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Reborn... But As A Side Character


Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Wahhh..... Seriously. Why did baby tae do that?
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Could he actually not see her true colors...
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
She was faking it all the time... How can the author make her the female lead
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
She was though an Ambitious girl she wanted everything that tae had..
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
She even tried to steal his parents love from him….. She eyed on everything that belong to him..
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
*pout* If only Min Tae-hyung was a little smart, he could have survived and not died As a side character
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
And that witc.h killed the villain... The villain was so sweet. He just wanted her to love him...
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Waaa...... My Both favorite characters from this novel died. I don't want to read it anymore...
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
It's only i was there I would have actually used my brain and handled that b**** Female lead and also saved my favorite characters
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
I smell something burning ... waaa.... * Runs to open the door*
Saw fire all over ... The fire was spreading very fast.... it burned Everything it touched
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Dum* tae tae... You didn't off the gas I should *cough* *cough* I have....
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
My inhaler... * Try to search for inhaler in his pocket but didn't find one*
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
*slowly looses His breath falls down *
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
*trying hard to breath*
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Lee Tae-tae(mc past)
Is this how I die? I....I wish I can have a better life in my next life.The only thing I want is to be not born as an orphan...
. .
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The corridor was Filled with anxious atmosphere... a tall man was walking back and forth in front of the operation room while hearing screams from inside
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
We ... We won't have another child if he has to go through so much ...pain
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
* Put his hand on his face and decides to sit... Finally, while tapping his legs impatiently *
Choi Yeonjun(secretary)
Choi Yeonjun(secretary)
Everything Will be fine sir don't worry... *pats his shoulder*
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
I hope both the baby and Minnie are fine
After a lot of time passing by... finally they hear the baby cry which means the baby is out
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
finally ... *happy tears*
Choi Yeonjun(secretary)
Choi Yeonjun(secretary)
Congratulation sir
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
Thank you ...give extra bonus... to everyone in the company....
Choi Yeonjun(secretary)
Choi Yeonjun(secretary)
Yeah I'll do that sir
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
You should leave too ....It's very late now....Your wife must be waiting for you
Choi Yeonjun(secretary)
Choi Yeonjun(secretary)
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
Come early morning with your wife to meet my baby...
Choi Yeonjun(secretary)
Choi Yeonjun(secretary)
ha okay sir *smiles*
Choi Yeonjun(secretary)
Choi Yeonjun(secretary)
*bows and left*
. .
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A nurse walks out and informs that... Yoongi can meet the baby and his wife after they have shifted to the normal ward… She also informed that the baby and The mother are both healthy and fine
. .
After sometime
. .
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
How are you doing Minnie
Min Jimin (mc
Min Jimin (mc's mom)
I am good... our baby *points to a cradle place next to his bed*
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
ya… Our baby *Walks to the cradle and hold the baby*
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
Thank you Minnie ...
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
He is so small and cute... He looks like a kitten...
Min Jimin (mc
Min Jimin (mc's mom)
Yaaa... that's my pup... He isn't a Cat like you .... God, please… My baby should not be a cat faced like his father... We have enough cats in home
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
I am not a cat...🥲
Min Jimin (mc
Min Jimin (mc's mom)
Min Jimin (mc
Min Jimin (mc's mom)
we should name him now
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
how about Min Chick... Min potato 🥔...
Min Jimin (mc
Min Jimin (mc's mom)
What the HEL.l … I will name him give him to me... You and your worst naming skill..
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
Min Chick was a nice name though *mumbles*
Min Jimin (mc
Min Jimin (mc's mom)
Min TAE ... Min Tae-hyung
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
Min Yoongi (mc
Min Yoongi (mc's dad)
that sounds nice
Min Tae-hyung(mc)
Min Tae-hyung(mc)
*in mind* What is happening?... Who is taking my name?... Am I not dead?... am I in heaven… Did become an angel *Opened his eyes*
Min Tae-hyung(mc)
Min Tae-hyung(mc)
*in mind* Why do I feel like I have become small...I can't speak *trying to speak but on makes sound*
Min Tae-hyung(mc)
Min Tae-hyung(mc)
agu.. agu...
. .
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