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The First Time I Saw You


"Alright students! Settle down! Stand and wish,"

"Good morning teacher!" the class choired.

The classroom was filled with the morning sun, as the students' echoed voices filled the room.

Well, this is going to be super awkward, I'll make it short and quick, so that they wouldn't have seen me coming! I planned this perfectly, now it is just the execution, you can do this!

"Well today we have a new person in class," said the teacher, as he glanced at me, hoping I will continue my introduction.

"Hello! I am Iris Miller, I lived in the states for a while, before I moved back here, since my dad and mom does research work, they had to often shift from place to place," I said.

The class was loud and no one exactly paid attention to what I was saying. I looked at the teacher, and she looked back at me, smiling awkwardly. I smiled back, as she then assigned a seat for me. The plan was a success, I didn't make a mistake and no one saw me. Though I want to make friends, I don't want to screw up in front of everyone.

I went to my seat and sat down, happy and with relief. I took out my notebook since I didn't have my textbooks yet, so I had to wait for a week for my textbooks.

"Okay class! Let's start our lessons for our first term," said the teacher before she looked at me and said, "Iris, since you haven't received any of your textbooks yet, share it with your desk mate."

Okay, I have the chance to make a new and first close friend I will ever have. I brightly looked over at the other desk, and there sat a boy, completely annoyed by the idea of sharing books. Shock was written all over his face and dislike. The other side was a window so it was only him.

So much for a nice high school life, with a lot of friends! Oh! How I wished my desk mate was a nice, kind, sweet girl.

"Ugh! Don't even think about being all nice and speak to me, don't even say a word," he said as I went closer to his desk.

What is this guys problem? I didn't even speak to him, yet he is giving me a warning, what a waste of that pretty face of his, that's why people say the prettier the face the higher their ego.

But speaking of a pretty face, this guy has a really nice face. With his jet black hair and charcoal black eyes, that could seduce anyone with just his handsome face, and as he flipped the textbook with his long and elegant hand. Everything about him made me feel strange, like I was oddly brought to him. Wait, now I feel like a stalker 🤦‍♀️

But he sure does have a temper, and has a bad personality because he just shouts at you for now reason, so he is a solid 0 for me, not my type, I like guys who treat me nice, unlike him.

I mumbled to myself "I dIdn't even say a word and u started shouting,"

"I can hear you, you moron," he said as he flipped the textbook.

I looked at the book trying to play it of, as if I didn't hear him.

DID I TELL IT TOO LOUD?!!!!! I'm screwed, first I sit with this person, next I humiliate myself in front of him and now this!! I am so cursed!!!! Why didn't I speak in my mind voice?

I looked up at him and saw him smirking with his devilishly charming face. It's like God made sure he would turn out like a work of art, but when it came to personality, god just forget about it and felt him without completing him.

"Okay class, I will explain this formula in the next class. You all can go for lunch now," said the teacher as she left the class.

I'm so glad it's break now!!! It was suffocating to sit beside a demon who can blast at you at any moment, it's more like he was an active volcano, which we don't know when he would explode.

Now that I think about it, I never got his name. Not like a care though, so let it be.

I take out my lunch box and look around, everyone already has their own little groups, laughing and talking around, whereas I was there not knowing anyone and just wandering around, hoping someone will come up to me and talk.

"Umm... Hello! Do you want to sit with us for lunch?"

I turned around to see a small and cute girl. She had space buns and light brown hair, and had a very innocent look in her face. It was like she heard my voice and came up to me, asking for a friend who I can talk to.

I was excited since I was feeling lonely at that time, "Ye--yeah! I would love to sit with you all if you don't mind!" I said smiling brightly.

You can do this Iris, you waited for this moment for a long time, so of course you have to take it, and don't mess it up.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Emma! It's a pleasure to meet to Iris!" she said extending her hand.

"You to Emma!"

"You don't need to be so still and formal, it's okay to loosen up and become friends! You can call me Em," she said as he took my hand and pulled me to her seat.

"Yo Em, come here! I got the window seat! Come fast I'm starved!"

"Coming~" shouted Emma as she took her lunch box and lead me to the other girl.

"This is my best friend! Natasha~" she said as she pulled her towards me.

Natasha, had a husky voice and was much more matured look than Emma or any other girl in our class, she looked like the girl who will be good at everything, and she had a look that was intimidating yet gorgeous.

"Yo, I'm Natasha, but you can call me Nate," she said.

My first friends!! I couldn't be more happy!!! I wanted to dance and sing, but I was taken back, because I was in public, but I was overjoyed by everything! I wanted to cry, shout, scream and was excited. I didn't know what to feel that that moment, but I hoped it lasted for long.

In my old schools, I was called by many names, and my so-called friends, never actually liked me. They always wanted me thrown out of their gang, which I built and some because my friends because oh my power and status in school, no one actually liked me, that's why they never let me call them with their pet names.

Now, looking back, I wasn't hated because of my face or anything, they hated me because of my influence, on the teachers and the students. I was elected for the school captain many times, even though I was a former delinquent myself, which everyone opposed.

Right when I was deep in thought, Em called me, "So, you are sitting with the school's tiger?"

"Huh?! Who is that? The guy side of me??? His name is tiger?!!"

"No, silly!!! He is titled that, because of his attempt of murder,"continued Em

"Wait, what?!! Murder??? Shouldn't he be expelled?" I asked.

"He can't, cus his father owns the biggest hospital in the world, most of the famous doctors are from his dad's hospital. So no one dares to touch him, and it's all just rumors about him, but you know, every smoke has a fire," said Nate.

Should I be sitting with this maniac? Let alone share a desk and share books with him?!!

"What is his name tho??" I asked.

"His name is Ethan, Ethan Clinton," said Emma.

"Well, also be careful, not because of him, but because of his fan base, getting too close will only give you a bad ending," said Natasha.

"I know right, the north dukes princesses, gives me shivers. As cringe as their names says, they are also cold-blooded animals" said Emma.

This gives me more reasons I shouldn't be sitting with him!!!! I will freak out of anyone of his princesses come to me and say me to back off!!! This is just exhausting to me!!!!

"Don't worry! He doesn't have friends, he only has his childhood friend Tom. So you won't get threats from his side, only from the girls," said Nate.

"Okay I'm going to keep my distance from him from now on!!" I said to myself, clenching my fist, but I guess the world has different plans.


Hey, this is Rachelle~°. I hope u like my story and support me😄. Thank you so much for reading my story, and pls continue reading it!!!!



"Okay students, open your textbooks,"

After the lunch break, and after what Emma and Natasha said to me, I was afraid of Ethan's power, I was afraid of he would kill me too, like the rumors, and like Nate said, to every smoke, has its fire, so we can't be too sure!

I kept my distance with Ethan and so far, I'm doing a pretty good job, if I say so myself. I never talked to him and when we share the textbook I always make sure not to look at him or accidentally touch him. I don't want to cause a big fight, so I remained on my seat like a statue 🗿.

Emma and Natasha even told me he fought with some college students and students from a different school, just because they bumped into him. So my hand is staying with me and not going to cross the invisible line I drew in my mind. I hope I get my textbooks fast so that I don't need to sit so close to him😩

"Hey! You dropped your pen," he said, handing me the pen.

"AHHHH!!!! You can have it!" I said bowing down.

He looked confused and annoyed as he said "Oi! I don't need these girly things, you keep it and everyone drops their things so don't unnecessarily apologize, instead thank them! Do I need to teach you basic manners too?"

I lifted my head and took back my pen, and thanked him, and then looked down again, feeling a sense of relief and joy.

"Finally! I thought I lost you my precious 💞, I thought you were a goner!!! My dear lucky pen! Don't do that to me ever again, do you know how worried and how much I missed you?!!" I said in my head and I kissed the cute cat charmed pen.

That pen once helped me not fail in an exam, because it has numbers on it from 1 to 4, so I used it to randomly pick the numbers by turning it, and I got a pretty decent marks, that's why it is lucky.

"Geez! 🙄 It's not like I'm going to eat it," Ethan mumbled.

"If you have anything to say, come say it to my face!!" is what I wanted to say to him, but too afraid to get kicked out and crucified.

"Yo! Stop staring at me, as if I'm going to eat it😑," he said.

I awkwardly laughed, and continued writing as I glanced at him, slowly. Hoping he wouldn't be more angry at me. I want to shift seat as soon as possible!!! I hate it here!!!

"Girl relax, I don't want to sit with you too, so just bare with it for some time," he said unfazed.

"*shocked* Did you read my mind?!!"

"It was written all over your face"

I didn't know I was easy to read?!! Then people would have known I hate them!!! Like the neighbors I had before, why did they still stick by me??!! No wait, this guy is a psychic!!!

As I was lost in my own thoughts, I could hear chuckling from Ethan. He looked so good, in the evening sun, that I didn't know what to do. I looked away from him and I could feel the heat hit me, my blood rushed to my face leaving, and I was blushing.

'Blushing'?!!! Why am I blushing?!! Was it for Ethan?? Is it because of his handsome laugh or what he said?!! No, I'm just embarrassed, that's why I'm blushing, nothing much at all😅.


~after school~

"Hey Iris! Ya coming with us to the arcade?" asked Me.

"No, sorry. My parents aren't at home right now so I gotta go home and unpack my things too, so I can't come today,"

"Well that's okay! Once you settle down, come over! Take your time Iris!!!" said Em as she held Nate and went. Nate waved at me and I waved back.

I knew Natasha wasn't much of a talker, but she was cool too.

That day I went home, unfamiliar to the place and location. I walked home in the vening sun as it set slowly giving the entire street a golden hue.

As I was walking back home, I felt someone following me. I turned around to see Ethan right behind me.

"Is this some cliché story, where the male lead follows the female leads, because people are chasing after her?" I mumbled. Wait, what am I thinking, have I become delusional?? 🤔 Why would the school's tiger want to follow me home let alone protect a random girl he sits with?!!

He was wearing earphones on and walking by slowly, a little slower than my pace. It was odd to be honest, it felt weird to be followed like that, I mean it has happened before to me, because I had a lot of people how hated me, but this.... he wasn't even trying to hide.

I walked along the park and behind he followed, slowly, yet I knew he was there.

I reached my apartment, which was a two-story building, and I lived in the first floor with an older couple, who gave me sweets when I first arrived.

I turned around and said, "Thanks for following me home?!!"

He removed his earphones and pointed at a direction, "That's my house, I never followed you or anything, don't get the wrong idea😑" he said and walked away.

Ugh!! How did he hear me with that on?!! I hate this guy!!! I wish I could just kill him at the spot!!! I'M SO EMBARRASSED BY HIM!!!! THIS IS THE THIRD TIME!!!!!!😭😭

I stomped back home, opened the door and shut it hard.

"I knew it, no one is home yet, it just me still..." I said as the room was filled with silence.I sighed and went to my room to get changed.

I had 5 neighbors, one being the sweet old couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, and a lawyer Mr. William who lived in the second floor and opposite of it, some random dude, I have never seen him cus he comes home really late and at the down floor, the owner and his wife and a family.



My parents and I don't exactly get the family time we need, that's cus my father and mother are always on work and stuff. It's not like it bothers me or anything, I got used to it because I know they are doing it for me, but at time it gets really lonely in the house, it's like a void. But I got so used to it, that it gets odd when it's too noisy.

*doorbell ringing*

"Who can this be?" I said as I looked through the peephole.

It was the family who lived below us, I tidied my clothes and opened the door.

"Hello! We came here to visit, where is your parents' sweetie?" said the women, she had a sweet and caring voice as she spoke.

"Oh, they aren't there aunty, they are still at work," I replied.

"Oh, then we will come another time, well I just came to give you all this homemade cookies," she said as she bringing her daughter forward.

I squatted down and said in an excited tone, "Hello! I'm Iris, what is your name?"

She looked at her mom, as if she is asking for her permission, and her mom smiled in affirmation.

"H--Hello! My name is Lisa, and these are the cookies me and my mom made together, I hope you like it!" she said as she handed over the basket, and went behind her mom again.

Lisa was so cute and tiny! She was round and chubby, and extremely cute. It was like I wanted to keep her in my pocket and take her everywhere I go!!! I wanted to squeeze her so tightly and play with her!

"Thank you very much Lisa! How old are you?" I asked.

"She is 7 years old, what about you dear?" said her mom.

"I'm 17 aunty, I'll turn 18 this September," I answered.

"Oh, so you are in 12th, well good luck with that dear, and my name is Catherine," she said as she gave me a warm smile 😊

"Nice to meet you aunty Catherine, I'll tell my parents to send something over!" I said.

"Oh, no it's fine dear, what a well-mannered kid you are! Well, we need to go now dear, bye! Take care," she said and left.

So, they are the family that lives in the down floor, we never could speak to everyone here because of my parents hectic work hours.

I went back in, opening the basket and reaching out to the cookies. I went to the ving room, sat down and switched on the TV as I nibbled down the chocolate cookies.

"Ugh! It's so boring to watch TV these days, there is literally nothing to watch!🥱"

*Phone rings*

"Hello? Mom? What happened?"

"Iris dear, we will be coming late today, have you eaten?"

"Um, no. Is it another shift mom?"

"Yes honey, I kept money in the drawer, take it and buy something for you to eat, well come after sometime okay,"

"Yes mom, bye"

"okay love, bye take care. I love you,"

"Love you too mom,"

*hangs up*

"*sigh* Guess I need to get ready now, well it's at least better than watching these shows," I said to myself and went to my room to change my dress.

As, I got out of the apartment, I saw Ethan in a distance, in front of his home, he shut the door, and I knew he was not having a good day.

What is up with his mood? Is he always this moody??? Why is he angry now?

Wait, not like I care though😒, anyway, I need to go to the shop t buy something, I'm super famished.

I turn around one more time, and he looked like he was about to throw his phone, and then he looked at my direction, and walked towards me, I instantly speed walked away from him.

"Guess I agitated him more," I said to myself as he approached me closely.

But when I turned around, he was nothing there, he must have taken the other turn, I thought I was a goner for a second there. He looked like he was up to no good. I just hope I don't run into him again today, meeting him at school is more than enough, but now he is kinda like my neighbor!!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

-at the shop-

"Yay!!!! I got mah favorite chips and I got some chocolate bread too!!! Now let me check if I bought everything I need," I wandered around the sun setting streets, holding my choco bread and the sat next to the riverside bench.

It was so peaceful and clam, and the bread just made everything in another level. This was the life I need, where everything is nice and calm and beautiful.

Then suddenly I saw Ethan on the banks of the river under the bridge.

I sat there eating my bread and watching him from afar, in that dark tunnel.

"What are they even doing at this time in the day?"

Right then I heard a scream, it startled me, so I looked at that direction keenly, as I nibbled on my bread, and on the other said came out Ethan with someone in his hand, as he dragged him to the light.

He looked exhausted as if he had been fighting for a long time, well you could know he went in a fight, he had a bruise on his face, but not as much as the person he was dragging.

"Did he hit them, alone?" I wondered.

"Well, that's my queue to go home, I don't want him to see me, that's terrifying," I packed my things and got up from my seat and was walking home.

"Oh, Iris!" called out Ethan.

I turned around robotically and waved, "Oh! Hahaha😅 I didn't see you there Ethan, how are you?"

Damn, I'm screwed😩!!! What am I even telling🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.

"Dummy, buy me a drink,"

"Y--yes sir!" I said and ran to the store to buy him a drink.

"Here you go," I said handing over the drink.

"So, you saw everything right," he asked.

"WHAT?!!!NOOOO!!! I WAS JUST---JUST LOOKING AT THE VIEW!!" I said awkwardly looking around.

He laughed as at me and sat on the bench, exhausted. Well, I guess he is tried, and I don't want to disturb him, so I will just go.

"Well, you see, I need to go back now, bye bye Ethan see you tomorrow!" I said and walked away.

"What about the money?" he asked as he stopped me.

"It's on me, so don't worry," I said, smiled and walked away, as fast as possible.

"Hey! Where are you going now?" He asked.

Can this guy be serious, I literally told him I'm going back home. He hates me and I hate him too, why does he even bother asking?!!!

But I answered him like a good child, "I'm going home now, bye bye,"

"I'm coming too," he said as he took out his phone and AirPods.


We walked home awkwardly, not speaking to each other and the atmosphere was suffocating. Just then I heard a growl. That is a weird bird sound?!! Just then I turned around, to see Ethan blushing and trying to play it cool.

Yup this monster is actually hungry! Like what is his diet, humans???

I wanted to tease him but to afraid of causing a fight, so I grinned to myself and stopped.

"Ohh! I'm so hungry after all this walking let me eat some chips!!!"

I glanced over at him, and could see that he was ashamed and embarrassed, I wanted to laugh out so badly, but also held it back.

"Ummm.... You want some??"

He looked at me and smiled, "No, thanks," and turned away.

His face!!! His face!!!! 😂😂😂 It was hilarious, it was as if, you were fighting with a toddler🤣🤣.

Finally, we reached home safe and sound.

"Finally I'm alive!!!" I said and put away my groceries.

Well this is why, they say home sweet home right. It was getting late, and I had school the next day, I made myself a small dinner and went to bed, and before I knew it I was deep in sleep.


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