NovelToon NovelToon

The Playboy’S Plaything

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


"Please come pick me up" I pleaded, My phone still placed on my ear, hoping Cara would get here as soon as possible.

I stared at my arranged luggage, I needed to get as far away from this house and my parents as soon as possible.

The noise of constant dispute from the next room intensified, and I couldn't take it anymore, I stormed in on my parents, who took joy in telling me that they hated being together despite being married for years now.

"A-Allison" My mom stuttered as she stared at me.

"Sweetheart" My Dad called, I could see the frustration in his face as he brushed his fingers into his disheveled hair.

They have been married for years but yet can't stand each other, I wonder why they put up with each other, This was the Fourth time in a row they have been at each other throat.

"Just get a Divorce, Instead of putting up with each other" I yelled, slamming the door hard at their faces.

I could hear Cara pull up in the driveway, thank God, I walked into my room, picked up my luggage, and was about to storm out when my mom and Dad walked in.

"Baby girl"

I stared at both of them, my anger intensifying, "what do you guys want" I asked

"Your dad and I are just going through some issues," she said, trying to defend whatever was going on between them.

"I Am 18 Mom, you don't need to lie," I spoke, my gaze still fixated on them.

"If you guys are putting up with each other because of me, you don't have to, I will be going to college soon, so am not a child that needs you both, so do what is necessary for you both"

"Come on Allison, don't say that" My Dad finally said as he reached out to touch my arm, but I pulled away.

"No, Dad," I said sternly. "This has gone on long enough. You two deserve to be happy, even if it means being apart."

Tears welled up in my mom's eyes as she placed a hand on her mouth trying to suppress the tears. "Allison"

"This is not healthy for either of you, it not working Mom and Dad," I managed to say as tears streamed down my cheeks

I sighed, feeling a mix of relief and sadness wash over me. "I just want both of you to be happy. And if it means getting a divorce, then so be it."

Cara honked the car horn outside signaling her impatience. I glanced out the window and saw her waiting expectantly. Grabbing my luggage, I turned back to my parents.

"I'm leaving," I said firmly. "I'll stay with Cara for now, until My college application comes out. But please, promise me that you'll take care of yourselves."

I brushed past them, and with a heavy heart, I walked out of the house and towards Cara's Car. I felt horrible leaving but I needed to be far away from them.

Give them enough time to sort out their issues and feelings. It was necessary for everyone's well-being.

As Cara drove away, I looked back at the house one last time, hoping that my parents would find the happiness they deserved, even if it meant being apart.


It was going to be a long one-month summer vacation. I made plans to stay with my bestie, Cara. Her family is extremely wealthy, but rarely ever home.

This means that it was just Cara and her older brother Justin, who was in college.

In the past, I had harbored a massive crush on Justin, but he hardly ever noticed my existence.

I even resorted to sneaking into his room during a sleepover at Cara's, in an attempt to seduce him.

Needless to say, my plan failed miserably, and Cara took great pleasure in teasing me about it for an entire week.

Cara and I had always been best friends since grade school, and we had a strict rule between us: "Never date any of your bestie's brothers or cousins."

Now, as I prepared for my stay at Cara's, I reminded myself of that rule. Attempting to pursue a romantic interest in Justin was off-limits.

It was crucial to maintain our friendship and respect the boundaries we had always agreed upon.

"I still can't believe your parents still haven't returned from their business trip to Japan?" I exclaimed, genuinely surprised.

Cara simply shrugged as she stepped out of the car, motioning for the staff at her family villa to come retrieve my belongings.

"Eh, it's nothing new. Justin and I are used to them being away for a month," she replied nonchalantly. "No need to be amazed."

Despite her nonchalant response, I knew Cara well enough to recognize that she was putting on an act of strength. Her family may have been wealthy, but they were far from perfect.

And while her brother, Justin, seemed to handle their parents' absence with indifference, Cara struggled with their absence more than she let on.

"All this talk about my parents has got me craving some food," Cara announced, tugging me along by the hand. "Let's go grab a bite to eat."

I smiled as she whisked me into the beautifully decorated house. I'd been here numerous times before, yet I still couldn't help but be awestruck with each visit.

Seated at the dining table, I gazed at the extravagant spread of food before me. "Isn't this a bit excessive, Chef Lupita?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

Chef Lupita's expression clouded with concern at my question. "You don't like it?" she inquired, worry evident in her voice.

Cara leaned closer to whisper in my ear, her tone mischievous. "You better eat it without complaining. You know how sensitive she gets if her food is rejected."

I chuckled softly, fully aware of the chef's perfectionist tendencies. I turned to Chef Lupita and expressed my gratitude for the delicious meal, prompting a warm smile to grace her face as she walked away.

We ate in silence for a while until Cara broke the stillness. "Oh, I forgot to mention, my cousin Ash will be staying here for a while," she revealed.

"Ash?" I questioned, my memory failing me momentarily.

"Race car Ash," Cara clarified, jogging my memory.

"Oh, right! Isn't he in college?" I asked, taking a bite of my burrito.

Cara nodded, her mouth too full of food to respond verbally.

Cara had previously shared with me about her cousin Ash when he had been involved in a race car accident during a competition. Thankfully, his injuries hadn't been severe, enabling him to return to racing.

"How old is he again?" I inquired.

"Twenty-three," Cara replied.

"I see. It still surprises me that his parents allow him to participate in such a dangerous sport like racing," I remarked.

"Racing is probably the least of their concerns," Cara commented, her gaze shifting from her nearly empty plate to her drink.

"What do you mean?" I prodded, curious.

"He's also into boxing, skydiving, and motorcycle racing," she divulged.

"Does he have a death wish?" I muttered, astounded.

Cara burst into laughter. "That's just Ash for you. Just try to avoid him; he has quite the temper."

I didn't need Cara to warn me about that. I had already planned to steer clear of him. I wasn't prepared to handle anyone who could easily get on my nerves.

As we finished our meal, the sound of a car engine reverberated through the Air.

"What was that?" I asked,

"He is here earlier than I expected" Cara whispered to herself.

A moment later a Figure walks Towards the dining area, The presence commands attention.

"Hey, Cous" He greeted, flashing a charming smile

"You are so early, Ash, what happened?" Cara asked but he said nothing

"Who's your friend," Ash asked pouring himself a glass of juice, his gaze fixated on me.

"This is Allison" Cara introduced me. "She is my bestie and will be staying with us for a while now."

I beamed him a forced smile. Ash nodded and took a seat beside Cara. They exchange some quick jesting and then Ash turns his attention to me.

He had a striking feature- tousled dark hair, piercing green eyes, and a confident demeanor. He wore a leather jacket and had a bandage on his hand.

"So, Allison, are you a college student?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

"Not yet, but for now, you could say I'm just visiting Cara," I replied, attempting to sound casual.

His eyes locked onto mine, making me feel uneasy. Finally, he stood up to leave.

"Leaving again?" Cara asked.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon," he assured, playfully tousling Cara's hair. Then, his gaze turned to me. "Nice to meet you, Allison," he said with a smile, revealing his dimples.

I had promised myself no romantic feelings this summer, but he was stirring something within me that I hadn't anticipated.

Unable to sleep, I tossed and turned in bed. Deciding to get up, I quietly made my way downstairs, heading to the kitchen for a drink.

"Jesus!" I screamed, finding Ash standing in front of me shirtless.

He smiled and apologized, saying, "Sorry if I scared you."

I remained silent, walking past him to unlock the fridge and retrieve the orange juice. Placing it on the counter, I then turned my attention to finding a glass and checking each cupboard.

"Upper cupboard," Ash informed me as he continued munching on his tacos.

I looked up, realizing I was too short to reach it. Frustrated by my height, I bit my lower lip and tucked my curls behind my ears.

Stretching beyond my limits, I tried in vain to grasp the glass. I hated my height at that moment.

Suddenly, Ash appeared behind me, effortlessly opening the cupboard and retrieving a glass. I turned to look at him, and our eyes locked, his gaze holding me captive.

"You have beautiful eyes," Ash remarked, causing my heart to race as I tried to comprehend his words.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2


I quickly took the glass from his hand and thanked him, walking back to the counter, I poured myself a glass of orange juice.

Trying to regain my composure, I took a sip of the juice while avoiding Ash's eyes. We stood in silence for a moment, the tension in the air palpable. Then Ash spoke up, breaking the silence.

"I hope I didn't scare you earlier," he said, a hint of concern in his voice, "I didn't mean to startle you"

I finally found my voice, shaking off my initial shock. "It's okay," I replied, forcing a smile. "I just wasn't expecting to see you there."

Ash nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Well, I'll make sure to make some noise next time," his tone light-hearted.

I chuckled softly, grateful for his attempt to lighten the mood. "That would be helpful," I replied, feeling more at ease.

Ash glanced at the clock, following his gaze, I didn't realize how late it was. "I should probably get some rest," I said reluctantly

Ash nodded, understandingly. "I should probably do the same," he said

A small smile appeared on my lips as I headed back upstairs, feeling his presence behind me.

I quickened my pace and swiftly unlocked my door, leaning against it once I was inside.

I heard him chuckle as he walked past my room towards his own.

Ash's room was just two doors down from mine. It made me uncomfortable, but I couldn't quite put my finger on why. This was meant to be a summer getaway, not a time for romance or complicated emotions.


I received a text from my mother but ignored it and set my phone on the bedside table. My job interview was scheduled for 8:00 am, and I was trying my best to prepare for it. I laid back and tried to relax.

My peaceful summer wasn't going according to plan. First on my to-do list: find a good summer job with decent pay.

I needed to be prepared for college, and although my parents could afford everything I needed, I wanted to be independent. Plus, I didn't want to be alone in this big house.

Now that there were more than three of us, I didn't feel comfortable being here alone, especially with Ash around.

I could sense trouble from him the moment I laid eyes on him. My number one rule was to stay away from unnecessary drama, and he seemed to be the epitome of that.

I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom. After getting ready and stepping out, I stared at my suitcase, contemplating what outfit would make the best impression.

I decided on a spaghetti-strap sunflower crop top and a pair of blue jeans. I grabbed my black-heeled boots, confident that they completed the look. It took me 30 minutes to get ready, and then I made my way downstairs.

As I entered the dining hall, all eyes turned to me. Justin, Cara, and Ash were all seated at the table, observing me curiously.

"I thought you weren't interested in working anymore," Cara teased, showing me the time on her phone.

"I still have time," I replied simply, flashing her a smile.

"A rebel worker on her first day, I like that," Justin chimed in, beaming at me.

I couldn't remember the last time I had seen Justin, but he still looked incredibly handsome. His ocean-blue eyes, which he and Cara both inherited, made me wonder if they were royalty in their past lives.

My gaze shifted to Ash, who sat there staring at me. His eyes looked different from last night. Today, they were expressionless and cold.

His green eyes made my stomach churn strangely.

"So, what's for breakfast?" I asked, trying to shift my focus and distract my thoughts. They were heading in the wrong direction.

"Chef Lupita mentioned an American breakfast," Cara answered, unsure, and then turned to face Justin. "Right?"

"Yeah, I was tired of eating Mexican food. I threw up last night after a bite of Ash's tacos," Justin joked, playfully rubbing his stomach.

Cara rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Are you sure it wasn't from last night's clubbing?" she teased, making fun of him.

I smiled, enjoying their banter. They were my favorite siblings to have around.

Ash's phone chimed, and he glanced at it with a smirk on his face before standing up, ready to leave.

"Aren't you staying for breakfast?" Cara asked.

"I'll eat out," Ash replied.

Sensing that Ash had somewhere to be, Justin walked up to him and put his arm around Ash's neck, whispering something in his ear.

Ash shrugged him off, giving him a grin, and then walked out of the room. I slowly turned back and stared at him, before he was out of sight.

I felt a strange sense of disappointment. I couldn't understand why I cared whether or not he stayed for breakfast.

I pushed the thoughts aside and focused on my breakfast. Chef Lupita had prepared a delicious spread of eggs, toast, bacon, and fresh juice. I filled my plate and turned to Justin and Cara.

"I hate this," Cara said. Justin, whose eyes were fixated on his phone, now stared at his sister.

"What?" He questioned, and I desperately waited for her answer too.

"Why do you have to work?" Cara cried out playfully, holding my hand.

"Jeez, are you for real?" Justin replied annoyed, his eyes slowly meeting mine before quickly looking away.

I shrugged off the feeling and fully focused my attention on Cara. "I just want to do it. I can't be indoors all summer," I managed to say.

"Who said you'll be indoors? We could go out, to the beach, clubbing. Come on, you know there are plenty of things to do in Anna Maria," she bickered.

I smiled, knowing Cara hated being alone. "Cara," I called her name softly.

"Please, I'll pay you for your time. It won't be like you're wasting your summer," she quickly added.

I knew Cara's parents were rich, and she and her brother liked spending money like it was nothing. But I wasn't comfortable with the idea of being paid without doing anything.

"You know I won't accept that," I politely told her, taking a bite of my toast.

Justin softly tapped Cara's arm. "Let her be, Cara. At least she wants to be independent, unlike someone I know. Go get a job, Cara."

"Oh God, never. Jobs are for poor people," Cara blurted out, realizing what she had said. She quickly covered her mouth with her hand, her gaze fixated on me, along with Justin's.

Jokes on them, though. My parents were good salary earners. Although they might be having personal issues currently, they are living well.

"Allison, I didn't mean to..." Cara tried to explain.

I smiled. "It's okay. But I don't think poor people are the only ones who work, Cara. Your parents work hard to provide you with the life you're currently enjoying. I guess that makes them poor too," I said.

Her expression changed. She might be my best friend, but she sometimes overstepped her boundaries with her words.

Justin sensing the tension, pulled me up unexpectedly by the shoulder. "I'll drop you off for your interview," he said.

My eyes never leaving Cara, I sighed and picked up my bag, following Justin out.

As we stepped out, I tried to brush off any feelings of anger that were boiling inside of me.

"You know how Cara is sometimes. You shouldn't take what she said to heart," Justin said, unlocking his car door for me as I stepped in.

He got into his seat and urged me to put on my seatbelt, which I did. "Thank you," I managed to say.

He smiled, his eyes brightening. He was different from Cara. Although he partied a lot and had multiple girlfriends, he was nice, caring, and oddly reliable.

"You didn't have to," I said.

He looked at me curiously. "I didn't have to what?"

"Drive me there. I could have taken a taxi," I finally said.

"I wanted to," he said, his eyes holding such yearning that I couldn't help but sway with.

I gave him a small smile as he drove off.


I needed to cool off, and I knew the mansion had a built-in hot water cave. I trailed off, trying to find it. Cara had mentioned it was next to the bar room. Unlocking the door, I stepped in. It looked serene. I undressed from the nightgown I was wearing and stepped into the warm water.

Taking in the heat and peacefulness, I closed my eyes and leaned my head backward.

When I opened my eyes, I realized I had company in the water. Ash sat down at the further end. Feeling uncomfortable, I shrugged. How did he get in without me noticing? I was naked, and my nightgown was nowhere in sight. I turned to stare at him.

"Can I ask you a question?" He spoke his voice like a thunderous storm.

Not saying anything, I stared at him, hoping he would make whatever he wanted to say quick and snappy.

"Can I Fuck you?"

Words left me...

Chapter 3

                              Chapter 3


I coughed, struggling to comprehend the ludicrous request he had just made of me.

"No, you can't," I firmly asserted.

Ash remained silent, his eyes captivating and impossible to look away from. He inched closer, and I couldn't help but notice the still visible scar from his previous racing accident on his chest.

He had cleverly covered it with a rose tattoo, but it was still noticeable.

"Why not?" he questioned, now only an inch away. I could feel a shiver run down my spine as his skin brushed against mine.

I bit my lower lip, attempting to suppress the sudden surge of desire that washed over me. "Because you're Cara's cousin, and I don't sleep with relatives of my best friend," I replied.

He enclosed me with his arm, trapping me in his gaze. I desperately needed to escape from the water and him.

Pushing against his chest, I struggled to create some distance between us. "Ash, this is completely inappropriate," I insisted.

"I have no intention of sleeping with you. Cara is my best friend, and you are her cousin. I value my friendship with her too much to risk it by crossing any boundaries."

He seemed undeterred, his intense gaze never leaving mine. "But what if we both want it?" he whispered, his voice filled with longing.

I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest. "I don't want to sleep with you, and you should be ashamed asking me that"

His grip on my arm tightened, and a flicker of Amusement crossed his face. "Are you going to deny this connection between us?"

I pulled my arm free from his grasp and stood up, I didn't care if I was naked, the water cascading down my body. "What connection, I feel nothing" I lied.

He looked at me, his eyes taking in my shape as he leaned back relaxed enjoying the view of what he was seeing. He slowly brushes his finger against his lips.

God, he was fucking handsome and I hated the fact that I wanted to get back in the water and let him touch me one more time.

"You're right. I apologize for overstepping my boundaries" Ash said, apologizing

I stared at him, trying to understand what he was playing at but his eyes gave off nothing but lust.

I made my way towards the edge of the hot water cave, grabbing a towel to cover myself. "This," I said, demonstrating with my hand. "Never happened, okay?"

Ash's smirk grew wider as he watched me wrap the towel around my body. "If that's what you want to believe, then fine." he responded, "but you can't deny the electricity between us. It's undeniable."

I scoffed, feeling a mix of anger and confusion. "Electricity? Please. This is just a momentary attraction, nothing more." I desperately tried to persuade myself that what he was saying wasn't true.

I couldn't afford to let my guard down, especially not with him. Ash stepped out of the water, walking towards me.

He reached out and grabbed my wrist pulling me closer to him. The Power in his eyes made my heart skip a beat. But I refuse to let myself succumb to his charm.

"You can keep denying it all you want, but deep down, you know am right."

I yanked my hand away from his grip. My frustration boiled over. "Stop trying to manipulate me. Do you think just because you are attractive, you can have whatever you want? Well, you are wrong. I won't fall for your games."

Ash laughed, his laughter filling the room. "Cupcake, I can have anything I want once I set my mind on it. Don't taste me, I might be tempted to add you to the list of what I want for this summer, and if you ever change your mind, you know my room"

With that, he turned and walked away leaving me standing there, torn between my desires and the urge to avoid him.

I shouldn't let his words shake me and I couldn't let my emotions cloud my judgment. I had to stay strong and protect my Heart, no matter how tempting he may be.

I walked towards my room, my thought replaying the scene in my head over and over again. The nerve of him.

What gave him the idea that I might want to fuck him. I paused my eyes fell on the figure, leaning close to my door.

“Justin” I called out, a smile bright up my face as I walked closer to where he stood.

“Hey Allision” He greeted, his eyes sparked, matching the blue shirt vest he was wearing, his hands placed in his shorts pocket, he was handsome, I guess it runs in their family.

“Am I safe,” I teased, he smiled along, his eyes never leaving mine as he stared at my nightwear. “Evening swim”

“How was your interview” He finally spoke, his voice full of concern.

I shrugged, knowing I almost messed up but Danny was kind enough to give me another chance, saying he likes determined workers.

“It went well, thanks for the ride again, I appreciate it,” I told him, beaming him a warm smile.

“As I said, I don't mind doing it, anything for you”

I shrugged as the air fell into silence, his eyes filled with concern and sincerity. “What brings you here, am sure you just didn't come to check on me”

He was quiet for a minute, his eyes now staring at the towel in my hand. “Have you spoken with Cara today, She seemed to be avoiding me”

I raised an eyebrow, he was here because of his sister, Isn't that sweet of him? I know Cara and I got into a little disagreement this morning but she was still my bestie, was he worried that I would end things with her?

“Cara? I haven't spoken with her since this morning, You aren't worried that the little disagreement was going to ruin our friendship” I asked, curious for his answer.

“No, I just saw the way you responded and I couldn't help but notice she must have hurt your feelings a lot”

“You know Justin, even best friends argue and have little misunderstandings but that doesn't mean, I hate her or don't want anything to do with her” I assured him

“You know her better than anyone, so I wasn't worried, she can be sensitive when things don't go her way, she is a sucker for apologizes” He dropped in,

Justin was right, Cara was a sucker for apologies, she rather buys you gifts than tell you she was wrong, and whenever things don't go her way she throws a fist.

I was used to her behavior, just as she was used to mine, I love her regardless.

“It getting late, i don't want to keep you waiting,” Justin added, stepping aside as I walked towards the door.

I was about to unlock it when he called out for my name. “Allision” I turned to face him, the cold night air brushing against my wet skin as my nipples tightened.


“You should be careful around Ash, I don't want to pry but stay away from him” He threw his harsh cold words at me.

I stood there speechless, did he happen to see or hear my conversation with his cousin at the hot cave swimming pool?

I felt embarrassed and angry at the same time, “he is my cousin and I know him too well, he means trouble, and knowing the relationship we all shared it will be wise if you keep your boundaries, especially for Cara's sake” he finally added.

I tried to speak but I was too stunned to say anything, what was going on, why did I feel like I did something wrong?

“Goodnight” he added walking away without turning as he disappeared down the stairs. Slowly I unlock the door stepping into my room.

I tossed the towel angrily onto the couch, why am I being blamed, shouldn't he talk to his cousin? Ash that good-for-nothing jerk.


I stood in front of the full-length mirror staring at my reflection. The flower-patterned spaghetti hand top fit perfectly with the blue denim jeans I decided to put on. Putting on my ankle-length booth, I grabbed my bag and stepped out.

I was almost late, I hoped I get a cab on time, Danny was so going to kill me, who knows I might get fired before I even began to work.

Climbing down the stairs, I walked towards the exit door and stepped out.

“Christ lord, I have been waiting for centuries” Cara let out. Confused, I stared at her.

“I don't get it,” I asked, my eyes fixed on my phone as I tried to book a ride.

Cara walked towards me, snatching my phone from my hand. “Fuck Cara what the hell” I snapped.

“Get in,” She said, waving her car keys in the air. “I will be your chauffeur for today, just today” she reminds me.

I watched her, I knew this was her way of apologizing but It seemed annoying to be sincere, but she was my best friend and I could see she was trying.

“Aren't you supposed to be somewhere, I guess someone won't mind getting fired on her first day” Cara yelled as she unlocked her car door.

A smile curled up my lips as I walked towards where her car was. “You know I hate you,” I told her, unlocking the car as we both stepped in.

“I know, but what can you do, you are stuck with me for life bestie” she teased

Her hand grabs the steering wheel as she starts the engine.

I glance at my wristwatch, Fuck, I was in for an ear full.

“You can still decide to quit, it not too late” Cara added trying to lighten the mood.


“What? Just saying”

I rolled my eyes, she was the best of the best, I pulled her closer for a peck.


She cried out as she drove off.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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