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The Destroyed World

Trapped 1

I took deep breathes my legs shaky and almost on the verge of giving up. I anxiously made sure the door was locked and checking for any noises outside.

Currently I was trapped in my bathroom before that all hell broke loose...

I was sitting in my classroom doodling as usual and day-dreaming. The classroom was lively as the guys in groups were talking and girls in groups also talkin' and about brand new clothes and makeup, the couples at the door getting all lovey and dovey. But, the atmosphere was nice... it lasted while it can.

A horrifying scream broke out as the class fell silent when the scream stopped all the students went outside gathering and seeing what was going on in the courtyard as the scream source was coming from there. The classroom almost went empty as almost all went out to see and some didn't moved for they weren't sure what to do. I quickly put my sketch book and my pencil away I knew that even if I wanted to keep on drawing the sickening feeling from the scream wasn't going to let me anyway...

After making sure my stuffs were all in I didn't wasted one second and made my way out where i encountered my best friend Mary who was looking very worried. "Yasum..! You are fine.." She spoke with anxious as she grabbed my hand and looked at me eye to eye. Something was wrong... something horrible was going on..I wasn't liking it.

I took her hands "Whats going on?" I asked trying my best to not shutter and let her see that this has already caused a affect at me. But she knew it has affected me and just shook her head as she anxiously looked at the courtyard direction I aswell looked at that direction. "You don't-"

Another blood curling scream broke out the students who were looking at the courtyard started to panic, some screamed, some started to run around while other stayed and looked at horror. My body started to shake as I couldn't help but have the wanting feeling to take a look... just a peek..Mary tried to stop me but was swayed away by the students who were panicking and running around. I got to the window and looked at the courtyard thats where I saw a bloody mess...

A Student was on top of a teacher who was in a puddle of blood the student seem to be... ripping him apart as she started to eat him...the other teachers came in trying to stop her but she didn't and got up and jumped on one of the teacher who was panicking aswell I looked around and noticed that there were one more body aswell guess the second scream was from them .

"What the hell.." I whispered out as I looked at the bloody sight I couldn't help but stay there as I tried to comprehend but my brain wasn't having it...Mary finally deal with the running students and grabbed my hand. "Yasum!" She scream out and snapped me out of my daze. "Hu-Huh??-" I mumbled out and stared at her. Before another word can come out from my mouth another scream came out from the other side of the corridor and it seems like one of the crazy people got on here I quickly looked back at the courtyard and realised that one of the body was missing the girl was now peacefully munching on the fallen teacher.

I looked at Mary and before she or I can say another word her friend came in and yelled "WE HAVE TO RUN AWAY FROM THIS PLACE!" And took Mary by force Mary who was surprised wasn't able to deal with her strength and weakly got dragged away. More screams broke out and I started to panic a surge of uneasiness and anxious feeling washed over my body and I looked around in haste. I wasted no time as I went back in the classroom. The classroom was almost empty as the students were taking their stuff and running away or some just left their bag and decided to run away. I took my bag and ran down thats there were more bloody faces were shinning. I got up trying and forcing my way out of the staircase trying to not be swayed away down to the flesh eating monsters.

Finally managing my way out of staircase I ran toward the bathroom and went in and locked myself In one of the stalls.

I stood there breathless and panicking.

I stood there as I felt on the verge of breaking down screams and cries can be was a horrifying moment I tried to put my hands on my ears closing them trying to not hear it. I felt myself moments away from breaking down..I wasn't strong no...I felt very weak at the moment I sat down not caring if my clothes get dirty or not I found myself thinking about my family thinking how they must be doing...Today was second my siblings were staying at home so were my mother and father and my grandmother was feeling sick so she was also staying at home...

I was trying to think that they were okay and my father probably got the news and is now taking actions to secure the family...all I hoped at this moment was for them to not come here...there were hundred of students here nobody can make it out alive...I started to sob and tears rolled down my cheeks I closed my eyes and my mouth with my hands to not make a sound.

I got up and washed my face. "alright..." I whispered to myself and took a deep breath Luckily lunch break was almost over so I have ate some food to keep me going for hours and I probably will not be feeling to eat food....I looked around the stall it wasn't that big and the pipelines were there I would be able to climb it. But staying inside would be a safe option. I took out my sketch book and started to draw to calm myself down.

I was getting sleepy and decided it would be a best choice to rest and I put my sketch book back into the bag and sat down and forced myself to fall asleep. I was later awaken by a scream. I sat there as I can feel chills running down my neck. I tried my best to not cry out as I got up it was dark now and it was dark everywhere I was feeling a bit scared now. I was trying to comprehend about the scream and what I should do next some grunts followed out..It wasn't pretty to hear it...

I felt more scared and I sat down trying to calm myself down...As I sat there in the cold hard floor the reality hit me more harder I was in a life or death situation it is either I kill myself or get killed hopefully in a less painful way or...try to survive...I started to take raspy breathes and slump down feeling hopeless. I took a deep breath and decided to sleep it was better then to them...

After sleeping the night away I woke up I tried to look out and It seem like it was just morning I hopefully made out the time and sighed and got down and took out my note book and a pen and started to write down the events. I was hungry very hungry but the noises outside won't stop.


Maybe I should try to hold off for today aswell...I don't know but everything is just feeling too much for me. I can't go into self pity no...not right now if I want to survive I will have to think. Think Yasum think your life literally depends on it I sighed and looked at the pipes that were connected on the walls I could climb it but I might fall and hurt myself if I am not careful and....attract them with the noise yeah I can't risk it no.

I carefully climbed on the pipes Making sure not to miss any step as soon I got on top I looked at area. Bloody hand prints were on the wall and smeared on it like someone was struggling to keep their stand maybe that was the noise I heard before. Now that I realised I didn't heard anything until someone made a noise resulting them their life... maybe they are attracted to sound? Yes maybe they are yes this is good for me. I felt relief for a second since I found something that can be used to my advantage. The other stalls were empty and the bathroom was empty as well other then the occasional noise of grunting and shadows passing by them...

God I hoped my friends were fine I hoped Mary was safe the last time I saw her was yesterday when she was dragged wait whom was she dragged away with..? Oh Iyir! Mary's friend I have met her and found her a very great person I am gald she was with someone that is trustable...I got down in the stall back to my spot I took my bag the water bottle still has some water although it won't last long and will run out until tommorow I don't have food either I can't stay here. Taking a heavy breath I took my bag and started to take out the books that I probably dont need anymore after all this incident I am sure they aren't important right now.

And so I happily took my books and put them in the trash I still needed the bag after all I might come across some useful things and will have to carry them somewhere. I took a copy the one I wrote all my events on sadly I will have to put away my drawing book...or not I can keep it! It isn't too much...I can't part with it well I am sure it won't hurt right?

I sat there holding my bag close to me I will have to wait till its night to see if they can't see in the dark or not well it is a 50/50 situation if it true I live if it is not I die. Whatever it is not like I have any meaning or something...but I want to live.


Mary was dragged by Iyir who was drafting her down in the lower ground to escape but before they can the lower ground soon was overrun and they were forced to hide in the room where props and other things for the primary assembly things were kept. Iyir sighs as she tries to hear any movement throught the door and many foot steps and noises can be heard it seems like things I very "lively". Mary stood there thinking about Yasum and what she will be doing right now last time she saw her was her checking the courtyard and before moments saw her clueless yet panicked expression before she was dragged away by Iyir.

She couldn't stop thinking about her what is she doing? Is she okay? Or alive? Many questions where coming into her mind.

"Mary! Mary!" Iyir whispered and shook her when she didn't responded. She looked at her surprised and focused her attention on her. "Yeah-? sorry.." she whispered back Iyir nodded glad that she was now in focus. "We can't make a run since they are in the hallways blocking everyway..." She spoke and ended with a sigh Mary nodded as she spoke. "Yes...we will have to wait til helps arrive hopefully.." Iyir nodded in agreement but it felt hopeless right now. "Yes but first we will have to block the door." And so they started to find a suitable thing they can block the door and can lift it just right.

And so then they waited til the night arrive Iyir and Mary sat near the door for any movement and they heard no noise no footsteps occasional grunts but no movement and suddenly they heard a noise and many footsteps running towards the noise and then they realise that they are attrached to the noise. And so they made a plan sneak out at the night. "We should to and look for Yasum." Mary spoke up Iyir looked at her raising her eyebrows giving a surprised expression.

"Are you crazy? She muttered out looking at her in disbelief. Mary sighs expecting this she shook her head before she can say something Iyir continues. "Look...I know you are worried but we don't even know where she is-" Mary cuts in "I saw her in the hallway and was talking with her..." She spoke leaning in to convince her. "She is my friend...please understand.." Iyir sighs and nodded "Fine we will go and look for her in the night although we will have to be quick." Mary hugged Iyir.

Iyir sat down with Mary Making a plan.


"Okay.." She whispered to herself. I can do this...I can do this...I can do this...I looked at the door lock it was night now and very dark the lights were usually on by the school staff but they are probably not present...I slowly opened the lock and went out she made sure no one was in the way nothing that is threatening. I walked out of the bathroom as I was trying to step out I stepped on something my heart stoppes beating for a second I felt my whole body getting locked at the moment I made sure I dont make any sound and looked down.

I was stepping on a body I tried to see who it was but decided not to....if it is someone I know I don't think I can stomach this...Okay Yasum you can do this just move over. I stood there as my eyes just adjust to the dark I can't see anything it is so dark...I feel scared. Why did I stepped out...? No this is not the time to blame myself or anything I need to keep going as I was trying to move something in the ground floor made a huge clank noise I quickly jumped back into the bathroom closing the door.

As many footsteps can be heard the one who were infected ran down to the full speed on the opposite side and the one who were at the ground floor ran there...who did it? It was actually a clever plan. I took this as my chance and opened the door and ran out side as soon I heard the noise fade away when I got to the stair I heard some noise I felt my whole body going cold. "Yasum...?" tqA voice called out it was Mary! and Iyir I felt my face warming up without any hesitation I ran to them and pulled them in a tight hug nearly choking them. "Lets get out of here!" Iyir whispered I quickly let go of them right the danger isn't gone and we still are not safe.

We Quietly slip down on the lower ground we came across many bodies it...was a bloody mess. We soon reached the school gate and ran out where the moonlight welcomed us I felt the cold air washing my face. But we didn't stopped we ran and ran until we reached the School Gate we came across some infected but we managed to slip away from them. "Where...where are we going..?" I finally asked panting heavily I can't run for a long time I had to make sure I was breathing okay everytime we camr across a infected.

"We are going to Mary's house" Iyir whispered back to me I nodded and we started walking again.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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