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Love At First Sight

strange behaviour

Mireya is 19 years old girl, she love her father alot , she is a difficult and brave girl,she is a great artist and she is too beautiful and attractive.

it's morning time mireya came out from room .

Hey! Dad good morning,said mireya .

Good morning my priencess, said her dad.

Dad I am going to artclass bye, said mireya.

She left from home there was a fest and she have to paint some thing unique .she painted with high spirit. Event is started she displayed her art .

Antonio ajello is a famous buisness man, who was the chief guest of the event .

there was lot of noice from out side,because Antonio ajello have arrived to event .he mireya's painting at first sight.she got prize in that event .

she came home after that event and she was happy ,she started calling her dad.

Hey, dad I made it ,I won it ,said mireya

Congratulation darling ,said her dad

After that she decided to open her own gallery ,and unfortunatly she opens her gallery in front of Antonio's office.he came to office and parked his car he saw that there is a new opened gallery in opposite ,he walk towards the gallery there was a pritty women on the counter.

Hey ! How are you, are you the owner of this

gallery ,said antonio .

he was talking familierly

mireya got strange and said ,yes iam

And who are you ,asked mireya.

Iam antonio ,nice to meet you ,and what's your name ,said antonio

Iam mireya,how can I help you, said mireya

With a second her phone range and excuses him,and then he left.

He entered in his office and sat on chair ,he was started thinking about mireya ,and a employee came to him .sir, we have important meeting today ,i you agree shell we start.

Ah! No I have some work to do ,we will see later ,antonio said and left the office.

He came to parking and he saw that mireya was going out .he sound from behind.

Hey! Mireya where are you going ,

Iam going to have lunch,said mireya.

If you don't mind can I join you, said antonio

Yes,you can ,said mireya

They drove to restaurant ,they sat opposite to each other ,she was thinking that he is strange i evev don't know him ,how can he will be familier to me.

he push the menu card towards mireya.

Choose your menu ,said antonio .

He knew that she was feeling uncomfortable with him but he thought it's our first time ,so take it easy

they had there lunch silently and left .he said i'll drop you and he dropped her to home .

ok bye! Said antonio

Hmm ! Bye ,said mireya

To be continued..........

Hey guys don't forget to like and comment ,we will meet at next episode .if any thing have got mistake then don't mind , and please subscribe have a nice day.

real truth of mireya rossi

Next morning he went to office but she was late to open gallery .antonio was waiting for her , after some time she opened gallery and she placed a new painting in her gallery it was a painting about a pure friendship .antonio saw her from his office window .And he left office and skip how meetings the bodygaurd was shock that he never skiped meeting but now he is doing that why.

Antonio enter into gallery and started talking with mireya

Hey ! Why you are so late today ? Said antonio

oo actually I was doing some work .said mireya

oo i see,if you can we go to lunch together ? Said antonio

hmm,yeh said mireya

They started meeting every day and now they became best friends .Antonio was a tough person he never have any friend mireya was the first person from whom he first started talking .after lunch they went back to gallery and suddenly some one called mireya it was her cousin jim.but antonio took stress when hi saw him ,he asked how is he she said my cousin and they he took a deep breath.

after this they drove to home ,when he came to drop her she called him inside.and he was so excited to meet her parents .after entering in home she shouted

Dad,dad iam here said mireya.

Calm down princess i now said her dad

Dad,meet him he is my friend antonio , and antonio ajello meet mai dad and mom.

Hello, uncle and aunt ,nice to meet you said antonio.

They reminded thinking for a while, and her dad recognized him but he refused to remind because he don't want to provoke the past ,and welcomed him familierly .after he left butler of rossi family came from England to inform the situation

Actually mireya full name was mireya rossi she also belongs to a noble family but her father lost everything and came to Italy.

luca rossi said mireya rossi to pack her bags and don't inform to antonio ajello . But mireya was confused and asked what is the link between our loss and antonio ajello.

luca said i' ll tell you whole later now just do as I said,she packed her bags with out speaking anything and they left to England by their private plane.

Next day antonio went to office but the gallery was closed he waited for hor long and he started busy in his work suddenly his phone rang he saw that his's dad call he picked .

Hello,dad how are you said antonio

Fine , come back for some days I have a important meeting which you have to attend said also ajello .and hung up

Antonio was confused because that day was totally strange ,and he left to England .

After he reached he came to know that the rossi family which was disapperad suddenly came back and they are handling the M.S group .

He was stunned bye hearing this and went take some rest for a while


Antonio ajello preparing to attend the party ,now he looks like Nobel man his black fitted suit make him a look like a king ,he went to his father to ask when to leave,his father he drove the car together .

And the other side mireya rossi selecting her dresses and she just looks like a pritty princess, her dad came to se her and he was glanced at her.

My princess ,God bless you my child said luca rossi

Thank you dad said mireya rossi

Party is started in this party every ones are belonging to noble family,mireya was nervous but she raised up as a king ,so she can control every situation .her dad raised her up as a boy because they never had another boy child she was the single offspring of the whole rossi family.

It's time to announce the new ceo of the MR group,he was waiting for every one attend it after every one arrived ,at last antonio and his dad aldo ajello arrived ,finally luca came on stage and antonio was stunned bye seeing mireya's dad on stage,luca rossi called her daughter mireya rossi and announced that.

Mireya rossi ,who is my one and only daughter is the ceo of MR group,

everyone in the party started gossips about them " is really a girl going to handle the whole empire".

Antonio ajello was stunned by hearing the announcment he stared on mireya she looks like pritty stubborn women on the stage .antonio knew her ability by hearing every one comments luca started lo talk.

Everybody listen to me I raised up my girl as a powerfull Nobel lady so you'r all don't need to worry she can take care of my empire better then me ,said luca rossi.

She was glanced to hear such word from her dad she hugged her dad and left from their antonio followed her she was standing on the balcony he suddenly gaved her surprise.

What are you doing her ? Antonio asked in cold voice.

This is my home ,and where can I be? replied mireya by a doubtful voice.

Why didn't you tell me that you are belonging to a noble family ? Aked antonio with cold and angry voice.

It's happend in sudden i didn't have time to so ,said mireya with a smile.

But antonio mood was not good and he misunderstood her and said her" you don't have any feelings about so you always kept secrets with me " Sai antonio in cold and angry voice.but mireya was a cool and calm girl she thought that it's not a good time to argue with him and she stayed silently .

I think you don't want to talk with me iam sorry to waste your time said antonio and left from their by a sadness .

She never thought that he will come to England and he will be upset by knowing that she belonging to a Nobel family

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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