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Episode 1

After waking up she saw that it was already 9 am. Unfortunately Giri's classes start at 8:30 am. Already half an hour passed since the classes started. Weird! Where's Porboth? Everyday in the morning he wakes her up.

Porboth is Giri's little brother. He reads in 9th Grade in 'A' school. His classes are in day shift. In other words, at noon. The classes start in 1:00 pm and ends in 5:00 pm. His bad habit is that after his classes he roam around and then when he comes home he takes a bath, eat and then sleep. then he wakes up in 1:00 or 1:30 am. Then he again eats something and do his homework or pass time with his mobile phone. Roams around in the internet or watch some movies. This way he don't sleep at night and when the clock hits 6:30 am, he wakes up Giri and then sleep. After that Giri makes breakfast for both of them and leave his food and some pocket money on the table and leaves for her classes. She's in college.

Now readers must be thinking that what happened to their parents right? I'll clear that for you. They're divorced. After the divorce the judges order was that Giri will live with her mother and Porboth will live with his father. But their father wasn't really a good man. He often used to come home drunk and there are times that he won't just come back home. When his wife used to ask him where he was, he won't reply. Even before the divorce Giri's elder brother Neel left home. He couldn't take the fights between his parents anymore. Even though adopted, his mother loved him very much. But still he wanted more attention because he used to think that he's not loved enough because he's adopted. That's why nobody said anything when he decided to move out. Sooner or later, they knew it'd happen.

2 years after the divorce Giri left home to study far away from home. There grandfather left them a flat. She moved in there. Porboth later joined her because he didn't want to live with his father.

Whatever, back to the story. Porboth is sick. He have fever. That's why he wasn't able to stay awake all night and wake Giri up. Giri cannot leave Porboth like this and attend classes. So she asked for a leave.

Porboth's fever was almost gone before noon. Before 3:00 pm, he was fully healthy again. That day he had a exam in his school. It's just random exam, marks won't be added to the final. So it won't affect his grades. Maybe the fair for the exams was the reason for the fever. Because if he fails in this exam the subject teacher will give him a 2 hours detention.

Giri used this excuse to ask for a leave from her part time job too. She was tired of working. She needed a break. So the siblings decided to go out. They don't even remember the last time they went out for fun.

Episode 2

Giri called her boyfriend Kishi to come by. Kishi is always ready to come by. Kishi owns a garments business. A lot of people work there under him. It didn't take long for Kishi to tell them what to do and meet his dearest woman. Kishi does everything in time and don't leave them for later. So he's not busy now. Besides that, his dearest Giri called him and asked if he wants to hang out after a long time. How could he refuse?

They planned to go out at the evening. They're going to watch a movie and play games. Giri already had some free tickets. One of her classmates broke up with her boyfriend and gave away the tickets to her.

Kishi reached there at 5:00 pm. He had a bouquet in his hand for Giri. After giving it to Giri she noticed that Kishi was really upset for some reasons. He was sitting on the sofa looking at the ground without saying anything.

Giri -Are you in any trouble?

Kishi -No, LOL. Why would I be in trouble?

Giri -You look upset.

Kishi -I didn't know that Porboth was going too.

Giri -Obviously, it's been so long since we went out together.

Kishi -Hm.

Giri -What? You thought we were going on a date?

Kishi -Is it wrong to think that though? You're my girl.

Giri -Aww, my baby! Next time when I'm free I'll definitely go out on a date with you.

Kishi -You said this a long time ago and still we didn't go out together. Let alone a date!

Giri -What can i do though. My boss is so bossy, he's always irritated for some reasons. I think he's naturally like that. He just won't give me a leave so easily. Yesterday was his birthday and it was only me who wished him in the whole office. Thanks to Facebook. That's why he was happy with me and i didn't have to do a lot for a leave. Also, I really can't leave this job. The salary is a lot!

Kishi -I worked so hard and today I'm a owner of garments business and I did all of this for you my babygirl. My only goal was to reach that point where I can have so much money that I can buy the whole Dubai to you. Where I can easily spend money on you and mommy. I can take care of you Giri. Why are you working so hard?

Giri -I agree. I know you can take care of me. But if you take care of me and I stop working like this I won't be able to tell anyone that whatever I do, I do with my own money. Also I have to teach my little brother the value of money. If you spend money on us he'll be spoiled.

Kishi -Giri you were there with me when I had nothing. You sacrificed anything you needed to with a happy face. Now that I have everything I'm still not able to give you anything. No, I've the ability to give you anything but you won't take it. Can you at least understand how I'm feeling?

Giri -Hm.

Kishi -So? At least let me handle your college fees.

Giri -Kishi now you're a rich young man. A lot of people can recognize you just by your name. I'm just a normal human. If i take any favour from you people might call me a gold-digger.

Kishi -Now I get it. Then listen. We are together since 2016. Now it's 2022. At first, did i have any money?

Giri -Obviously you had.

Kishi -No I mean money I earned.

Giri -No. You were only 16 back then. Just like Porboth.

Kishi -Back then didn't you stay by my side ignoring what the society said?

Giri -Kishi I can tolerate everything but I'm not still ready to be called a gold-digger.

Kishi -But...

Kishi couldn't finish. Porboth interfered them. He said that he had a stomach ache. He won't be able to go. He told Giri, "Sis, I've a stomach ache. I don't wanna go. please you two go and enjoy. Just bring me a cheesy pizza."

Giri agreed, looked at Kishi. Kishi was looking down, covering his face, trying to control the big smile on his pretty face.

Porboth -What happens brother?

Kishi -Nothing. I just remember something.

Giri knew that he didn't remember anything at all.

Episode 3

Exactly at the evening Giri and Kishi went out. They cancelled the plan of watching movies. Now they just wanna play games and have fun, talk to each other and have some moments. They headed towards the amusement park. There were so much traffic on the street that day. At some places the vehicles just stopped moving. Kishi owned a bike but they wanted to go there by there by cycles. Giri likes to travel by a cycle with Kishi. She finds it fascinating and romantic at the same time.

(This picture is collected from Google)

Kishi was wearing a white shirt and a navy blue jeans. The brown shoes he was wearing was good as new. Like he bought it just the day before.

While going by the cycles they suddenly stopped for the traffic. Giri looked at Kishi in the fading lights of the evening and thought, "Mhmmm, my baby is so beautiful, my sweetheart!" Kishi's wavy hairs was slowly moving for the soft wind. Kishi noticed that Giri was staring at him and asked, "What happened, my babygirl?"

Giri: You look so beautiful!

Kishi (blushing): I know right? I came to meet you exactly the way you like me. You like me in these plain white shirt with a navy blue jeans. My natural wavy hairs without any hair jell...

Giri: Alright, alright!

Giri waved her hands and gave him head pats. They were just 30 minutes away from her home if they travel by a bicycle. They suddenly noticed that the sky became orange far away from here. Fire! Far away some bus caught fire! No, not only a bus. A lot of things were in fire there. That's why there was so much traffic that day that even bikes couldn't cross it. The people were so weird though. They didn't even help those poor people. They were just running the opposite way. They were screaming while running. " Run! Run!"

A taxi driver then got out of his taxi which was standing beside them. He asked Kishi to watch over the taxi. He wants to go there and check what's going on. While going, he stopped and came back. He gave his earnings of that day to Giri and said that if he didn't come back she should donate the money to poor women with babies. If she doesn't he'll curse her.

Kishi said, " Sir, please wait. I think you shouldn't go there."

Giri: But why? Even I wanna go and help them.

Kishi: This smell... people are burning there. This is the smell of burned meat!

The taxi driver: Please don't worry for...

He couldn't complete what he was going to say. Something came and bit the taxi driver on his shoulders. This was no animal or beast. That's a human! HUMAN!

Kishi grabbed Giri and started running towards home. They rushed out and left there cycles there. They didn't even look back. Some angry roars were coming from behind. Giri's legs were trembling. As well as Kishi's. It was hard for them to run with these trembling legs and terrified mind. Still they are running for there lives.

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