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Valerie Chang

I was only five when my mother passed away, my pervert father didn't even mourn her for a month before marrying another wife, the third Miss of the Yan family. She was mean and mistreated, she and my father would "play" in front of me without considering my age. That pervert didn't stop there. After seducing countless women, he married another wife, an even worse witch to satisfy his lustful body.

I endured those aunties for years and after I obtained my degree and got a job at a press company, I moved out leaving them in an attempt to completely cut ties with them. My boss has assigned me on a killer mission on "Jin Jianyu " One of the wealthiest yet youngest man in the country.


*Mr Moi's office*

"Order up, our press is going to take pictures of Mr Jin Jianyu and his girlfriend here tomorrow to advertise a condom for one of our sponsoring companies and you are in charge"

Xin Yan looked at Moi frozen in place, it took her about a minute to return to reality

"What? No...that's not my department, that's Annie's..."

"Annie said she's not feeling too good"

Xin Yan grins as she knew Annie her co worker was just running away from the trap and setting her up.

*That witch!! Still, who wouldn't feel sick at the thought of working for Jin Jianyu? That is not sick!*

"Please Mr Moi, I'm only 26 years old, I'm not ready to die yet"

"*smiling* C'mon Xin Yan, everyone dies in the end don't they?"

Xin Yan walks out of the office feeling like her heart was about to be digested.


Xin Yan is sitting in her corner thinking about the people she's to deal with tomorrow

"Tomorrow is the day, everyone in this country knows Jin Jianyu is bad news. He gets whatever he wants and however he wants it plus he's girlfriend is my Grandma's sister's granddaughter...distant but family. Valerie Chang and I don't really get along..."

Another press member, a mouthy girl who sizes every opportunity she gets to piss Xin Yan off interrupts her thoughts

"Liu Xin Yan!"


"Yo can't just pop outta know where and scare someone like that!"


"Look at you! you're all blue! Anyways, I heard about your death sentence."

"huh?" Xin Yan gives her confused look

"Please, I know that look, everyone knows Jin Jianyu is bad news."

"Oh, that. Serving a Demon master isn't necessarily a death sentence okay? So please take your pessimism outta my corner."

"Like you said it" *Youu see Xin Yan, this what you get for stealing someone's promotion*

Xin Yan finally gets home after a long day, apparently she has trust issues and doesn't keep contact with people. She only has her bosses number so unlike others who would communicate with friends after work, she just takes takes a bath and prepares her dinner.


Xin Yan is making her dinner but suddenly, thoughts of Valerie comes to her mind

"I wonderwhat it'll be like tomorrow. All I know is that Valerie won't hesitate to embarrass me *grins* that spoilt daddy's girl who thinks everyone got daddy's love*

Xin Yan understands many things because she had to learn alone which made her incredibly smart and so she knows how to get back at Valerie. Xin Yan hurrily eats her dinner and goes to bed.


"*Sobbing* Mr Jin I'm sorry that the pictures are this, its not my fault!"

"*rude* whose is it? Mine? I'll sue your company"

Xin Yan looks behind Jin Jianyu and sees Valerie smirking and pretend to intervene

"Babe calm down, don't let the kid upset you!"

*Valerie, what was she smirking for? *alarm ringing* what's that? why is it so loud?*


Xin Yan wakes up sweating and panting, she smashes the alarm clock with her leg

"What the hell? I'm screwed! That guy has already visited me. I better hurry, I don't wanna be late."

She gets ready and sets off for work, after arriving at the Photo Center, she sees that the Camara man has already set up everything

"Miss Liu, how do you see it?"

"Absolutely stunning, though I thinkit's missing something, an aura of romance...yes! Flowers! Excuse me uncle, I'll be right back."

Xin Yan gets the best flower she finds and returns as fast as she could. Upon her return, she finds that the couple have already arrive

*Oh no, Valerie Chang*

Chapter Two: Hired by a Tyrant

Xin Yan swallows her dislike and rushes to them

"Mr Jin Jianyu! I'm"

Valerie quickly and rudely interrupts Xin Yan

"Liu Xin Yan, my baby cousin..."

"Distant cousins you mean, right Valerie? Anyway, to the elevator shall we?"

While in the Elevator, Valerie constantly waves her hand in the air to make Xin Yan notice her ring, but Xin Yan purposefully ignores the ring

"Xin Yan, my hobby is so sweet, if you follow my social media pages, you would see the Teddy my baby bought me. Cost five hundred thousands only."

"Is that so? Let me get this straight, you can afford a Teddy for five hundred thousands when there are poor orphanages?"

On hearing that, Jin slightly picks at Xin Yan

*This girl! She ignores me in the presence of her cousin and also knows how to pick on Valerie (chuckles) she looks really cute though, what a figure. I find her interesting.*

Valerie feels pissed and embarrassed at what Xin Yan said

*This little brat! Liu Xin Yan, what gives you the right to embarrass me iin frontof Jin Jianyu?*

"(forces smile) absolutely not, do you think I'm stingy?"

Xin Yan knows that the question has only one target before Valerie Chang can begin her useless show, her response, but she's far too big to fall for any of Valerie's old and dirty tricks

"Stingy? Those are your words not mine"

Valerie gets super pissed her face turns red and Jin notices the situation and gets between the ladies. This is actually when it occurs to Xin Yan that she forgot about Jin Jianyu who her most attention is to be focused

*Darn it! I spent my arguing with my client'sgirlfriendI forgot why they came. Jin doesn't seem to care at all and he doesn't look angry at me...aren't this CEO' always defensive with their girls?*

*Ting* elevator door opens, Xin Yan comes out first and leads the way for the couple. Everyone pays respect to Jin and Valerie as they enter. After a few pictures are shot, Xin Yan checks the picture either camera man

"Uncle, how come the pictures at this bad? Where is that extra light coming from?"

"It's from Miss Chang's ring. Please Miss Liu, she's your cousin, so please tell she to take it off."

Xin Yan knows going to ask Valerie to take off her ring will only make her brag more as Valerie still believes Xin Yan hasn't seen the ring, so she denies the Camera man and asks him to do it himself and if he's reluctant and Mr Jin doesn't like the pictures, the blame will be put on him. The poor Camera man approaches Valerie

"Uhm...mis..Miss Chang?"


"If you wish to speak with me the take six steps back, you make me sick"

The Camara man looks at his legs and hands to see if he got leprosy

*Miss Chang is so rude! why does she think so highly of herself?*

He obediently moves the number of steps backwards

"Miss Chang, can you please take off your ring? it's ruining the picture"

Valerie gets all mad and starts yelling at the Camara man in front of everyone

"are you crazy? Do you know how much this gorgeous ring costs? This is Worth more than you salary do you know that?! How dare..."

Jin gets his fill of her yelling and he's completely embarrassed that she would yell at someone just because of a ring theywould be off for just about two minutes so addressees it himself

"Will you just stop yelling and take it off!"

His voice echoes around the room that if this was a movie, it would have probably made the room fall. Everyone is silent looking at Valerie and Jin, Valerie takes off the ring with nowhere to hide the big disgrace on her forehead. Xin Yan couldn't help but notice that something is odd about those two

*What's going on? Jin Jianyu doesn't care about embarrassing Valerie and that's awfully odd. But still (chuckles) that was a good*

Throughout, Xin Yan completely avoids the ring issue which gets Jin Jianyu's attention even more

*Liu Xin Yan, she's quite clever with technical matters especially with Valerie, interesting*

After the pictures are taken, Jin Jianyu and Valerie leave the company while Xin Yan stays a bit long in the Photo room to cross-check the pictures. She later leaves to drop pictures at Mr Moi's office

*Mr Moi's office*

Xin Yan enters the office and finds Mr. Moi sweating real bad


"Mr. Moi are you okay? you look like you're gonna get a heart attack!"

"(lies) no no, I'm fine. I see you brought the pics, drop them here"

"Okay (drops the pics) if you don't want to talk (leaving) I'll just attend your funeral"

*door shuts*

On her way to her office, she bumps into Jin Jianyu who pulls her to a certain corner


"Mr. Jin Jianyu how rude, you just...aww my wrist"

"Which of us do you think is rude"

She hesitates, but she speaks

" are."

Jin pins her to the wall and raises her head chin up

"It can't be me, I'm not the one who refused to see my cousin's ring am I?"

*Oh no, he saw what I was doing?*

"(guilty) I don't know what you're talking about and besides, what are you doing here and this is a place of Work, we can't talk her and certainly not in this position."

"Well sorry not sorry, this is the position I want to talk in and this is exactly where I want us to be. Valerie's gone, I sent her home. I'm here because I like what I see"

"(Firm denial) N. O Mr. Jin! I'm not cut out to be some rich uncle's side chick"

*Did she just call me Uncle*

"Quit the Uncle joke, you are absolutely dirty minded aren't you? I'm saying I like your skills and smartness, but I also like you. So I'm hiring my Assistant instead of Valerie"

Xin Yan pushes him away and starts laughing. Jin waits her to finish laughing and explain to him the joke

"You can't be serious, I can't believe I'm feeling so easy with Jin Jianyu. I'm sorry Mr. Jin Jianyu but I'm already busy with being a reporter and even though I like pissing off Valerie I still won't work for you."

"Well, well, too bad you'll be jobless for some time. Moi already fired you, I already hired you. All has been decided, see you on Monday my cute assistant."

Jin leaves Xin Yan standing there in shock. She snaps back to reality and realizes everything has actually happened.

"What-The-Fuck just happened?"

Xin Yan rushes to Mr. Moi's office to confront him, she barges into his office and meets him making out with her little arch enemy, but she pays no attention to that

" Why did you decide my fate with Jin Jianyu?"

"It's not easy to say no to that man and see the next day, so honey go home and prepare for your new life."

Xin Yan storms out of the office and finds a ride home. Xin Yan's real issue is not working for Jianyu, it's working for Valerie.

Chapter Three: Romance Affairs

The rest of the week has been a bit tough for Xin Yan having to say good bye to her life as a reporter and her Office, the people she got aqquinted with because that "Demon head" put her in a difficult position. But even so, it hasn't really affected her much because being a reporter is just a skill she picked up and got good at, it isn't something she studied in the university.

These days, she's been talking to herself alot more because she's idle with no where to be, no friends to mingle with except sleep on her bed all day and imagine how tragic her life will be working for Jin Jianyu and Valerie. She decides to finally do some research on her new boss

*Baidu, Jin Jianyu. Research*

*Says here Jin Jianyu is thirty-five years old, the first and only son of his parents, has a sister, girlfriend... I know her... CEO of MangaToons a Manga producing company (scrolls through phone) is this all the info on him. His life is complete confidential. Okay, Jin Jianyu*

Xin Yan rolls over her bed all day gathering all the information she could about Jin Jianyu.


Xin Yan is cuddling in bed, she smashed her alarm the previous day and forgot to buy a new one or set it on her phone so nothing wakes her up. She continues cuddling until she gets to the edge of the bed and fall of

*Bam! Crash!*


"(Sarcasm) Thanks nature, what a wonderful way of starting my day! (checks time) what?! 7:39am? I'm doomed"

She gets off the floor to hurries to take a bath but she slips and falls again

"Jin Jianyu!! I blame all of this on you, you Demon Lord!!"

Xin Yan successfully gathers herself and arrives the company as EARLY as 8:50am. Though she arrives late, she stands in front the enormous building and looks around, she bends her head and offers a short prayer for her soul before entering

*Here we go, my funeral.*

Immediately she enters, a lady approaches her holding a set of papers in her hand and some funny specs over her head. That lady kinda looked irresponsible and irrelevant with her dull face and make up. Even her voice sounds like a betrayed inlaws'

"(sluggishly) Are you Miss Liu Xin Yan?"

"Yes, that's me."

The lady turns to the receptionist, and waves at her and then to Xin Yan

"Follow me"

The lady walk so slowly pulling her legs on the ground which annoys Xin Yan who is forced to endure it. She takes her to an office and hands the papers to a certain man they meet inside and leaves

"Please sit Miss Liu"


He passes one of the papers to her and looks around his table. He seems to search for something and later hands her a pen

"There, that's your contract, sign it and I'll take you to Mr. Jin's office to commerce work."

Xin Yan has a certain bad habit of not reading to the end, she doesn't finish reading the contract before signing it. Once signed, the young man accompanies her upstairs to Jin's office. He leaves her in front of the door and dismisses himself. She takes a deep breath and knocks on the door

"Come in"

*Door opens*

Xin Yan enters, Jin Jianyu is just there sitting on his chair...she approaches and sits on the other chair on the other side of the table. Jin leans forward on his table and stares at Xin Yan for some minutes...

"Shall we begin?"

"Yes, how about you give me the sales record so is can check and know the progression..."

"Devil eye, you must have misunderstood me, I've given you Valerie my girlfriend's position as my PA, what do you think Valerie would be doing?"


"Well, this nothing to do with work, it's all romance affairs if you know what I mean?"

it's now that Xin Yan realizes exactly what she's gotten into, and she certainly doesn't like it. She has never imagined herself as a mistress even by error, but it seems she's run right into it in a drastic manner, a manner she can't bear

"Happy news then, I quit!"

"it will be with pleasure that I'll grant you quit, but first where's the three billion?"


"what three billion?"

"Your contract clearly states if you are to quit, three billion is the price "

*(grins)Oh this Demon master, he went for a price he knows I can never afford.*

"How am I supposed to get three billion?!"

"Dunno, dun care. Or you could just stay and work."

Jin approaches her and holds her by her waist

"Jin Jianyu I can't ..."


Jin engages in a kiss with her, without considering he uses his tongue. Xin Yan for a second gets lost in the kiss and the snaps back and pushes him away and cleans her lips

*mmmh, push!*

"Jin Jianyu how dare you steal me first kiss without my concern?"

"Well, didn't taste bad. as my girlfriend by contract, I didn't steal it..."

Valerie barges in, she runs and hugs Jin who doesn't react to it even with a smile. She sees Xin Yan who is still recovering from her stolen first kiss inside and looks at her fiercely before turning back to Jin

"Don't ask, she's my PA"

"What? But wasn't that suppose to be my position? You didn't even tell me the was a change in plan."

"My affairs, my business I'm sure we're clear on that."

Xin Yan gives herself the right to interferee after all the matter concerns her cousin and the person she actually replaces

"(kind voice) Cousin, are you afraid to leave me with your man?"

*who wouldn't be afraid of a fox like you Xin Yan?*

"(fakes smile) no, no aren't we cousins? We trust each other don't We?

"We sure do."

Xin Yan shows Valerie Chang those devil eyes indicating that she's anti peace and only wants that thing that isn't peace.

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