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The Ten Tales Of The Misunderstood Sigma



"Skitta have you lost your mind?? What the fuck are you doing!?!" Boble exclaimed.

Skitta stays completely silent, he continues to stare at Boble's eyes. How much they've changed since the first time they've met. Those same eyes that were always bright are now full of despair and darkness, it's as if you were staring at an abyss. Skitta could not tell what Boble was thinking at the time, but he was certain about one thing. They're going to fight to the death.

Boble breaking silence, "You just killed that man, I saw it with my own two eyes. Why? And Skitta… answer me. Did you set them up? Did you intend for all of this to happen? Did you kill them?"


"Why… why couldn't it have been me, they were much stronger than me! They had bigger dreams! Skitta I don't know why you did all this but you've gone too far,"

"Boble, if you fail to understand anything then I'll beat some sense into you right now," Skitta then puts his right hand and foot angled back from boble, then he raises his right hand near his chin with his left slightly covering his face. With his left foot shoulder-width apart from his right, he is in his boxing stance.

"Ohh is that so…? Then come… !"

Land of Beta, what a beautiful place it was, but now it's just full of destruction and flames all over the place. It was truly a sad sight. The citizens have no home, some people lost their lives, and others lost their loved ones. All of this was caused by Skitta, why did he do this?

Boble took one last glance at Skitta, "So, is this how our story ends?"

"What do you mean? Our story has just begun."

-Just before the fight began, the scene went to a younger Skitta from 5 years ago.





Eye color-Yellow


Power Level-Pussy


It's June 12, Year 306 (after the sigma world was born)

Skitta had a dream, he wanted to be the King of Sigmas.

Skitta can barely fight, he hunts with a machete, he's trying to get to the sigma village (he doesn't even know where the fuck it is)

Overall Skitta is far from being "The King of Sigmas" He is too much of a pussy.

Skitta was walking through the woods, it was a day like any other. He was out for hunting to stuff his fat fucking face with food.

Skitta didn't know that this day would change his life forever.

He saw a mysterious figure on his path, it was a young woman. She looked around Skitta's age.

Her clothes were covered with dirt, flies were scattered around her, her finger nails were gone.

The girl heard a faint voice,


She cannot move, she slowly openes her eyes and was struggling to talk.

She managed to let a word out, "H-hello…"

With her stomach exposed, Skitta knew that she had not eaten anything for weeks. Her lips were so dry. Her teeth were rotting and she had dry blood on her lips and nose. She had many infected wounds and scars.

She was beyond saving.

She was just laying there, waiting for death to come.

Skitta couldn't do anything to help her.

Struggling to speak, "Please beware of the Mischievous Sigma, they're extremely dangerous"

[The Mischievous Sigma? I have never heard of this person. Who could that be? How powerful is this dude?]

Skitta starts to sweat a little.

"Please get out of here before you run into them"

"May I ask for your name, miss?"


"Okay… Good bye Senjougi"

Skitta left her there. He continues he journey, with no clue on how to arrive to the Sigma Village.

The First Tale Begins

After leaving Senjougi's corpse to rot, Skitta stumbled upon a young man who was leaning on an RV, his face was very familiar but he did not remember his name. Skitta isn't good at remembering faces at all but somehow this guy just seemed extremely familiar.

The young man asked, "Hey, didn't we used to go to the Alpha Academy together? You're name is… uh…. Oh! Skitta! That's your name!"

"Oh yeah! It's been a long time, how have you been?" Skitta pretended to remember the young man who claimed himself as his old classmate.

"I've been living around this area, I got lost a couple of years ago haha! " He looks away then looks back at Skitta. "You have a Sigma, right?"

Skitta's eyes widened.

"I don't know, the results came in as undetermined, but maybe I do have one…"

"How'd you know about that? You have a crazy good memory, I'm not even sure I told anyone about that!"

"Skitta you're so silly, you literally showed me your results. Actually you rubbed them in my face in excitement after finding out you have a possibility of having a Sigma!"

"Of course I'd be excited!! I'm going to be the next Sigma King after all!!"

Skitta is on the path to become the next King of Simgas.

"May I ask what your name is again? My memory isn't the best…" Skitta asked hesitantly.

"My name is Fenn" He said with a gentle smile.

They continued on with their conversation, they both didn't have anywhere to stay. Fenn was poor, Skitta would hunt for food like the sigma he is.

Both of them had a huge smile on their faces, Fenn's eyes were bright and Skitta couldn't stop laughing. They both finally had someone to talk to.

Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted by a loud noise.

"What was that?!?" Fenn gasped.

"Let's go check it out" Skitta started running towards the loud noise, Fenn was right behind him. There's four figures in the area, three of the figures looked like they were against the fourth.

Skitta went for a closer look and the fourth figure was a female who looked around his age, she was surrounded by the other three figures who appeared to be otherworldly looking beings.

Skitta's journey of becoming the King of Sigmas has begun.

Sigma soldiers each have special abilities, they can use water, or fire, or whatever element and abilities there is. With these powers there must come great control, focus, and responsibility. But Boble… he can't control his power, he is super fucking dumb.

-At the Sigma Village…

"I thought Boble was a girl at first"

"He's such a baka"

"Boble-chan is really cute"

"He's really shy but really kind"

His teammates say all these silly things about him, but in reality they're scared of the power he possesses. They're scared that one day he might use that immense power for evil. They don't know if he's hiding his power or that he doesn't know of the great power he holds.

-Back in the woods…

Boble was fleeing from the creatures who were right behind him. If he slows down, he will get turned into one of them.

"Ahhh…!!" He yells

He got tired of running, he decided to fight back. He picks up a twig from the ground and aims it towards the 3 creatures trying to scare them away. Instead, they circled around him.

Boble felt the twig burning up, it started glowing.

Then suddenly, a ball of pure energy was blasted out of the twig. He had not intended to release that amount of energy.

After wasting most of his sigma energy he had stored for his mission, he starts to get fatigued and runs out of breath.

The ball completely missed the creatures but it produced a loud bang that could be heard from miles away. The creatures were unfazed.

Boble wasn't surprised, he has been fighting these monsters for years and they don't react to sound at all. He always had a teammate with him but this time he is alone, or so he thought.

He saw two people from a short distance, running towards his direction. He didn't know if he should feel relieved, he doesn't know if these two boys could handle those monsters. He doesn't know if they are going to help at all.

He closes his eyes as he's getting ready to be eaten by the creatures. He then opens his eyes again. The only thing that he could see is the boy in a black jacket performing a leap in front him so that he could kick one of the creatures in the face. The creature was instantly defeated

The skinny boy in a tank top throws a punch at the second creature. The second creature was down

Jacket boy takes a swing at the last one, instantly down!

After clearing out the monsters Skitta and Fenn rush to the tired pretty lady.

"Are you okay?" Black Jacket asked.

"Yes, daijōbudesuyo" "Arigato Se-m-pa-i!"

"Ahh that's good to hear!" Tank Top and Jacket are both relieved.

"What are your your names, Tank Top and Jacket?"

Tank Top replies, "My name is Skitta"

"I'm Fenn" Jacket says.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Boble"

"It's nice to meet you too!"

Nowhere to be Seen

"Thank you again for saving me!" Said with a lots of gratitude.

"It was no big deal" Skitta said

[Why were they so weak? I'm not much of a fighter but they were taken down so easily with just one punch. Why did I try fighting them anyway?]

"What were those things?" Skitta asked.

"Those beings are called "Jomas"," Fenn replied, "There's few types of Jomas. The ones we fought were fortunately the weakest type, The Small Fry Joma"

Boble added on, "The Small Fry Jomas are unfortunate human beings who were killed and infected by other jomas"

The Small Fry Jomas are monsters that could be considered zombies, their purple rotting skin seemed to be melting, multicoloured humanoid organs leaking out, with a horrendous smell to add onto their already disgusting appearance. Their presence alone could make anyone go crazy, but not Sigmas like Skitta. Walking corpses aren't interfering with his dream.

Skitta then noticed a horrible stench, he almost fell to his knees.

"Ah-Gomen gomen, I should have told you about their stench" Boble said while scratching his head with an awkward smile.

The author of "The Ten Tales of the Misunderstood Sigma" or "TTMS" fucking sucks at describing smells, so as the reader please use your fucking imagination. -bobskittle

Skitta refuses to lift the hand he used to punch a joma above his waist for he does not want that stench to reach his nostrils.

"Ah, I almost forgot that I was in a mission!"

"I was sent to the Alpha Woods to search for a Sigma Soldier, she was sent here for a quest three weeks ago but she has not returned" , Boble said while avoiding eye contact.

"I've been really worried about her, I hope nothing bad happened"

"What was her name?" Fenn asked.

"Her name was Senjougi,"

Fenn stays silent. He then lowered his head so no one could meet his eyes, the same eyes holding a charm similar to rubies, carrying a captivating red hue. Any sane person could get fooled by those dazzling eyes.

Skitta remembers the image of Senjougi's feeble, helpless body.

Skitta started quivering.

In an apprehensive tone, "She- She's dead."


"She- She's dead,"


Boble takes time to process the words that came out of Skitta's mouth.

"There's no way that's true…"

"Senjougi is strong, there's no way she's dead…" Boble remains composed.

"Her clothes were all dirty and-"

"YAMERO!!!!" Boble losing his composure.

"Where did you last see her?"

"I'll take you there," Skitta said.

"I'll come as well" Fenn suggested.

"Alright then, let's go,"

Skitta shows both Boble and Fenn the way to Senjougi's corpse. Skitta could tell that Boble is trying his hardest to stay calm, but he fears that one look at her body and Boble loses his mind. Skitta also fears about his own sanity, he did not want to look at that image ever again.

Fenn on the other hand, has been quiet the whole time. He's completely calm, it's like he's been through this before. He shows no signs of anxiety, no signs of hesitation, he just keeps walking foward

30 minutes have passed, getting closer and closer to their destination.

Skitta was prepared for the worst.

-At last, they are a few steps away from meeting Senjougi's dead body.

Skitta stopped for a brief second, "We're here Fenn, Boble"


[Did this fucking idiot say gulp as he was gulping]

Skitta takes a step, then another, then another, then another, then another. He closed his eyes as he took the last step. Fenn and Boble were right next to him. They went silent.

"E-e tto, are you sure you took us to the right spot?" Boble said with uncertainty.

"Skitta, I don't see anyone here" Fenn said.

Skitta immediately opened his eyes, his focus went on the spot where he left her. Skitta started sweating, his legs were quivering a little. Senjougi was nowhere to be seen. There's not a single trace of her in the area.

"H-huh? How could this be… I swear this was the spot where she was laying. How could she be gone?"

Skitta was very confused and had a lot of questions in mind.

"So you're telling me that you found her lifeless in this spot?" Boble asked.

"W-well no… b-but her body was weak and there was nothing I could do to help her and-" Skitta said in a tense voice.

"BAKAYARO!" Boble shouted.

"Well if she was still alive when you found her, did she at least tell you anything?" Boble said while covering his eyes with his palm.

"She said to beware of the Mischievous Sigma…"

Both Fenn and Boble's eyes widened in shock.

"T-The Mischievous Sigma?!?"

The Mischievous Sigma is the most dangerous sigmas of all time. Nobody knows their identity but they know how much of a threat they are. The Mischievous Sigma might be a lot stronger than the current Sigma King. They are very treacherous, and caused the previous war between the Sigmas and the Based.

"So she ran into the Mischievous Sigma huh?" Boble said in a quiet and calm voice, he takes a few seconds to take in all of the information and then-

"AHHHHHH!!!" Screaming at the top of his lungs.

At that moment, both Skitta and Fenn felt an overwhelming pressure. In an instant they understood that Boble is a ticking time bomb, they knew how dangerous this person could become.

Fenn in his thoughts, [I haven't felt such a powerful aura since I met the Sigma King, in fact, Boble surpasses the King's. You are no ordinary Sigma, Boble. Just who are you?]

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