NovelToon NovelToon

My Unwanted Desire

introduction -1

hello cupcakes how are you all doing 😚
did you all miss me ? 🥹 but i missed you all so much 😌
so let's get into the main point
I'm back with a new story 😁
My Unwanted Desire ~
this time I want to try Desi girl mafia man story 🌝
This story is gonna be a bit more 🌝 ...... type 😗
So if any of you feel uncomfortable reading 18+ content .. please don't read
and for other cupcakes 😁 enjoy (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)
let's start with the introduction of all main leads 😌
Isha kapoor
Age - 22
- the strong and beautiful -second child of the Kapoor family. -She's like a rose - lovely yet sharp, courageous, and deeply devoted to her family, especially her father. -Proud of her Indian roots -studies will complete in one year - loves her emotions in paintings -emotional towards her loved ones and fiercely protective of her self-respect.
Get to know this remarkable character who embodies grace, resilience, and unwavering determination ..who is going to bring thunders in someone's life ❤️
Arushi Kapoor
Age -24
-The elder sister in the Kapoor family. - calm, understanding, and obedient to her parents. - loves to read and always thinks carefully before making decisions. -prefers a simple lifestyle and is known for her kindness and honesty. - loves her sister more than anything in the world.
Get to know this gentle and loving character who brings warmth and wisdom to someone's life with her presence 💛
Daisy Gómez
Age :22
-The best friend and crime partner of Isha Kapoor. -like a delphinium flower - vibrant, poetic, and full of life. -adores pottery - brings cheerfulness and laughter wherever she goes, but also has a wild and messy side that adds excitement to her adventures. -fiercely loyal to her family and friends, always ready to stand by their side.
Get to know this dynamic and spirited character who adds a touch of color and spontaneity to someone's life 💜
Shreya Kapoor ( isha and arushi's mother )
Age - 47
Shaurya Kapoor ( isha and arushi's father)
Age : 51
Emma Gómez ( daisy mother )
Age : 43
Rowan Gómez
Age : 49
Male leads introduction will be in upcoming updates
it's very hard to choose photos of each and every character..i don't know about them ..I just like the faces and felt like it suits the story line so i selected them 😅
as you all know how clumsy your author is if there are any mistakes please help me to correct them cupcakes ..
That's all for this update cupcakes 🤓 if you all like my new work .please LIKE🖤 COMMENT ⬜ SUBSCRIBE ☑️ SHARE 💟 .see you all in next update cupcakes 🤓

peaceful family

Kapoor's mansion
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
😑 इस लड़की को देखो, सुअर की तरह सो रही है,..मेरी प्यारी बेवकूफ बेटी..उठो (😑 look at this girl , sleeping like a pig ...hey my dear idiot daughter..wake up )
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
*turn to other side * pull blanket more to cover her face *
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
ये नहीं सुधरेगी 🤦🏻‍♀️( she won't change 🤦🏻‍♀️)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
ठीक है....मैं भी देखूंगी कि अब तुम कैसे नहीं जागोगे 😑( okay ..i will also see how you won't wake up now 😑)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
turn off the air conditioner*
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
remove the curtains of her room completely so that sun rays will fall directly on her *
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Folding hands and waiting for her reaction*
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
*sweating a little bit and frown deeply *
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
maaaaaa 😫😫 ( mommm )
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
अब नाटक करना बंद करो और जागो ( now stop doing drama and wake up )
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
go towards her and drag her by hand *
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
Sits with sleepy eyes *
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
हे भगवान..तुमने मुझे ऐसी शैतान माँ क्यों दी? ( hey God ..why did you give such a devil mom to me ) 😫
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
तुमने नहीं बल्कि भगवान ने मुझे शैतान बेटी दी है 😑 देखो .. मेरी बड़ी बेटी को देखो .. वह जल्दी उठ गई और रसोई में मेरी मदद की .. लेकिन तुम्हें देखो 😇 .. बस गधे की तरह सो रही है (not you but God gave devil daughter to me ...see look at my big daughter..she woke up early in the morning and helped me in the kitchen..but look at you .. sleeping like a donkey )
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
👉🏻 someone who is trying to process her words as she is not able to understand anything in her sleepy phase
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
👈🏻one who is giving lecture to her nonstop
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
हे राम..क्या तुम मेरी बात सुन भी रहे हो? अगर तुम भीस मिनट में फ्रेश नहीं हुए तो मैं तुम्हें इस घर से बाहर निकाल दूंगी ( oh god ..are you even listening to me ..if you won't freshup in 20 minutes i will throw you out of this house ) *left angrily*
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
आरुषि..मेरी झाड़ू कहाँ है? ( arushii where is my broomstick? ) *shouting*
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
flinched hard and woke up instantly * मेरी प्यारी मां..मैं दस मिनट में आपके सामने आऊंगी ( my lovely mom ..I will be there In front of you in 10 minutes) *shouts back *
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
heard chuckles *
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
तुम मेरा छोटी बेटी को क्यों परेशान कर रहे हो?अगर वह सोना चाहती है तो उसे सोने दो ना? ( why are you troubling my little daughter..if she wants to sleep ,let her sleep na)*says while reading the newspaper*
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
आप कुछ मत बोलिये , सब आपकी वजह से हो रहा है ..आपने उसे बहुत बिगाड़ दिया.. ( you don't say anything..all because of you spoiled her too much )
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
😄 ऐसा कुछ नहीं है श्रेय-( nothing like that shrey-)*look at her *
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
*giving death glares*
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
😶 चा..चाय 😅( t..tea)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
हां हां..अब मैं घर की नोकरानी हूं ना..मैं सबके लिए सब कुछ करूंगी ,सबकी सुनूंगी ,यहां मेरी बात सुनने वाला कोई नहीं है ( yes yes ..I'm the maid of this house ..I will do everything for everyone..will listen to everyone..but no one is here to listen to me ) *go to kitchen with angry face *
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
😶 अब मैने क्या किया ( now what I did ?)
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
gives her tea cup * 😶
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
जाओ और इसे अपने पिता को दे आओ 😑( go and give it to your dad 😑)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Comes from behind *look at them *
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
Look at him *
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shh 🤫 *gesture her to go *
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
*control her smile and left silently*
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Go towards her silently*
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
*mumbles to herself angrily*
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Puts hands on her shoulder lovingly*
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
startled * 😳
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
मैं नहीं जानता कि मेरी पत्नी गुस्से में भी इतनी खूबसूरत दिखती है ( i don't know that my wife looks beautiful even in anger )
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
आ..आप 😳
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
hold her chin gently * जब मैं अपनी पत्नी को परेशान करता हूं तो मेरा दिल दुखता है😞 ( I feel bad when I make my wife upset )
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
trying to control her smile * अपनी पत्नी के लिए इतना प्यार ?( so much love for your wife?)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
हाँ मैं अपनी रानी से प्यार करता हूँ ( yes I love my queen)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
blushing while looking down * 😶रुको..क्या कहा आपने..रानी? ..ये रानी कौन है?(wait..want did you say ? queen ..who is this queen now )*look at her with angry eyes *
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
😶हे भगवान .. रानी मतलब .. मेरे दिल की रानी.. वो तुम हो 😶( oh god ..queen means ..queen of my heart..that's you 😶)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
blushing* jerk him by elbow softly*
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
क्या खूबसूरत मुस्कान है..इसमें कोई शक नहीं कि जैसे ही मैंने तुम्हें देखा, मैं इस मुस्कान का दीवाना हो गया ( what a beautiful smile doubt that I fell for this smile the moment I saw your smile ) *hug her from back *
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
😳अरे भगवान ..ये क्या है.अगर बच्चों ने हमें ऐसे देख लिया तो क्या होगा?..छोड़िये ना( oh god ..what's this ..what if our kids see us like this ?)
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
कोई बात नहीं..हम कुछ नहीं देख रहे हैं ( no problem we are not watching anything) *munching carrot while looking at them *
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
🤦🏻‍♀️Pinch her cheeks *
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
तुम मेरे साथ आओ ( you..come with me ) *drag her with her *
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
😳😳मैंने आपसे कहा था कि वे देखेंगे *cover her face with both hands *
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
वे बाहरी नहीं हैं...वे हमारे ही बच्चे हैं।'( they are not outsiders...they are our kids only )
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
बेशर्म पति अब जाओ..मैं नाश्ता लाउंगी 😣( shameless husband now go ..i will bring breakfast)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
chuckles softly and left*
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
go towards his daughters * kiss their forehead*
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
Good morning papa 😁
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
good morning
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
Wiggling her eyebrows playfully* सुबह-सुबह रोमांस पिताजी? ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ( early morning romance dad ?)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
मैंने उसे शांत करने की कोशिश की..वरना मेरी छोटी बेटी, तुम्हें उसकी झाड़ू से कोई नहीं बचाएगा ( I tried to calm her down or else no one can save you from her broomstick my lovely daughter) 😇
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
show thumbs up * शाबाश पापा...मुझे आप पर गर्व है ( well done dad proud of you 🥹)
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
Laughing* 😂
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
माँ नाश्ता लाएँगी..चलो बैठो( mom will bring breakfast..let's sit)
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
रुको पापा..मैं माँ की मदद करूंगी - ( wait dad I will help mom )
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
नहीं नहीं..तुम बैठो मेरी बेटी..तुमने रसोई में मेरी बहुत मदद की ( no sit my helped me alot in kitchen)
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
arushi Kapoor ( fl sister )
smiles *
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Look at arushi with smile *
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
क्या वाह ..सब मेरे पसंदीदा हैं 😍 ..( woah ..all are my favourites )
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
Shreya Kapoor( fl mom)
chuckles *
Isha kapoor( fl)
Isha kapoor( fl)
Love you maa 😚😚😚😚
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
Shaurya Kapoor (fl dad)
आओ तुम भी बैठो.. साथ में नाश्ता करते हैं ( come sit here ..let's have breakfast together)
They four had breakfast while enjoying isha and Shreyas bickering
This is an everyday scenario in kapoors family
peaceful..lovely ..happy family..
That's all for this update cupcakes 🤓 if you all like my new work .please LIKE🖤 COMMENT ⬜ SUBSCRIBE ☑️ SHARE 💟 .see you all in next update cupcakes 🤓

intro -2

i know my cupcakes are waiting for male leads 🌝
let's start
Zade Fernàndez ~
Age :29
-Elder son of the formidable Fernàndez family. -lost his parents in young age - Ruthless and merciless towards those who betray him, Zade conceals his vulnerabilities from the world, refusing to show weakness to anyone. - His grandfather's words hold the weight of commands in his eyes, guiding his every move. -Detached and unattached, he believes that emotions are a liability, a weakness he cannot afford. -Ego and attitude tower above all, unyielding and unapologetic. -The mere presence of Zade is enough to send shivers down the spines of those around him, a chilling reminder of his power and dominance. -He brooks no interference in his affairs, intolerant of anyone who dares to meddle in his meticulous schemes. - SELF OBSESSED 😑
Damien Fernàndez
Age : 27
-The second child of the Fernàndez family, Zade's one and only brother. -He looks up to Zade as his role model, holding an unparalleled level of respect for his older sibling. - Regardless of the correctness of the situation, if Zade commands, he will dutifully follow, unwavering in his loyalty. - experienced heartbreak in the past, he once loved deeply but she betrayed him by cheated on him. This betrayal has left him disillusioned with the notions of love and relationships, leading him to guard his heart fiercely. -sharp and intelligent individual, approaching every situation with a keen business mindset, evaluating decisions based on their practicality and profitability.
Karthik Singh
Age : 24
-Zade's loyal and trusted friend -Left India due to some unresolved issues. -Karthik shares a deep bond with Zade and is considered the most sensible and level-headed among everyone. - Despite facing challenges that led him to leave his home country, Karthik remains a cheerful and optimistic individual, always ready to offer support and a listening ear to those around him. - Karthik's unwavering loyalty to Zade is unmatched, as he stood by his friend during times of need and adversity. -Their friendship is built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect, with Karthik being a pillar of strength for Zade in both good times and bad. -Sensitive and empathetic when it comes to his loved ones, Karthik is known for his caring nature and his ability to understand and support those closest to him. - His presence brings a sense of comfort and stability to the group, and his unwavering dedication to his friends, especially Zade, makes him a valuable and cherished companion in their twisted world
🌝I gave biggy intro to ml friend right but I like him 👉🏻👈🏻
George Fernàndez
Ml grandpa
Austin Fernàndez
Ml uncle
that's all for MLS family introduction (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
That's all for this update cupcakes 🤓 if you all like my new work .please LIKE🖤 COMMENT ⬜ SUBSCRIBE ☑️ SHARE 💟 .see you all in next update cupcakes 🤓

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