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Taekook Short Story's

vampire and human 1

this is my second chat story so please support me
Author pov
It was a raing night and a boy was running and looking for shelter
The boy was looking so tired,sad and helpless
meet the boy 😁
Name: jungkook Age:20 A human
jungkook parents were going to get divorce and he was the only child
His parents told him to choose who he wanted to be with
Jungkook don't want to choose one so he run away from home
He don't know where he is going he is running and running
After long time of running he(jk) collapsed on a open ground catching his breath
He's shivering in rain as it's raining heavily
as his eyes where threatening to close he(jk)saw a figure approach him
All he could say was a faint
Jeon jungkook (human)
Jeon jungkook (human)
Before his eyes closed completely
While jk was faint he felt himself being picked up as if someone carrying him in bridal style
(carry him in bridal style)
jk felt warmth from the body that was carrying him
Jk felt slightly safe though he didn't know who is carrying him
(disappeared like a light)
an hour later
Next episode

vampire and human 2

An hour later
Soon jungkook woke up
As he opened his eyes and sat up on bed
he was no longer outside
He was on a bedroom and since he was sitting on a bed and in the wall a painting as well
Then jk look at himself and gasped
When he realised he was no longer wearing the wet clothes he had on before
instead he was wearing new pair of clothes
Then he heard someone moving in a distance
As he looked at the direction where he heard the noise he know he wasn't alone and he was right
(Staring at him while leaning on the wall)
Another male that looking older then jungkook
Jungkook gulped as he looked at the figure
jungkook more and more studied this mysterious figure the more elegant features he found on him
But the thing that outstanding everything about the male was that his eyes were a bloody red color
Think it's the boy eyes
Jungkook flinched a bit whether made eye contact with the unknown male
Jungkook froze in his spot as the other male stepping closer to him
Jeon jungkook (human)
Jeon jungkook (human)
Are you a..(aske with soft uncertain voice)
A vampire,yes.
The unknown male spoke with deep voice
Jeon jungkook (human)
Jeon jungkook (human)
(Notice his fangs)
but then the strangest thing happened
Jungkook said something that made the vampire Stop in his track
Jeon jungkook (human)
Jeon jungkook (human)
I like vampire's!!😄
Me to kookie 😆😆
next episode

vampire and human 3

Jeon jungkook (human)
Jeon jungkook (human)
I like vampire's !!😄
The vampire was shocked because he had never heard someone say that to him
afcourse everyone feared vampire's many have attempted to kill him but never succeed nor made it out alive
Vampire's are monsters that kill human's for blood
Why was this bunny looking male not afraid of me 💭
How are you not afraid?
Jeon jungkook (human)
Jeon jungkook (human)
(Confused )😕
Aren't you scared I'll bite you and drink your blood until you dry?
Jeon jungkook (human)
Jeon jungkook (human)
Nope~I find vampire's cool 😎
they are so cool right readers 😎
Jeon jungkook (human)
Jeon jungkook (human)
at first I saw you I was surprised because I thought vampire aren't real just made up in movie's
Jeon jungkook (human)
Jeon jungkook (human)
i always thought of meeting a vampire in real life 😄
(looking at him with Shocking eyes)
Jeon jungkook (human)
Jeon jungkook (human)
I would love to give them my blood because I know they need it 😊
Jeon jungkook (human)
Jeon jungkook (human)
Even it it means for dying 🙂
Jeon jungkook (human)
Jeon jungkook (human)
Because to be honest....I have nothing to live for anyone 😔
( tilted his head confused)
How could someone so cute 💭
I can give him my whole life then why he is saying that he have nothing to live for 💭
somehow seeing jungkook sad made the vampire curious to know why
don't you have a family?
Next episode

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