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Ateez Fanfiction

(Chapter 1) One day

It was very quiet in the house as everyone was asleep. Except Hongjoong as he was in the studio all day and all night, he hadn't slept for a very long time, but then in the house, there was a big BANG when everyone woke up with the noise

and they all went down stairs quietly as San held onto Seonghwa as he was scared, and then they all went behind Jongho. When he looked around the corner, he saw Hongjoong making food. Jongho turned around, giggling, and the rest of the Members were confused about why he was giggling.

Then San punched Jongho, saying, "Why are you giggling? Who is there? Jongho didn't answer him, then San looked around the corner, and then he giggled too. Then he whispered to the rest of the members who were there. They all started to giggle quietly, except Seonghwa as was very confused why San hadn't told him who was there,

then, Seonghwa said I'll check who is there. Then he goes to check who is there he was surprised to see it was Hongjoong. Then he ran up to Hongjoong and hugged him from behind, then Hongjoong jumped with surprise and said, "You scared me, but how are you? Seonghwa started to tear up. I can't believe you back. Hongjoong noticed and huge him, The San ran into the room and said, "Is this breakfast for us? and then was about to sit done when Yunho ran in as well but picked up San from the chair and lifted him up in his arms and the rest of the Members grabbed food from the cupboard and ran up stairs and had food upstairs in there room then Hongjoong said I am sorry for being away for so long and Then he whipped Seonghwa eyes with his hand and Seonghwa said please can you staying with me for now on Hongjoong nods and hugs him tightly then they got interrupted by Wooyoung and he said can I have breakfast please the nod, then Wooyoung runs up stairs into San's room and his slams the door open and San jumps and Wooyoung tells San to get ready to go on the bus, Seonghwa said we should get ready to go to our concert, Hongjoong said ya we should.

...Yunho said everyone got ready for our concert we are going to be late for our concert everyone gets ready then they all go done stairs and Hongjoong puts everything in the bus and Mingi helps him and San gets his blanket and shiber in the bus, as everyone gets in the bus Yeosang and Jongho sit together and Mingi, Yunho sit together, San and Wooyoung sit together and Seonghwa sits down and Hongjoong puts his bag under neath the bus and he comes on the bus and he was about to sit down on next to Seonghwa but then he remembered something up stairs in his room and ran up stairs and Seonghwa was very confused why Hongjoong ran out of the bus but Hongjoong ran into the room and grabbed a little box and put it into his pocket and ran down the stairs into the bus and out of breath he sat down next to Seonghwa and the rest of the members were confused about that just happened but didn't say anything about it, and Seonghwa said "You ok Hongjoong" no reply from Hongjoong and his was so out of breath the his fell a sleeping on Seonghwa shoulder and Seonghwa was so worried about Hongjoong that he didn't go to sleep on the bus and keeps checking on Hongjoong the whole time....

(Chapter 2) The concert

Ateez had to get a plane to get to their concert in Thailand so they all had to get off the bus to get on the plane, and Seonghwa had to wake Hongjoong but he did want to because he knew that Hongjoong was not getting enough sleep but he had to so he gently nudged Hongjoong to wake up and Hongjoong woke up and was half a sleep and Seonghwa got his and Hongjoong bags out of the bus and Yeosang helped Seonghwa with the bag and Seonghwa helped Hongjoong in the airport and the all got on their plane and they all sat down to the same partners as there where in the bus then when Seonghwa was putting the bags above Jongho hit Seonghwa by an accident then Hongjoong cot he before he fell then Seonghwa sat down by the window and Hongjoong sat next to he and Hongjoong hates airplanes and was sick so he was getting up most if the time and Seonghwa was worried Wooyoung had fallen asleep San slept on his shoulder the entire flight.

Yeosang was watching a movie, and Jongho was watching it too, and then Yeosang put his head on Jongho's shoulder. And Yunho and Mingi were chatting for most of it, then they played cards for the rest of it. Then the plane was landing they all were happy to have arrived, and they all got out of the plane, and Hongjoong put the little Box into his bag, and Mingi saw that he was putting something in his bag and he walked up to Hongjoong and ask what is that Hongjoong was surprised and said that it was nothing and Mingi was curious to know what it was and Mingi then went up to Yunho and told him what had just happened and and Yunho said that he didn't know what it was either so they were both curious and then then go to the hotel and got there rooms.

Then Seonghwa and hongjoong went to their room and put their bags in side and the rest of the Members did the same but they only got what they needed then they all when to another building and got ready for the concert and they were go to go on and they were having a team talk before going on tha Seonghwa noticed that Hongjoong hadn't said anything for a very long time and when said 8 makes 1 team Hongjoong didn't said it and Seonghwa was very worried that he went up to Hongjoong just about they we're going to go on Seonghwa pulled Hongjoong hand and said Hongjoong you ok no reply and Seonghwa asked why are you so quiet you're never this quiet but still no answer and then Hongjoong said we should go on now Seonghwa said you can tell me anything you know that right

Hongjoong said ya know that thanks Seonghwa then they all went on stage, and Seonghwa noticed that Hongjoong was sweating a lot, and they hadn't even started than something awful happened

(Chapter 3) Hongjoong's Birthday

Hongjoong fainted on stage, and Seonghwa lept into action as he knew something was going to happen, but he was terrified, and the rest of the members were shocked to see Hongjoong like this and Seonghwa carried Hongjoong off stage and San told the manager to tell to fans they would be out in a few minutes as something happened and Yunho said that thank god there was a curtain and all the members ya thank god and Seonghwa was in tears and was doubting himself as I should have noticed this coming as I knew something was wrong with Hongjoong he was very quiet and Seonghwa cried the rest of them comforted him then Hongjoong opened his eyes very slowly and Seonghwa wiped his tears and sat on the floor with Hongjoong. In his arms Hongjoong, you awake. Thanks, god awake, and are you ok? Hongjoong said I think, so I think I need more sleep in a proper bed everyone ya we think so too."

Can I sit on a chair on the stage? Instead, everyone said ya, we think, might be a better idea, so Seonghwa lifted Hongjoong and Wooyoung brought a chair on the stage so Hongjoong could sit on stand then Seonghwa put Hongjoong on the chair then the curtains opened and fans were so excited to see Ateez. Yunho got to crowd quite so Seonghwa could tell them something

then Seonghwa said that Hongjoong was injured and can't dance bus he can sing instead and Mingi was confused why Seonghwa said that Hongjoong was injured and not what really happened but he came over to Seonghwa and we are not going to telling them what action what happened and Seonghwa said they'll be worried about him.

And then there when at the last songs and Hongjoong pretended that he was injured on his foot told Seonghwa to come to help him off the chair and Seonghwa came over to help him, and then it was the end for the concert, and they bow and then went offstage and Seonghwa and San helped him as they pretended that he injured, and then the curtains closed and then Seonghwa picked up Hongjoong and Hongjoong said I can walk you know Seonghwa said I know you can but not what happened either so let's all go to the hotel and relax ok and everyone said OK

Then Hongjoong said I can walk again Seonghwa, so Seonghwa puts Hongjoong down and the Mingi said Yunho can you do that to me Yunho said ya should come here Yunho picks Mingi up like a princess San said cute Wooyoung can...we Wooyoung said sure come here. Yeosang Jongho can...I hold you...hand please Jongho am...ok then Seonghwa noticed Hongjoong thinking about something then Hongjoong eyes filing up with water then he starts to cry and Seonghwa stoped his tracks and he grabbs Hongjoong hand said Hongjoong are you ok after what happened on the stage Hongjoong said it's just coming back to me now I couldn't even remember what happened no I do freaky buy I could hear somebody I didn't know who it was Seonghwa said it's OK I am with you to the end so let's go have dinner with the other ok Hongjoong said ya let's go,

they all have dinner together, then the lights Jongho brings a cake out and Seonghwa brings a present out and they all as happy birthday, everyone said happy birthday

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