NovelToon NovelToon


Chapter 1: Omega

Jungkook had a normal upbringing.

He'd been a low-income kid who got free government lunches, he played video games late at night, and his mother tended to leave him alone for days on end while out serving alphas, but other than that Jungkook hadn't ever considered his upbringing to be bad.

Well, not bad enough to reason how he'd ended up here. 

Jungkook had taken all of the omega self defense lessons in school, he'd always pretended to be on the phone with a “boyfriend” when walking alone, and he had never done a single drug in his life; so how the hell had he ended up here?

He thought about it a lot. 

Jungkook couldn't remember much of that night. He recalled the sounds of laughter coming from his mother’s room and the smoke that pillowed under her door - it always made him feel nauseous, he hated drugs.

Then, he recalled the gunshots and the screams.

Everything was a blur from the moment their apartment front door was kicked down, he recalled the pain when he begged for mercy and was granted a swift hit to his head that knocked him right out.

Then, when he'd awoken he'd been greeted with the room he'd call home for the next year.

It was a grimy, damp spot in the basement. It smelled of mold and mildew, but Jungkook never complained too much, he had learned better by now.

At least now he had lights down here and even some towels and water.

After all, he was just an omega, he didn't deserve light, bedding, or clean clothes. Jungkook deserved whatever alphas gave to him, no more.

Jungkook wondered sometimes if someone ever looked for him, if his mother ever even reported him missing, but the thought of it only hurt more because he knew she hadn't.

The police would only say it seemed like another kidnapped seventeen year old they couldn't be bothered to look for; Jungkook was an omega, it hardly mattered what people did to him.

Omegas were born to sit still and be silent. They should always keep their heads down and mouths zipped, and do anything their alpha wanted.

Jungkook thought it was bullshit.

He'd spent seventeen years of his life dealing with alphas that tried to growl at him into submission, he'd been pushed into corners and had hands run all over his body without permission, and he'd always won in those battles - always ran off unscathed.

Jungkook missed those times.

Now, when they came into his space, it was always a bad sign. It was always to either hit him a little or use his body and each time it happened Jungkook retreated far, far away to a time where he'd been unpresented and positive he'd be an alpha.

The truth was, now he knew he was born to be an omega. 

Jungkook was ashamed of it. He was ashamed of the slick that gathered between his legs just at an alpha's order and the fact that his instincts didn't mind being passed around by strange men and women - although Jungkook completely minded. 

Omegas were weak, like Jungkook. So he knew being an omega had been the true second gender for him. 

If things had turned out differently, Jungkook would probably be happy settling down with a beta - he didn't mind them, they smelled okay and were gentle with him when they came down to use him. 

Well, not gentle, but compared to the alphas they were.

But now Jungkook was a whore.

When he'd been taken down here a year ago, there had been more omegas, they had whispered grand stories of escaping, but everytime footsteps came down the stairs it crushed that hope in his chest. 

Jungkook had seen too much at this point to ever have hope in escaping anymore. 

It showed in how he'd gone from screaming and crying to laying there and taking whatever was dished out at him. 

Now, Jungkook just sulked and listened to the water droplets leaking into a puddle by the water heater in the corner and scratched another line into the bricks each morning they threw bread down the stairs for him, but today there hadn't been bread.

Jungkook was worried.

Bread was stable everyday since he'd been here, and he knew they were still there. Upstairs sounded just as loud as it was when they threw their drug parties which meant sometime soon Jungkook would be dragged out by the back of his neck to either be a punching bag or a whore - sometimes both.

But it had just been three days since the last one and normally they gave him a week to recover and heal because “a used omega was an unwanted omega.” 

Jungkook needed that week; he needed that time to convince himself that the cut on his head wasn't that bad - he'd taken worse kicks before - and that his fever wasn't too warm, although he'd been sweating all day nonstop.

Panic settled in.

It settled in his bones as he curled up in his spot beside the laundry machine, pressing against the icy metal in hopes it would cool down his fever. 

“- the fucking key, asshole! Give us the fucking key!” 

Jungkook startled, the grogginess he felt becoming an afterthought upon the sound of the basement door opening.

He jumped up immediately. 

Stand and submit stand and submit-

Cat-like eyes looked down at him from the top of the stairs, thin pink lips pressed in a fine line. The alpha smelled of blood and vanilla - a strange but nice combination - and he had a pistol in hand and wore all black from head to toe. 

Jungkook avoided eye contact as he sank down to press into the concrete floor, knees on the floor and hands on his thighs as he tilted his neck to the side and waited.

He waited and waited for the alpha to yank him up by his hair, or maybe by his shirt - he'd had that happen a few times - and drag him upstairs to throw in a pit of alphas and occasionally betas. 

“Is that smell you?” 

Jungkook startled, nails digging into his legs - why was he speaking to him? Why? That's against the rules-

“Omega, is that scent you? Look at me.” 

Jungkook obeyed in an instant, looking up at the alpha and replying, “I am your only choice, alpha. I am the only one left. I'm sorry.” 

Perhaps the alpha didn't like not having a choice in omegas.

The alpha snarled, “I'll fucking kill them-” hand moving to brush dark hair off his forehead before turning to shove the doors behind him all the way open and then immediately moving to rush down the steps.

“Sh, I got you. You're mine, sunshine.” 

Jungkook swallowed hard when fingers wiped at the blood on his cheek. He wasn't sure how filthy his face was, it's been a while since he showered or saw himself. 

They'd taken the mirror from the bathroom when Jungkook had broken it and used a shard to try and protect one of the other omega girls - it hasn't worked anyway. 

“Look at you.” It was more of an angry growl than a comment, then the alpha was shifting to pick Jungkook up, making a handful of furious sounds as he leaned into the omega's neck. 

Jungkook sat there, as stiff as a board, because alphas didn't want his scent on them, he knew that. Why would this alpha try to scent him like this- why was he bringing him upstairs gently- why… 

Why was there blood all over the kitchen floor?

Usually the blood didn't get there until after he'd been beaten bloody; they'd make him clean up his own blood the next morning. Because Jungkook was the one who made the mess. 

“Just one second, sunshine. Give me one second.” The alpha crooned, “Cover your ears a moment.” 

Jungkook instantly did so, expression extremely confused as he looked at the alpha.

“Don't kill him yet! Hold on!” He yelled, so loud that despite covering his ears he could hear the alpha - he supposed the alpha hadn't meant for him not to hear, but just not to hurt his ears, because he was given soft eyes when the alpha whispered, “Okay, remove them.” 

“You're a good listener,” The alpha praised, pressing a kiss to the side of Jungkook's neck as he moved between rooms, “Good boy.” 

Jungkook flushed. Heart picking up as he looked at his feet dangling off over the alpha’s arms - they were absolutely filthy. 

Then again, his entire body was filthy and he stunk horribly, there was nothing to be done about that right now, but as he was looking down he noticed something that made him recoil.

Bodies. Fresh bodies littered the floor, some still holding alcohol bottles and others still squirming and choking. 

Jungkook felt this warm feeling running in his veins and had no idea if it was because of fear or relief. 

“- you say another fucking word I'll blow your goddamn brains out! Don't fucking dare-”

Jungkook's eyes immediately moved to lock on the alpha’s in the entryway of the home - it was instinct and reflex, always know where alphas are, so he was prepared when they demanded he drop to his knees for them.

“What the?” One of them was a little shorter than the others, his dark hair hanging over his eyes as he came closer. His nostrils flared about three feet away, then he licked his lips and closed his eyes for a moment before growling, eyes flickering to Jungkook's, “It's you. Yoongi hyung, is it really him?”

“It's really him, Jimin.” 

“Yoongi hyung found our omega.” 

Jungkook let out a small confused sound, but quickly regretted it when every head spun to look at him from around the room. 

He ducked his head.

“Let me see that fucker.” The alpha holding him - Yoongi - said suddenly, carrying Jungkook over and promptly shoving him into a wide chest. 

The other alpha looked relatively shell shocked, he had blood splatter on his shirt and neck, and looked down at Jungkook like he wasn't even on Earth anymore.

Jungkook glanced at him a few times before his eyes flickered to Yoongi’s back, watching the thin alpha walk across the room to the corner and-

Jungkook let out a gasp.

“You know him, little one?” 

Jungkook didn't even bother looking to see who has said that, he nodded, lip trembling as he reached up to scratch at a scar on his neck uncomfortably. 

The bite itched sometimes - he still remembered all the pain of that bite when it happened. 

It was what made him realize he had to be obedient; they'd threatened him for weeks that if he kept fighting someone would give him a mating bite just so he could go through the torture of his body rejecting it.

Jungkook would never forget that - to be bitten by someone other than your designated mate was literal torture.

To see the alpha who had done it now cried and cowardly hid behind his hands, sitting in the corner like Jungkook had tried to do so, so many times. Jungkook mused that he was even soaked in blood just like he had been - how ironic.

“Namjoon, set him down.” Yoongi demanded, grabbing the alpha’s hair and yanking his head back against the wall harshly. The alpha screamed. “Do you know this omega?” 

“What the fuck do you want with- fuck!” The alpha screamed out when the other smaller alpha - Jimin, Jungkook would remember - came forward and pressed a knife against his throat. 

“He asked you a goddamn question!” 

“I- I'm sorry- I'm sorry- it's… it's, uh…” 

“Omega..” Jungkook whispered under his breath as Namjoon set him to his feet; he didn't mean for anyone to hear it, but it set off an echoing of snarls and hisses.

“No, doll face,” Namjoon murmured as he shifted to bend down to Jungkook's level and smooth a hand over his cheek. His thumb rubbed intensely at a spot beside his eye and Jungkook knew he was far too filthy. “Your name, your actual name-”

“You don't even know his fucking name?” Jimin screamed as he pressed the knife harder against the man’s throat.

The alpha wailed a sound and threw a hand out towards a cabinet, “There- There's records! W-We kept some things and-”

“Fucking souvenirs for your sick mind?” The alpha furthest from Jungkook hissed out like venom, blood marking all of his solid black clothes and gun still sitting in his palm as he turned to walk towards the cabinet.

Jungkook focused eyes on the broken glass window as he debated on speaking up and answering them, but he was an omega and omegas shouldn't speak unless spoken to - he'd already messed up once even whispering.

“Taehyung. Find it?” 

Eyes flickered to the alpha as he flipped through a box. Cursing, he dumped it out across the floor and knelt down to look at the items before pulling out a plastic, square card. 

“It's…” Taehyung began, voice turning cold and dark as he hissed, “It's his fucking student ID card. He was just a kid- you motherfucke-” Taehyung began to storm towards the alpha with bloodlust in his eyes before a broad-shouldered alpha intercepted him to take the card.

“Jeon Jungkook.” 

Jungkook twisted to look at the alpha in a second, pressing his bare feet together and trying not to feel too excited - he hadn't heard his name in a long while.


“Seokjin hyung, let's save that. And all the other items too.” Namjoon commented swiftly.

There were repeated murmurs of it until Jimin spat, “You fucking took our omega, you goddamn pig. You tortured our omega and you're going to fucking-”

“Jimin.” The last alpha Jungkook had yet to hear spoke, eyes narrowed in thought, “Why don't we give Jungkook a turn to talk to him.” 

Talk? Jungkook's eyes went huge and he immediately began to take a step back, running right into Namjoon’s chest.

“Good idea, Hoseok.” Seokjin praised.

The alpha wrapped arms around his shoulders gently and leaned down to press his lips beside Jungkook's ear as he motioned at the alpha. “He's done horrible things to you, right?” 

Jungkook nodded, swallowing hard.

“Now wouldn't you like to see him in pain? Hm?” Namjoon said in a soothing tone, “What has he done to you, Jungkook? Has he… cut you? Burned you? Hit you?” 

The omega shivered, nails digging into his palms as he gave a stiff nod. 

Jimin growled from the other side of the room, looking at Yoongi before removing his pocket knife and stepping to the side. 

“Now is your chance.” Hoseok prompted, motioning in the direction of the beaten alpha, “Otherwise, you do not have to do anything and we will take care of it. Is there anything you'd like to say or do before we go?” 

Jungkook felt a lump form in his throat as he looked around - was this a joke? Alphas asking him if he - an omega - wanted to hit an alpha?

Jungkook could literally be killed for so much as looking at an alpha the wrong way; he couldn't hurt an alpha.

But god did he want to.

He'd spent his entire life hiding in the shadows of alphas, being afraid of his own steps, and so conditioned to look out for alphas that Jungkook would shake even just leaving the house to go to school. 

And then, for the past year, all of his nightmares became reality and every effort he'd put into avoiding alphas had gone to waste because Jungkook learned he'd always been a toy and would always be one.

Jungkook was angry. The anger consumed him and ate away at his soul and left this tiny, black hole where his heart used to be.


Jungkook felt fingers run through his matted hair as Namjoon whispered this proud, “There you go, doll.” 

Jungkook internally preened with the alpha praising him, quickly moving to come closer to the mess in the floor before staring at the alpha on the ground in the eyes. 

It bothered the alpha, it was clear. An omega looking him in the eye was disrespectful - Jungkook learned that after the fourth punch he'd been given.

“Go ahead, sunshine.” Yoongi said softly, “I've got him. He's not going anywhere-”

“Omega,” The alpha on the floor growled quietly, “Don't you-” He raised a hand as if to grab Jungkook.

Jungkook saw red and before he knew it his foot was stepping right on the alpha's palm. A scream sounded and it flooded Jungkook with adrenaline as he yelled, louder, “Who's the omega bitch now?” 

Nobody stopped him.

Jimin smiled at him when he shifted to hold the alpha’s hands behind his back. 

Jungkook felt his heart begin to pump in his ears as he bent down to grab the alpha’s throat, face red with fury, “You sick fuck!” 

“What did he do to you, Jungkook?” There was a deep, dark rumbling voice behind him as Taehyung purred, “Tell him, baby boy. Tell him how you hurt.” 

Jungkook's nostrils flared, he felt wetness running down his cheeks as he dug nails into the alpha’s throat, his face was turning purple from the pressure.

Jungkook laughed humorlessly, “Remember that time you threw me outside?” His throat cracked when he continued, letting go of the alpha as he added, “it was in the negatives outside and I was naked.” 

There wasn't a response; Seokjin made one step towards them and growled, “He asked you A. Fucking. Question.” 

“No!” The alpha snapped at Jungkook, all sharp teeth and growls, “Bitch! I only remember your whore ass being passed around like a used-”

Yoongi grabbed the alpha and threw him down onto the floor, placing a knee on his chest as the alpha cried out and pressing a gun against his temple. “You pathetic piece of shit! You saying that about my omega? Huh? You motherfucker!” 

Jungkook felt his hands shake, the adrenaline rush coming down as he watched Yoongi begin to hit him with the bud of the gun, blood splashing everywhere when the alpha coughed it up.

“Come on,” Jimin urged Jungkook with a gentle hand, fingers offered, “Come here, my love.” 

Jungkook sank into the alpha's side, tiredness flooding through him so fast that he nearly sank down to the carpets after the third step.

Jimin would never let that happen though - he was quick to scoop up the malnourished, beaten omega. “You've done well, Jungkook. You must be tired, love.” 

“Poor thing looks like he hasn't had a good rest in a while,” Hoseok tsked, coming to Jimin’s side to swipe hair from Jungkook’s brow before his eyes darkened and he whispered, “Baby has a fever too.” 

“Fever?” Seokjin hissed, the box of items in his hands as he gathered his gun off the counter into his back pocket and put hands out, “Give me him, we'll wait in the car - Taehyung, come with me. Everyone else cleans up and… and Hobi, make sure you write the signature clearer this time.” 

Jungkook had it in himself to whine when he was jolted into another set of arms, eyes half lidded as everything crashed down on him.

“Oh, we're going to love you up. You're a sweetheart I can tell. Just what we need,” He heard Seokjin rumble, but now Jungkook was much more interested in the sky as he was taken outside - it had been a while since he'd seen the stars. 

Taehyung seemed to notice, eyes flickering from Jungkook's face, then up at the sky as he unlocked the van. “You like them.” 

Jungkook looked at the alpha, running eyes over the soft curve of his lips and the beauty mark on his nose. “I like it, it's pretty.” 

“You're pretty,” Taehyung said instantly, sending him a wink and a half smirk before adding, “Prettiest thing I've ever seen, really.” 

Then, the alpha turned to climb into the van and Jungkook sighed as Seokjin set him inside the door, running a gentle hand over Jungkook's back before the omega crawled into the backseat. 

“We will be right back, little one.”

Jungkook wasn't sure if he was supposed to respond to that, so he nodded a tiny bit before obediently crawling to Taehyung when the alpha patted his lap. 

“Tae,” Seokjin sent him a stern look, “Don't stress him out.” 

Taehyung ignored that in favor of grabbing a spare jacket out of the seat beside him and wrapping it around Jungkook before pressing his lips gently to the omega's hair for a soft kiss.

Jungkook was much too tired to do anything, so he opted to just lay his head against Taehyung's collarbone.

“Is this okay?” Taehyung asked after a moment, moving a hand to hold Jungkook's fingers across the omega’s lap.

Jungkook had no idea what to say - he'd never been asked something like that before.

“Yes, alpha.” 

Taehyung hummed a sound and pressed a kiss to Jungkook's ear. “Get some sleep, love bug.” 

Jungkook passed out in seconds.

Chapter 2: Promise

Jungkook was pretty sure he'd gotten the best sleep of his life.

The mattress he'd woken up on was as soft as a cloud and three times his size with soft blue bedding and a black frame - he'd felt so bad to see how filthy he was inside of it, but if it truly mattered to the alphas they wouldn't had put him there in the first place. 

At least, that's what the guard had said this morning when he'd walked into the room to show Jungkook to the bathroom.

Yugyeom was a beta, so his scent wasn't that scary to Jungkook; although he'd still tucked himself into the furthest corner in the room until the beta had uttered the words the pack wants to see you soon. 

Jungkook wasn't sure if he was stuck in his own brain and having an extended dream or something until then, because the excitement that flooded his system was nothing short of overwhelming and he'd flown out of bed to follow the beta. 

Now, for the past hour, Jungkook had been scrubbing his body until it hurt, discovering bruise after bruise on his skin.

At least his head wound wasn't as bad as he recalled.

Huffing, Jungkook shifted to sit up and get out of the tub just as he heard the bathroom door creak open.

Frightened, Jungkook fell back into the tub and peered over the side.

It was the smaller alpha - the one with plump lips and almond eyes - Jimin. Jimin was so pretty yesterday even with this crazed look in his eye and a knife in his hand.

“Good morning, cupcake.” Jimin crooned, moving to the stack of towels on the counter and picking one out, “I thought you must be starving, so I decided to come help you get dressed. What do you say, Kookie?” 


Jungkook felt his ears redden at the nickname, but he nodded a tiny bit in response to Jimin anyway.

Jimin tsked a sound, “I want to hear that pretty voice - yes or no, it is your choice, love.” 

Jungkook's eyes widened, flickering around the alpha's face. If he said no, would Jimin be upset? Would he hit him and kick him out? Or worse? 

His hopes were too high to risk making the alpha's upset, so Jungkook quickly shifted to get out of the tub. “Yes, alpha.” 

“That's my baby.” 

Jungkook really liked that - the praise. He liked how Namjoon whispered that he was a good boy last night when he'd been put to bed; Jungkook had been half asleep at the time but he remembered the alpha kissing his forehead and sitting with him for a bit before he left. 

Jimin just looked so happy when he came over, eyeing Jungkook head to toe.

“You're just enchanting,” Jimin commented softly, motioning for Jungkook to step out onto the bath mat. “My little dream - that's what you are.” 

Jungkook flushed head to toe and knew it. He swallowed hard as he heard Jimin mumble how pretty he was as the alpha began to dry his legs. 

This was wrong. An alpha shouldn't be on his knees for an omega, he shouldn't be doing this for him, Jimin could get filthy kneeling on the floor and he could get Jungkook in trouble and -

“How old are you, Jungkookie?” 

Jungkook blinked at Jimin's face that was right in front of his, swallowing the lump in his throat as the alpha ran the towel gently over his shoulders. 

Jimin saw his scars, he saw the marks and bruises, Jimin would think he was disgusting because any alpha would know what those were. They wouldn't want him anymore, Jungkook would get dumped out onto the streets and- 

Jungkook's heart jumped into his throat and he quickly leaned closer to Jimin, hoping that the alpha would see he was willing to be closer. Willing to do whatever Jimin wanted. 

Not that the alpha wanted anything; Jimin's eyes flickered with shock for a split second before the alpha just smiled and touched his jaw gently, “You're young.”

“I…” Jungkook scrunched up his nose in through, feeling slightly rejected as Jimin turned around to walk away and get clothes off the counter. “I don't know, alpha. M-Maybe eighteen?” 

“When is your birthday?” 

“September first.” 

Jimin turned around with a gentle expression, tsking a sound and coming back over. “Oh, sweet thing.” He muttered, “You've just turned eighteen. We’ll need to do something for you.” 

Jungkook flustered when Jimin slipped a long shirt over his head, “N-No it's-”

“Nonsense,” Jimin said, kneeling down and holding boxers open, “Our baby turned eighteen - it's a big deal.” 

Jungkook knew that that didn't warrant a response, but he really didn't want to make a big deal out of things. Jungkook didn't like surprises. 

What everyone else had considered a nice surprise in the past turned out to be far from it.

“A-Alpha,” Jungkook whispered softly, “I'm… I'm not good with surprises. Pl-Please don't..”

“Sh, Sh.” 

Jimin whispered a soothing sound under his breath and cupped Jungkook's cheek to urge the omega to take a deep breath, allowing him to get a lungful of Jimin’s scent of fresh rain. “Whatever you want, my love. Anything. No surprises, do not worry.” 

The alpha took Jungkook’s waist and pulled him from the bathroom, allowing the omega to get a proper glance at the shining, marble floor of the home.

Jungkook had been too worried to look earlier. He'd looked at his dirty feet the entire time in fear of making eye contact with anyone; it seemed like there was a lot of foot traffic through the house and it made him anxious.

“My baby boy.” Jimin muttered, pressing a kiss against Jungkook's temple.

Jungkook wondered if he smelled anxious and that was why the alpha decided to tug him closer.

He was anxious though, there were alphas lining the hallways and leaning against the walls, they were even standing by the balcony when Jimin pulled him towards it to walk down the stairs.

“Do you like it?” 

Jungkook nodded his head, eyes flicking to the chandeliers and soft grey walls as fingers dug into his ribs and tugged him down the stairs.

“- this is disgusting.” 

“We should have made him suffer more. That motherfucker.. he.. he fucking-”

“I brought our baby!” Jimin announced loudly as soon as Jungkook's feet touched the first level of the house.

Jungkook blushed, fingers digging into Jimin’s sleeve when the alpha moved to walk into the living area. There were too many eyes.

Not only from the five sitting down around the room on these dark brown leather couches, but the eyes of the guards standing by the staircase and beside an entryway to another room Jungkook had yet to see.

Yoongi was the first to notice Jungkook's shaking hands and the way he moved to yank down his shirt. 

The alpha growled as he jumped up, snapping loudly, “What are you looking at? Get your eyes off our omega! Get out of here.” 

Jungkook deflated with relief, eyes flickering to watch the guards leave the room. 

When he turned back to look at the couches, he found all of them to have tense, narrowed expressions. 

“Beautiful boy,” Namjoon purred, shifting to lean against the arm of the couch with a soft sigh, “Look at you, all that beauty…” 

“He's our perfect little omega,” Jimin chirped, smiling, “By the way, he just turned eighteen.” 

“He was just a kid.” Hoseok growled.

Jungkook chewed on his lip, feeling Jimin brush a hand over the back of his head before the alpha walked over to the others, immediately reaching for the food on the coffee table.

When he noticed Jungkook had yet to follow, Jimin raised a brow and tilted his head. “Come.” 

Obediently, Jungkook wandered over to him. 

As soon as he came close enough his eyes landed on the contents of what was in the box and immediately his stomach sank - they knew what he'd done.

The Polaroids were spread across the table and Jungkook could see dates written at the bottom of them; he'd never even noticed the pictures being taken, but half the time he zoned out anyway so he really wouldn't notice. 

Jungkook swallowed hard, the stench of disgust coming off of him.

Taehyung reached out, placing a hand on the omegas side and Jungkook jerked away so hard he tripped over the carpet that covered the marble floor. 

Jungkook blinked, blood pounding in his veins as he stared up at them, knees opened and hands gripping the rug tightly. 

“I-I just wanted to h-hold you…” Taehyung's face dropped, jaw clenching, and the scent of anger and sadness flooded Jungkook's nose in an instant. 

Jungkook couldn't have that, he couldn't have them upset with him so soon. 

“Touch me then!” Jungkook yelled unintentionally loud, his movements uncoordinated and clumsy in his rush to stand up and run to Taehyung. “Alpha, touch me! P-Please, I-I want to! I-I'm good! R-Really!” 

Taehyung didn't move a muscle when Jungkook forced himself into his lap. Only when the omega pressed against his chest and straddled him did Taehyung grab his waist and hug Jungkook to his chest so he couldn't move. 

“Sh.. no no.. baby no. Don't cry.” 

Jungkook sniffled, confused, as he moved a hand to his cheek and felt dampness. Maybe he'd grown too used to this that the tears came out unintentionally.

“Jungkook,” fingers brushed over his temple and Jungkook quickly turned his head to look at Seokjin, “Baby, nothing is ever going to happen to you again. Ever.” 

Jungkook swallowed hard - he didn't know how Seokjin could promise him such a thing so easily. 

The omega whimpered, nails digging into Taehyung's shoulder, but the alpha merely held him tighter and kissed his shoulder through the shirt. “Jin hyung is telling the truth, Jungkookie. Anyone who looks at you wrong - hell, even if you just say so - we'd kill them for you.” 

Jungkook didn't know what to say, or if he was supposed to say anything, all he knew was that he was tired of words.

He was tired of being promised. 

“If you're good, we'll feed you better tomorrow.” 

“If you shut up, you can shower later.” 

“Omega. If you don't move, we won't hit you - too hard.” 

Words were nothing but that - words. They held so little meaning unless you put actions behind them. Jungkook knew, because he'd heard so many actionless words before.


Jungkook snapped himself out of his thoughts when Taehyung pulled him back to look at him, two large palms moving to hold Jungkook's cheeks as he said, “You are our mate, do you understand that?” 

Jungkook licked his lips and nodded although it still felt surreal. 

Mates weren't as common as they used to be - mostly due to the dwindling omega population, and that was entirely due to the society they had that thought omegas were trash to be used and thrown away.

Jungkook had seen it too many times; he'd watched all the omegas in that house get so sick they just… gave up. But it wasn't a sickness of the body. 

It was something else entirely. It was a weakness that came once they accepted that there was no hope for them in this lifetime. 

Jungkook had always been afraid to get to that point. 

“Please. Use your words, sunshine.” He heard Yoongi request.

“Yes, alpha,” Jungkook answered, earning a soft, “Good boy, you have a beautiful voice..” it made his ears redden.

“And as your mates,” Taehyung murmured, “We will take care of you. And you can call us hyung.” 

Jungkook's eyes widened. 

He immediately began to shake his head back and forth - maybe this was a test? Maybe they were tricking him into messing up? 

Jungkook knew how alphas worked, he knew all of the sick tricks they'd pull just to make the weak omega at fault for things to warrant a punishment. Only alphas were allowed to call others as such, no omega even dared say such a thing. 

Jungkook wasn't about to make such a deadly mistake. 

He began to sob immediately.

“Oh, give me him…” Seokjin cried, leaning over to tug Jungkook across his lap until the omega’s feet rested on Taehyung and he was cradled to the eldest chest. “Close your eyes, it’s just hyung. I’m not going to hurt you. Just close your eyes and it’s me, and we’re just talking, baby. We're talking, little one.”

Jungkook did close his eyes, he shut them right tightly and felt a warm hand slip between his fingers but he wasn't sure who they were. 

Jungkook sucked in lungfuls of Seokjin’s scent and held onto just a few fingers on someone's hand - based on the slightly smoky scent, he was pretty sure it was Taehyung's hand.

The alphas were in pain. Jungkook's pain wasn’t visible and they couldn't shelter him from things they couldn’t see.

“We're very powerful alphas, Jungkook..” Jungkook felt Seokjin’s chest rumble with every word, “Trust me. If anyone comes near you, we will kill them. You may not believe us now - but we will prove it to you. You're our baby now. Anything you want is yours.” 

Jungkook's eyes were red when he opened them, they shone glossy when he looked over his shoulder at how everyone was now standing, hovering around with worry written all over their faces. 

“Anything you want.” Hoseok echoed, adding onto Seokjin’s thought with a gentle, “Hyungs will get you anything and everything, angel. What do you say? We always want to hear that pretty voice.” 

Jungkook's eyes flickered to the table and he had a passing thought to ask if they were disgusted with him.

Jungkook was their mate and he was a filthy, disgusting, bruised, and beaten omega and yet they sat here and told him he was pretty and promised things they shouldn't give him.

Hoseok saw his eyes waver towards them and jumped to grab the Polaroids, holding them up as proof as he approached the glass blocking the fireplace and tossed them in.

“Hyung… we needed those…” Jimin sent Hoseok a confused look, but the alpha ignored it in favor of turning on the fireplace.

Jungkook sniffed once, looking at Seokjin who cooed and wiped the omega's cheeks before giving him a soft nod, “Go ahead, little one.” 

Chewing on his lip, Jungkook moved to slip off of the eldest. 

“There we go, sunshine,” Yoongi looked at him with uncharacteristically soft eyes and shifted to take a seat beside the fireplace, “You want to see?” 

Jungkook nodded and locked fingers with the alpha’s as he moved to sit on the floor, not protesting when the alpha tugged him into his lap.

Yoongi hooked his chin over Jungkook's shoulder, fingers stroking the omega’s thigh as he whispered, “Hyungs will take care of you. Promise.” 

Jungkook watched the polaroids burn, melting away with them this anger Jungkook had building up inside towards himself. 

The memories would be there forever. They burned behind his eyelids at night and left him itching holes in his own skin some nights, but Jungkook could deal with them so long as he never had to live like that again. 

He was willing to try to be a good omega for these alphas in order to make sure nothing happened to himself. That's what being an omega was about nowadays - protecting yourself.

“T-Thank you.” Jungkook said softly as he turned to look at Hoseok, “Hyung.” 

The others smiled because they knew Jungkook would surely steal their hearts right out of their chests.

Chapter 3: Monkey

Jungkook was dangerous for them.

The omega was the most dangerous thing the boys had ever seen, because he wasn't trying to hurt them or coming to them for things as simple as money.

Jungkook was dangerous because he was slowly squeezing their hearts out. He was downright dangerous for their heart health with all of his endless puppy eyes and pink blushing. 

When the word “h-hyung…” muttered from his soft pink lips, the omega always looked incredibly shy after and he always waited until someone approached him, got down to his level, and asked what it was he wanted - Jungkook got too shy when all eyes were on him like that. 

Jungkook still had bruises on his body. His temple was a sickly green with a healing one and he was so thin it was incredibly worrying, but the alphas were working on that.

Jungkook was sensitive; he got worried if he so much as smelled a hint of anger, he found it much easier to cry when upset than to talk, and the omega seemed to hate being left alone, but these were all things they could fix for the omega.

In fact, they were confident Jungkook would turn out to be their perfect little omega, especially once he got more comfortable and confident. 

Right now he was scared, reasonably so. 

Namjoon had just barely stopped Yoongi from going out to hunt for more traffickers just due to the anger that had built up upon seeing Jungkook.

Jungkook was theirs. He was their mate and no matter what he was to be treated with respect - and to know he hadn't been, that he'd been forced into such horrific situations, was incredibly infuriating.

Nothing would ever harm Jungkook ever again - that was a promise.

Jungkook was innocent, he was gentle and sweet. The omega truly seemed like he wanted to jump out of this box he'd been shoved into; the box that labeled him omega and stopped him from doing what he wanted.

They wanted Jungkook to be Jungkook - their mate - not for him to think that they wanted him to act his status.

Jungkook was their mate. Their omega was mated to a big group of crazy, so they all knew Jungkook had to have some sort of fury deep inside. They'd seen it when he screamed at the alpha - he craved power. 

They wanted to give it to him.

Jungkook was eating in the living room instead of the dining room - the omega looked too uncomfortable to be left alone with all the guards by the windows, so they'd brought him with them.

His knees tucked under his chin as he watched the television. The omega could hear muffled talking behind him, he heard mumbles of his name and a few confused noises before a big sigh.


Jungkook spun to look over his shoulder in an instant, pressing his lips in a fine line and eyes going large.

Namjoon tilted his head, softened his expression up with a smile and two dimples sinking into his cheeks. “Hyung has a question, doll. Come here for one minute please.” 

Jungkook quickly placed the apple in his hand back on his plate and immediately jumped up to rush over. He curled his fingers around the arm of the chair and leaned into Namjoon a little.

“Hyung will be fast,” Namjoon promised, using a hand to cup Jungkook's jaw beneath his messy hair and rub his cheek with his thumb. “We have an event to go to soon, a few weeks or so, and wanted to know which color you'd like to wear-”

“Jungkookie would look so nice in blue!” Jimin started up, phone in hand as he came rushing towards the omega.

Jungkook flinched slightly when the scent of excited alpha floated strongly in his nose, making Namjoon lean over to press a kiss against his opposite cheek. 

Namjoon didn't comment on it, he simply pressed his lips against Jungkook's bruise and then whispered, “Your pick, doll face.” 

Swallowing, Jungkook shifted to lean on the arm of the chair to look at Jimin. 

“H-Hyung…” Jungkook mumbled, bringing a shaky hand up to push hair from his eyes, “What… event?” 

Jimin found him adorable and grinned big as he turned his phone to Jungkook and began, “It's like a… ball, I guess you can say. It's more like an auction… anyway - let's pick! I found some tops I think you'd look gorgeous in.” 

Jungkook wasn't the best with fashion, not really, even this morning he'd nearly had a panic attack given a choice in what to wear seeing as the past week everyone else brought pre chosen outfits for him - usually a big shirt and shorts.

So he'd just thrown on a random shirt and jeans that were three sizes too big; Seokjin had grinned wide when he came into his room to get him, so Jungkook was pretty sure they were his.

“Um,” Jungkook chewed on his lips as he tugged his fingers and then whispered, “I-I like black.” 

“Oh!” Jimin's eyes lit up and he smirked a small bit before replying, “I know the perfect thing, cupcake… you'll look amazing. I'll go order now!” 

Jungkook blinked twice when Jimin slipped closer to press a kiss onto his cheek, close to his lips, then blushed redder than he ever had.

Jimin raised a brow at him, mouth opening to ask what he knew all of the others were wondering at such a reaction, but Seokjin cut in quickly. 

“Jungkookie, are you finished with your snacks, baby? Don't eat too much now or you'll have a stomach ache.” 

Jimin decided to drop it for now and turned to make his way upstairs.

Jungkook immediately got distracted, lips coming out to form a small pout and eyes shake as he debated replying - they wanted him to argue, because he showed small signs of defiance.

Jungkook didn't seem to like being told to stop eating or like when they took away his food which was heartbreaking, but for now he needed to eat very little bit many times a day until his stomach could handle it. 

But, if the omega decided he wanted to speak up, they'd hear him out and Jungkook definitely looked like he wanted to.

Still, they didn't expect much when Jungkook wasn't too comfortable with them yet, so when the omega spun around with a grumpy stomp over to his snacks, they just smiled and chuckled quietly.

“You can finish the apples, little one.” Seokjin grinned and shook his head fondly, “Or, if you want, hyung can make you something else - just this once since you're a bit grumpy, what do you like?” 

Jungkook perked up, eyes wandering in thought as he picked up his plate, but got distracted when glancing at the television and witnessing a very familiar sight.

His breath caught in his throat.

“- and in tonight's news, today this symbol was discovered on the inside of a home on 2nd street. Numerous bodies found on discovery along with drug paraphernalia and other narcotics. Scents of omegas were found on site. It looks like Bangtan has struck again, if anyone has knowledge about this attack or an omega wandering alone, please alert-”

Jungkook heard throats clear as soon as he twisted around to look at them with wide eyes.

Of course he'd been wanting to ask why they'd been in that building to begin with, but Jungkook didn't want to come off as ungrateful for what they've done for him. 

Sure, they were mates, and Jungkook had known that mates were compelled to take care of one another, but he'd never thought he'd find his mate in his entire lifetime - although he had figured his lifetime would be awfully short. 

“Don't be scared, Jungkookie.” 

Jungkook shook his head to Hoseok’s comment, standing up and mindlessly moving to the closest person.

Yoongi looked slightly confused when Jungkook came cutely dragging feet towards him, but immediately reached over to take the omega and tug him onto his thigh with a murmur of, “Hyung loves when you're a cuddlebug..” 

Jungkook felt his face warm up and shifted to tug his knees into his chest. Yoongi wrapped his curled form up in his arms in an instant.

“Do you want to ask something?” Namjoon prompted gently.

“I..” Jungkook had a hard time making eye contact, his chin dropped a bit and Yoongi gently tapped it as a reminder and the omega looked up hesitantly. “Why… why did yo-you go in there? They always said…” 

“They said what, precious?” 

The omega shifted uncomfortably, leaning his head against Yoongi’s shoulder, “Nobody would e-ever come… I'd be there and.. and nobody cares about a dirty, w-whore omega.” 

It took every ounce of strength for them not to growl.

“Angel,” Hoseok crooned as he scooted into the middle couch cushion and reached over for Jungkook's fingers, “You are not a whore. I- we never want to hear you say that ever again.” 

“And,” Yoongi cut in, pressing his chin to Jungkook's shoulder, “We care about you. I know you do not know what to think right now, but we do care about you and will go to no end in order to prove that to you.” 

Jungkook chewed on the inside of his cheek as he sat here in thought, still looking unsure and nervous.

Seokjin cleared his throat, making the omega look at him instantly, “We've taken it upon ourselves to do things others wouldn't do, Jungkookie.” 

Tilting his head to the side, Jungkook raised a flat palm to move his hair from his eyes making Hoseok tsk and move to push hair behind his ears. 

“Things others see no value in,” Namjoon nodded to the eldest, “Finding missing persons, exposing the corrupt… helping omegas.” 

Jungkook straightened up a bit and shifted nervously before mumbling, “But.. it's good stuff… how come it sounds like we are in trouble,” He pointed at the television.

They laughed. They were bitter and humorless laughs and Jungkook stiffened up at the sound, but played it calm by not jumping out of Yoongi’s lap even though he'd like to.

The alpha probably wouldn't like that very much.

If Bangtan really did those things, then they were the right things, but the media made it seem like they were bad, which confused Jungkook. 

If they were saving people from the things that had happened to him, then Jungkook knew they were doing good things, because he'd never wish his past onto anyone.

Then again, it was an alpha run world and his opinion didn't matter.

“People of power don't like their superiority being called into question,” Namjoon said simply, leaning over to place elbows onto his knees to give Jungkook his full attention. “You're an omega, precious boy. I know you understand that, don't you?” 

Jungkook nodded.

“And that feels awful, right?”

“Yes…” Jungkook said under his breath before quickly adding, “Yes, a- hyung.” The omega practically felt himself begin to sweat in fear Namjoon would notice the slip up.

The alpha had, but Namjoon just smiled and said, calmly, “If something ever makes you feel awful, you tell us - no matter what it is. We will kill them. Alphas will take care of it for you, Jungkook,” and then, as if he hasn't just mentioned murder, he shifted to get up. “Okay. I'm going to have to go do some rounds, I need Hoseok and Yoongi to come - anyone else, let's get going.” 

Jungkook felt disappointment settle in his bones, turning to wrap arms around Yoongi to the alphas surprise.

“Woah, hey.” Yoongi comforted, gently placing Jungkook on his feet, “We're coming back, sweetheart. Maybe…” His eyes flickered around, “Maybe you can sit with Tae for a while, hm? Taehyung, you've been awfully quiet today, come see our omega.” 

Jungkook did notice that Taehyung had been rather quiet, he'd been like that for days now and Jungkook had gotten the gist that maybe the alpha didn't like being approached.

He'd wanted to respect that, so Jungkook didn't try to seek out Taehyung too much; he didn't want to force the alpha to talk to him if he didn't want to.

“You sure?” Taehyung asked, eyebrows raising as he jumped off of the couch and licked his lips, “Hyung, you know I have no-”

“You're fine, Tae.” Seokjin cut in in an instant, “Just be easy. Jungkookie, do you want to stay here with Taehyungie while we go out?” 

Jungkook wondered what they would say if he said no, I'm not okay, but it was a thought that came and passed as soon as he saw Taehyung run an anxious hand through his locks nervously.

“Hyungie…” Jungkook mumbled, being careful of his long jeans as he made his way to Taehyung with a hand out. 

Taehyung sighed and Jungkook wasn't sure if it was a relieved sound or not, but the alpha scooped him up anyway. 

Seokjin looked cocky as he leaned over to press a kiss to Jungkook's hair and mused, “It will come to you easily, Taehyung.” Then, to Jungkook's confusion, he pressed another kiss to Taehyung's hair and then cooed, “Jungkookie, we'll be back later.” 

Jungkook nodded and pressed a cheek to Taehyung's chest to wave goodbye, earning a few croons about him being cute before the others were out the door.

Taehyung smelled nervous, and that made Jungkook nervous too, but he knew - if needed - he could run upstairs and find Jimin.

“You're so small, let's get you some ice cream, hm?” 

Jungkook perked up, “Ice cream?” 

Taehyung's nervous grin turned into a hopeful one as he carried Jungkook out of the living room, “What's your favorite kind? I'll make sure to stock up on it from now on.” 

Nose scrunched up in thought, Jungkook's eyes stuck onto the guards as they walked through the house. They looked so stiff, their eyes followed them unreadable and Jungkook wasn't sure what to feel.

But when Jungkook locked eyes with one his hands tightened on Taehyung when he saw the guards’ brow raise, as if challenging - or shocked - that an omega dared look him in the eyes. 

Jungkook didn't look away, his jaw tightened up as he buried his nose in Taehyung's neck and refused to back down. 

Hyungs said they'd protect him and they'd do anything for him - Jungkook wanted to see it. He wanted to know if he'd get scolded for doing this if something occurred. 

It wasn't like he'd never been hit before, so Jungkook was fine with resting his theory.

Only Taehyung turned into the kitchen before the guard even moved - or perhaps the guard hadn't been about to move - Jungkook was sure if they stayed long enough the alphas instincts would have kicked in and he'd be bloody on the dining room floor.

“Okay, monkey.” Taehyung teased, placing Jungkook onto the island. Then, he turned to the freezer, “We have strawberry, vanilla, cookies and cream-”

Jungkook giggled. Well, it was more of a snort and Taehyung yanked his head out of the fridge in an instant and looked at him in an instant, eyes large. “You like that? Hm? My little monkey. Over here climbing all over me, don't worry - I like it too.” 

Jungkook ducked his head a small bit, ears blazing as he fixed hair behind them, and mumbled, “Chocolate..” 

Taehyung's lip quirked up in amusement and he turned to grab the ice cream out and didn't even bother getting a bowl. The alpha grabbed two spoons and the ice cream tub before musing, “Jin hyung gets mad when I do it, but we should go watch a movie in my room and eat, what do you say?” 

“Is… will I get in trouble, hyung?” 

“You, baby boy,” Taehyung cooed as he placed the items down just to take Jungkook's chin between his fingers, “Could do anything and would never be in trouble.” 

Jungkook chewed on his lip in thought before smiling a tiny bit.

It was a small smile, but the biggest ones anyone had gotten from Jungkook yet so the alpha took it immediately.

“Hyung,” Jungkook began only for Taehyung to softly cut in with a “you can call us our names, if you want.” 

Jungkook wanted to protest again, his hair standing up at the thought, but the omega quickly agreed with a very gentle and cautious, “Tae, did-are you angry to watch me? I-I can be alone-”

They both very much knew Jungkook could not be alone because Jungkook wouldn't even go to bed by himself and the past few nights Hoseok had carried him there when the omega passed out on the rug. 

“No, oh god no.” Taehyung was annoyed at himself and comforted Jungkook with a kiss onto his forehead and a muffled, “I've never… I never took care of an omega before is all. I'm very happy to see you, I just… I'm scared I might hurt you.” 

That was a confession Jungkook never thought he'd hear in a thousand years, especially not from an alpha, so he felt this unfamiliar tingling moving around in his chest. 

“Hyung,” Jungkook mumbled, “You can't hurt me anymore than I've already been hurt. Don't worry.” 

Taehyung tried to not let his jaw fall, he tried to keep the smile on his face and based on Jungkook's tiny, shy grin he was pretty sure he succeeded, but when he leaned in to hug Jungkook that smile turned into a huge, bloodthirsty scowl. 

Hyungs we're going to go crazy when he told them Jungkook said as much - both because Jungkook was opening up and because their mate was so badly hurt.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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