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First Shower Of Love

First shower of Love

In the garden of the heart, love blooms,

A shower of emotions, like petals unfurled.

Each drop a whisper, each kiss a tune,

In the symphony of passion, the world is twirled.

Love, the rain that nourishes the soul,

Quenching the thirst of longing desire.

In its embrace, we find ourselves whole,

As it sets our hearts and spirits on fire.

With each drop, love paints a canvas anew,

A masterpiece of bliss and ecstasy.

In its downpour, dreams take flight and grew,

In the rhythm of its dance, we find unity.

Like raindrops on a parched land,

Love revitalizes, renews, and heals.

It holds us close, like a guiding hand,

Through life's storms and rugged fields.

In the quiet moments, love softly falls,

Like a gentle rain upon the earth.

It whispers secrets, it enthralls,

In its embrace, we find our worth.

In the tempest of passion, love rages,

A torrential downpour of emotion.

Yet, it also soothes, it assuages,

In its embrace, we find devotion.

Love, the shower that cleanses the soul,

Washing away all doubts and fears.

In its embrace, we find our role,

As it wipes away our silent tears.

With each drop, love brings a new dawn,

A promise of hope and light.

In its embrace, we are reborn,

As it guides us through the darkest night.

Like raindrops on a fragile leaf,

Love caresses, it nurtures, it sustains.

It brings solace, it brings relief,

In its embrace, we break free from chains.

In the gentle drizzle, love whispers softly,

Like a melody that serenades the heart.

It speaks of tenderness, it speaks of folly,

In its embrace, we find a fresh start.

In the symphony of love, we find our tune,

A melody that resonates deep within.

In its embrace, we find the moon,

As it lights up the night with a radiant spin.

Love, the shower that bathes the soul,

In its waters, we find our sanctuary.

In its embrace, we are made whole,

As it fills our hearts with boundless glee.

With each drop, love writes a new story,

A tale of passion, of joy, of pain.

In its embrace, we find our glory,

As it washes away the stains.

Like raindrops on a thirsty earth,

Love quenches, it satisfies, it fills.

It brings laughter, it brings mirth,

In its embrace, we find our thrills.

In the downpour of affection, love cascades,

A waterfall of emotions unbound.

Yet, it also soothes, it persuades,

In its embrace, we find common ground.

Love, the shower that cleanses the mind,

Washing away all bitterness and strife.

In its embrace, we leave behind

The burdens of our past life.

With each drop, love paints a new horizon,

A vista of dreams yet to unfold.

In its embrace, we find our raison,

As it turns our stories into gold.

Like raindrops on a barren land,

Love nurtures, it fosters, it grows.

It brings harmony, it takes a stand,

In its embrace, we find repose.

In the gentle rain, love softly speaks,

Like a whisper that echoes in the soul.

It brings solace to the weary and meek,

In its embrace, we find our role.

In the shower of love, we find our essence,

A reflection of our deepest desires.

In its embrace, we find our presence,

As it ignites the flames of passion's fires.

Love, the shower that falls from above,

In its embrace, we find our truest self.

In its gentle rain, we find love,

As it showers upon us, an eternal wealth.

Love at first sight

In a crowded room, our eyes first met,

A spark ignited, a feeling I can't forget.

In that fleeting moment, time stood still,

As if the universe conspired, our hearts to fill.

Your smile, a beacon in the night,

Guiding me towards love's pure light.

With each step closer, destiny unfurled,

Binding our souls in a magical swirl.

Words unspoken, yet hearts aligned,

In silence, our love was defined.

A symphony of emotions, a dance of fate,

Sealed with a glance, our love's innate.

From that day forth, you became my muse,

In your presence, all worries diffuse.

Love at first sight, a rare treasure found,

In your arms, forever I'm bound.

With every sunrise, our love blooms anew,

A testament to the magic we drew.

Through highs and lows, we'll always fight,

For in each other's eyes, love took flight.

So let's cherish this gift, this love so pure,

A bond eternal, forever sure.

For in the realm of love, we found our might,

In that divine moment, love at first sight.

Love at first sight, a tale so old,

Of hearts entwined, in stories told.

A glance, a spark, a fleeting glance,

A moment's touch, a lover's dance.

In crowded rooms or empty streets,

Two souls collide, destiny meets.

Eyes lock in a silent vow,

As time stands still, and hearts avow.

From across the room, their gaze did meet,

A silent language, both hearts beat.

In that moment, nothing else mattered,

Their souls intertwined, destiny scattered.

A smile exchanged, a world unfurls,

Love at first sight, as fate whirls.

In that instant, a connection so deep,

Two hearts awakened, promises to keep.

Words unspoken, yet hearts understood,

In love's embrace, they both withstood.

The universe conspired, in cosmic delight,

Guiding their souls, love at first sight.

A touch so gentle, a whisper soft,

In love's embrace, they both were caught.

No need for words, their hearts confessed,

In love's embrace, they found their nest.

Through trials and tribulations, they'd go,

Love at first sight, their hearts aglow.

Hand in hand, through storm and strife,

They'd conquer all, together in life.

For love at first sight, a timeless art,

Two souls ignited, never to depart.

In each other's arms, they'd find their way,

Love at first sight, forever to stay.

So let the world marvel, let them see,

Love at first sight, a symphony.

For in the end, what truly matters,

Is the love they share, forever and after.

let's chat a bit

How many of us have experienced love at first sight.

The feeling is like a shower of rain in the desert...

Some say it's an attraction... while others say it's just you like the person...

But the person feeling it knows it's neither attraction nor liking.. it's a beautiful feeling of ......

let's continue next time

till then please tell me ur thoughts on the same

love shower

In the rain we met, beneath the stormy skies,

Two souls drawn together, by fate's surprise.

The world around us blurred, as raindrops fell,

In that moment, our story began to swell.

I watched you from afar, your grace sublime,

A vision in the rain, frozen in time.

Your laughter echoed, amidst the pouring rain,

A melody of joy, erasing all pain.

With each step closer, my heart did race,

Captivated by your beauty and grace.

Your eyes, a reflection of the stormy night,

Holding secrets untold, shining so bright.

As I approached, you turned with a smile,

In that instant, my heart flew a mile.

Your laughter mingled with the rain's refrain,

A symphony of love, amidst the domain.

We stood face to face, soaked to the bone,

In the rain we found, a love to own.

Your hand in mine, a perfect fit,

As we danced together, in rain's orbit.

The world around us faded, lost in time,

As we shared our stories, intertwined.

Each raindrop a memory, a tale to tell,

In the rain we found, our love's true spell.

Your laughter echoed, like a gentle breeze,

As we embraced, beneath the stormy seas.

In your arms, I found my home,

No longer lost, no longer alone.

As the rain subsided, and clouds gave way,

Our love blossomed, in the light of day.

But in that moment, amidst the rain's refrain,

Our souls collided, never to wane.

For in the rain we met, a bond was formed,

A love so pure, forever adorned.

And though the storm may rage, and winds may blow,

In each other's arms, we'll always know.

So let the rain fall, let the storm clouds gather,

In each other's arms, we'll weather.

For in that first meeting, amidst the rain's embrace,

Our love was born, in a timeless space.

In a world where time dances with rain,

Two souls converged, destiny's refrain.

Amidst the downpour's whispered plea,

They met, as if by fate's decree.

The rain, a curtain, veiling the scene,

As they met beneath nature's serene.

She stood, a vision, in the misty light,

Hearts pounding, in the rain's delight.

Her laughter echoed, like a melody pure,

As raindrops danced, their love to assure.

He watched her closely, every move, every glance,

Captivated by her, in love's sweet trance.

She twirled in the rain, her laughter a song,

His heart skipped a beat, where he belonged.

With every step, she drew him near,

In the rain's embrace, they felt no fear.

Their eyes met, amidst the rainfall's grace,

A silent conversation, in each other's embrace.

She smiled, a beacon in the stormy night,

And he knew, she was his guiding light.

As raindrops kissed her skin, he felt alive,

In her presence, he found his drive.

With every drop that fell from the sky,

Their love deepened, soaring high.

He reached out to touch her, fingertips brush,

A tender moment, in the rain's hush.

Her hand in his, they stood side by side,

In the rain's symphony, love couldn't hide.

They danced in the rain, two souls entwined,

In each other's arms, destiny defined.

Their laughter mingled with the rain's soft song,

As they danced together, hearts beating strong.

In that moment, time stood still,

As raindrops fell, their love did fill.

For in the rain's embrace, they found their truth,

Their love eternal, unwavering, and uncouth.

As the rain began to fade, dawn's light near,

They held each other close, without fear.

For in that first meeting, amidst the rain,

They found love's sanctuary, forever to remain.

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