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where did it go
I was searching for my stick..
Ohno...I think I broke the Vase
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL) you know where my stick is
I will not be able to walk with it...
Josh Davis
Josh Davis
I heard some voice..* comes inside*
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Dad are you there ?
Josh Davis
Josh Davis
Yeah I am..what happened
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
I think I broke the Vase...
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Can you please give me my stick I can't find it * starts again searching for her stick by touching the things*
Josh Davis
Josh Davis
* saw her stick on the bed and gave it to her *
Josh Davis
Josh Davis
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Thank you dad * smiles brightly*
Josh Davis
Josh Davis
I will go then * put a glance at the skeleton which was on the corner and then left *
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Mr. Harr- ah..* eyes clenched in pain *
A piece of vase got inside my foot..I think as I can't see it
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
It's really troublesome to be blind * mumbled *
I mumbled and they slowly with the help of my stick I got towards my bed and sat
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
* puts her foot on her knee and took out the piece of vase by herself*
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Ahh...* crys in pain *
I took it out fastly as it was paining very much
And then I felt a wet on my finger
I think it was my blood
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
It's bleeding..I guess should I wash my wounds and bandage it * said while looking Harry *
[ No response came ]
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Ok I will... don't scold * chuckles and took her stick and went inside the washroom*
I went inside the bathroom.. And washed my wounds now I was getting used to it already
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
I love you when you call me SENORITA ~ * starts singing*
I started singing while washing my wounds
Things doesn't hurt me anymore as it was used to
After washing my wounds I came out
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Yeah washed them
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
* smiles *
[ No one was there inside her room instead of her...then whom was she talking to ]
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL) don't need to worry * goes towards Harry *
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
* caress his face *
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
* smiles *
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
I am fine..* smiles *
[ it was a Skeleton..which had flower on his chest ]
[ she was talking to a skeleton....after seeing this People usually say she is mad *
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
Evelyn Davis ( FL)
You should rest * pats his head *
Mr.Harry was mute as I was blind...we used talk with our brain connection
Whatever comes inside my mind I used to take it as his answer
He was with me from when I was 6 years old
As I don't talk much with People nor people like to as I am blind and introvert
They find me I talk about all my sorrows and pain with Mr.Harry


I was sitting in my Cabin..while checking some files
Lewis Wilson
Lewis Wilson
Lincoln Wilson
Lincoln Wilson
Steven Maxwell ( Ml
Steven Maxwell ( Ml's Assistant)
* comes after them silently*
Steven Maxwell ( Ml
Steven Maxwell ( Ml's Assistant)
* now what drama they are going to create * ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
* looks up *
I looked up at them for a sec and then again started checking files ignoring them
Lincoln Wilson
Lincoln Wilson
Lewis Wilson
Lewis Wilson
They both are really annoying
Lincoln Wilson
Lincoln Wilson
* goes towards his seat and started shaking him * Brother!!
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
Lin...leave before I kill you 💢💢 * said Coldly while glaring at him *
Lincoln Wilson
Lincoln Wilson
* pouts and leave him * you don't love us anymore .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.
Steven Maxwell ( Ml
Steven Maxwell ( Ml's Assistant)
* what an acting 👏👏 *
I was sitting with peace checking my files but I think I can't have my peace anymore
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
did I ever loved you * said while checking the files *
Lewis Wilson
Lewis Wilson
* goes and hugs Lincoln* what sins we did that God us a heartless brother like you who can't find a sister in law for us (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ
There they go all the drama was being created was for this
They want me to get married..haah
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
I am not interested * emotionless face*
Steven Maxwell ( Ml
Steven Maxwell ( Ml's Assistant)
* looks at his watch * * now it's time to end the drama *
Steven Maxwell ( Ml
Steven Maxwell ( Ml's Assistant)
Sir...we gotta go for the meeting
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
* nods and stand up *
I noded my head and stood up.. finally this drama ends here
Lincoln Wilson
Lincoln Wilson
But bro--
He was about to say something but I left already from there
Lincoln Wilson
Lincoln Wilson
do something..make him agree for the marriage or grandma will fix ours ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
Lewis Wilson
Lewis Wilson
Yeah ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
the meeting soon over and I was coming back to my company when I saw a girl
She was sitting on the floor and searching for something with hands
I can see my her actions that she was blind..there were lots of people but no one helped her
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
stop the car * cold voice*
Steven Maxwell ( Ml
Steven Maxwell ( Ml's Assistant)
What happened sir
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
Rafael Wilson ( ML)
Wait a min..* gets off from the car *
I got off from my car and walked towards her


" Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired "
" I choose hundreds hundreds worlds in any version of reality I found and I will choose him "
Name - Evelyn Davis Age - 25 blind Eldest daughter of Davis family Personality - soft hearted, kind, introvert, antisocial, beautiful, lovely, friendly. Loves - her family, sweets, animals, Mr.Harry,Music
" If you asked me how many times you came in my mind...I would say once because you came and never left "
" How strange it is when someone make your heart beat so fast when you don't want it to beat at all "
Name - Rafael Wilson Age - 29 second Eldest son of Wilson family Mafia king of Italy and successful business man ( he is also a Spanish mafia ) Personality - cold, emotionless man, ruthless, heartless, Cruel, incommunicative, workaholic, serious, calm. Loves - his family.
"you can't fix me " she said He smiled and said " I don't see anything to fix "
" the truth is everyone is good to hurt you. You just have to find the one worth suffering for "
Name - Yael Davis Age - 22 Youngest daughter of Davis family She is a Photographer Personality - beautiful, fierce, bold, aggressive, kind, intelligent, cute, cheerful Loves - her family ( expect her sister), loves Evelyn the most
" It's crazy how one person's presence can have such an impact on someone's entire life "
Name - Lewis Wilson Age -26 Right hand of Rafael fourth son of Wilson family Personality - funny, calm, handsome, smart, cold to outsider, kind Loves - his family
" nobody stays forever" she screamed angrily " I will your " Nobody" then " he replied
"I choose to love you in silence because in silence I find no rejection..I choose to love you in loneliness because in loneliness no one owes you but me...I choose to love from distance because distance will sheild me from pain "
Name - Ruelle Maxwell Age - 25 Secretary of Lincoln Sister of Steven Personality - cold, bold, serious, calm, beautiful, intelligent, considerate, caring, lovely Loves - her brother and Lincoln
" lovers have heartaches that can't be cured by drugs, sleep or games but Only by seeing there beloved " " Isn't it funny how someone could be in your mind every day and they don't even no"
Name - Lincoln Wilson Age - 24 Youngest son of Wilson family He is an Actor and singer Personality - cheerful, childish, non serious person, kind, funny, handsome, cute, firtly Loves - his family
Name - Steven Maxwell Age - 27 Assistant of ML Personality - cold, caring, introvert, serious, calm Loves - his sister

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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