NovelToon NovelToon


Episode 1

Hi lovely readers!!! Thank you for coming here and reading this story. I will not disappoint you guys. I hope you have read my other books and will support it like them also. Note- All pictures used in this chapter belong to their respectful owners, none belong to me.
Then let's start
In the hospital bed one boy was laying like he had no hope left for himself. It was like he was taking his last breaths when someone opened the door and came inside the ward with a lady.
He turned his head with very difficulty towards them. His skin looks very pale and eyes open and close due to weakness.
He tried to figure out people who had entered the ward, but it was a very hard job for him. His head was hurting like hell.
But he again tried and got to know that one of them is his husband Lee Jae Wook who was standing there emotionlessly.
Standing next to him was his step-sister Jeon Karina. Although they were step siblings, Jungkook had never treated her like that. But her expressions were not looking good to Jungkook.
He was happy that in his last breaths, he was seeing his most trusted and important persons whom he loved the most in this world after his late mother and brother.
He was happy and extended his hand to hold the hand of his husband who was standing just next to him. But before he could hold the hand his sister yanked his hand away making Kook extremely shocked with her behavior.
Jeon Karina
Jeon Karina
"Spat angrily" You bastard, why are you still alive?
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Extremely shocked and speak with difficulty" Wha... What are... you saying... sister?
Jeon Karina
Jeon Karina
What I am saying is right, I don't know what bad deeds I have done in my previous life that I can't get rid of you, Whôre.
Jeon Karina
Jeon Karina
Even when you are at your deathbed, you are eyeing my lover!!!
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Whisper" Huh... lo.. ve.. r?
Jeon Karina
Jeon Karina
Yes lover, what problem you got in it. Just because of you he can't claim me as lover, just because of you and your status, he had to marry you. It's all your fault.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Ho.. how.. is it... my fau.. fault?
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Teary eyes" Jae... wha… What… Is… She... sa... saying? "Tried to grab his hand with his shaky hands"
Lee Jae Wook
Lee Jae Wook
"Yanked his hand and frowned" What she is saying is true.
Lee Jae Wook
Lee Jae Wook
I love her but because of My political career, I had to marry you just because of your grandparent's influence.
Lee Jae Wook
Lee Jae Wook
Now that my path is clear, I don't have to pretend to be a happy married couple with you.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Tha... that... all... was a lie. "Trembling and whispering to himself"
Jeon Karina
Jeon Karina
"Getting impatient" Yaah, just die and go to your bastard brother and mother. I think, I personally have to kill you like eomma did to your brother and mother.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Shocked and thought" Eomma and Hyung were killed by Mrs. Jeon
Jungkook was ok if he was the only one who suffered from these hyenas but what was the fault of his brother and Eomma. They were innocent, his Eomma left him when he was only four. Then his Appa married another woman who came into their home like a vicious snake and ruined his and his Hyung's life. By the information he got to know now, that means his mother was killed. She was just a sacrificial goat for these ladies.
He chuckled pathetically at his destiny that is why he had to suffer. From the start only he never belonged to his family nor to his husband. Then what is the purpose of living in this world. He had a little hope earlier that there will be someone crying for him, to save him somehow. But it's all vain.
These are all the emotions he was feeling right now. He was laying there silently, barely breathing when Karina approached him getting impatient to see his face.
Jeon Karina
Jeon Karina
"About to strangle him" I can't tolerate this shît now. I will personally deal with him.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Sudden outburst" WHY... Why.... what was my fault, huh? What did my brother even do to you? He was innocent.... Why? Why did your mother make me and my Hyung orphan at such a young age? You…… Y.. o.. u..
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I.. will.... not.... spare... you
Jeon Karina
Jeon Karina
"Scoffs" Tch... surely you will not spare me. But you will not be alive to take revenge. "Laughs evil"
Lee Jae Wook
Lee Jae Wook
"Wrap his one hand around her waist" Don't waste your time darling, you don't have to waste efforts on this bîtch when I can simply get rid of him.
Lee Jae Wook
Lee Jae Wook
"Removes Jungkook's Oxygen mask" Tomorrow's news headlines will be Newly elected president's wife who died in a car. Even people took him to the hospital, but doctors couldn't save him due to excessive blood loss.
Jeon Karina
Jeon Karina
"Laughs" That's good
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Couldn't breathe" hah... hah... "Hands shaking trying to grab the oxygen mask from Jae Wook"
Lee Jae Wook
Lee Jae Wook
"Places the mask away from Kook's reach" And the cherry on top will be.... According to the sources this accident was planned by the opposition party to harm the president.
Lee Jae Wook
Lee Jae Wook
"Chuckles" This news will surely break the internet and I will gain sympathy from the public.
Lee Jae Wook
Lee Jae Wook
Let's go darling, we have to act like a caring husband and sister to him.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Breaths getting slow and tears escaping from his eyes"
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Thinking" What was my fault in all of this? Why is God giving me such harsh punishment?
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Mumbles" I wish none of this happened to me. I wish I got a chance to redo this.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
But it's useless now......
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
How is this? Do you like it? Then please like, subscribe and comment. It will motivate me to write more about this story. Thank you
Bye bye

Episode 2

Update no. 2 Continue
These are the things which were coming in Jungkook's mind when he took his last breaths.
His body was laying lifelessly in the hospital bed, dry marks of tears visible on his face clearing showing his misery.
He despised those people whom he thought were his own but stabbed him in the back, who took advantage of his kindness.
His pale body was laying there alone, completely shattered by those double standard people for whom he took so many hardships just to see them happy.
But regrets all that was left was regrets that why he didn't see their vicious side before? Why was he so naive? Is it really fair to break up someone's trust so easily? Didn't they feel a tiny bit of pain while taking his life away?
Sometimes things may not seem to be right like they appear. Maybe God had warned him before about them through something but his foolish heart chose to ignore it and that was his biggest mistake.
All that was left was regrets
In another dimension with different time and space a boy was sleeping peacefully on his bed. His sleep was disturbed by a servant who came in the room after knocking it. He sat up on his bed with a frown decorating on his forehead.
His head was throbbing with pain and he was able to comprehend the situation. He tightly grabbed his head and started to shout loudly with pain. He was not aware of the presence in the room.
"Worried" Young master are you ok?
Should I call the doctor?
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Huh.... "See in front of him"
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Shocked" Jimin?
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Young master are you ok?
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Jimin... how are you here? Aren't you dead... Or Am I dead by now and this is heaven? But why does this room look like my old boarding school dorm?
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
"Confused soul"
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Why are you alone here? Where are Hyung and Eomma? They didn't come to see me?
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
What are you saying master? Your mother died when you were only four and your Hyung is in the USA as per your Father's orders.
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
"Mumbles" Did they bully the master so much that he had memory loss?
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"More shocked" Abroad?
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Get up from bed and go towards the mirror which was hung on the wall near the door and see his reflection in it"
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Eyes widen with shock" Why am I looking so young?
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Because you are sixteen duh
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Jimin pinch me, I think it's a dream.
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Ok "Pinch him on his arm"
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Rubbing his arm with another hand" Oww it hurts
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Look around" It means....
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
What does it mean? "Curious chick"
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Well, Jimin can you leave me alone for some time. I want rest please.
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Ok young master. I will wait in my room. Call me if you need anything.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I will, thank you
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
"Close the door and leave"
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"See his reflection" I am back in the past
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Thinks" I'm reborn like those novels "Scream internally"
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Enjoying the moment for some time, then a thought came to his mind" If I'm reborn that means I have to face them again.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I don't want to face those cunning faces again but I can't avoid them for long. One day or another I will meet them but don't worry this time they will face a heartless and cunning Jungkook not an old naive and silly Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
This time they will see my wrath. "Chuckles darkly"
Hope you like the chapter. Thank you for reading it. Like and comment to support me.
Bye bye

Episode 3

Hi!!! I'm back guys, hope you missed me. Then let's start the chapter.
Synopsis of Past life of Jungkook
Jungkook was born in the Jeon family who had an influential status in society. His mother died when he was only four and his father married another woman only in four days after her funeral. The relatives questioned about it, but he declined all their speculations with a simple reason that Kook needs a mother.
His stepmother had a daughter who was two years younger than Kook in age. Although she was his step-sister, he never treated her like that. Always paid attention to her needs before himself. Sometimes she tried to intentionally make trouble for him, but he ignored it, thinking that it was all because she was a child, and will not do it when she grows up. But the things never stopped and he got brutally punished for the deeds sometimes by his father.
His father was caring for him before Karina's entry but after that he started to care less about him. And at one point it looked like he never loved him because he ignored the whole existence of Gukk after his marriage with the stepmother. His big brother Yoongi was sent abroad for higher studies but on the day he returned his car had a huge accident, and he died while falling off the cliff.
His mother's parents, means his grandparents were very rich. Their status was equal to VIPs because his grandfather was ex-chief commander in the Navy. They loved their daughter very much and wanted to arrange her marriage with their friend's son, but she loved Mr. Jeon wanted to marry him. So she ran away from the house to marry him, and they cut off their ties with her.
Kook was sent to boarding school for five years where he got bullied for being naive and weak. Jimin was his mother's maid's son. Technically he became Kook's servant also. Although his value was zero at home, but his father can't let it show to others, so he sent Jimin with him. Kook was sent to boarding school because he accidentally pushed Karina off the stairs while fighting for toys and later tried to burn her hands near the fireplace. Although Kook denied everything and tried to explain what happened that day, but his pleadings were not listened to, and he was proven guilty without any proof.
His maid Jimin tried to save him every time he was being bullied. But one day it was so intense that those bullies' accident chokes Jimin to death. His maid and only friend died that day who was always beside him. After those torturous school days, when Kook returned to Jeon mansion he was greeted with a worried Karina who hugged him tightly. She explained that she got information about Jimin's murder and his sufferings from father. So she requested father to bring him back. Kook was happy that his sister cared for her and forgave her about the past incidents.
When Kook got twenty-two years old, Lee Jae Wook's father came with a marriage proposal for his son in Jeon Mansion. Being the eldest child, and a gay Mr. Jeon fixed Jungkook's marriage without even asking him about his opinion. Although Kook didn't want to get married, he was forced to marry him by his father because it was profitable for him, but thought about the bright side. Maybe his partner will love him and he could feel less lonely than now.
Jae Wook was a practical person who just wanted to become more powerful and richer than anyone. That's why he joined politics to become the president. But entering as a newbie without any support wasn't easy that's why he suggested that his dad marry him off to an influential family. And Jungkook was a perfect bait for it because Kook's father's family and grandparents both have a great impact on the society. It didn't matter to him if Kook was a boy because he wanted marriage for his profits.
Kook saw Jae for the first time at his wedding, waiting for him at the altar. And it was also the first time Karina saw him. Jae was eight years older than Kook means ten years older than Karina. Kook really tried hard to make their marriage success. He even did some dirty work for Jae so that he could maintain his position in the political world. Kook knew about his all plans about elections and even did the paper work at some point to make him please. And even gave him time to adjust for being a gay couple.
Kook did all of that because he had nobody else in his life except him. Some fake sweet words from Jae would be more than enough for Kook to do anything. There was Karina also who would sugarcoat her words and started to visit his house frequently. She would make excuses to meet Kook that she missed him but all that were some excuses because her main motive was to meet Jae. Kook doesn't know when his two most important people in life turned into two most hated one.
It becomes extremely toxic for Kook because he started to notice changes in the behavior of his husband and sister, but he ignored it like a fool. He even got suspicious that his husband was cheating on him with his sister, but his heart doesn't want to believe it. When ultimately he was on the deathbed he got to know how he was being used by these selfish monsters.
His car got hit by a truck driver near the traffic signal where he was waiting for it to go green. Luckily one person saw it and tried to stop the truck, but it went away. He came back to the car and rescued Kook out of it and took him to the hospital but surviving was not in his fate. Because we all know what happened at the hospital.
see chapter 1 for reference
At the end Kook got killed at the age of thirty one by his husband and step sister's hands.
Phew 😮‍💨😮‍💨 That was a lot to write. Thank you for reading it. Take care bye bye

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