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The Winter Solstice

The Sun God’s Dilemma I

Helios Solaris Ainsworth is not having a wonderful day. One reason is that his mood is so horrible today. What exactly happened? It all started when he went out to attend to something important with his most powerful high-ranking members of his organisation, Radiant. These members were Lucius, Motohama, Ginny, Agnes, Hemione, Ron, and Draco. And they didn’t expect things would get pretty bad later on for their Lord, causing them to become worried about him.

Anyway, the group went on their way to the location. Helios was silent the entire time. A blonde man with amber golden eyes, a muscular physique, and a handsome young-looking face. He is tall, yet smells of vanilla and spouts. He is currently wearing a smart, casual, light brown polo shirt, long dark pants, and a long brown coat. His shoes are light. Helios’s arms crossed and his expression was cold as he was, while Lucius and Motohama just stayed by his side. The others quietly were discussing things amongst themselves about what to do next, but not loud enough to annoy their Lord. They entered the building and people inside bowed to them respectfully, since they knew this group had a higher status than them, especially Helios, who is their ruler.

Helios felt a hint of happiness, pride and confidence within himself when he saw how these mortals bow down to him, their god and emperor of this planet. He loves being in power and makes him feel so good.

The people continued to bow to him and his group as they passed by them, then they went straight to the elevator used by the VIP. The hallway was empty and clean when they arrived. This is what Helios prefers, since he is not fond of the noise or anything dirty, imperfect, and impure. This is something he despises with burning passion. The young Sun God just dislikes anything that isn't seen as pure. He's a supremacist and a germaphobe.

As soon as they arrived, Helios and his people immediately entered the elevator, then Hermione pushed the button at once. There was a ding and the elevator doors closed.

Little did they know things would get pretty interesting for them.

After a while, they arrived on the floor and went out of the elevator, then they went to one room to begin the meeting. Everyone immediately bowed to Helios, and he sat down in one seat, while Lucius sat on his right and Motohama on his left. The other members of Radiant just stood behind him. His expression was still cold as he eyed everyone in the room. A look of fear crossed their faces when they noticed Helios's icy gaze towards them. They feared him so much, knowing his status as a god.

They know it is a terrible idea to get on his wrong side, especially with his temper. He is also very scary when he gets angry. They shivered in fright at the thought of his anger.

“So, shall we start the meeting now, my Lord?” One of them asked Helios with a clear voice.

Helios just gave them a curt nod as he leaned back in his chair. The man acknowledges this and proceeds with the meeting. The young Sun God remained silent the entire time. Everyone in the room felt tense. Perhaps it is because of Helios’s presence in the room. They find him intimidating and everyone will do anything to please him. There is also something about his aura, which makes him unapproachable.

They rather see him pleased than on the way around because a displeased Helios means bad news to them. They would know if he was through the scowl and irritation on his face and he shows how much it displeases him by yelling and castigating them. It was a terrifying sight to see.

The meeting continued for hours with breaks in-between and everyone took turns in discussing stuff in front of everybody, while Helios just listened in with his usual stony expression and this made everyone nervous, since they are still yet to see him impressed with their work. And it seems he was silently judging them.


Their Emperor is so hard to please! He has said nothing, either. Helios just sat there, watching them coldly. His arms crossed as he leaned back in his chair. Not only that, his aura is scary as well. They gulped in fear.

Anyway, there was a sudden knock on the door, snapping everyone from their fear. Then the door opened and a young woman entered the room and bowed at once.

“Um, pardon for the interruption, sirs and my Lord. But Madam Peverell is here.”

“Ah, I see! Please let her in then.” One man told her at once.

The woman nodded and left the room for now, while everyone just glanced at each other. They heard about the surname Peverell before.

They are one of the oldest and most prominent families of the Victorian era that have kept their billion heir status. Even Helios heard of them and he wanted them on his side, knowing they own a mega corporation for many generations, which produces weapons for the military. This is something he needs by his side. Someone who would continue to supply his organisation with countless weapons to help him rule the entire planet and deal with all his enemies, such as the Association and people who often stand in his way. The Radiant have their own weapons, but it is not enough for them.

However, Helios is still yet to talk to them, so perhaps this is finally the time to do so. But he could do this after the meeting. Everyone noticed the look of interest on the young god’s face and it made them realise they will be in the presence of another powerful person because of their status and reputation. Not only that, their Lord is now interested in meeting this person.

Anyway, the door opened once again, then a young woman and man entered. A hint of surprise and rage crossed Helios's face when he saw them. He didn’t expect to see them again, especially the woman.

She is a beautiful, dark-haired woman with white highlights. Her eyes are dark brown, pale lipstick, long black painted fingernails, and she is wearing a white shirt layered over a high-neck shirt, matched with a brown midi skirt and a long red blazer coat, and black boots, which made her look so elegant and classy, it even gives her a demeanour of a queen, while the man beside her was a tall handsome man. He has shoulder-length grey hair, which is tied into a pony and he is wearing a white long-sleeved polo shirt and dark pants, white dress shoes.

The woman glanced at Helios and their gazes met for a moment, then she smirked at him just enough to rile him up, and the temperature in the room seemed to become colder by several degrees. The Sun God gritted his teeth in anger as he glared at her.

He knows this woman so well, and her name is Louise Lilith Peverell. Helios didn’t expect to see her again after she kept ruining his plans and days every time they saw each other. She also seemed to love giving him a hard time by riling him up or mocking him. Louise may be the only one who could make him lose his composure easily, while the others either fear him or find him intimidating to do such a thing to him. This caused him to hate her so much. He cannot even stand being around her, either!

That’s how bad their relationship is. Louise may be an exquisite woman, but she is so mean to him. And she seemed to hate him too, anyway. The feelings are mutual.

Not only that, he didn’t realise she was actually part of the Peverell Family until now. The same family he wanted to be on his side. But it turned out Louise was part of it the entire time and judging by her appearance and presence here. She must be one of the most important members of the family. Helios is not happy right now because of her being here. He scowled like a child. He cannot stand when a person ruins his plans. And Helios took this as an insult, a personal one, so he just glared at her.

The temperature in the room was cold. However, this didn’t affect Louise, who casually walked to an empty seat and gracefully sat down while Ryan sat next to her.

“So, are you going to continue the meeting or what?” She reminded the man as she raised an eyebrow at him.

The man blinked for a moment and nodded. And so the meeting continued. However, the room remained cold, though. Everyone could even feel the tension in the air. Louise just remained calm, while it irritated Helios the entire time. He scowled and gritted his teeth as he continued to give Louise a dirty look. Lucius glanced at him. He was aware his Lord is pissed right now and Helios may lose his temper if he doesn't control himself. Not only that, Everyone is already wary of him, since they are now giving him frightened expressions from time to time. And it didn’t even affect Louise and Ryan at all.

Lucius placed a hand on Helios's arm to calm him down. Then Helios looked at him and Lucius gave him a comforting expression, an attempt to tell him to remain calm. Helios just sighed and immediately took deep, calm, controlled breaths to compose himself at once. Despite feeling furious, he was forced to curb his anger for now by being as calm as he could.

It seems it will force him to keep his cool for now while she is around. Helios just hopes he will stay calm the entire time, meaning he needs to wait until the meeting ends, because being in Louise’s presence always drives him nuts. He can’t even get her out of his mind, either!

Ugh, damn it! This is going to be a perpetual day. I just wish it would just end already!!

However, Helios couldn’t help but wonder why he is always thinking about her during these past months. There is something about her which makes him feel so frustrated, confused, and angry whenever Helios sees her or when he is around her. It is not because she always ruins his plans and day.

Louise has this strange way of getting under his skin, and every time Helios met the woman’s eyes, he felt as though she could see through his very soul, and it was very uncomfortable for him. There are some things he doesn’t want people to know about himself, especially all his secrets.

The only person who knew everything was Lucius because he was very trustworthy and it even took a while for the man to gain his trust. Helios doesn’t trust people with all his deepest secrets, including the things from his past. Even Lucius knew about the hell he had been through during his exile. The other man is aware of any mention of his exile and anything reminds him of it was a sore topic for him, since it was a very horrible experience even though some parts are alright, despite that, Helios rather forget about it for good rather than remember the entire event.

Anyway, a lot of questions crossed his mind as he thought about this. It is as if Louise knew more about him than himself. It is so frightening! Not only that, Helios felt extremely threatened, insecure, and intimidated by her. And he hates experiencing this way, since it gives him a feeling of being insecure and inferior with his own power.

The Sun God’s Dilemma II

The Sun God also loathes when someone is more powerful than he is. It gives him apprehension. Helios glances at Louise from the corner of his eye and notices she is busy listening to the meeting with the others.

Helios admitted Louise was indeed a beautiful woman. She even knows how she carries herself and Helios could see it. He notices her aura is powerful as well, and this is the same aura which intimidates him. It even reminded him of someone he loves. And this person is Marie Paulina Ainsworth, who adopted him back in the day and she is also very nice and sweet to him. Thanks to this, he ended up falling for her so hard, and this caused him to become very desperate to gain her love no matter what. Helios will go to any lengths to prove his worth to her. He even killed that man who stood in his way to her because of his envy and jealousy, and this love remained for a while until Helios met Louise.

And speaking of Louise, there is also one thing the Sun God observed about her. Louise almost looked somewhat like Paulina in a way. They are both beautiful and intelligent and Louise appears to be a younger version of the directress, but with a different hairstyle, hair colour, and the way she dressed. They both have the same facial features and it was frightening. He now wonders about their relationship with each other. Helios wanted to know about her, since he became curious.

Anyway, Helios wanted Paulina for himself, he had always seen her as the perfect woman, someone to desire, the only woman he wanted around, but to be honest, Helios does not know what just happened because all he thought about was Louise lately despite their relationship with each other. Helios felt like something had changed within him as he thought about this. The Sun God didn’t even notice the change until now.

Did he actually become so blinded by his love towards Paulina? Not only that, he also became blinded with so much envy and jealousy, especially towards Paulina’s late husband and it drove him nuts! It caused quite a chaos. Helios was driven by his need for success, power, vengeance, and to rise above the people who destroyed him. It is one reason he desires to rule this planet so badly. He even sought a powerful artefact to help him rule the world and to sate his dreams with reality!

The Sun God wanted some people to suffer and die! No! He wanted to kill all other races except for white people, pure white people, no democracy, no monarchy, only the oppression of the opposite and a better world. Not only that, he will still continue to make the Association suffer in every chance he gets!!

He is not just Helios…

He is Lord Helios, the God Emperor of Terra!! The ruler of this planet and the Supreme Leader of Radiant, the New World Order!

“My Lord? Lord Helios?”

The sound of Lucius’s voice quickly snaps Helios from his thoughts. Then he immediately turns his head towards Lucius with a displeased expression.

“What?” He snapped coldly.

This caused the others to glance at his way. They tried not to say anything in fear he would angrily snapped at them. Even Loiuse glanced at him for a moment with a slight frown on her face before looking away. Helios just ignored this for now.

“Um.. are you alright? You have been spacing out for quite some time already…” Lucius asked him with concern. His voice was loud for only Helios to hear.

Helios just blinked and didn’t even realise he had spaced out halfway through the meeting. It seems like he had a lot of things on his mind these past months.

“I am fine. It’s just I have some things on my mind…” he replies in a soft voice.

“Oh, do you want to talk about it later on?”

Helios just nodded, while looking away at once, but Lucius knew it was bothering his Lord for quite some time already and he could see it in his eyes. Then Lucius glanced at Motohama’s way, who seemed to agree with him. They both know something is going on with Lord Helios.

Not only that, Lord Helios is very secretive about such things. They know he doesn’t share things easily at all. Motohama doesn’t know much about him, not even his secrets. Perhaps only a few things about his Lord, but the rest, not really. Moto is mostly aware of his plans. His plans for world domination. He wanted him to succeed with his goals. Just like Lord Helios, Motohama wanted a better world. He wanted to purify the world from the unworthy, imperfect, flawed, and impure.

It seems both Helios and Lucius are going to have a long talk later on. Motohama cannot even join their discussion, since it will be personal unless Helios lets him join them. He knew his Lord values his privacy so much and Moto didn’t want to intrude on Helios’s private life or else his Lord will become pissed at him.

Helios’s temper can be horrible. Such a temper he got. It was very terrifying and Motohama had witnessed it all. And being at the end of it was a worse idea they could ever do to themselves. Some ended up dead because of it and since then, no one dared pissed him off, and thinking about it gives Moto shivers down his spine.

Then after a while, the meeting concluded and everyone immediately got up from their seats and went out of the room as fast as they could, leaving the man, Helios, Lucius, Motohama, Louise, Ryan, and the high-ranked members of Radiant in the room.

Everyone was silent as they stared at each other. Helios coldly eyed every person in the room, especially at Louise and Ryan, whom he hates. The man gulped in fear when he saw Lord Helios acting this way towards his other guests. Then he looked at the duo and noticed their calmness in this situation. The man was curious about their relationship with the Sun God. It seemed complicated.

“So Madam Peverell, we should conduct a business meeting between my company and Peverell Industries in the future.”

“Alright, I’ll ask my younger brother, Antonio about it if he could meet up with you in the future, since he is the CEO, while I took over the Peverell family and I am handling all the official affairs of the family in an orderly manner.” She told him with a smile. “And I have been the head of the family for years already. I am also known as a matriarch.”

“Oh? Interesting. I know the Peverell family is one of the oldest and wealthiest families in the world since the Victorian era. Not only that, your family is powerful, and kept its noble blooded status for many generations. So they still consider you as an aristocrat.” the man said as he remembers reading about the family.

“Ah, yes, it is not surprising since my family is full of politicians, lawyers, engineers, doctors, scientists, law enforcers, arms dealers, entrepreneurs, military veterans, and other influential people. Not just the Peverell family, but the other family branches as well.”

And from the corner of their eye. Both Louise and the man could see the anger and envy on Helios’s face, especially when Louise’s true social status was being revealed and mentioned. It is something he didn’t expect at all. He clenched his hands into a fist as he listened.

“Wow, that’s so impressive. I bet you have tons of connections, then.”

“Hehe, you do not know how true that is! But yeah, I made a lot of connections over the years. Some of them I met through my grandfather and my father during those events and parties they often held in our ballroom back in the day. So that is a lot of business partners and business associates. Sometimes there are also government officials and known politicians. I even met their children, my fellow peers who even went to my birthday parties over the years.”

“Ah, you mean an exclusive type of banquet where all the most powerful, wealthy, prominent and privileged people often gather and mingle? Also known as the power elite of society? I even heard it is hard to attend because they need to be invited by the host or hostess themselves. Not only that, such a gathering can be grand.”

“Yes, it is the same one where my younger brother and I often attended back in the day. And most of my peers are fellow heirs or heiresses. And ‌my father or grandfather often hosted them.” Louise said, as she nodded. “Most of these banquets happen in our ancestral house back in London, since our estate has a vast ballroom that can accommodate many people, the only one which contains a ballroom. However, we barely used it for years unless I held another exclusive banquet.”

“Indeed, or another party; such as a birthday party or a Yule Ball, or we just refer to it as the Annual Winter Solstice Ball.” Ryan added with a grin. “And everyone will be there too, right Louise?”

“Yes, we will have another one this upcoming winter. It is mostly a tradition now and you know what I should start fixing the guest list as soon as possible. So I would know who to invite this time.” Louise tapped her chin thoughtfully as she looked at everyone in the room, especially at Helios and his group.

However, Helios was not happy at all. He was fuming with rage and hate, while listening to their conversion about the lives of the high-society, since he was not born from it. The Sun God is actually an orphan and his birth parents gave him away for adoption and they didn’t tell him the reason. It hurt him when they did this to him. He felt abandoned and lonely because of this. Helios has been through too much hell for many years. His life was so hard and he knows it too well. The people in the foster created treated him unfairly.

They mocked, abused, and bullied him and they turned a blind eye towards his pain. No one seemed to like him at all. Not even back when Helios was still living in the Association. Everyone disdained him, both from outside and inside of the organisation, causing him to resent and hate them so much.

And since he is now powerful and a God, they ended up fearing him and joining him, but it doesn’t stop Helios from making them suffer by letting them do the dirty work and punishing them every time they failed.

He crossed his arms with a huff. Soon Helios realises he knows nothing about her, including her personal favourites and dislikes. This caused him to become more curious. Not only that, they are both from different worlds. Louise was born from old money and is part of the high-society. He even grew to envy and hate the people who came from there, since they never experienced what he had been through for years. Also, most of them loved to mock and bully him during his time in the De Luca Manor, always reminding him he has no right to Paulina’s wealth because he is a freak. Helios tries to reach their level of wealth as much as he can by working hard on the organisation just to get them to like him. But it doesn’t seem to work at all.

The Sun God’s Dilemma III

And thinking about his past, makes his blood boil to the point he wanted to destroy things, but Helios immediately repressed his anger by composing himself at once. He even set his face into an icy mask. Besides, he is already a god and above those bullies! They even feared him by now. He has his own palace and throne! Helios just continued to listen to them with a cold but displeased expression on his handsome features, while both Lucius and Motohama kept glancing his way.

They were worried about him, and his mood was now bad. Lucius could even sense a tirade of rants later on to show how pissed he was. Helios wanted to leave this place already, since he cannot stand being in her presence anymore.

The Sun God has been suppressing his anger for so long the entire time and he wasn’t sure if he could hold it back anymore. And it seemed Lucius could read his mind, so he turned to look at him and whispered;

“Um, my Lord. I think you should excuse yourself now, since the meeting has concluded.”

Helios clenched his teeth as he walked towards them. Both Louise and the man stopped talking and turned to face him as he approached. They sensed his anger. Louise raised an eyebrow at him, while Helios glared at her with so much loathing before turning his attention to the man.

“Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do.” Helios said through clenched teeth. His voice was icy and hard.

“Oh, I am so sorry for taking your time, my lord and yes, you may leave now..” the man responded at once with a hint of fear.

Helios said nothing, his teeth clenched, then he immediately stormed out of the room, slamming the door as he went. Everyone stared after him while both Lucius and Motohama were apologetic before going after him. The other Radiant members just inclined their heads at them as they went out of the room to follow their Lord.

“Well, that’s so unexpected.” The man commented, while shivering a bit. “But that man is terrifying..”

“He is just in a bad mood because of my presence here.” Louise said with a sigh. “Let us say our relationship is pretty complicated.”

“Indeed. He is just salty with you, since you love giving him a hard time lately. Not only that, it seems he realises you are not an ordinary person.” Ryan said, looking at her.

“Oh… wait, you mean he doesn’t know that you are part of the power elite??”

“Yup! And I am not the type of person who often flaunts my wealth to other people, my grandfather and father didn’t teach me and my brother to be like that, they taught us to be humble to other people, especially towards the unfortunate ones.”

“Ah, anyway, shall we discuss more about our future collaboration? Let’s do this in my office, then.” As he leads her to his office.


Louise just nodded and immediately followed him to the office, while Ryan waited at the Lobby for now.



Helios was furious about what happened moments ago, and this caused him to ransack the room, causing the room to be destroyed. Everything was a mess. Almost all the tables and chairs were upturned. Broken stuff filled the room. There were a lot of shattered glasses everywhere, and papers scattered across the floor. He even starts pacing around the room with an enraged expression on his face. The Sun God clenched his hand into a fist, nails digging deeply into the skin of his hand, causing it to bleed a bit.

Not only that, they just got back to the Radiant Fortress owned by Lord Helios himself, which is in New York State, while his Elite didn't know what to do as they silently watched their Lord destroy the entire room in a fit of rage. Both Lucius and Motohama felt helpless. They never saw their Lord act this way. His anger was so strong now, so terrifying. Then Helios turned to look at them. His eyes filled with fury, while rage fuelled his expression.

“GET OUT!! ALL OF YOU GET THE FUCK OUT AND LEAVE ME ALONE!! DO IT NOW!! JUST GET OUT!!” Helios snapped at them, his voice icy as his eyes flashed with murderous intent. He chased them out instead.

As soon as they felt this, everyone gulped and immediately left the room as fast as they could. Those in the Elite who were familiar with their Lord’s temper were so scared, they had long hidden away.

They were afraid that if they were not careful, they would become the scapegoat, so the Elite bolt outta the room. Both Lucius and Motohama sighed as they walked to the door as well, but Helios’s crisp voice stopped the two in their tracks.

“Lucius and Motohama stay.”

This caused the duo to exchange glances for a moment before turning around to face Helios. A hint of surprise crossed their faces as they looked at their Lord. Helios eyed them coldly. His arms crossed.

“Is there something you need, my Lord?” Lucius asked him in a calm voice.

It didn’t amuse Helios at all. He is so pissed at everything around him at this very moment, especially at that woman. He wanted to beat someone up so badly. To show them how pissed he is. Helios gritted his teeth in anger as he thought more of it.

Unable to suppress his anger, the young Sun God grabbed another unbroken glass on a nearby table and he angrily threw it to the floor. The glass shattered with a crash, juice flowed across the floor like blood. He glared at it as he seethed with rage.

“Damn woman!! I hate her and this day so much! She ruined my day by being there!!! Not only that, she is always being mean to me every single time!! How dare she do this to me!!” Helios ranted angrily. “I HATE THIS SO MUCH!! NO! I LOATHED IT!! WHAT THE HELL DID I DO TO DESERVE SUCH TREATMENT FROM HER??”


Both Lucius and Motohama remained silent as they watched their Lord continue to rave about the people who hurt him before, that he wanted them to pay, including his confusing feelings towards Louise and why it seems to affect him so badly, especially her actions towards him lately. Helios is at wit's end at this point. He felt so torn and in pain, and he had never felt this way before.

Anyway, it is Motohama’s first time to see Helios rant this way. He didn’t expect to see such a side of his Lord. A side he never saw before because Helios rarely shows emotion at all unless he is in a good mood or when he is so angry, but most of the time, his Lord is so cold. So seeing this side is so rare.

It was so overwhelming for him. Then he threw a pleading look at Lucius. Not sure what to do. The other man just gave him a helpless expression, since he cannot do anything at all. Lucius took a deep breath and immediately approached Helios and wrapped his arms around Helios to calm him down.

Helios just closed his eyes as he let himself enjoy this rare moment of comfort and warmth. And without realising it at all, he began to sob and Lucius just let him be. The Sun God was so grateful that he had Lucius by his side at all times. At least there was someone to talk to about his feelings. Someone to comfort him every time he is in pain.

“There, there, it’s alright to cry, so let everything out now..” he told him quietly as he held Helios tightly in his arms. “And everything will be alright, Helios.. please don't worry..”

And it took a while for Helios to calm down in his arms.

“I-I am so confused! I just hate feeling this.. way!” The Sun God’s voice was full of pain. His throat was also dry and hoarse. “Why am I being like this.? Is there something wrong with me? Why does it hurt? Can you please answer me, Lucius?”

“I wish I knew as well.

“I-It’s just frustrating for m-me.”

“I know..”

And Lucius simply held him, and hugged him like the way a friend should be during those lonely days when he needed someone the most or the time he was sad. When they broke apart, Helios’s eyes were wet and swollen with tears. He wiped them away with a sad, pained expression on his lips.

“I think, I should take a rest now, since I just feel so mentally drained right now.” His voice was shaking as he told him this. “I wanted to be alone for a while, especially because there are still a lot of things to understand like my feelings and other things.”

“Alright, Helios, take a rest now and please take as much time as you can. I will just inform everyone not to disturb you.”

Helios just sighed as he nodded. Today was a horrible day for him and a lot of things had happened to him today, and it caused him to end up having a mental breakdown and some mixed feelings towards her, a dilemma. It is something he did not expect to feel today. Not only that, even Motohama had witnessed everything, but luckily for him. Helios has some trust in him, since the man proved himself to him a couple of times already.

Anyway, Helios immediately composes himself at once and his face turns blank and cold before going out of the room, while both Lucius and Motohama quickly inform the rest of Radiant not to disturb their Lord. The duo hoped their Lord would feel better soon.

Only time would tell..

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