick wound smell iron feet slip

Try escape cannot get grip

Leans in teeth glint

Hands grasp neck

Hush baby

Watch this

Family gagging

Zip tied wrist

Lunges hunches

Last perspire breathe

Steal stabs flesh

Repeat over and over

More more morsel

Members amputated crossover

Cut slash blade ring melody

Scarlet wall coat melancholy

Scream tongue caught

Ripped right the fuck off

Cough drown choke

Noose strung rope

Eyes fade out

Last sound crackle jokes

Crimson pours drips mouth

Thrust drag gut

Heart hers to keep for dinner

Bones snap break

Whirs permeate

Ferris wheel of leather

Pop up prizes lungs brain and liver

Come one

Come all

Come hither

Come be apart of something bigger

The eerie strains of a discordant melody drifted through the air, a haunting prelude to the spectacle that awaited. As the curtain rose, a twisted vision unfolded, a carnival of horrors that defied the boundaries of sanity and decency. At the heart of this nightmarish realm stood Sarah, the Ringleader of Leather, her porcelain features twisted into a cruel smile as she surveyed her twisted creation.

In the center of the carnival grounds, a grotesque carousel spun, its seats adorned with the contorted forms of hapless victims. Their limbs were bound, their faces etched with terror, as the carousel's blades whirled with each sickening rotation. A crimson mist filled the air, the splattering of blood and bone painting a grisly canvas upon the ground.

Sarah's chilling laughter echoed through the carnival, a twisted symphony that accompanied the screams of the damned. Her poetic narration wove a tapestry of horror, each word a visceral stroke that brought the Carousel of Decapitation to life.

"Behold, my twisted masterpiece,

A dance of death, a gory feast.

The blades spin true, with cruel delight,

As heads are severed in the night.

The carousel, a joyous ride,

Spins ever faster, crimson-dyed.

Each rotation, sit upon ribboned hide,

Are you ready for the ride?"

The air was thick with the coppery scent of blood, mingling with the acrid stench of fear and despair. The victims' agonized cries echoed through the carnival, their pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears.

Sarah reveled in the horror she had wrought, her twisted artistry on full display. Beyond the carousel, a twisted path beckoned, leading into the depths of the Tunnel of Dismemberment. Sarah's chilling narration echoed through the darkness, her words painting a vivid picture of the horrors that awaited.

"Venture forth, if you dare,

Into the abyss, a itty bitty scare.

The Tunnel of Dismemberment, a grotesque sight,

Where limbs are severed, wrenched from those who put up a good fight.".

The screams of the damned reverberated through the tunnel, a haunting chorus that chilled the very soul. Dismembered limbs littered the path, their owners' agonized cries mingling with the sickening crunch of shattering bones. The air was thick with the cloying scent of decay, a macabre perfume that assailed the senses.

Sarah's twisted artistry was on full display, as she manipulated the human form into a gory symphony of terror. With each step, the boundaries between reality and nightmare blurred, the fabric of existence warping and distorting in the face of such unspeakable tableaus.

Twisted forms, once human, now defiled,

Limbs torn asunder, in agony they wailed.

The crunch of bone, the rending of flesh,

An orchestra of terror, that none can resh.

The tunnel seemed to stretch on endlessly, a winding path of dismemberment and despair. The victims' pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears, their anguished cries only fueling Sarah's twisted obsession.

As we ventured deeper into the Tunnel of Dismemberment, a sense of unease settled, a creeping dread that threatened to consume their very being. Sarah's malevolent presence loomed large, her chilling laughter echoing through the darkness, taunting those who dared to witness her skull to bone sewn animations.

"Enter, if you dare, the House of Horrors,

Where reality twists, and sanity cowers.

The stench of decay, a sickening miasma,

Assails the senses, a orgasmic phantasma."

Unsettling creaks and groans echoed through the halls, the House of Horrors seeming to groan with a malevolent intelligence of its own. The walls warped and shifted, distorting the viewer's sense of reality, as if the very laws of physics had been subverted by Sarah's twisted will.

Emerging from the disorienting confines of the House of Horrors, the reader found themselves confronted with Sarah's crowning achievement, the Ferris Wheel of Leather. A twisted ballet of death and dismemberment unfolded before their eyes, as hapless victims were forced to dance to the tune of Sarah's twisted symphony.

Behold, the ferris wheel of the Damned,

A twisted waltz, where life is spanned.

The victims dance, in gruesome plight,

Their limbs contort, in unnatural sight.

The choreography was intricate and horrifying, a grotesque display of the human form being twisted and contorted beyond the bounds of sanity. Limbs were severed, bones shattered, and flesh rent asunder, as the victims were forced to perform Sarah's rotating wonder.

Above the scene, a raven perched ominously, its dark eyes gleaming with a malevolent intelligence. The ominous creature seemed to bear witness to the horrors unfolding below, its very presence a harbinger of the death and despair that permeated Sarah's twisted realm.

The raven's gaze, a piercing sight,

Watches over the dance of plight.

Its eyes aglow, with cruel delight,

As victims writhe, in tormented blight.

Finally, reaching the tent dome made of human skin, she welcomes you in, not the rest of us. Fairwell, and may you live through this.

"Don't scare my guest, you will get only the best.

Exclusive VIP treatment, see I want you to come back. I do with all your friends. Only then will I have more parts, my carnival will continue to grow, and grow, and grow, until the very end…. Of life itself."

Her mind seemed to wonder, she snapped her gaze back to yours, "Now come sit, you won't want to miss this."

You look left and right, the seats filled with flesh half ridden cadavers. Your the only living thing here in this dome of flesh and bone, is this the same way they all chose to go?

Suddenly a light in the center, Sarah emerges her eyes flicker over the dead seated crowd of bones and maggot festered livers. "Tonight we have a special treat, a tale of ice water with a side of meat. I ask that everyone remain in their seats, and keep hands and feet in at all times, we are not responsible for what it eats."

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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