NovelToon NovelToon

My Love,Mine All Mine.


Israel's pov
Israel wipe the table
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
I am Israel Wilson
An IT graduate
I work at xxx cafe part time in the evening
And I work at school during the day
I am a sweeper at the school must be wondering why i work there as a sweeper
it's because I can't speak
so I can't teach or even work at a good place
However,i am satisfied with my earnings
after all
At the end of the day...
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
*smiles and signs *
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
{hello mama}
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*smiles and closes the door*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*takes off his shoes*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{hey darling}
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
{mama,food ready}
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{ who cooked?}
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Lewin Is learning sign he speaks in bits
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*signs Lewin to go to his room*
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
*nods and goes*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*enters the kitchen*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*preparing smoothie*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
( he is here)
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*looks at Israel*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{ hie}
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{ how did you visit without informing?}
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
I was busy
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
I am taking Lewin with me today
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*clenches on his pants*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{I brought him just for 2 days}
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{ can you not let him stay here for one more day?}
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{i met him after months... please}
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*doesn't say anything and serves food*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*Goes to aril *
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*taps his hand*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*can't express without actions....but aril won't look at him*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*taps again*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
What is it?*a little irritated*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{ just one more day}
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
I said no
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*bangs the vessel on the table and goes to lewin's room*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
( he'll get mad at lewin)
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*follows him out*
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
*unpacking his stuff that aril packed*
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*opens the door* Lew we are leaving
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
Uh?*unpacked everything*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*massages his temple* what is this all?
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
I want to stay with mama until my summer holidays end
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
you promised me dad
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Your violin classes and swimming classes are starting from tomorrow
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
But...i don't like that
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
it's not about what you like and what you don't
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Heirs of tuscano family have to be fluent in everything
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
will you make me a doll like mama?
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
What doll?
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
Mama does everything perfectly
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
he doesn't even complain to you about anything
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
Will you make me like him?
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Shut up lewin
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Stop asking nonsense questions
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*picks him up*
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
Wahhhhhh I don't wanna go!!
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
I want mama!! Aghh haaa
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*just standing there*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*looks at Israel* convinced him
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*one who doesn't want him to leave but has no choice*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*goes to Lewin and holds his face*
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
Sobb sobb mama
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
Mama stay with lew
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{sorry baby}
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{i promise to see you next time}
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{we'll do more fun}
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
Hic...but I don't want to go back
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{for me?}
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
*hurt even more*
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
you u hate me mama
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
You don't want to stay with me
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*just standing and holding Lewin who was throwing tantrums*
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
*crying badly* you are a liar mama
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
You promised to stay with lew for a month
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
u u liar!! Aghh haa
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*upset* {sorry}
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
I don't like you mama
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
Aghh haaa
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*starts walking away*
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
*hugs aril tight*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*heart hurts*
Lewin Tuscano
Lewin Tuscano
*keeps looking at Lewin who was sobbing in aril's arms*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*tears up*
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
*drives off*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*sits on the floor*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*tears blurr the vision*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
(i am sorry my child)
Aril Tuscano
Age:37 Dominant alpha owner of a company. Married to Israel. Loves his child lewin . has no interest in anything. Just does whatever is asked to do by his father. Has never been in love or has never loved anyone has multiple affairs and addictions. But never let's that affect his personal life he is A doll himself
Israel Wilson. Was the son of a rich investors in aril's company. Got abandoned by his family after marriage. Had a marriage of convenience with aril tuscano. was chased out of aril's house after completing his duty of giving birth to their heir i.e lewin
Age :-29
Lewin tuscano Parents: aril and Israel Always deprived of love. Has a dozen classes to attend. Has no childhood. Loves Israel and his uncle. doesn't love aril much
Age:- 7 years old


next day
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
(even the kids are having their holidays )*enters the school*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*closes the gate*( at least I was able to see Lewin during the school)
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*wears the apron*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*takes the broom*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*starts sweeping*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
(Everything happened so fast)
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
(i have betrayed someone who loved marry someone who doesn't care for me)
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
(there is nobody in my life anymore)
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
*smiles* idiot
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*pouts like a angry kitten*
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Wha- aren't you an idiot?
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*shakes his head*
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Ohhh really??
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Then what are you hm?*smiles and hugs him*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
*looking at israel*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{ your boyfriend}
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Ahhh my hearrttt ohhhh myyy gooodddd *hugs tight
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*tint of blush*
But after two years of dating
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*sitting with his head down*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*sitting infront of Israel*
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
*standing besides aril*
We are really happy to marry our son in your family
Hahaha we are glad to have him too
He is our responsibility now*shakes hand with Israel's father*
Don't create any trouble
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{yes father}
That is your new family now
As for whoever your lover was,tell him that you are getting married
And if you dare to run away from this marriage,you know the outcomes
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
It will be arranged in two weeks
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
and ....i was married to my lover's brother
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
*goes and gets water*
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
*bangs it on table* he is your husband,not your servant
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
And what are you agitated?
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*looks at aril*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Are you close with him?
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*legs go numb*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*shakes his head*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*continues having breakfast*
Aril never showed any affection to me
I didn't expect anything either
But...the problem was
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*holding milk*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*walking to his room*
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
*pulls Israel in his room*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*drops the milK*
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
*joins forehead with Israel*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*face turns blue*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*shaking his head*
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
I am not doing anything
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Please*tears rolling down*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*heart hurts*
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
I miss you
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
I miss you Israel..hic
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Please come back ..sob
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*tears up*
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
*hugs* i can't see you with him
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
He will ruin you
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
i am sorry....i am sorry
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
...*just crying*
It was difficult to survive in the same house with my husband and my ex lover
My heart always belonged to Aldrich
Because he is gentle with me
but I was married now
I can't cheat on my husband
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
We need to get a heir
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*scared* ah...
that's not how I want things to go
Aril was a person who only fulfilled his marital duties
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*grabs Israel* what are you waiting for?
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
it's just for a day
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
I won't touch you ever again
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Fulfill your duty
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*shaking his head*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Tell me when you are ready
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
It was like that
And I was never ready
To be continued
Aldrich Tuscano Current Age:- --- Flashback age :- 21 Israel's lover Loved Israel for years. hated his brother because he didn't take care of Israel. Respected Israel's boundaries

flashback 2

Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Eating peacefully*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
it's been a year
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
How long are you going to take to prepare yourself?
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*lost appetite*
it's been a year
I rejected sleeping with him
Because...there is no affection in his eyes
He just wants an heir because of his father's wish
I have no support from my family
They have never contacted me after marriage....i know they won't even consider my existence anymore
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
he is not a child producing machine
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
I am not talking to you
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
I am talking to my wife
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
he is still your wife?
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
And not your mate?
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
I don't need to discuss my personal life with you
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
oh wait
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
What is brother in law's name?
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Yes brother?
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*doesn't know*
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
You don't even know his fcking name and you want to fck with him?
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*gets up and leaves*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
( he didn't even know my name?)
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
And you still chose this man and push me away israel
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
...*looks down*
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
*tears up* shit
Aldrich Tuscao
Aldrich Tuscao
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*closes his eyes*( i am sorry Aldrich.....i am married to him)
at night
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*sitting on bed*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*changed into casual clothes*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*raises his hand denoting that he wants to talk
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*gives a paper*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
My name is Israel. I am 21 tears old .i graduated from xxxx University. I have mastered in economics. I can eat everything.
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*looks at aril*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
aril tuscano
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
30 years old
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
I will be taking over my father's company next year
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
You knew?
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
{the servants talk about it}
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
(he doesn't know sign language)
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*takes the pen*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Writes "the servants"
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
What else do you know about me?
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
(i know a lot)
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
(i thought...i need to learn things about him so that I won't be a burden)
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*starts writing*
You like sea food
The colour grey and black
Your shoes that were gifted by your mother.
And her necklace
Never touch your things without permission
Never make the food too spicy
You hate goat and cow meat
You eat only chicken meat
You wake up at 6:30... excercise....wash up....have breakfast....go to the office
Return at 9 pm
Have dinner
Go to sleep at 10.30 after a bath
Wake up next day and same routine
You are allergic to watermelon and strawberries
And peanuts too
You like clothes from xxxx brand
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*stops and looks up*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Tell me about yourself
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
All the things that you wrote down about me
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Just like that...tell me about you
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*holds the pen on paper*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
(what do I like?)
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*just holding*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
(when do I wake up?)
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
(what time do I sleep?)
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*writes* "i am not sure...i already wrote everything about me "
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
(he said just 5 lines about himself.... whereas he described everything about me)
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*closes his eyes*( maybe I can trust him)
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
(he is not here for any other reasons)
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
(i should be responsible for him)
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
*taps Israel's hand*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*looks up*
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
(special people are highly sensitive)
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
(i should be careful with touching him)
Aril Tuscano
Aril Tuscano
Will you teach me sign language?
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*eyes sparkle*
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
*nods*( he is okay with getting to know me)
Israel Wilson
Israel Wilson
(we can make it successful)
that's how our relationship started to grow
And i pushed Aldrich away...
Because I have to be a responsible husband now. i can't make mistakes
I want a new life

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