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My Lily

Chapter 1


"Madam, your shot is ready,"

"Yes, I am coming... coming..."

With the last touch-up on my face, I walk out from the cabin to the set where my shooting is going.

And yes, I am an actress.

The director told me the scene where the hero will come near you and shout at you, and you want to stare at him and then some dialogue .

With that, he goes back to his seat, which is labeled with black colour letters ' DIRECTOR '.

I am eagerly waiting for this scene because it is in this scene that I am meeting the hero.

"Clear out every one," somebody shouted, and the scene is going to start .

Hero has to come in the opposite direction so I am now facing the camera.

"Action " director shout.

I raised my eyes up to see him, but instead of hero, i saw an angry lady shouting at me with a red face, and the next thing i know is some cold water, which touched my body.

I jerk up from my sleep . I slowly open my eyes only to find my friend Anna holding an empty bucket in one hand and phone in the other hand, and now she is talking to the person who is on the other line.

Then my eyes went to the clock, and it almost gave me a heart attack. There was only one hour left for me to get to a restaurant where I am working. Suddenly my phone rang . when I see the name of the person, a smile forms in my face.

"Hello, little brothe.." Before I could complete

He cut in " good morning sis , I know you had those dreams and Anna must had thrown water at you and if your are not going to wake up from your bed you will be late so wake up ! Otherwise I will leave everything behind me and will come and live with you.So do you want your annoying little brother to come there...."

A wide smile formed in my face when he called himself "your little brother."

" Never think about come here lukey do focus on your study and yes I am going but I will call you later ok" .


"Bye lukey."

"Bye sis".

Luke was the only person left for me in this world. I lost both my parents in an accident but I don't remember anything , i don't even remember their face because i got a serious head injury .when I open my eyes only to see a nurse sitting beside me with a 10 year old boy who is looking at me and crying.when he sees I am awake, he hugs me and starts crying. Then the nurse told me that we lost our parents and asked whether we had any cousins. When the hospital authorities find that we have no one, they report to the police and when they find nobody is coming in search for us , they transfer us to the orphanage, and in there, we meet Anna . As I got a scholarship, I was able to complete my studies in business. But my ambition was to become an actress, but with these conditions, I give up, and now my focus is to make my brother life safe. Now he is studying medicine. His dream was to become a surgeon, and I am so sure that he will become a surgeon one day.


"Do you want another bucket of water to wake up?" anna roared from the other end of the room.

"Nooo." With that, I rush to my bathroom.

Here, my day has just begun......

Chapter 2


"You look so beautiful , miss."

"Like an angel." Mrs. Wall said with a smile, but I didn't see that beautiful angel. Instead, I see a broken, helpless girl behind that beautiful gown that was sent by my future husband.

This day is the biggest dream of every girl to walk down the aisle with their father and to see your patiently waiting partner at the altar looking at you with so much love and care.

Yes, that love and care ,that's the things that you want in your marriage right, but this marriage is not out of love ,it's out of hatred.

Tears form up on my eyes when I remember that day , the day which changed my life, my fate, the day which I don't want to remember, the day I meet him...


It was a beautiful sunny morning , but l don't have the time to enjoy it. Because if I am late again Mrs stone will throw me out from this job.

you remember that angry lady ,the one in my dream who throws water, .....remember ..... yeah, she is Mrs. Stone .

She is like a hawk, keenly waiting for my mistake so that she can fire me.

And yes.......I am a waitress at Ink Hotel working under her supervision(and this time it's real, ok?).

So whenever I was near her, I took my steps carefully.

With a bright smile I entered a hotel ,it's one of the best hotels in the world. But my smile drained out from my face when Mrs. Stone came in front of me as usually but from my aspect, I know that she is in a very bad mood. I make myself ready for any action from her, i.e., by standing like a statue and say "yes Mrs stone".

"Good mo..." Mrs stone cuts me."Go to the table no G07. "

Hoo, it's the VIP section.

"And today you are in that section and remember if any, any complaints about you came near to my ear then be ready to say goodbye to your job". "Understand Lillian"!

"Ye..s Mrs stone," I shattered. Even though she is an old lady, I am still afraid of her. With that, I run to changing room and rush to table no G07.

By pasting a smile on my face, I went to table no G07 and asked, "Sir ,what would you like to have?" When I didn't hear any response, I looked at him only to meet a wide emerald eyes looking at me with a confused gaze.

Before I could repeat the sentence

"Lily," he called me... which makes me froze at my place.


"Miss Lillian Ray"

A sharp pain from my wrist brings back me to the present condition. I look at my wrist then to the person standing near to me ,who is now looking at me with a death glare with that beautiful emerald eyes. (Did I say beautiful..)

"Miss Lillian Ray"

I looked at the source from where the sound came, and then I saw a priest who was waiting for my answer. When he found no answer was coming from me, he again repeated the sentence. "Do you, Lillian Ray, take Matthew Wilson as your husband?".

I wait for a second to make me believe that this is only a bad dream but i failed when he whisper my brother name in my ear, at this moment I only see my brother's Happy face and that's only what matters to me and yes I am ready to sacrifice my life for him ,only for him...

With all my strength, I murmured, "I do."

"Congratulations! I hereby announce your husband and wife . You may kiss the bride. "

My eyes widened when he leaned towards my face, then to my ear, and whispered, "I would rather die than kissing you, wifey." With that, he dragged me towards the door. Only then I noticed that there was no one in this hall to witness our marriage except his bodyguards and the priest. Then I noticed the same emerald eyes....that eyes..the exact copy of my husband...the one I remember that day...that the hotel...


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Chapter 3


That eyes... the exact copy of my husband

The one of my husband 'christian Wilson, "heart breaker", "playboy "...... and many other names as suggested by magazines .

"Congrats brother ". He said with a smile and when he looked at me he gave me a sad smile .

"Chris.. " his phone ring and he went to otherside to take that call , leaving me with his brother.

"So sister in law, congrat..."

"Don't call me that name," I cut him. A hurt expression formed on his face. Quickly, he covered it.

"Why , it's you yourself entered his path, I told you to go away, but you just crossed his path." "I helped you, but..." he trailed off.

Yes, I remember when he said to me to get out. At that time, i cursed him , but I didn't know that he was actually helping me .


"Lily" he called , at first I was shocked why a famous star like Christian Wilson calling me, then I look around to see is there anyone with this name, but nobody was there at VIP section except me and him.

I narrowed my eyes at him. How did he know my name? And why his sound ,the way he calls my name is so familiar.

"Sir, your order, please," I repeat once again.

"Lily , it's m.." he stopped and looked behind me ,then turned to me and shouted,"Get out and ask another waitress to come a take up our order , and don't show your face untill I go. " "Understand, miss!".

I just nod my head and cursed him on my way to the kitchen .

What happened to him ?At first, he called my name like he knew me, and in the next second, he shouted at me like I had done something wrong .

"Lillian!" A shout bring back me to the present. And here stands Mrs stone .

"Why are you standing here Lillian, go to VIP section" before I could reply."Now!" Mrs stone ordered.

But that arrogant donkey said me to not show my face, even though I want to slap him for that,but I still want this job .If I go against Mrs. Stone, she will fire me. And if I tell Mrs stone about what happened there , she will surely fire me . O God, what will I do now.

Ok Lillian, just go there and take orders from other tables , and never look at that table . Just focus on that...problem solved.

With that idea, I entered the VIP section again. I started taking orders from other tables. Never show any interest at that particular table, which were now occupied by many rich suits.

Everything was going smoothly until I bumped to the table. The next thing I heard was the shattering sound of glass , gasping of the crowd, and a thunder sticking shout of someone.

"You ! How dare you throw that wine at my dress. "" Do you know how much it cost?" "Do you?"

"Sir ,it was an accident , sorr...y," I said with my head hanging down, afraid to look at the beast , who was shouting at me .

"Shut up!"

"Brother, it was an accident," someone said

"Chris.. just shut up. "

I look at my left to see Christian looking at me with a tensed face.

"You girls don't even know how to walk, then why the hell they are keeping this type of clumsiness in this hotel."

"Sir.. I"

"Call the manager! " he shouted

This time, I lift up my head to look at him.

No, he can't do it... No, he can't....

"Sir, any problem?" the manager asked

Then he turned towards the manager and pointed his fingers towards his white shirt and said, " Look at the design your employee had given me."

"Sir, I am sorry for her behavior...."

"I want you to fire her!" "Now!" he said to Kevin without even looking at me.

Kevin, the manager and also my best friend, look at me sympathetically. Even Mrs. Stone was there with the same expression of Kevin. I thought Mrs. Stone would become happy when she heard that I got fired, but boy, I was wrong. Everyone who witnessed this gave me a sympathetic smile.

With a sigh, I turned to leave , and I lost the job because of him .I want to give him something so that he will never forget this incident in his life , with this i stopped in the middle and turn, I took the coffee from the table in one hand and throw at the face of that arrogant man.

A loud gasp came out from the crowd. I turn to leave, but a strong hand holds my wrist and turns me to face him. This time I meet that beautiful emerald eyes , the one that the whole females begging for attention and now it turn to look at me, when his eyes meet mine he froze in his place, but something flicks in that eyes, then his hold on my wrist loosen a bit ,I take this opportunity to escape from his hold . I suddenly push back my hands from his hold and run towards the entrance like my life is dependent upon on that.... at the other end, I heard shouting of him and sounds of shattering of glasses .

"Run lily run , never turn your back." I repeat these mantras in my mind while running...

I get into a cab and ask the driver to take me to the beach.

When the car started, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to relax myself ..

After a few minutes I reach my place..when I feel lonely I usually come here and in here I find my peace and it gives me new hope...

I sat there for some time and remembering all those incidents that happened today. Actually, I don't know why my life is like this. Tears formed in my eyes when I watched the waves, and then I remembered my lukey, I wish he was here with me. Whenever I became sad he will bring me here and will tell me to cry out loud, so that the pain in your chest will vanishes and the waves will carry that pain of yours and will lock it under the depth of ocean...

I sat there for hours and gave my pains to the actually washed my pain and gave me peace of mind..

And with that, I return to my apartment. Upon reaching there I open my door and only welcomed by darkness , hoo anna have special duty today ,so I am alone for this night with that I switch on the light and turn only to see that emerald eyes looking at me, like I am the prey he is searching in his whole life. I ran back to the door to escape from him, but it was closed from outside.I bang on the door, but I no use, I stood there helplessly. From my behind, I can sense that he is coming towards me, but I stood there like I was frozen, afraid to look the beast .

A hand encircles my waist and turns me towards him.

"Do you think you can hide from me after your show off." he said with a cruel laugh. "Do you know whom you had just messed up with?" . " Ho girls like you do know how to get attention by 'accident bumping ' and showing your crocodile tears so that you can trap the rich guys, right?" Before he could start the next sentence for humiliating me , I just slapped at his face.

I think he doesn't expect that from me.

When I look at him, what I find is that his eyes were closed for some time, but it suddenly opened, and what I see now in there was hate.. hate....

Before I could ask him to get out from here, his next sentence made me freeze in my place....


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