NovelToon NovelToon

The Eternal

Chapter 1

The most irritating thing to walk into was the sight of red running from the white marble floors. From one side of the room to the opposite, there was a blanket of red covering everything. 

The color red was a startling color all on it's own. It was a color rarely found in nature. A color of wealth. A color that could be found in the form of beautiful, bright red roses—

Or in blood.

To a vampire, the color red held much more meaning, for it was what gave them strength, thus blood was a much better gift than roses. However, anything red held a special place, second to that of blood.

Blood was a welcoming sight on most mornings, for it was around to quench their thirst, but it was way too early in the morning to be dealing with this when there was so much to be done.

There was a body laying on the floor of the foyer, collapsed, and disarmed, a stake laying near the body. The man still twitched a bit, which only allowed the blood to seep further across the room, adding to the puddles.

What a big riot this weak thing had caused upon storming into the palace intending harm, had he not come in so frantically, perhaps the kings would not have noticed his entrance and his assasination attempt would have been much more interesting. In the end, all it had been was irritating, for it was a shame for such healthy blood to be spread on the filthy floors like this. Such a filthy shame.

Sighing pitifully, a sweeping hand motioned over the mess before a snicker bounced off the floor to ceiling walls.

“Jimin,” The eldest sighed, crossing his robe-covered arms over his chest, eyes on the bottom of the stairs where blood was pooling, looking up to look at the other vampire, “We have guards to take care of these things for a reason. Must you do this? Today of all days.” 

Jimin, stepped through the blood, fingers covered in the warm, thick fluid, before he scoffed a sound, head jerking towards the guards beside the doorway and said, plainly, “I am ten times faster.”

“Plus,” Taehyung cut in, the bottom of his navy colored, morning robe dragging a line right through the puddle that had run through the walkway, laughing as he walked by, “It is fun.” 

Amused, Yoongi snickered before turning to Hoseok, musing, “They're still fledglings.” 

“You say that as if you didn't order an execution for fun just days ago,” The other replied. 

Yoongi smiled, a vicious curve of his lips that showed the sharp edge of his fangs. Then, he hummed to himself and started towards the row of thrones before them, stepping barefoot through the blood, earning an annoyed look from the eldest.

“You must clean yourselves up,” Seokjin complained as he stepped over a puddle to walk towards his own throne, “It is a big day today.” 

Big day being an understatement, but they'd spent way too many years pushing this event off. It was understandable that the vampires were on edge and wanted a way to take it out on others. Making a mess, however, was not exactly a good idea.

“Clean it up,” Namjoon ordered a maid that scurried to run past, she didn't look up at the king, only running faster to get out of their way. It was a smart move.

“Guards, do your job or we have no use for you!” Seokjin yelled out, tone furious.

The armored guards in the foyer practically raced to make their way in the direction of the front door. The sound of their armor bouncing off the high ceiling.

Namjoon internally mused about the fact that an assassin dared enter so earlyas he climbed up onto the platform towards his assigned throne.

It seemed someone did not like the kings’ recent command. It seemed that things had escalated tenfold recently; this was the third assassination attempt in two days, however, normally they never got past the gates. The guards were slacking, it seemed, likely because it was difficult to tell who was here due to the decree and who was here to kill.

“Third day and we still haven't chosen one,” Seokjin commented abruptly, huffing a sound as he climbed into his throne and leaned on his elbow, “You would think, after all this time, we would be much more willing to accept just any beloved, not specifically a fated one.” 

“Ridiculous,” Hoseok cut in swiftly, “Nothing but the best. If I have waited this long for one, they must be the best.” 

“Who knows if they are even in this decade,” Jimin said, sounding pessimistic, “The last time we tried to search, we found nothing. Perhaps we need to think of settling.” 

“You may settle,” Yoongi said, shooting Jimin a disappointed look, “But just know, I find that very cowardly of you. Distract yourself with blood and whores, but I will wait. Patiently.” 

Taehyung snickered, “Hyung, you are only tired of killing your lovers; don't pretend to be above us when your bed has been full of whores for years.” 

“Not recently.” 

Chuckling at his defensive tone, Taehyung chided, “Only because you believe this is the right time, despite having said that multiple times before.” 

Yoongi pressed his lips in a fine line. 

Rolling his eyes at the antics, Namjoon moved towards the end of his seat. He leaned over Hoseok, who sat to his left and said, quietly, “Will there be drinks tonight? Was it only me or were the drinks much more pitiful than the night before?”

“I hear there may be drinks,” Hoseok replied, humming under his breath, “Tonight's guests are from the southernmost town, though, and they may be uncivilized.” 

“Farmers,” Jimin grimaced and scrunched up his nose in disgust. “Might we skip them again? They always reek of filth.” 

“They were instructed to wear their best clothing, none of those peasant things,” Seokjin brushed off uninterestedly, “We will wait and see.”




Jungkook only owned peasant clothing, which were mere rags. And, apparently, that was not a great thing to wear considering all of the whispers about him the second his torn boots stepped foot into the palace.

When the letter arrived in the mail a week prior, Jungkook had ignored it until he had the time to decipher it, but he was unable to find time to ask someone what it said as he had to do in the past. 

Unable to find someone to read it to him, Jungkook ended up opening it himself and finding his eyes glued onto the hand drawing of the palace and the numbers written in the corner. He'd overheard whispers of the kings demanding people come to the palace, but never figured he would receive a letter too.

It was both good and bad that he had gotten it. 

Good, because he now had plans other than to tend his slowly rotting pumpkins - he didn't know why they kept dying, but it was growing annoying - and bad because, well, Jungkook was scared. The vampire kings weren't exactly considered the most civilized of people. 

It was a known fact that the kings were vicious and frightening, that they had killed numerous people for things as little as being given the wrong plate of food, given the wrong kind of blood, and even for simply speaking to them - they were the definition of unfriendly. And horrifying.

There were even rumors that back in the day, the kings used to display their victims on the metal fence when they were truly enraged, but nobody knew whether it was true or not.

Jungkook knew vampires. They were uncontrollable. Threatening. They were selfish. Everyone spoke of them as beings whom existed solely to eat. 

Jungkook had never cared for vampires, so when he had presented as an omega, he'd been entirely grateful. He'd grow up and find a handful of very handsome alphas to take care of him and have that fairytale love story his mother always wanted for him. Had promised for him.

At age twenty-one and having only been kissed once, and having never been touched, Jungkook was wondering when his love story would begin, because, honestly, the omega was growing needy.

It was one of the reasons he decided to listen to the Kings’ Decree, because he needed to mingle. Jungkook needed to find his alphas. Allow them to sweep him out of his lonely, moldy little shack and woo him breathless. Jungkook was certainly a hopeless romantic.

Only now he regretted that decision. 

Everyone else had splurged on such beautiful clothing. The fairies wore the royals’ favorite flower, the red rose; every town was required to care for their roses at all times of the year.

Jungkook had heard horror stories of towns painting them red just to pass an inspection. 

(Who knew what the vampire kings would do if they knew their beloved roses were dying and couldn't survive the biting cold.)

Jungkook had made a horrible mistake in not spending what little money he had in replacing his clothing. His best shirt was a deep maroon color and split into a v at his chest. There was a mark on it, a small splotch of coffee he'd chugged out of nervousness before arriving; he held his stained shirt in shame at his actions.

Nevermind the shirt, his dress shoes were muddy and the bottom of his slacks were frayed. The clothes were overused and in bad condition. No wonder he kept getting the most disgusted side-eyes.

Jungkook was a fool to show up so underdressed. 

At least he'd gotten to see the palace, for it was entirely beautiful. The arched ceilings are covered in vines of roses and fairies sat on the rafters, bringing light to the entire entrance. 

Jungkook was in a line, he presumed to greet the kings, but he couldn't help noticing the marble floors and how old the bricks were. Still in such wonderful condition despite their age; he was mesmerized by the ostentatious beauty of the palace. 

There were intricate gold arches sweeping above him lining the throne room, a match to the shining frames on the walls featuring various photographs of the vampire kings.

They were unexpectedly ethereal. Vampires were not always this beautiful.

Jungkook had pictured scar-covered faces from all of the battles he'd heard they had won, he pictured blood-soaked clothing and the reddest of eyes, ones that reminded him of the past.

Only the vampires’ eyes were not blood red. They were more crimson than blood colored and when he walked forward more, the picture flickered with gold throughout the iris. There was no doubt they'd enchanting the paintings to show realism. 

A guard shifted to block his way, startling Jungkook. The guard had his head pointed towards the ground, despite it being mere commoners in front of him. 

Jungkook quickly shook out of his thoughts and realized where he was, who he was going to meet - perhaps this was a bad idea after all. He should have hid out and risked the kingdom finding out he willingly disobeyed him. 

There was an order that was echoed, one that made Jungkook's fear and panic flood in. 

“Everyone stay against the wall,” A guard requested from the front of the line, “The kings will be coming in a moment, everyone keep your eyes forward, but should a king approach you, do not show your eyes. Follow these rules so as to show your kings’ respect.” 


Jungkook considered himself good at that and pressed himself into the wall as small as he could, but it was undeniable he was the odd one out as he was so underdressed and didn't look nearly as enthusiastic as the others his age. 

Perhaps this was for their next feed. 

Perhaps the kings had grown tired of their current diet and decided to have a bit more fun. Jungkook could see sirens in the line with their beautiful blue scales, nymphs, and even vampires—

Wait. No. Impossible. Vampires would not drink another's blood. Jungkook was growing too nervous to think straight. His hands were sweaty.

“Are you frightening them so soon?”

The voice was soft, much softer than Jungkook would have pictured and it caused his brows to furrow, but he couldn't find the speaker as the voice was so far away and across the throne room.

A wave of nausea flooded through him when footsteps resonated around the room and got a bit closer.

“Of course not, only making sure they listen.” The guard said, shaking.

“Oh, Beomgyu, but everyone likes a bit of a challenge every once in a while.” 

Jungkook's ears felt like they were picking up even the quietest of breathing from the shifter next to him. He was trying incredibly hard to pick up on the footsteps, see where they were.

“Oh,” There was a pause, “Something certainly smells good enough to eat.” 

Shivers ran down Jungkook's spine. He had no idea if it was because the voice was so enchanting or because he was terrified. All he knew was that his hands were clammy and his eyes grew huge the second he flickered them to his right, to the curved doorway beside the thrones.

Six kings. 

Six various colored robes.

Six chuckling tones and even more nerve-wracking comments.

“Would you look at this? A demon,” There was a throaty chuckle, “Such pitiful creatures, no?”

“I supposed I could deal with a demon, they are lustful creatures, the issue would be: could they deal with us? Perhaps not. Too weak, like this little pixie here. My dear, I could snap you like a twig.” 

What were they looking for? Jungkook wondered.

“Hyungs, this one is nice.” 

“You think all of them are nice to look at, Jimin. You must think for the long run.” 

One of them was walking along to his throne now, looking utterly bored as he snapped fingers at a maid that walked past and earned their attention.

Jungkook swallowed hard when footsteps grew closer and closer, the comments bubbling up this irritation in his chest. His eyes glued themselves to a spot of dirt on the floor beside his boots.

He was growing sick of the comments, he'd heard some pretty awful words before and knew it must not feel very good to be so blatantly scrutinized, much less by a king. The omega worried over what they would say once they reached him.

Perhaps he was too tall. Jungkook was considered a rather tall omega; he'd heard it all throughout life. Or, maybe his eyes were too large. Perhaps his nose was too big. Maybe his scent was too strong.

Jungkook felt the ground shake when there was an abrupt stop just a few feet down from him. 

“Someone smells good.” 


“Hyung,” The voice repeated, “I am not exaggerating. One of these creatures is ours.” 

“A farmer?” There was a scoff before the seated king moved to stand up again, “Impossible. Impossible. I can not have a farmer as a-”

Jungkook was meant to look at the floor; they'd specifically told him to look at the floor when the kings approached, yet he didn't. He raised his head.

He knew their names. They were labeled by golden, cursive plaques on the wall beneath their photos. And standing in front of him was none other than Jung Hoseok. He'd just disrespected Jung Hoseok. He had looked the vampire king in the eye.

Jungkook was doomed by that alone, but there was one even worse realization that settled in the pit of his stomach the second Hoseok sucked in a breath and released an uneven, shaky one. The vampires smile curved upwards and his eyes brightened.

They were mates. 

The omega was mated to vampires.

Chapter 2

The thing about Jeon Jungkook was that he'd never claimed to be the best omega in the world. He loved love; he loved the idea of falling in love. He loved the thought of having a pack one day, having his own pups and allowing them to run circles around.

Jungkook had always fantasized about having a handful of alphas. Just enough to help him take care of the pups and enough so that he'd always have someone to climb into bed with and scent as his own. 

Jungkook wanted to be the best omega in the world. He wanted to be comfortable enough to trust someone to sink teeth into his neck. To have someone hold him down and scent him in various ways. But Jungkook had a feeling he was going to be a very bad omega, because these were not alphas. 

These were vampires. Kings. 

They held all the power in the kingdom in one hand and would hardly care to acknowledge him in the other, let alone his instincts, or have pups - he didn't even know if it was possible to have half the things he'd dreamed about. 

Jungkook decided he must have been a very bad omega for fate to have done this to him; for the fates to have placed him here, eye to eye with the most terrifying vampires in the kingdom, he must have killed hundreds in his past life.

Jung Hoseok was standing in front of him, this furrowed expression on his face and fingers hovering over his cheek. The vampire had a grin, but it was unsettling. 

Jungkook hated that he wanted to lean into those fingers. He knew they'd be freezing cold and he hated the cold. But he also knew they'd be so comfortable. 

The thought of being held by his mate, the thought of having a mate, the thought of leaning into Hoseok’s throat and running his cheek across that smooth, flawless skin made Jungkook bubble with a whine - it was both devastated and needy. 

“Quite a beautiful thing, I'd say.” Hoseok said, eyes flickering between Jungkook, never touching him, before he abruptly stepped back, motioning towards the other commoners, “Take these things out.” 

Jungkook stayed against the wall, backed in, and could have cried when he watched the guards begin to shuffle people out of the palace. He wanted to scream. 

“He is okay,” Seokjin stated, crossing his arms and tilting his head, “I suppose with a wash and proper clothing, he might be decent.” 

“Decent?” The tone that left Yoongi’s mouth was nothing short of outraged, “Are you kidding yourself? Because you sure are not kidding any of us.” 

Fast footsteps towards him made Jungkook want to shrink into the wall, immediately holding his breath 

“Divine. I could eat you up, wolf.” 

Jungkook blinked at Jimin when the vampire stood in front of him, his hand hovering over his hair. There was a laugh, “He is an omega, but not a shifter, Jimin. He does not smell of feral wolves.” 

Jungkook swallowed hard, Jimin didn't look away from him for even a moment, eyes flickering back and forth over his features. Then, Jimin said, his tone mixed between a growl and a hiss, “You're mine now, wolf.” 

A hand curled around his throat, pressing hard against Jungkook's scent gland, and for a moment the omega didn't know if it was unintentional or not, but Jimin's lips pressing hard against his own certainly was intentional.

Jungkook was overstimulated. 

Jungkook wasn't sure if Jimin knew he was doing it, but the hand against his throat made him squirm all on his own - no alpha would go for that at first meeting - the pressure on his scent gland made his body heat up quickly. 

No alpha would approach their mate so uncivilized. So rough. Omegas were gentle creatures, they needed gentle guidance and patience. Kissing at first sight was unheard of. Stimulating his scent gland was too much.

And yet Jungkook liked it, he liked the warm hand on his throat, the fangs that brushed his bottom lip, he liked the purr-like vibrating growl that Jimin muffled against his lips.

Besides all of the things Jungkook did like, he didn't kiss him back. 

Not only because Jimin was hurting him, his fingertips were pressing into his scent gland too roughly, but because this was wrong - this was all wrong. They hadn't even asked his name.

Maybe this was common in vampire relationships, but it was not okay with Jungkook. The vampire was causing slick to begin running down his thigh.

It was clear nobody would stop Jimin, they were chattering to themselves, cooing at him. Perhaps they thought Jungkook's writhing was excitement. 

It was not. 

Jungkook immediately turned his head to the side, he felt Jimin giggle against his cheek, muttering something along the lines of, very cute, love, before the omega laid hands on his chest and shoved. Hard.

Jimin was built like stone. Firm and strong. Jungkook's shove barely did much, but it had caught him off guard. It caught him off guard enough for the vampire to take a step back, his face pulled together in a mix of irritation and confusion.

Jungkook growled as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve, sinking down the wall until he felt the cold marble and his eyes glossed over. 

“I like him,” Taehyung mused abruptly, a musical sounding laugh falling from his lips.

Laughter bounced between the vampires and Jungkook felt a burn of shame crawl up the back of his neck, because he liked the sound of it. He could picture himself joining along. 

Instead of doing that, though, Jungkook began to cry. The tears welled up behind his eyes. He was embarrassed at the chortling, and ashamed that he had, even for a second, enjoyed Jimin's lips on his own - what was he thinking? They were cruel vampires. 

Jungkook sniffed and wiped his eyes hard on his sleeves, digging his feet into the marble and balling himself together in an attempt to hide his arousal, but if they were alphas, they would have stopped right away. They would have noticed that his bottoms were damp.

The vampires did notice his tears, and they went quiet, but Jungkook still felt bitter.

“You're not my alphas.” 

He didn't think, nor care, about the consequences of saying such a thing. How could things get any worse for him? Jungkook didn't care anymore. The omega felt bitter, cold - so cold - and so, entirely betrayed.

The finger pointing began immediately.

“You kissed my mate without permission,” Hoseok seethed, turning on Jimin.

“You wished it was you! Don't blame me! It's tradition!” 

Yoongi jumped in instantly, “You have no self control! Go find a whore for the night and get out of my sight!” 

Jimin hissed at the pair with only Taehyung sticking to him with a placating, “We do not know of his kind. Jimin did not know he'd cry in such a way.” 

One member, however, seemed to understand that Jungkook was two seconds away from a full blown panic attack and came running towards him, a disappointed look plastered across his face.

Namjoon sat down in front of him, crossing his legs and looking at the floor rather disgusted before he met eyes with Jungkook. Jungkook whimpered a sound, fingers brushing over his scent gland, biting his lips raw. 

“Jimin has made a mistake,” Namjoon's voice was very firm and clear, he sounded more than angry, and his fingers twisted on his thigh as though to reach out for Jungkook. “I can't apologize for him, but I can apologize for myself and tell you that we know so very little about your customs and your culture, little wolf.” 

Jungkook whined deep in his throat, nails digging into his slacks. Namjoon's eyes flickered black at the sound, it startled Jungkook. He stopped crying upon seeing that, it was less than a second, but it confused him - he'd never heard of vampires doing such a thing.

Namjoon licked his lips, eyes flickering to Jungkook's neck where there were red fingerprints from Jimin's hand, “Tell me what I need to do. Tell me how to calm you down.” 

Dry mouthed, Jungkook was already calming down, he would slowly calm down on his own, but now Namjoon was so close to him, so tempering. Smelled so, so good. 

Jungkook's fingers reached closer and the vampire didn't move a muscle other than to smile. A smile looked very nice on him. With dimples so deep, Jungkook couldn't continue shaking near him. Especially when Namjoon made no move to lash out at him like Jimin had.

He picked up Namjoon's hand, running fingers over the various jewelry on his fingers. Jungkook breathed easier as he leaned over to press his nose against his wrist. 

“You like that?” Namjoon whispered, “You, beautiful, will do very well here if all you want is a little touch.” 

Jungkook vibrated with a purr at the praise and Namjoon grinned wider, thumb brushing over the bridge of the omega’s nose. Namjoon looked way too proud of himself when he shifted closer to Jungkook, turning his head to look back at the others who'd gone silent. 

Jimin did, at least, look guilty and ashamed. 

It wasn't completely his fault, vampires engaged in mating processes immediately; usually within hours of meeting they would be fully intertwined beneath blankets. Though, their mate was not a vampire. He was a wolf. An omega wolf. 

A very young, golden skinned, beautiful omega wolf with eyes that were currently teary and a bottom lip that was bitten until it was swollen.

Namjoon was enraged. 

Until he realized, belatedly, that the omega must be too. Must be very upset with this arrangement. He must be rightfully terrified of them, they weren't exactly welcoming. 

The reminder of what Jungkook had said suddenly felt heavy on them, the omega said they weren't his alphas which left anger boiling beneath the surface, because it was clearly a rejection.

Nonetheless, they were many things, but cruel to their mate was not one of the things they would be. 

“What's your name, little wolf?” Namjoon murmured, shifting his hand until his fingers held Jungkook's chin and Jungkook lifted his head up. 

“Jeon…” Jungkook swallowed hard, “Jeon Jungkook.” 

“Jungkook,” Namjoon murmured, a smile pulling at his lips and thumb brushing softly over his swollen bottom lip, “Well, Jeon Jungkook, I want to tell you something.” 

Jungkook waited, fingers curling up in his top, but Namjoon waited for a response, he'd asked a question, and Jungkook really appreciated how the vampire actually waited for his tiny nod before speaking.

“We may not be alphas,” Namjoon said, feeling an envious burn begin in the back of his mind; Jungkook had wanted alphas. He didn't want them. “But, we are willing to learn, Jungkook. We will learn how to take care of you as if we were. I know you must recognize that we are mates, and…” The vampire twisted his lip a bit, “We would let you go, if you so wanted.” 

Yoongi hissed, “Namjoon…” 

“- but, don't you think it could be a good change?” Namjoon asked, “Would you be willing to try?” 

Truthfully, Jungkook didn't know. It was all so sudden. So abrupt. Just this morning he'd been musing about how many pups he wanted, how he wanted to be held, and where he wanted his mating bite to be.

Now, all of that was crushed.

“It could be a lot of fun,” Taehyung said, deep voice echoing through the foyer, “Silk. Riches. Jewels. Anything you could ever want. Here. For you, for free.” 

Jungkook didn't care about silk. He didn't need riches. And he had lived perfectly fine this long without jewels. It occurred to him then that they felt the need to bribe him to stay; that they were genuinely worried he'd leave. 

And maybe he should. Jimin had just attacked him, hadn't even asked his name and had pinned him against a wall and the others laughed about it; they clearly didn't seem like the nicest of vampires.

Maybe he should let the vampires simmer, but these were not simple vampires. They were kings. Jungkook could only imagine the kind of damage they would do if he left. And, a tiny bit of him was excited at the prospect of having power.

Jungkook had never had power before. 

Clearing his throat, Jungkook said, pulling his hand from Namjoon's chin, “I can leave anytime I want?”

Hoseok's eyes widened hopefully, “Anytime.” 

“And…” Jungkook wet his lips. “Nobody will touch me?” 

Jimin immediately shrank back.

“Nobody will touch you without your permission,” Hoseok assured, a wide grin tugging at his lips, “Will you stay?” 

“I… I will try.”

Chapter 3

Jungkook was a beautiful thing. 

Even though the omega was crying, the glossiness to his eyes seemed entirely mystifying. Even though his lip was bitten red, the color only seemed to compliment his enchanting features.

Jungkook was gorgeous. He smelled so good. An indescribable sort of scent, one that was host mouthwatering and attention-demanding. When the omega sniffled, and moved his hand from his shirt to wipe his nose, it felt like a personal attack. 

Made the vampires flinch, because while they'd been standing here, staring, Jungkook had been struggling through his tears all alone.

“By god,” Yoongi cursed, quickly turning to snap fingers at a guard, demanding, “Someone ready his wardrobe. And a bath. Bring Soobin to us, we will instruct him on which clothing to give him.” 

“Come here, sh…” Namjoon said, hushed, offering his fingers to the omega, “We said we would not touch you without permission, but if you need help up…” 

Jungkook wet his lips. Pink tongue sweeping already slick lips and that hardly helped to steer the vampires away from rather inappropriate thoughts. It was not their fault; it was true that vampires were sexually driven creatures. 

“I..” The wolf shifted to lean closer, hand cupping around his mouth, urging Namjoon closer. The vampire did lean closer, worried. It seemed Jungkook underestimated their hearing, however, because they could all hear his little secret rather clearly. “My bottoms are wet, it is embarrassing.” 


The vampires did not interact with persons of wolven blood, that was true, for their history with shifters - those of full-wolf blood - was shaky at best. However, there were anatomical things they were aware of. 

Jungkook had been aroused by them. Slick to their touch. To Jimin's. 

“It is not embarassing,” Namjoon tried his best not to allow how aroused and approving of such a secret made him by gently shaking his head and whispering back, “It is not. But if you find it so, then we will have everyone clear the halls as you go to your room.”

“Can… will you come?” 

It, too, was overwhelmingly clear that the omega had zero idea how infatuating he was, because Jungkook sounded pleading and his eyes went round and begging and heaven could not compare to the solace found in Jungkook's eyes—

“Absolutely.” Namjoon swallowed hard and audibly cleared his throat, “Absolutely, sweetheart.” 

Jungkook smiled, just a small smile, hands tugging his worn shirt down his chest. The omega must have realized they had all heard the exchange when Taehyung rushed towards the staircase and yelled, “Clear the halls!” 

Still, the omega did not move to stand. He rubbed his feet together, worn shoes leaving dirt on the floor. 

Their mate was so dirty. Entirely so. His clothes were mere tatters of cloth. His boots were worn down so much that the sole was beginning to tear from the boot. Even the edge of the seams of Jungkook's bottoms were fraying. 

And yet Jungkook was still so beautiful. 

Truthfully, there were times in which they'd forced people to leave for wearing clothing far more appropriate than what Jungkook wore, purely because they disliked the clothing. The thought of someone so much as raising a tone at Jungkook was unimaginable, infuriating, so the thought to comment on his clothing was not entertained. 

“We are to try and be mates,” Hoseok began, smiling as he approached, hand on Namjoon's shoulder seeing as Jungkook would dislike if he touched the omega right now, “And, as mates, it would be despicable of us to leave you in such a state where others may see. Would you allow us to help you?” 

The idea of having to ask permission seemed unimaginable, but it was necessary. Hoseok’s words could have been taken promiscuously, especially considering they were referring to Jungkook being aroused, and perhaps the king did mean it in many ways, but Jungkook was very innocent. Very trusting. 

That much was clear when, despite his previous request, Jungkook was chewing on his lip and reaching up for Hoseok's hand, other finding Namjoon's shoulder to stand up. 

Hoseok released a deep breath to make room in his lungs for the scent of Jungkook when he was allowed close enough to stand the omega on his feet, stepping closer under the guise of adjusting the omega's tunic over his hips.

Jungkook rubbed his knees together, glancing down at the darkened fabric of his slacks and turning bright red. The sound of his heartbeat picking up and his blood racing through his veins sounded like a melody, very soft and gentle. 

“I, um…” 

“Do not worry. Sh… sweet thing.” Yoongi was quickly removing his robe, sending a confused glance at Seokjin when the eldest released this huff-like sound at the action. “There is no reason to be embarrassed, we find you beautiful. You should  not be ashamed of your own interest around us.” 

Jungkook accepted the robe and when he turned to put it on it was clear the slick ran all the way down the back of his clothes and it was incredibly hard not to ask the omega to see more. 

Not trying their luck some more with such a beautiful thing felt like a curse all on it's own. It felt like punishment to not act on what they wished to. 

However, it was clear by Jungkook's actions that the omega was more than afraid right now and they had to consider the omega’s situation, too. There was no doubt the omega was struggling to reel in his fear. The kings were aware their image was not exactly welcoming. 

“It was not… not due to arousal. I mean, yes, but…” Jungkook closed his eyes as he sucked in a breath, giving a small shake of his head to himself and folding arms over his chest before turning to Yoongi with a small sheepish bow. “I apologize. I just…” 

“Do not ever apologize for being overwhelmed,” Taehyung drawled, deep voice a tad warning as he straightened up and motioned towards the stairs. “Please continue. I enjoy your voice. Come. I'll lead you up the stairs.” 

Despite the fact the youngest vampire was blatantly trying to get rid of everyone else, Namjoon and Hoseok and Yoongi trailed behind. Jimin did not, he was guilt ridden. And Seokjin was already walking by everyone to step out of the room in a rather hurried huff. 

Nobody questioned him, despite it being strange. Jungkook was a much more interesting thing to pay attention to. 

“My neck is sensitive,” Jungkook settled on about halfway up the stairs, eyes pointedly down and fingers holding his robe tight, “The slick… It was instinct. I am not sure vampires have those instincts… so you did not know. King Jimin did not know-”

“Just our names, please.” 

Whether or not Jungkook heard the request was unknown, because the omega released a soft breath and mumbled, tone achingly far away, “I suppose there are many things we do not know of one another…” 

It was devastated. There was no denying that the omega sounded devastated. It was a fact. And that tone alone should warrant absolute rage from the vampires, for it implied Jungkook did not consider them good enough mates, but the tone only saddened them. 

And Jungkook was right, they did know so little of one another. Of their kinds. Of their instincts. 

“Omega…” Namjoon whispered, voice cautious, gently laying a hand on Jungkook's back when the omega stopped to wipe his eyes. Faces fell. 

They were upset themselves, but not because they were mated to an omega, they were upset that they had upset Jungkook so soon. They were upset because so far it seemed as though their mating could never work out. 

They were upset, because it was clear Jungkook had far different expectations of mates than they did and that hurt so badly. They were kings. They were used to having everything thrown into their arms and Jungkook was not one of those things that they could demand.

They would have to work for him. 

“We want to try,” Namjoon said softly, petting Jungkook's arm, “All we are asking for is a chance to try. Everything else is up to you. What could we possibly lose from trying?” 

Jungkook sucked on his lip and eventually nodded. He swallowed and sighed as he pushed his hair from his face, continuing up the stairs again, “I apologize. It is not you. I am overwhelmed. It is all so sudden.” 

“It is us,” Taehyung chuckled, trying to smile, “You do not need to spare our feelings, rosebud. We are aware this was not as you expected, it is not what we expected either.” 

“But you are handling it so well,” Jungkook sighed, waiting at the top of the stairs for someone to show him the way, “Better than me.” 

Hoseok laughed. A genuine laugh. He brushed fingers over Jungkook's hand and then motioned towards a hallway, fingers brushing softly over the omega's, but he did not take his hand. “We were looking for a mate, and we are not at all opposed to such a beautiful one at all.”

“Even if I am not a vampire?” 

The four vampires chuckled as though Jungkook were absolutely adorable. Which he was. Even with wet eyelashes and sore eyes he was adorable. 

“An omega is even better,” Yoongi mused, moving to open two double doors at the end of a hallway. 

Jungkook did not get a chance to ask exactly why that was, which was likely a good thing, because Yoongi was not a person who wasted time speaking nonsense and would likely flat out tell Jungkook that he was entirely interested in the beauty the omega held. 

The omega instead was distracted by the large room in front of them and audibly awed as he stepped inside, only stopping at the rug to begin untying his robe, eyes scanning the room.

“Do you like it?” Taehyung asked, folding his arms and leaning on the doorframe. 

“It is amazing,” Jungkook replied without looking at him, dropping his robe on the ground, seemingly forgetting his bottoms were wet with slick, because it gave them a view of how they clung to his legs when the omega gasped and went walking towards a jewelry cabinet to poke around. 

A guttural noise left Yoongi’s mouth as he scanned the curves of Jungkook's bodys, tongue wetting his lips, taking a step into the room.

Namjoon hissed and moved to grab Yoongi, “Jungkook. We will send an assistant to show you your things, but if you need anything, please call for us.” 

“Thank you…” 

Jungkook sounded distracted already; he was picking through the shiny necklaces. Yoongi bared teeth at Namjoon for a moment before the younger vampire pushed him out of the room and yanked Taehyung back to close the door.

Once out of sight, it was much easier to focus. 

“Well,” Hoseok snickered when Yoongi tossed himself on the railing to curl hands around the wood and breathe hard, “He is quite attractive, I agree, hyung.” 

“Succubus. That is what he is.” 

Jungkook began to hum behind the door and Namjoon worriedly threw himself in front of it in case Yoongi decided he wanted to do more than just hear the omega sing. 

Taehyung’s eyebrows raised interestedly, eyes flickering gold when he met Namjoon's warning eyes. The younger vampire sighed and swept a hand through his hair, “This is going to be difficult.” 

“It will be worth it,” Yoongi wet his lips and visibly relaxed, sounding as though partially speaking to himself, “It will be. I am sure of it.” 

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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