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Murder Of Crowns

I : The downfall of the Queen

Kat Grumpily awakened.

"Ugh first day of school and of course I'm only going to be spending it with Nia and Kai"

She muttered, but worst of all she was going to have to face Bea again. Bea was her Tormenter a Bully and worst of all, her best friend Nia's Cousin.

Bea was the Queen of the school and had all the boys wrapped around her finger. But behind her sparkling, ocean blue eyes there was evil and behind her pink, glossy lips held words that stabbed harder than 1000 needles. Kat shivered at the thought of seeing her again. Reluctantly getting ready for school and stepping out the door.

As she arrived she could sense something different...almost a joyful presence than she spotted HIM. He was probably the cutest boy she had lay eyes on. He was tall, Asian and really cute. His smile could light up the whole night sky. *wow he's so handsome*

She was zoning out until..."Umm, Kat? hello??"

"NIA!! SORRY I WAS BUSY UMM-" "staring at the new guy??" Nia replied with sarcastically.

"YOU STARE AT HIM AND IGNORE US!!!!" Kai dramatically said Kat smiled though because she was thinking about the new guy her blue eyes shining.

Soon Kat was walking into her first class when she saw him again. *wow he's even in the same first period as me* smiling at the thought as she sat down. "Hey I'm Ezra" a calm Aussie accent said "How ya going?"

Kat looked up, and it was him yet again "oh I'm Kat, and I'm doing fine." Ezra chuckled "that's good to hear, mind if I take a seat? " He asked gesturing to the empty seat next to her. "I don't mind if you don't mind. " She calmly replied even though her heart was beating at 100 times it's normal rate. Kat stood up to get something, but suddenly she tripped and fell over, badly injuring her leg "are you ok??" Ezra asked, concerned "Oh I'll live" she said, having difficulty getting back up but finally managing to climb up on her chair.

A while later Kat decided to use the bathroom but as she was just finishing up she heard what seemed to be a struggle and then heard something slump against the wall. She cautiously opened the door as she heard footsteps racing away in the distance but what she saw made her blood run cold. It was Bea, but she was pale and not breathing blood seeping out a wound in her chest. A glinting knife lay next to the crime scene.

It was horrible.

she screamed and started paniking to get a

Teacher or someone. But her scream attracted a crowd and soon the whole school was there, a lot of them were crying and some were confused. Nia looked shocked and was tearing up, and Kat felt so bad for her because after all, it was her cousin that had died.

Suddenly a voice screamed "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO BEA YOU MONSTER" and a person was pointing at her *am I now the number one suspect for a murder case and how do I prove my innocence* Kat thought *what a way to start school*

II: Blood on my hands

"I didn't do it"

Kat was summoned into the schools office

And there were several police officers surrounding her."look we all want to believe you, but we have to find proof, and you were indeed at the scene of the crime miss Karr" headmaster Jones stated "look, I know it looks bad,, but I'm innocent!!" Kat shouted "that's what they all say." muttered officer Browne under his breath "There will be a trial held, and we will do an investigation but for now you are suspended from school." Jones said "now go home."

Kat Miserably went home and bumped into Ezra again?? "Are you following me or something??" Kat questioned "uhh maybe yea- you know what, look can I just have your Chatmap? " He nervously asked stammering "oh that's what you wanted, umm sure I guess. " Kat said Cooley *HE wants my number omgomgomgomgomg!!! * "Also" Ezra sighed "Are you ok? Because you were accused unfairly, and I don't think you did it." "Well thanks, but I guess it's only you and maybe Kai and Nia, but I don't know LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE THINKS I'M SOME SORT OF SERIAL KILLER!!.....sorry I didn't mean to shout. " "It's fine, oh it's my stop, c’ya!! " He said getting off but not long after PING! Kat's phone went off it was a text from Ezra :"hey"



She switched her phone off and started brainstorming...who could it have been and why? She needed suspects and for that she needed to break into the closed school and look for clues. Kat decided to text Nia and Kai: be at our meeting point in fifteen!

Soon they were there and Nia was still devastated, and her eyes were red from crying. Kai didn't look to sad, but he wasn't nearly happy. "Look it was not me ok?? " Kat stated "So let's find the real killer." "Do you promise it wasn't you? " Nia said, tearing up. "It wasn't, but I don't know anyone who would do such a thing." "Wow imposter killer, how cool!! " Kai clapped "KAI WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT, SOMEONE DIED!!" "Fuck the killer" Nia muttered "ok, so my plan is that, Nia you go to the police station and see if you can find some evidence, because you are related to Bea, and Kai you help me with styling myself to look unrecognizable before school, so I can sneak in." she told them "now that, I can do. " Kai smiled and Nia nodded as well.

That night Kat was restless. She couldn't sleep at all and all she could think about was the murder. She twisted and turned than woke up in a cold sweat from a nightmare.So She went onto her phone and called Nia.

"Hello? " An Aussie accent said. She looked at the username for Chatmap ant it was AussieK_boy

Kat: umm is that you Ezra?

Ezra: yea you called me, wassup?

Kat: I meant to call Nia, but we can keep talking if you want.

Ezra: That would be nice.

Kat's mind: *wow his voice is so relaxing*

Ezra: hey are you ok, you sounded kinda upset?

Kat: I just had a nightmare.

Ezra: I know this is weird but can I maybe come to your house, we only just met but-

Kat: what did you want to do, I mean if it's what I'm thinking about than no way.

Ezra: WHAT no not that!! I just wanted to come over and also help you solve the case.

Kat: ohh fine, but we're just friends ok?

Ezra: you're so dirty minded.

Kat: be at Oakwood way 21 at the top floors window.

Ezra: Sure princess and while I'm sneaking through your window should I also give you a crown and a throne.

Kat: Wait my parents are away on a holiday this week, I forgot.

Ezra: I'll be there soon.

When Ezra arrived they went straight up to her room and started chatting. "I just don't understand who would do such a thing." Kat told him

"Why don't we go to the school to find some clues? " Ezra asked. Kat was shocked "you mean break in?"

III: School of suspects

They arrived at the school at around 1am looking around, Kat spotted and entrance, but it was locked. "Ezra this was a bad idea let's just go back to my house." she shuddered "Nah it's fine-" click! The door was opened by him "you can pick locks?!?"

Soon they were inside and saw the crime tape all around. Kat pulled some silicon gloves on and cleaned the door handle. After that she handed Ezra a pair of gloves and they looked around for the girls bathroom. Suddenly something caught Kat's eye. "Wait isn't that a-" "HEY WHAT ARE YOU PUNKS DOING IN HERE!?!?" a loud angry voice said "Fuck, We should probably run." Ezra said

They raced back the way they came until Kat got lost. "Ezra?!?" she shouted "Hello where are you?". She never took this way home even if it was faster because it was through a dark, misty, twisted Forest.


Pain shot through Kat's leg from her injury and she started tearing up. "Ezra!?!? EZRA!?!" she screamed when suddenly a tall, dark figure hugged her from behind, wrapping strong arms around her waist. " Hey there Princess." he said smiling at her

She tried walking further, but her legs hurt too much, and she tripped again, just making things worse but, sensing her pain Ezra picked her up and walked back to her house with her in his arms. Gently laying her down in her bed as she came inside.He than was about to leave but was so tired that he ended up staying the night, wrapping his arms around her as he slowly fell asleep.

Kat woke up and was surprised to see Ezra next to her "How did we end up like this!?!?" she said to herself. Ezra grumbled and slowly woke up as well "what? " He murmured "Oh you and I were both tired when we got back, and I didn't have the energy to go home." Ping! A notification popped up on Kat's incoming call from Nia."SHIT!! Pretend you're not here!! "

Kat: hey Nia, did you find anything?

Nia: no not really but there were no fingerprints on the knife, and it was clean it's so confusing.

Kat: well confusing or not this is my life and reputation on the line.

Nia: yea anyway so how's it going with the guy you were staring at?

Kat: what guy?

Nia: you know, the cute new guy who's like Australian or something, you were talking to him.

Kat blushed as she made eye contact with Ezra

Kat: well we're just friends.

Nia: you don't stare at me that way.

Kat: umm I have to go bye

Nia: you definitely like him-

Kat: (hangs up)

Ezra stared at her in disbelief. "KAT WHAT WAS THAT?!? " "well you know umm she's just shipping us, but it's not like that I swear." Kat protested "sure whatever you say princess...let's just make a list of suspects"


"why is it so important tho? " Ezra asked "welll it's because-" suddenly Kat's phone began to ring...and the police were on the other end of the line.

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