NovelToon NovelToon

UNBEATABLE:- A Tale Of 100000 Years

Chapter 1 Lost memories......

As she woke to the dim light filtering through the cavern,she found herself disoriented her mind a jumbled mess of confusion and fear. Blinking away the remnants of sleep she struggled to find herself in different surroundings. But as her gaze fell upon her hands which was paw of an animal battered and broken the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.

she reached out tentatively, her paws tracing the lines of scars that crisscrossed her body . Each wound told a story of battle and hardship leaving her to wonder who did this and what trials she had endured to be in this situation and why her soul is in a beast's body.

But before she could dwell any longer on the mysteries of this broken form a deep growl erupted from deep within her startling her out of her, "What in the world?" She exclaimed her heart pounding in her chest.

As if in response to her confusion, the cavern seemed to echo with laughter a sinister sound that sent chills down her spine. "Surely this is just a dream," she muttered to herself, trying to shake off the sense of that uneasy feeling that gripped her.

But the more she tried to convince herself that none of this was real the more the evidence seemed to go against her wishes. The ache in her muscles the weight of her injuries the primal instincts that surged through her all of it pointed to a reality that she could no longer deny.

With a heavy heart she realized that she had somehow been thrown into a world beyond her comprehension a world where the rules of logic and reason no longer applied. And as she struggled to come to terms with her new reality a voice pierced through the darkness pulling her back to the present.

"Huh, WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?" she exclaimed her voice echoing off the cavern walls.

The laughter that followed was mocking, taunting her with its eerie familiarity. "Welcome to your new reality," it seemed to say, "where nothing is as it seems and everything is at stake." It again said, "

Hello host I am your system Who will help you on your journey ".

As the days passed she found herself caught in a whirlwind of uncertainty, each moment bringing with it new challenges and revelations.she learned of the system that will help her in this strange new world a system that demanded she complete quests in order to regain her true form.And yet amidst the chaos and confusion there was a glimmer of hope a sense that maybe just maybe, she could find a way to reclaim what she had lost and forge a new path forward.

But it wouldn't be easy. The system, with its cryptic warnings and enigmatic commands seemed determined to test her resolve at every turn. And as she struggled to unravel the mysteries of her past she couldn't shake the feeling that something far more sinister was lurking just beyond the horizon.

The system tenaciously told her a new story after she continuosly asked for explanation,at last it had to explain her how she got in the beast form.

As she stood face to face with the enigmatic system in this new world, a shiver ran down her spine, a cold reminder of the power it held over her.

"If you can't tell me about my body, then how about revealing where I am and why I'm in this cave?" she ventured cautiously, her voice betraying a hint of trepidation.

The system's response was cryptic, weaving a tale of realms beyond comprehension and powers beyond mortal understanding. "This world is unlike anything you've ever known," it murmured, its words echoing off the cavern walls like whispers in the dark.

The system explained her about the different stages in cultivation of this world.

1.Qi Refining:-Practitioners learn to control their internal energy or qi refining it to strengthen their bodies and enhance their abilities.

2.Foundation Establishment:- Cultivators solidify their foundation allowing them to absorb more qi from the surrounding environment and further strengthen their bodies.

3.Core Formation:-Cultivators condense their qi into a core within their bodies increasing their power and unlocking more advanced techniques.

4.Nascent Soul:-Cultivators reach a level where their qi transforms into a nascent soul granting them a deeper understanding of the world and formidable combat prowess.

5.Soul Fusion:-Cultivators merge their nascent soul with their physical body achieving a state of balance between spiritual and physical strength.

6.Spiritual Ascension:-Cultivators transcend the limitations of the mortal realm achieving spiritual ascension and unlocking profound insights into the nature of the universe.

7.Heavenly Dao Integration: Cultivators harmonize their essence with the Heavenly Dao gaining control over natural laws and becoming akin to gods.

Martial Emperor:-The pinnacle of cultivation, where one has mastered all aspects of martial arts, qi manipulation, and spiritual enlightenment, reigning supreme over all beings.

 she couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity mingled with apprehension. What secrets lay hidden within this vast expanse of unknown?it said,"Host ,your real power is beyond martial emperor".

But it was the revelation of her own power that truly sent a chill down her spine. "Why is my power beyond that of the emperor realm?" she demanded, her voice tinged with disbelief.

The system's response was evasive, hinting at a truth it dared not reveal. "Your power is unlike anything this world has ever seen," it admitted, its tone tinged with a hint of awe. "But to unlock its full potential, you must first reclaim your memories and your strength and for that only i can help you ,so better behave yourself host and you will have to fulfill your quest,if you failed to fulfill them you will perish." After knowing about her real power she gained some confidence.

she frowned at the system's arrogance, refusing to be cowed by its cryptic warnings. "You may help me, but remember, I hold the power here," she declared, my voice dripping with defiance. "And if you dare to cross me, I will not hesitate to shatter you into oblivion."

For a moment, the system seemed taken aback, its confidence shaken by my display of strength. And as she stood there, basking in her newfound authority, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

But even as found herself filled with confidence , a doubt lingered in the back of her mind a whisper of uncertainty that refused to be silenced. What secrets lay hidden within the depths of this cavern? And what dangers lurked just beyond the barrier that surrounded them?

"So how do i use you and ask you for quests",I asked.

System:(I can't give you any quest right now).

"Why so".

System:( you are too much injured to even get a quest).

"So how do i get your help", I asked fuming with anger.

System:( Get your level 1 injuries healed).

"What do mean by level one how many levels of injuries do i have",

System,(Level 100000 host).

                ------- -------


"Forget it , how do i solve it, just show my status,what do i say".

System:(host just say status window).

"Status window ".



CULTIVATION. : MARTIAL EMPEROR suppressed (no use due to injuries).


To be continued........

Chapter 2 Encounter.....

As anger surged through her like a raging inferno threatening to consume her as whole she felt a searing pain shoot through her small beastly body a reminder to calm her emotions lest she lose focus amidst the storm of her own fury.

"Whoa," she muttered to herself, gritting her teeth against the agony that threatened her existence, she shouted with her voice filled with anger,"Whoever dared to injure me like this will pay dearly for their audacity. When I regain my body and powers, I'll tear them apart piece by piece."

But even as she seethed with rage a voice cut through the turmoil pulling her back from the brink of recklessness.

System,(sorry host, I don't possess that knowledge as to who injured you)

The system interjected its tone tinged with an air of resignation.

She took a deep breath and forced herself to get her emotions controlled knowing that letting herself controlled to anger would only hinder her progress. With a renewed sense of purpose she turned to the system and demanded, "Tell me, which herb must I seek to heal my injuries?"

The system's response was swift directing her towards a thousand year old ginseng rumored to possess miraculous healing properties. But as she set out on her quest the pain of her injuries served as a constant reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.

Pushing herself forward with determination she navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the cave as each step she took sent her waves of agony rippling through her body. But amidst the pain she couldn't help but marvel at the array of herbs that lined the cavern walls, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to the gloom that surrounded her.

As she gathered the potent herbs, each one a potential lifeline in her battle against her injuries she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of her consciousness. What dangers lurked within the depths of this cavern? And who, or what, had inflicted such grievous wounds upon her?

But despite the uncertainty that loomed ahead she still continued to get driven by a determination to reclaim what was rightfully hers. And as she ventured deeper into the cave guided by intuition and instinct she stumbled upon a sight that took her breath away.

Before her lay a tranquil lake, its crystalline waters shimmering in the dim light of the cavern. Surrounding the lake were rows upon rows of ginseng plants, their leaves rustling gently in the breeze a sight that filled her with hope.

But before she could approach the lake, a voice came out,it was filled with anger and indignation. "Who are you? How dare you trespass in my domain?" it thundered, sending shockwaves through the cave.

she braced herself against the pressure of the voice, steeling her resolve as she prepared to confront the source of the disturbance. But as she approached the skeletal remains of the martial emperor she couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension.

The system sensing her hesitation provided a glimmer of insight into the identity of the voice was of an ancient soul and its power lingering long after its physical form had faded into dust. And yet despite the overwhelming pressure it exerted, she refused to be intimidated.

With a newfound sense of purpose she stood before the martial emperor's soul, determined to prove herself and assert her dominance. But before she could utter a word, the system presented her with an unexpected opportunity a quest that promised to increase her strength and heal her injuries.

She Accepted that quest without hesitation she focused her attention on the martial emperor, channeling every ounce of her power from system into a display of strength that surpassed his wildest expectations. The force of her aura filled the cave and it casted a pall of awe and trepidation over the scene.

And as the martial emperor's soul quivered in the presence of her overwhelming power, she seized the opportunity to assert her dominance, demanding an apology for his impudence,"How dare you? You a measly martial emperor dared to show your powers in front of me".She exerted more pressure, as it was too much to maintain her form for those moments.

With a trembling voice, the martial emperor begged for mercy,"My lord, please forgive me i was unable to comprehend your vast powers".and he promised to do whatever in return of her forgiveness. And though she could feel the weight of her injuries bearing down upon her, she held firm refusing to show any sign of weakness.

In the end, it was a testament to her strength and resolve a reminder that even in the face of adversity she would not be swayed from her path. And as she stood before the martial emperor bathed in the glow of her own power she knew that she was one step closer to reclaiming her rightful place in this strange new world.



CULTIVATION. : MARTIAL EMPEROR suppressed (no use due to injuries).



To be continued.....

Chapter 3 The tale of regret.....

As she stood face to face with the martial emperor's soul a sense of urgency washed over her mingled with curiosity and a tinge of apprehension. There was a being whose existence spanned centuries whose entire life had been marked by tragedy and loss. And yet despite the weight of his past, he stood before her with a determination that belied his spectral form.

"I demand a remnant of your soul,"she declared,her voice carrying the weight of her authority."In exchange, I shall spare you from the consequences of your audacity. Choose wisely."

The martial emperor's response was immediate, his voice trembling with fear and desperation."My lord, you can ask for anything but my soul," he pleaded."If I were to give it to you,how would I seek revenge for what has been happened to me?"

For a moment she considered his words, weighing the consequences of her decision. But then with a heavy sigh,she relented, momentarily lifting the pressure of her aura."Very well,"she conceded,her voice tinged with curiosity."I shall spare your soul. But know this,if you deceive me, the consequences will be dire."

Relieved yet cautious,the martial emperor began to recount his tale,his voice wavering with emotion as he relived the memories of his past.

"It all began centuries ago," he began,his voice filled with sorrow and regret."I was but a humble farmer's child, living in a peaceful village in the Yin Dynasty.Life was simple,and the days passed in harmony with the rhythm of nature."

But his idyllic existence was shattered one fateful evening when a ruthless bandit group descended upon his village, leaving death and destruction in their wake."I witnessed the lifeless bodies of my family," he continued, his voice choked with emotion."Their once vibrant spirits extinguished by the cruelty of the invaders."

Filled with anguish and rage, the young martial emperor vowed to avenge his family's death. But in his youth and weakness, he knew he stood no chance against the murdereders. It was only when a mysterious stranger appeared a martial emperor of unparalleled power that he saw a glimmer of hope.

Under the martial emperor's tutelage the young boy trained tirelessly honing his skills until he rose to the rank of martial king. But tragedy struck once again when his master was treacherously killed by rival sect leaders leaving the martial emperor consumed by grief and a burning desire for revenge.

"I have waited for decades," he confessed, his voice heavy with regret."But my soul remains trapped in this cave, unable to find peace until I have avenged my master's death."

Moved by his tale of loss and suffering,she felt a surge of empathy for the martial emperor. Though our paths were vastly different,she couldn't help but see a reflection of her own struggles in his story a reminder that even the strongest among us are not immune to the pain of loss.

"I will help you seek your revenge,"she vowed,her voice filled with determination."But first,we must ensure that your soul finds peace. If you are willing,I can bind your soul to mine,granting you the chance to seek vengeance alongside me."

With a mixture of hope and trepidation,the martial emperor agreed to the soul binding, his voice trembling with anticipation. And so, with the assistance of the system she began the ritual,she started channeling her power into the ancient art of soul binding.

As the ritual reached its climax,she felt a surge of energy coursing through her, the martial emperor's soul merging with mine in a delicate dance of power and will. And though the process was fraught with danger,she knew that it was the only way to ensure his cooperation in their quest for revenge.

With the soul binding complete, she turned my attention to the martial emperor's physical remains, searching for the elusive thousand year old ginseng that would aid in my healing. And as she dugged out the ancient herb from its hiding place beneath the lake,she felt a sense of triumph wash over her a sign that our journey was only just beginning.

After Consuming the ginseng,she felt its potent energy infusing every fiber of her being, accelerating her healing to levels she had never thought possible. And as the pain of her injuries began to fade, replaced by a renewed sense of strength and vitality,she knew that her quest had taken a crucial step forward.

In one fell swoop,she had gained a powerful ally,unlocked a new level of healing,and taken the first steps towards unraveling the mysteries of my past. And though the road ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty,she was ready to face it with a newfound sense of purpose,ready to confront whatever challenges lay in store.




CULTIVATION. : MARTIAL EMPEROR suppressed (no use due to injuries).

INJURIES: LEVEL 100000-50.


SOUL SLAVE: 1(Martial Emperor shen jue).]

To be continued.....

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