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Reincarnation Of The Blessed Villainess

Chapter 1

...Second Chance...

Today marked a monumental milestone in Sara Collins' life, a culmination of years of hard work and dedication to her craft. With a heart brimming with joy, she relished the freedom of driving herself home, a small act of defiance against her manager's wishes.

Tomorrow held the promise of a pivotal scene, a moment she had been tirelessly preparing for.

But fate had other plans in store.

In the blink of an eye, tragedy struck. The deafening roar of metal on metal, the screech of tires, and the shattering impact of the collision tore through the air. Sara's world was thrown into chaos as her car became ensnared in a deadly dance with fate.



And then... darkness.



As Sara's consciousness flickered back into existence, she found herself in a realm unlike anything she had ever seen.

As Sara emerged from the murky depths of unconsciousness, confusion clouded her senses. Where was she? Why was it so dark? The remnants of her previous reality lingered, a distant memory overshadowed by the harsh reality of her surroundings.


Sara's Pov...

As I drove home after a day of shooting, my mind was still buzzing with the adrenaline rush from the action scenes we'd just wrapped.

The thrill of embodying powerful characters on screen always left me exhilarated, fueling my passion for the craft. Despite being a rookie in the entertainment industry, I'd quickly garnered attention for my acting prowess, earning accolades and awards that belied my newcomer status.

Though I'd made my mark in romantic movies and dramas, it was the action genre that truly ignited my spirit.

From a young age, I'd harboured a deep desire to embody strength and resilience, and nothing fulfilled that longing quite like diving headfirst into intense fight sequences and stunt work.

Whether it was mastering intricate dance routines, honing my singing voice, or delving into martial arts, I relentlessly pursued every avenue of self-improvement, driven by the belief that each new skill brought me closer to becoming the best version of myself.

But as I navigated the familiar streets on my way home, a sudden sense of disorientation washed over me.

The world seemed to blur, and the distant echo of screeching tires filled the air. In that moment of confusion, a chilling question pierced through my thoughts: Did I die?

(End of POV)


Back to the present...

But suddenly her surroundings were in ethereal glow, pulsating with an otherworldly energy that seemed to hum with ancient wisdom.

Confusion swirled within her as she struggled to make sense of her surroundings, but before she could gather her thoughts, a voice, gentle yet powerful, resonated through the luminous void.

"You have endured much, Sara Collins," the voice echoed, its warmth wrapping around her like a comforting embrace. "Your journey has been marked by resilience and determination, yet there is one lesson left for you to learn."

Sara listened intently, her heart pounding with anticipation as the voice continued, revealing the truth behind her existence and the path that lay ahead.

With each word, a sense of purpose stirred within her, igniting a fire of determination that blazed brightly in the darkness.

As the celestial voice spoke of second chances and the power of redemption, Sara felt a surge of hope coursing through her veins.

Despite the uncertainty of her new reality, she embraced the opportunity laid before her with unwavering resolve, ready to seize her destiny with both hands.

Then, as if guided by an unseen force, Sara was drawn towards a mystical tome, its pages shimmering with untold secrets and ancient knowledge.

With a sense of wonderment, she reached out, her fingertips grazing the surface of the book as she prepared to embark on the next chapter of her extraordinary journey.

But before she could fully comprehend the magnitude of her newfound destiny, a final message echoed through the ether, carrying with it the promise of blessings, the weight of responsibility and a reminder of the complexities of human nature and the inherent struggle for survival.

With a heart full of gratitude and determination, Sara accepted the challenge that lay before her, ready to embrace her fate and carve her own path through the boundless expanse of the unknown.

And as she disappeared into the pages of the ancient tome, a single thought burned brightly in her mind:

This was only the beginning.

Chapter 2

...Meeting the unfortunate villainess...

After encountering the enigmatic "Celestial Being," Sara harboured a fervent hope of reincarnating in her own world as a baby, and when she grows up she will again become a superstar.

She felt the cosmic threads of destiny weaving around her, igniting a flame of ambition that burned brighter than the stars themselves.

Sara's path to fame was paved with unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of excellence. Fuelled by an insatiable passion for her work, Sara poured every ounce of her being into her work, leaving audiences enraptured by her spellbinding performances.

With a beauty that seemed to transcend earthly bounds, she commanded the stage with an irresistible magnetism, drawing adoration from her fans like moths to a flame.

But it was not merely her talent and allure that captivated hearts; it was the genuine love she poured into every note, every movement, every moment shared with her devoted followers.

Their adoration became the very heartbeat of her existence, a symphony of love and devotion that echoed through the halls of fame.

Yet, amidst the symphony of adoration, discordant notes of envy and resentment lingered in the air. Like shadows cast by the spotlight, haters lurked in the periphery, their whispers of malice a bitter reminder of the price of fame.

But Sara brushed aside their venom with a radiant smile, knowing that in the grand orchestra of life, every note – whether sweet or sour – played a part in the timeless melody of her journey to stardom.


Sara's Pov...

Then I was setting my future plans and goals, suddenly I felt a pull. And after that my body started feeling heavy... Wait, my body??

Is my reincarnation complete?? That's fast.

Because when I was in my soul form I was unable to feel my weight. I was more like a wind.

Okay let's try to open my eyes now, hehe I'm so excited.

W-wait, I can't open my eyes. Don't tell me I can't see.

Attempting to open my eyes, I was met with darkness once more, my heart sinking with disappointment. How could I fulfill my dreams of becoming an actress if I couldn't even see?

Suddenly I lose my consciousness and everything becomes dark again.

I thought, "What the hell is happening?" Why am I again in the darkness.

But just as confusion threatened to consume me, a glimmer of light pierced through the obscurity, beckoning me forward. With hesitant steps, I followed its ethereal glow, my surroundings morphing into a breathtaking garden.

And there, amidst the beauty of nature, sat a girl who seemed to radiate an otherworldly aura. Her golden hair cascaded like waves of sunlight, framing her delicate features, while her blue eyes sparkled with a depth that hinted at untold stories.

For a moment, I entertained the thought that she might be an angel, but her laughter shattered that illusion. "I am not an angel," she confessed, her words tinged with a hint of sorrow. "But I am human. Or I was." Then she asked me to sit beside her.

Intrigued by her enigmatic presence, I accepted her invitation to sit beside her, drawn in by the inexplicable allure she exuded.

As you sat beside her in the serene garden, enveloped in the enchanting atmosphere, her presence seemed to cast a spell, drawing you deeper into the mystery that surrounded her. Her beauty is evoking the image of a princess from a fairy tale.

Yet, beneath her regal facade, I sensed a profound sadness lingering in her eyes, like a storm brewing beneath a calm surface. It was as if she carried the weight of a thousand lifetimes, each one leaving its mark on her soul.

Her voice, soft and melodious, danced through the air as she introduced herself. "I am Seraphine," she said, her words carrying a weight of both elegance of a noble and sorrow as a broken soul. "Once, I walked among the living, but now I reside in this realm between worlds."

I couldn't help but be captivated by her, my curiosity piqued by the enigma she embodied. "What is this place?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, as if afraid to disturb the delicate balance of the moment.

"This garden," Seraphine explained, gesturing around her, "is a sanctuary, a place where souls find solace before embarking on their next journey." Her gaze turned inward, as if reflecting on her own journey before meeting my eyes once more. "And you, my dear, have found your way here for a reason."

As I absorbed her words, a sense of clarity washed over me, as if the pieces of a puzzle were falling into place. "But why am I here?" I inquired, my curiosity tinged with a hint of trepidation.

Seraphina smiled gently, her eyes holding a depth of understanding beyond my comprehension. "You are here to discover your purpose," she replied, her words echoing with a sense of wisdom that belied her youthful appearance. "To unravel the threads of fate that bind you and forge your own path."

With each word she spoke, I felt a sense of empowerment stirring within me, as if the weight of uncertainty that had plagued me was beginning to lift. "But how do I find my purpose?" I wondered aloud, searching her face for guidance.

Seraphine's smile widened, a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes. "You must listen to the whispers of your heart," she advised, her voice carrying the gentle lilt of a guiding breeze. "Trust in the journey that lies ahead, and the answers you seek will reveal themselves in due time."

As her words washed over me, a sense of peace settled in my soul, as if I had finally found a beacon to guide me through the darkness. And as I sat beside Seraphine in the garden of souls, surrounded by the beauty of the unknown, I knew that my journey had only just begun.

As her voice pierced through the hazy veil of my consciousness, I felt a shiver run down my spine. "Now, dear Sara," she began, her tone both solemn and resolute, "I am going to tell you the most important reason for your arrival here."

Her voice, gentle yet filled with purpose, drew me in as she began to unravel the mystery of my arrival in this strange place. I listened intently, hanging on every word, as she revealed the truth behind my presence here.

"I'm the one who summoned you," she confessed, her gaze filled with apprehension. Yet, despite the gravity of her admission, there was no anger within me, only a sense of profound understanding.

The realization hit me like a wave crashing against the shore - she had summoned me, drawn by the purity of my soul amidst the vast expanse of the soul realm. And now, here I stood, inhabiting her body, ready to embrace the life she had so graciously offered me.

Despite the weight of her confession, there was no anger within me, only gratitude. I reassured her with a gentle smile, understanding the sacrifice she had made for me, for us.

For the first time, a genuine smile graced her lips, a beacon of hope amidst the shadows of uncertainty. And in that shared moment of connection, I found solace in the knowledge that our fates were intertwined, bound by a bond forged in the crucible of fate.

Then, her touch upon my head unleashed a torrent of memories, flooding my mind like scenes from a vivid dream. I watched as her life unfolded before me, with all its triumphs and tribulations, its joys and sorrows.

It was like I was watching a movie and there was a hero, heroine and a villainess.

But amidst the chaos of her past, one truth shone through - she was not a villain, but a soul burdened by love and loss, by mistakes made in the pursuit of love for the wrong person.

As the last echoes of her voice faded into the ether, I felt a pang of sorrow grip my heart, a silent lament for the woman who had sacrificed everything for love.

"I hope you will be fine with my memories of the previous life and never let them destroy our life again, if necessary destroy them," she whispered, her words hanging in the air like a delicate wisp of smoke.

"And I want to request something from you, dear Sara, please love my family. Because even though I was the worst daughter for them, they were there with me till the end. And don't worry they will love you more than you ever thought. And lastly, Thank you."

With that her soul began to fade, I felt a pang of sadness grip my heart, a silent farewell to the woman who had given me this chance at redemption.

With a heavy heart, I watched as her essence dissolved into the void, leaving behind a profound sense of loss and longing.

Her final words lingered in the air, a bittersweet melody of gratitude and longing. And as her essence vanished into the ether, I made a silent vow to honor her memory, to cherish the life she had entrusted to me.

Yet, amidst the shadows of grief, there bloomed a flicker of hope, a whispered promise to live a life worthy of her sacrifice.

With newfound determination, I embraced the future laid out before me, guided by her love and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. And as I set forth on this journey, I carried her words with me, a beacon of light illuminating the path ahead.

For she had given me more than just a second chance - she had given me a purpose, a reason to live, to love.

Though my journey would not be like a heroine but I will cherish every moment as if it were my last and get revenge on them because everything is going to reply again. And for that, I will always be ready.

Chapter 3

...New Family in the Magical World...

After Seraphine disappeared her surroundings again darkened; Sara felt that heavy feeling like before. This time she tried to open her eyes and she finally succeeded.


Ah, finally, I reached my destination.

As I opened my eyes, my eyes were immediately drawn upward to the ceiling, a masterpiece of artistry adorned with intricate paintings and delicate carvings. The dazzling chandelier cast a warm glow over the room, adding to its enchanting allure.

I think I should get up and see the mirror now. Though I know what I look like.

With a sense of curiosity tinged with apprehension, I approached the mirror, knowing what I would see yet still feeling a sense of disbelief. As I gazed into the glass, the reflection that greeted me was not my own, but that of Seraphine Arial Blackwood, the only daughter of illustrious Blackmoor Dukedom. This is a surreal moment because I have actually stepped into the pages of a fairy tale.

Though I recognized Seraphine's beautiful features mirrored in my own, there was a youthful innocence in my appearance that belied the weight of her responsibilities.

I am only fifteen now. But my debutante ceremony is in three months. Also the day I will be meeting that scumbag fiance of real Seraphine and the novel's male lead. That means my reputation in the noble society remains intact.

** A/N: In this world, girls step into adulthood at sixteen, while boys await their turn at eighteen.**

Before I could dwell too long on these thoughts, a gentle knock broke the silence, signalling the arrival of a visitor. With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, I answered, "Come in."

With a clack, the door opened and I found a familiar face 'Mili', a woman in her early twenties came in. She has brown hair and green eyes.

Her familiar presence offers a sense of comfort in this unfamiliar situation.

Good morning, my lady, Mili greeted me.

Good morning, I wished her back.

Mili's warm smile and greeting brought a sense of normalcy to the moment, grounding me in the reality of my new identity.

As she busied herself with fetching water, I couldn't help but ponder the timeline of events that now governed my life, realizing that my debutante ball loomed just three short months away.

As I was thinking Mili came back with basin water.

With a resolve born from years of theatrical training, I pushed aside my nerves and focused on the task at hand.

I freshened up and chose a suitable dress for breakfast, With a final glance in the mirror, I smoothed the fabric of my dress and made my way to the dining room, where my newfound family awaited


As she entered the room, the sight of her new family seated around the long dining table filled her with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. Her father, mother and two elder brothers.

Everyone is sited in their rightful places.

And as she entered, she greeted them with a polite smile.

They greeted her back.

On the other side of the table, her mother's warm smile welcomed her, reassuring her in this sea of unfamiliarity. And then there was her seat, beside her mother.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Seraphine gracefully made her way to her place at the table, feeling the weight of every eye upon her.

She straightened her posture, channelling the poise and confidence of the noblewoman she now embodied.

As she settled into her seat, the clinking of silverware against fine china filled the room, accompanied by polite conversation. Seraphine listened intently, catching up on the family's affairs and the intricacies of courtly life.

"How's your preparation for the coming-of-age ceremony, Sera?" The Duchess suddenly inquired.

As she asked, all eyes turned in her direction with keen interest.

"Pardon! Oh, I have already prepared everything; the only thing left is my gown," she exclaimed with a blush on her face. "I would like assistance in selecting one, of course if you are okay with it. "This is a good opportunity for me", she thought.

The Duchess was visibly taken aback by Seraphine's cuteness, and a silent wave of appreciation swept through everyone present for their daughter and sister's adorableness.

They could see that Seraphine was making an effort to engage in conversation with them, and they appreciated her courage despite her shyness.

"That's a wonderful idea. Actually, I'm also heading to Countess Lara's boutique. So, why don't we go together?" Duchess suggested. And also, "Darling, you don't need to be so polite; you're our only daughter, and we're always here to do anything to ensure your happiness."

Others also agreed with the Duchess. The duke said, "If you want anything you can ask 'Daddy', I will get it for you. And Call me dad, I know you are strict with your etiquette; but can you call me dad or daddy, please, look at her with puppy eyes and invisible dropped ears.

Duke's two sons looked at him with speechless looks on their faces. Then they also joined their parents and said at the same time, "Yes, my little sister deserves the best."

Then they looked at each other and started arguing about who said it first. Even though the eldest one is twenty-three and the second one twenty they still fight like a child from time to time.

Seraphine was touched by their appreciation and felt the love in their every word. She thought, now I understand why Seraphine entrusted me with the task of taking care of her family.


Real Seraphine: I struggled to express my heart with my introverted and shy personality. Despite having a loving family, I found it difficult to open up to them. I felt that I couldn't express myself fully, and that's why I hoped you could provide the understanding and support that I couldn't. Then she looked at me and said with a smile, "I am sure they will like this version of me."

Sara: I smiled at that and assured her,

"Of course, I will." And...

To be completely honest, I'm not sure if I should even bring this up, but in the world I come from, the world you lived in is a novel. And, well, you were portrayed as the villain in that story. It's a bit embarrassing to say, but there it is. However, please believe me when I say that I never saw you that way. In fact, I always believed that you were actually the victim in all of it. *looked down and bit her lower lip*

Seraphine suddenly patted my head and assured me, "I know this; after my death, I found out that I was just a villain to make the protagonists have a happy ending." "And thank you for believing in me when the whole world called me a villainess."

Sara: *sigh*... I don't know how I should console you. But thank you for giving me a chance to live as Seraphine and I can assure you that I will love your family as mine. I am also missing my family; *sigh* well, they were a little crazy but loved me so much that it is making me want to cry. When I think about, how much they must have been crying after seeing my lifeless body.

Then I felt Seraphine suddenly hug me and console me, "Don't worry, my family would love you more than you can even think of."

I just smiled and replied, Yeah.

*End of Flashback*

Her sudden beam lit up her face, and her blue eyes sparkled like the stars in the night sky as she looked at them.

Everyone was taken aback by her reaction, but they were happy that finally, their youngest was opening up with them.

Despite her initial apprehension, she found herself gradually sinking into the rhythm of the meal, her worries melting away in the warmth of familial bonds.

With each passing moment, she grew more confident in her newfound role, realizing that she was not just playing a part, but embracing a legacy centuries in the making.

As breakfast came to an end, Seraphine couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging settling over her. She may be Seraphine Arial Blackwood, the daughter of a duke, but she was also Sara, a girl with dreams and aspirations of her own.

At this moment, amidst the splendour of the dining room, she knew that she was ready to navigate the intricacies of her new life with grace and determination.


Seraphine's POV...

In a world where magic reigns supreme, everyone is born with the gift of wielding one elemental power. But if you're really lucky, you might just be blessed with two—an incredibly rare and coveted feat.

I am from "the Solarian Empire."

In the heart of the empire, four noble duchies stand as the pillars of power, each wielding the mightiest elements after the royal family. Speaking of which, the royal family hold the legendary lightning magic, a rare gift passed down through their bloodline.

Most of the lucky few who possess dual elements hail from these four duchies or are born into the royal family. But don't count out the other noble households—they've got their powerful magics too. And even among the common folk, there are whispers of magical abilities blooming in unexpected places.

In this enchanting empire, where the air crackles with the energy mana and magical powers, though not every individual holds the power of magic many magical tools are used for everyday things. They use magical tools because we don't have science in this world, but people study mana manipulation.

In our world, there are those blessed with the extraordinary gift of healing. They are the lucky few who possess the power to mend wounds, soothe ailments, and bring comfort to the suffering. Many of these gifted individuals are drawn to the sacred halls of temples, where they dedicate their lives to serving others as priests and priestesses.

At the pinnacle of this hierarchy stand the high priests, revered for their mastery over healing magic. And among them, there exists a figure of even greater renown—the Pope, whose powers of healing are said to surpass all others.

Yet, in our land, we do not have such a figure among us; our Pope resides in the distant holy kingdom, a beacon of hope and divine grace.

In our society, women who possess exceptionally powerful healing abilities are known as "saintess," a title reserved for those whose purity of heart and strength of spirit shines brightest.

And we also have one she is our one and only heroine—the saintess and she is the illegitimate daughter of a Baron. Actually, she was promoted to the title saintess after she became the lover of the crown prince.

According to the novel, her journey is one of courage, compassion, and unwavering determination as she was our dear heroine.

As for what kind of magic Seraphine was born with. According to the novel, as she is distant from the Blackwood Duchy, she wields the ice power of her father's bloodline. But from her mother's family in the Forestwood Duchy, she inherited a deep connection to nature itself.

I should try, "With a flick of my wrist, frost bloomed at my fingertips, a testament to my icy legacy. Yet, beneath the chill, the whispers of the forest called to me, urging me to embrace the lush vitality of my mother's lineage."

But in this world, I carry the weight of two realms within me, for I am not solely of this place. As a reincarnated soul from another world, I possess cheats that set me apart. With a mere thought, I can summon perfect clones of myself, aiding me in times of need or other people's clones to copy their magical powers but only when I am in danger. And with the power of my imagination, I can craft wondrous creations to aid my journey.

But there are limits, boundaries I must heed. I cannot breathe life into my creations, to conjure living beings from thin air. And I dare not create destruction of the creation of the God that could lead me astray from my true purpose and I would be punished.

These cheats, *sigh* come with their own burdens. They guide my path, shaping the destiny that awaits me as I navigate this world of magic and mystery.


With a determined gaze, Seraphine entered her bedroom, ready to prepare for the journey ahead. Little did she know, the events of the day would unravel secrets that would change her destiny forever.

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