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Equation Of Love


Miss Leva hears a sound from the attic of her mansion and enters inside. There she found a wooden box. It was half broken and most of the details were out of it. She took the box to her room to reconstruct it. In her room, she hid it behind the table thinking to move its details to another one when her husband is not at home.

In the evening, she took out the box. It was almost withered and was hard to read the printed spellings. But somehow she managed to read it. It was the' High School days '. She felt like moving a lot backward. Coming back to reality, she opened the box. It had a lot of papers and diaries. The one which caught her eyes was the diary which was covered in plastic. She took it out and opened. Its content page contained a lot of headings. She ran her eyes through all the headings until she got stuck in one. It was the Equation of Love.

Hurriedly, she checked its page number and opened the page. It contained many beautiful memories which could shake her heart. She remembered each of them without checking the book. In made her heart beat fast. She took that book to her bed and sat in the most comfortable way. She started to read it without skipping a single line.

The month of December is always special for me. Snowfall was strong on that day. I was sitting on the stairs of my school. After a few hours, the snowfall became stronger usual. I put myself into the large black coat, hands on my chin and starred to the path. It was quite cold and all my friends went home. They left early. I was shivering out of cold. I checked my backpack to find at least a cap or a scarf. Unluckily, I didn't buy a one. I found myself alone and lonely there.

I started to remember my days at this school from the moment I joined here. It was two years before. When I came here, I was in eleventh. There was a boy in my class. He was enough naughty, still studying and not so handsome. But still, he caught my mind. Each day I started to fall for him.

At last one day, I found him staring at a girl with love in his eyes. She was also naughty like him, studying like him and was one of his close friend. I had to accept the truth that I was a bit late for him.

But I didn't give up. I shared my feelings to one of his close friend because I knew that it will reach him fast. The very next day his friend came to me and told that he doesn't like me but the other girl. I found myself hard to accept the fact. From then on, I tried myself hard to reach the point where he is. And one sudden day...

School love

And one sudden day, I started to show my feelings towards him. But the one he loved already rejected him and was shipping us. He was always irritated even by hearing my name. But I was not minding it and continued to find the coincidences between us.

One fine day I was sitting in the back bench of our class. There was a fight happening between the other two. In between the fight, the girl pointed me and shipped us. It was my first time seeing him so furious. His blood was boiling by hearing my name. It made me sad. I made myself ready for a withdrawal. I wanted to hate him just like he does to me. I tried myself hard to hate him. But I was not able to. Maybe I fell for him too hard.

Finally, he stopped talking to me. He doesn't even reply to my questions. Slowly we lost connection to each other. In the end of eleventh, I heard from his mouth that he want to change to another building of the same school. Still it hurt so hard because a limited amount of people was only allowed to go there. If he became the one in them, then I may not be able to go there. I thought it as nothing, but coming back to home my eyes started to water.

I was not able to sleep that night peacefully. It was a sorrowful night. The next day itself I called him. He took the phone. I asked

" Why do you hate me so much?"

"I don't hate you"

"Then why do you ignore me ?why don't you talk to me ?"

He gave me answers for all the questions I asked him. We talked a lot, and he ended the call by making himself busy in something else. But after that he never talked to me. Even if I asked him something through mobile be won't reply. In between I mistook one of my friend as him. Therefore, to confirm again I asked him "Is that ....(you)?".

He replied "Wrong number".

From what I remember, this was the last msg of ours. I wanted to end it any way. I prepared myself again. But thinks started to change from there on. I got shipped with every boy in my class. Even if I didn't like, I told me that this happens everywhere,, and you have to endure it. Every day when I hear them, I made myself cool. One day I shipped one of my best friend with a boy. I didn't do it on purpose. But she started to ignore me.

Almost a month later only I get to know the reason of her ignorance. I went to ask her about that and the reason she told was

" How can you ship me with him? He is like a best friend me"

I don't know what she meant. But I know I'm not a person who is running behind every boy. She was like a queen of the class and every boy and girl use to obey her. I was not a one in them. May be she knows that and started to ignore me. Soon each of my friends started to leave me . Because....

Up coming Miracle

Because they all were manipulated by the person who I shipped. Everyone started to leave me one by one. And thus in the end, I became alone in this busy world.

Suddenly a drop of water fell on my nose. I looked upwards and realized that I was thinking about my past, and now I'm alone in these stairs. I thought to sit there like that till the rain stops.

At that time I saw that time is over person with huge black rain boots, coming out of a wall decorated with plants. I checked him within a minute. Large black boots, thick brown pants nearly touching the toe, inserted shirt with one hand inside the pocket of the coat and other firmly holding a translucent umbrella.

To me for a moment, he was the only person present there. He walked towards me and asked me to get inside his umbrella so that he can leave me in the nearest bus stop. I didn't think of anything and simply ran into his umbrella because I was shivering out of cold, and I knew if I ignored him and sat there, I may catch a cold tomorrow. He dropped me in the bus stop. In order to see his face I thought to ask him something. But the bus came suddenly when I reached there. I didn't have time to talk with him.

I got boarded the bus and sat near the window side. I checked him through the window hoping to see his face for the one last time. But couldn't. When I looked I only see the bus stop, not him. Sitting inside the bus, I thought about him only. I was able to feel the warmth inside him. I felt he had a warm side somewhere. But for now he must be cornered by the evil cold.

After half an hour, I get off the bus at my stop. After coming out I took a peak inside the bus and found that he was sitting just behind me. Still I couldn't see his face, because the bus was too fast, and it went at moment I came out.

Coming to my room, I started thinking about him. My heart was scared more than being happy. Because If my mom get to know that I came back with someone unknown, she may scold me so hard. I cannot bear that. But I know, from my seventh standard my mom is having a doubt on me. She is simply thinking that I'm dating someone.

The very next day, I was rushing to go to school. I picked the bus in which I came back the day before today, hoping to see him in there. But I couldn't find him. At that afternoon, I made myself late for the bus. My only intention was to find him at any cost. I waited in the bus stop for almost half an hour and still I couldn't find him.

For the other two-three weeks I continued the same thing. In the fourth week I thought to leave him alone and to leave the memory of meeting him as ashes.

But the moment was yet to come.....

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