Me:Coach... I am not feeling well… (Panting)
Coach:Then you should take rest you better come Tomorrow... If you can not handle this training why did you join in the first place. Everyone knows that to become a K-pop idol one must have passion and also health. You have the passion but what about health huh! Health is also one of the main factor. And if your health can not handle this harsh training then it is better to leave the company. Also, I do not know why they chose you... You are just a mediocre who does not even know singing and rapping... only thing you know is dance... But K-pop idols are singers you know... At the recording room no one is going to see your dance... Only singing and rapping... (sigh) You do not even show any kind of improvement... Nor you have visuals... You look like a duck you know... Oh, God! why company chose a trash like you…. Now go and sleep..
Me: (On the verge of Crying) Coach... I think I can practice more... I am good to go... (panting heavily)
Coach: Whatever… But better come healthy tomorrow
Me:Yes Coach…
One Staff: Ok! Trainees you can go to sleep... (loudly still politely)
Every trainee except me : Ok…
(I raised my hand)
Staff: Yes... Any problem?
Me: Hello... Can I train few more hours…
Staff: (staring at my face worried) Are you sure...
Me: yes... (determined)
Staff: (worried) But...
Me: Please... please...
Staff: (sighs) Ok...
Me: (jumped out of happiness) Thank you... Very Much...
Staff: (smiles) but do not forget to turn the lights off...
Me: Ok (smiled back)
One trainee: July you should go to sleep... you are not in a good shape...
Me: Don't worry I am coming after a while...
Trainee: Ok! I am trusting you do not push yourself too hard that you can not wake up to train tomorrow...
Me: Thank you for worrying about me... I am coming an hour later… You should go sleep...
Trainee: Ok...
[After training 2 hours continuously I check the time]
Me: Time goes so fast... (panting) I am not feeling well right now... I... think... I... should...take... a.... small... nap...
As I close my eyes I felt like my body is floating. I never get this kind of sensation while taking a nap. It feels too good to be true. Did I make the right decision can I actually become an idol? No I will become an idol... I have passion, determination and talent. But why I am not able to open my eyes...Why.... I am dead or alive...
Someone: July wake up... July… July... It is 7 o'clock in the morning. Did you forget that you have biology exams today huh... Do you really want me to yell at you at this early morning... Or you really want some nice beatings huh...
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