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Alpha's Forced Marriage

Going back home

There was a knocking sound coming from the door, it's wired because no one would come to my house this early morning and at that in this town no one is willing to come. I'm keeping questions to myself and came down from my room to check out.

As I opened the door there was man looking like driver was standing."who are you" I asked, he didn't say anything just tossed a letter to me and said "You have five minutes, come fast ". And gone to the car which was in front of my house, he was quite rude, but it is a usual behavior for me, because everyone treats me like that, and I'm used to that. But I didn't understand what was going on, but I decided to read the letter, and it said only two words. "Come back".

I know who it is, it's my uncle my father's brother. When my parents passed away in a car accident he got guardianship of me and took everything that my parents left for me. When I was nine years old, my parents took me on a summer vocation to see the beach, it was my first time going to see a beach, so I was really excited, on the way to vocation spot we got into the accident. Only I survived, my parents saved me from the accident they wanted me to live, but now I think that I should have died with them than to left alone like this.

I thought my uncle would love me and take care of me, but I was totally wrong. he just wanted money and assets from the beginning, with my guardianship he stole everything from me. I was really naive back then, Stupid me I didn't even know that he was deceiving me. But now I know, but I can't do anything else to be precise, and now I don't want to do anything with them anymore.

When my uncle got what he wanted, he threw me in this deserted and nameless town. In this town no one welcomed me, you know what I mean, they began to creep me out. They all looked at me like I was a zoo animal, and it got intense as the time passed, no one in this town were willing to do anything with me, no one talked to me, and they didn't help me when I needed it and even the town's stores were closed for me .it's all like a psychological torture I don't even want to recall it.

Horn from the car waked me up from my thoughts, I don't know why they wanted me to go back there but what I'm sure is, whatever it is it's not good for me. As the driver continue to nag me because I was late, I got ready and came down, his expression is like 'finally she is coming down '.

When I was going in the car the town's people gases fall on me like always, like I'm some kind of zoo animal I think they don't change.

As I was going to their house which was once my parents happy home, it's heartbreaking that Our home taken away from me, and they totally changed It. it was mediaeval period European castle. But now you can only say that it's a castle by outer appearance. I should be thanking the god because they didn't change outer appearance just made modern renovation inside the castle. They totally changed inside where I had so many memories of my parents.

My father 'Peter von Luis' is the first son of my grandfather 'Leonardo von Luis ', and 'Antony von Luis' is the second son. We have long history and used be nobles before the noble system got abolished. My mother 'Anna von Luis' was the sweetest mother in the world I can ever get, and I'm 'Emily von Luis'. Only daughter of my parents.

chapter 2

I just packed my few clothes. I don't know what will happen their,, so I have to be ready to face anything. As I was immense in the thoughts, car reach the castle. The Butler Sebastian waiting in front of the door for me, he was the one of the oldest workers in the castle. "Welcome back miss, how are you?".

"I'm fine, how is everyone". I asked. "everyone are fine miss". he answered with a heavy expression. I know he was sad about every workers that used to working under father now gone or my uncle fired them only because he didn't like them. only very few old workers are in castle right now. that including Sebastian too. he remembered some old memories that's why his expression became heavy when I asked about them.

"Don't be sad grandpa Sebastian, everything will be all right". I said.

" I hope it will miss". Sebastian said.

"why did they call me ".

" I don't know miss, but something is going on master and madam are arguing with each other and lady Bella getting mad constantly and breaking things".

My heart is beating fast, god please let it something not too bad. If they get annoyed or something bad happen to them, they will show it on me by abusing me. Because of that I got split personality.

I think I was ten or eleven years old. My uncle got annoyed because my walking sound became loud, he hit back legs until it blood came out of it. Once my aunt almost lost face in social circle because people kept comparing them with my parents. She couldn't digest that and tormented me from day to night until she feels good. They even would starve me for days and locked up in the basement it was really dark and gloomy, I don't know how many days I was there the last thing I remember is loosing consciousness.

When I opened my eyes I was in hospital. I thought I fainted because of hunger until I hear what doctors saying. Nurse completed my check-up, doctors came into the ward and looked at me.

"How are you feeling ". Doctor asked, "I'm fine just a bit tired". "Do you know why you are hospitalized ". The doctor asked, which made me quite confused. "I don't know", I said.

"it's because you are diagnosed with split personality. and you I mean your other personality caused quite a trouble to your house worker and now he is in near death situation on ICU".

It was a very big shock to digest for a ten-year-old kid. I didn't understand what was going on and what is split personality. Seeing the confusion in my face doctors led me to ICU in a wheelchair. There was a person laying on the bed with so much bandages and medical equipments on, on him. If anyone saw him they would think he got hit by a car.

The doctors said it was me who did like that to him, to be exactly it was my other self who did that to him. After hearing that I was really shocked and scared at the same time. How can I do that to him, he was a living person but because of me he is in the verge of life and death.

"Miss, miss" the butler Sebastian called me. " What are you thinking miss. I called your name several times, but you didn't listen. "Sorry about that I was thinking about the past", I replied.

"Don't worry about the past too much miss, you have to think about your self more than anything" butler Sebastian said. "Master is in the study, he told me to bring you to him as soon as you came miss". Please come with me.

After saying that he led me to the study.On the way some vases and some books were shattered on the floor as if someone tossed them around on purpose. I think it's Bella, she is the only one who can do this.

chapter 3

Bella von Luis is my cousin and uncle's only daughter. She got a terrible temper. Even though I was away from here I could get all the information on her, how you ask. Because of her scandals she became a talk of the town. Not only me but everybody knows about her, but they don't talk about it, because my uncle stopped her story from leaking great father and daughter.

The butler knocked The door two times" sir I brought miss Emily". The butler said. "Come in". A hArsh and cold voice came from inside The study room. Giving my heart a thud. The butler only send me in, and he waited on The door. I was Giving looks to the butler like, please butler grandpa Come with me. I'm scared don't leave me alone. But I know he can't come with me.

I walked to the study all scared, because trauma of the childhood doesn't go away easily. The atmosphere in the making me numb, it's felling like I would Faith any time if this keep up. " So you are doing well", my uncle asked. " W- what? . I asked in confusion.

" I thought you would be dead by now. Seeing no news came from you. Now that I'm seeing all well as I expected that life suites you well".

 I know what he was talking about. My living expenses and my necessary goods to live. He didn't give anything, not even child support. I was ten when he kicked me out to that town with nothing. My nanny who taken care of me from the childhood leaved with me to that town and when I was fourteen years old she died mysteriously. I don't know how and why did she die, I was devastated when she died.

Now I think about it did uncle do anything to her, no that can't be possible he wouldn't do that if he did, I would have been dead as well, why would he let live someone who no longer use to him.

"How old are you now" my uncle asked. In - in three months I will be twenty-one year's old, I replied hesitating.

"Good.reason I call you is, in a week after you will be getting married "uncle said in a cold voice.

What ? But uncle !

"I am not listening to anything .you will be getting married in a week that's the final .you don't have any say in this matter " .He said in a very cold manner, and she knows that no matter what she does now is pointless. She could only nod her head silently.

She went to her room, which was an attic, when she was a child she loved this attic and begged her parents to shift her room to this attic because it was very spacious and cosy and perfect place for children to hide. And her parents made this attic her second room. But now her first room was acupaid with her cousin Bella and her second room Attic was made into a storage room. Seeing this her heart became heavy.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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