NovelToon NovelToon

Marriage At First Glance

Chapter 1

The wind was blowing and the sky was blue, it was a beautiful day that fell apart the moment Kaea saw her husband to be kissing her best friend since high school.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
How could you!, sleeping with my best friends really?.
Delia hart
Delia hart
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
*Scoffs* did you really think I was in love with you?
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
Don’t make me laugh
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Clutches fist* But You’re engaged to me, we were supposed to get married.
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
The only reason I agreed to marry you was because I’d inherit the Kagan family business once I did
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
After that old bag of bones you call grandpa dies of course
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*tsk* You won’t inherit anything once I cancel the engagement
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
*grabs Kaeas wrist tightly*
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
No you’re not, we’re still getting married
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Let go of me!
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
You think your such a big shot because of your title as heiress
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
I was planning on marrying you and taking it from you.
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
Then I’ll kick your average ass to the curb
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
I’ll tell my grandpa
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
*Mocks* “I’ll tell my grandpa”
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
*Pulls Kaea closer* Do it and I’ll kill him and you
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
*whispers* You know very well what my family can do to yours
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Eyes widens*
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Why, why are you doing this?
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
Are you slow?, I just told you why
Delia hart
Delia hart
Once your out of the picture Zane and I are going to start a family
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
*let’s go of Kaea and pushes her to the ground*
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
That’s right babe, once I’m president of the Kagan family business I’ll give you whatever you want.
Delia hart
Delia hart
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
How long?
Delia hart
Delia hart
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Delia How long have you been screwing my Fiancé?.
Delia hart
Delia hart
*smirks* you mean how long have Zane been in love with me?.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Delia hart
Delia hart
5 years ago before you even got engaged, honestly I’m glad you found out.
Delia hart
Delia hart
I was getting tired of sneaking around
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*eyes gets watery* Why?, why would you do this to me?, Your my best friend.
Delia hart
Delia hart
*Tsk* Ever since we were in high school you’d always walk around acting as if your better then everyone.
Delia hart
Delia hart
Flaunting your money and family name I honestly couldn’t stand you.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
I’ve never flaunted anything
Delia hart
Delia hart
*Tsk* of course you’d say that, don’t act as if you were truly my friend either.
Delia hart
Delia hart
I know you looked down on me.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
What are you talking about?
Delia hart
Delia hart
Admit it, Everyone thought you were so perfect back then.
Delia hart
Delia hart
*laughs* And you believed them
Delia hart
Delia hart
When in reality you’re just an orphaned slut.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Delia hart
Delia hart
A broken beat down whore, with nothing going for her but her money.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*tears drops from her face*
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
So you’ve been pretending this whole time.
Delia hart
Delia hart
Of course I was and you were dumb enough to believe it.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Zane did our 5 years together mean nothing to you?!
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
I see
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*gets up from the ground*
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
You’ll both regret this
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
What are you going to do? You have no power.
Delia hart
Delia hart
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Runs away*
Zane Roseville
Zane Roseville
*Smirks evilly*
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
( I can’t believe this is happening to me, we’ve been dating for 3 years and engaged for 2 and he’s just going to throw it all away like that)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(We’ve known each other since we were children, how did I not know that was how he truly felt about me?)
Kaea ran down the street, her throat was burning and her eyes filled to the rim with tears.
She don’t know how long she was running or how fast but she continued until she was far enough away from the two of them.
The people around Kaea became a blur as her tears began to fall, she eventually stopped at a bus stop and sat down on the bench.
The people that were waiting there before her were staring at her as she started to cry uncontrollably, but she didn’t care.
She was too hurt to care, too sad to feel embarrassed. Zane was her boyfriend of 3 years and her fiancé of 2, she had planned their entire life together.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(I wanted nothing more than to marry him, But now I want to hurt him)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(I want to hurt him like he did me, like they both did me. I thought Delia was my best friend but it turns out she’s secretly hated me for years)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(I’m so stupid how could I have not realized that?.)

chapter 2

Time of day: Morning
Location~ 5 nights hotel
Kaea spent a week in a hotel room after the incident not wanting to go back to her and Zane’s shared apartment. Afraid that he’d be there with Delia.
She hadn’t talked to anyone since the incident happened. not Kim her grandfather most trusted employee and her long time friend or her grandfather who she loved most in the world.
She completely isolated herself from everyone for an entire week ignoring calls and messages.
Kaea woke up early after being disturbed by room service earlier.
So she decided to shower and get dressed.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(I hadn’t showered in days and basically had been crying in bed for an entire week straight, I’m sure I smell horrible )
After her shower;
Everything seems so hopeless to kaea now. Kaea and Zane were arranged to get married at a very young age once they came of age.
it was a way of connecting two families that had long been enemies in the business industry even before Kaea and Zane were born. and surprisingly it worked.
Since they started dating the Roseville group and the Kagan group had become much closer over the years.
Especially Kaeas Grandfather and the head of the Roseville family Mr. S Roseville. they often visit one another and make quite the friendly pair.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(I know I can’t just break off the engagement or tell my grandfather about Zane. if I do I’m afraid it would disrupt the peace between the two families)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(I’m truly at a lost, I don’t know what to do but if I don’t do something then that asshole will take my title as heir and try to take over the kagan group)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(He wouldn’t have that much of a hard time taking my title because once we’re married everything we own will be poured into a shared account)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(Plus grandpa knows that I’m uninterested in taking over the family business and the Kagan group. so he had already made plans to appoint whoever I marry the next heir to the company, so basically right now I’m just a place holder)
just then suddenly her phone dinged with a notification.
She was sure it was another message from Kim or her grandfather so she decided to take a look only to see that it was a notification from instabook.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(it was from my favorite morning show called tea talks)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(Looks like their live, I’m going to watch it)
Kaea turned on the tv and began watching the show as she sat down on the bed.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(It would be better to see this on the tv rather than my little phone screen)
Switching to the talk show;
Location~ Tea talks studios
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
Good! morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another lovely live show of tea talks.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
I’m your gorgeous host Jenny
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
And today we have a very special guest, some of you may know him as this years magazine’s hottest hottie.
The crowd whistles.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
Others may know him as the guest star on the new season of the show how to choose a man.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
But we all know him as the CEO of Roseville industries. Give it up for Mr. Alistair Roseville!!.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*Enters the room as he smiles and waves*
The crowd cheers and whistles at the sight of him.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(Wait that’s Zane’s older cousin!, what is he doing here on tv?!)
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*sits down in a chair*
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
How you doing Mr. Roseville?
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
I’m doing fine what about yourself Miss Jenny?
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
Good thanks for asking, so I’m pretty sure you’re already aware of why you’re here on this show today.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
There’s been some rumors lately going around about the owner of summer autumns clothing company Miss. Alley Waters and you after the two of you were caught leaving the 5 star restaurant late a few weeks ago.
The crowd gasped as a picture of Alistair and Miss. Waters appeared on the screen in front of them.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Wow straight to the point huh.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
Of course everyone is dying to know if our favorite bachelor has been snatched from the market.
The crowd clapped in cheered definitely agreeing with Jenny, they all wanted to know as well.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
So tell us Mr.Roseville what exactly is your relationship with the Young and beautiful Miss waters?
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Well first off Miss Jenny I’d like to start off by saying that not all rumors are true.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
My grandfather once told me that “One who believes the words of everyone else is one who can be easily deceived by the will of someone else”
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Meaning believing blindly in one’s words can lead to being tricked into thinking what they want you to think.
Jenny looked shocked she did not expect that response from Alistair.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
Are you calling me a fool Mr.Roseville?
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*Chuckles lightly*
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Why of course not Miss Jenny I’d never be so rude as to come on your show and insult you.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
I am a gentleman after all
Alistairs gentle expression and well put together response gained the admiration of many women in the crowd.
But Jenny knew the real meaning behind his words and wasn’t easily seduced by his charms like the crowd. Yet she could not show her distaste for Alastair’s response.
She had to maintain her composure as she was on live TV.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
( I’m not going to let him just brush me off with a simple response like that)
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
*Clears throat and forces a smile* That I’m sure you are.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
But you still did not answer my question directly. It seems as though you simply just danced around it.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Did I?, I wasn’t aware, my apologies.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
To answer your question “directly” Me and Miss waters have nothing but a professional relationship and a mutual interest.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
That wasn’t what it seemed like when you were holding her hand and helping her get into the car.
Jenny shows the crowd another picture that was tooken of Alistair and Miss waters.
They gasped and broke out in Ouu’s
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Miss waters wore heels that day and as I’ve already pointed out I am a gentleman, how could I just let her struggle when I can easily help?.
The crowd agreed with Alistair quickly shifting back to his side.
It annoyed Jenny how easily Alistair was controlling the crowd. She’s never had anyone one the show who could escape her carefully laid out traps.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
*Fake smiles* How noble of you.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Glad you think so, really You flatter me.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
*Chuckles embarrassedly*
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*Smirks* Now that we are clear about who miss waters is to me, do you have any more rumors you’d like me to confirm?
Jenny looked at the last card in her hands which was the closing question, she didn’t want to ask the closing question because that would signal the end of the show.
And Jenny still has not caught Alistair up even once, but seeing as she couldn’t extend the time with Alistair because he had requested a custom limit beforehand
Following the fact that he was an honored guest who her bosses had originally had to beg to come on the show.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
*gritting teeth together*
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
Just one more Mr. Roseville.
Jenny had no choice she had to ask the closing question.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
It was said recently that you were looking for a wife. Is that true Mr. Roseville will we soon lose our favorite bachelor?.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*crosses one leg over the other as he rubbed his chin in a thinking manner*
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Yes that is true Miss Jenny, I am looking forward to a future with a woman who can match my wits and connect with me deeply.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Embarrassing to say but since I was a boy I’ve always liked the idea of having a family of my own.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
My grandfather has been an outstanding role model when showing me what it means to be a good husband and father
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
And I only hope that I can follow the example he’s laid out for me
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
To make my future wife as happy as possible.
The crowd was completely in Awe with Alistair as they began to clap after hearing his sweet words.
Jenny on the other hand was more pissed then ever before but no one could tell by the look on her face.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
*Clears throat* Well, you’ve heard it from this city hottest hottie himself, I guess that’s it folks.
show host Jenny
show host Jenny
Remember to follow us on all social media platforms for the latest updates. Till next time and thank you for watching Tea talks.
The show ended
The crowd stood up from their seats and clapped in cheered some even waving at the camera.
Switching back to Kaea;
After seeing Alistair and hearing what he said, Kaea got a great idea.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(That’s it! he’s the answer)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
I’m going to ask Alistair Roseville to marry me.

Chapter 3

The next day;
Location; Roseville industries Main building.
Kaea stood outside the Roseville familys main building in complete shock.
The building its self was so large and expensive looking that even she felt self conscious about stepping inside.
Even though her grandfathers building was way larger then this she still felt impressed.
As Kaea walked inside she was immediately greeted by a sworn of people. The inside of the building was just as impressive as the outside and maybe even more impressive.
The interior design was so extravagant and elegant that it put the fanciest of restaurants to shame.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*shocked* (My god who designed this place?!)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Shakes head* (No I can’t lose my focus I have to find Mr. Roseville and get him to agree to my fake marriage plan)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(I’ll be 20 soon which means the marriage contract between me and Zane will go into effect)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
( I have to stop it before that happens)
Kaea looked around desperately trying to find Mr.Roseville but had no luck.
That’s when she spotted a woman taking at seat at the entrance front desk and immediately went up to her.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(Maybe she can help me)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Excuse me
*looks up from computer*
Hello Miss how can I help you?
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
I was wondering if you knew where the CEO of this company was right now?.
Mr. Roseville?
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Do you have an appointment?
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*frowns* No
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Sighs* (Why didn’t I think of that?, he’s a famous CEO of course their not going to just let me see him without an appointment)
Oh I’m sorry, to meet with Mr. Roseville you’ll have to make an appointment.
I can help you schedule one now but I have to warn you the earliest he’ll be able to see you is sometime next month.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(Next Monday!?!, by then I’d already be married to that blond haird jerk)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Are you sure there’s no way I can speak with him now?, it’s really urgent.
Kaea was desperate to find a way to talk with Alistair. And since her birthday was in two weeks she had very little time to waste.
No I’m really sorry Ma’am.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Sighs sadly*
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Ok thank y-
Kaea was cut off by the sound of a loud voice calling out the name of Mr. Roseville.
She immediately turned around to see Mr. Roseville the man she’s been looking for walking to an Elevator with a tall white haired men with glasses by his side.
They seemed to be having a conversation. Kaea saw this as her only and last chance to finally talk to Alistair.
Kaea Immediately sprinted over to the elevator calling out Alistairs name desperately trying to get his attention.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Mr. Roseville, MR. ROSEVILLE!!!!!
Kaeas calls went unheard as the elevators door started to slowly close.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(No this can’t happen I have to stop him)
In one final attempt to get his attention she gathered all the wind in her lungs and shouted.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Finally she reached the elevator but it was just inches away from closing.
Just when she thought she had lost her chance a hand wedged between the elevator doors stopping it from closing
And Kaea finally came face to face with Alistair.
He wore a cold gaze which made him look much more threatening then he did on the talk show.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*Steps out of the Elevator*
He was taller than Kaea Remembered, the last time she met him was when they were children. It was the first and last time they’ve seen each
So she wasn’t sure he’d even recognize her
Just as Kaea was lost in his gaze suddenly a voice brought her out of it.
Manager Joon yuji
Manager Joon yuji
*Clears throat* You cannot just approach the CEO at will.
The voice gained Kaea attention immediately.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(Hm who is this?)
Kaea looked up meeting an irritated and angry face and realized that she was the reason.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
I’m sorry I just need to talk to Mr. Roseville.
Manager Joon yuji
Manager Joon yuji
*huffs in a irritated manner* Do you have an appointment?, If you don’t have an appointment then leave.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Excuse me?
Manager Joon yuji
Manager Joon yuji
What are you deaf? The CEO will not see you without an appointment.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Kaea did not like the way this men was speaking to her but she tried her best to stay calm.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Pleading* Look I just need a few minutes of his time.
Kaea looked over the white haired man’s shoulder at Mr. Roseville with a pleading look.
People were starting to stare trying to figure out what was going on.
Manager Joon yuji
Manager Joon yuji
*tsk* I don’t have time for this, Security!
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Eyes widen* No wait
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(Oh no Security?!, that’s not good, if they drag me out of here then everything is over)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(I can’t be forced into a marriage with Zane, I….just….Cant)
Intrigued by the determined look on Kaeas face Alistair decided to hear her out. Plus he didn’t want to cause a big scene.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
No need for security.
Manager Joon yuji
Manager Joon yuji
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Surprised* (Hm?)
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
( I recognize her from the Kagan group, it would be bad if word got out that I treated the granddaughter of the head of the Kagan family with such disgrace)
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
( but why is she here?, isn’t she Zane’s fiancé?, Zane hates me)
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Come on we can talk in my office.
Manager Joon yuji
Manager Joon yuji
*Confused* …..
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Smiles* Thank you
Location; The 18th floor of the building In The CEOs Office.
Both Kaea and Alistair took a seat, she had requested to speak with him alone so it was just the two of them in his office.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Now miss Kagan what is it that you wish to speak with me about?
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Shocked* You know who I am?
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*Glares* Only a fool would not recognize the face of the President of the Kagan group’s granddaughter.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Gulps* (Did I offend him? Why is he looking at me like that)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(No matter it’s too late to back down now)
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Does your fiancé know that you’re here?
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*instantly annoyed* No and I don’t want him to know.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
He’s actually the reason I wanted to speak with you so badly.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
(Hm? Did Zane send her to me?, No that can’t be Zane would never want me near anything he declares belongs to him)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
So here’s the situation, I caught Zane cheating on me with my best friend, and when I said I wanted to break off the engagement he threatened my family and me.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
(That asshole I knew Zane was a dumb ass but I didn’t know he was that stupid to threaten the life of President Kagans only granddaughter)
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*Clear throat* I’m sorry to hear that Miss Kagan but I fail to see how this is any of my concern.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
I’ll just get right to my offer
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
I want you to marry me
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*Shocked* (Marry her?)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
It’ll be a fake marriage of course, we’ll get married before my birthday and announce it at my party.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
And after a year we’ll get a divorce
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
I figured that this would cause less trouble for both families if I still marry a Roseville,
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(Plus I’ll start to get some well deserved revenge on Zane and Delia in the process once the marriage is official)
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*Leans back in chair* (So she wants to stop a fight between our two families from breaking out because of Zane)
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
(It seems like it’s more to her plan then that, I guess I’ll bite Zane’s pissed me off recently as well I wouldn’t mind a little get back)
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*Smirks* and what’s in it for me if I agree to this plan of yours?
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(What’s in it for you?!, well for starters our families wont fight and you won’t lose a valuable partner)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Sighs* ( I guess it wouldn’t hurt to add a reward for his help)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
I’ll give you my shares of Kagan industries. I’m sure you can make a good profit from them.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(I have no need for them anyways)
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Your shares?, I don’t need more money, I have enough.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
( Cute )
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
The-Then what do you want?
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*Smirks* are you offering me anything I want?
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
If I can do it then yes
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
( I’ll do anything to get away from Zane)
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Ok then let’s go back to what you said before.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
You said that we’d divorce after a year right?
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Hm?, Yeah I’ll even sign a prenup, no strings attached.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
(No strings attached huh, hm I don’t want that)
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
There’s just one problem
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Hm? What is it?
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
I don’t believe in divorce
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Shocked* W-what?
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
If you marry me you’re not allowed to divorce me.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
We must live as actual husband and wife. You’re not allowed to leave me no matter what.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
( I- he can’t be serious?!,)
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
What if you cheat on me?
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*Serious* That will never happen.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
What if I cheat on you?
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
I won’t give you a reason
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
There doesn’t have to be a reason I could just be a scum bag
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*Chuckles* But a scum bags usually don’t warn people that they’re a scum bag
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
You don’t know that
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Maybe so but I’m willing to take a chance
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
What do you mean?
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Why are you saying all of this, won’t getting married to a stranger for life be weird?
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
We won’t always be strangers it’s a good chance you’ll fall in love with me
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Excuse me?!
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
This is what I want as my reward for helping you, I need a wife.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
I’ll be honest with you
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
I’ve been getting harassed lately by many of my business partners and family friends.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
Harassed? But why
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Since my appearance on tea talks and they’ve heard that I’m looking for a wife I’ve gotten none stop emails and request.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
They’re all hoping that I chose one of their daughters.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
I don’t see the problem, you did say you wanted to start a family of your own.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*Smiles* So you watched me on Tv?
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
*Embarrassed* I- yes I happen to run across it.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
(More like Binge watch it, tea talks is my favorite morning show yet I wasn’t going to tell him that)
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
I made an error in my words and did not express that I wish to get married in the future and not now.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
*Shrugs* But since I don’t have the power to go back in time there’s nothing I can do about that.
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
But if you don’t want to get married why are you being so stubborn on the divorce part of my plan?
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
Want me to be honest with you Miss Kagan?
Kaea Kagan
Kaea Kagan
That would be nice
Alistair gets up from his chair and walks around from behind his desk before leaning up against it and folding his arms as he made eye contact with Kaea.
Alistair Roseville
Alistair Roseville
I like to take things that belong to my cousin.

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