NovelToon NovelToon

Rejected Mate: 3rd Time’S The Charm

Chapter 1: Bitter Sweet Morning.

Eliza’s P.O.V

“urgh” I groaned as the morning sun broke through the gap in my curtains, while it’s a beautiful sight, it’s also unwelcome. My dreams have been disturbing my sleep recently.

A sudden knock on my door makes me jolt to sit up and through the door appeared my best friend and personal maid Cara.

“Liza, the Alpha and Luna are waiting for you in the dining room, stop being lazy and get up!” She says as she hits me with a pillow I’d dropped through the night. “FINE! I’M MOVING,” I yell as I sit up. Cara paid my yell no mind as she stood and smirked with a look of satisfaction painted on her face. Cara leaves the room and I remove myself from my bed and head over to my bathroom, it’s walls are black tiled with gold trimmings and a huge bath on one wall and a gold shower with glass doors on the other. I took myself into the shower in hopes that it would bring me out of my sleepy haze and ease me into the day.

Once finished, I grabbed a towel off the rail, brushed my teeth and headed back to my room to get ready for breakfast.

”Good Morning Sunshine“ I hear internally “Good Morning Amber” I replied, a little annoyed by her sarcastic greeting.

Amber is my wolf, she’s a beautiful creature with white fur, streaked with lavender and purple eyes and she’s quite large. She’s very unique, every one has commented that they have never seen a creature like her before. “Well, aren’t you just a little ball of happiness this morning“ she stated in my mind. “Did you see how that brat woke us up this morning!” I said sternly, Amber didn’t respond, just giggled like a pup rolling In the grass, “Shut up mutt” I say as her giggles annoy me more “I haven’t got time for this.”

“Fine meat bag” she uttered through her giggles.

After I was ready, I made my way down the three sets of stairs, through the lobby and into the dining room.

As I entered the dining room, I was greeted by my mother and father who were already sat at the table, discussing the arrival of Alpha Kaiden. After saying good morning, I decided that I would just sit and eat in silence.

I hoped my parents wouldn’t ask me for input on this conversation as the idea of yet another egoistical, pompous ass visiting the pack was not my idea of fun, but this is pack business and so is sadly necessary for the future of Half Moon.

As I sat quietly eating and I listened to my mother and father talking about the up coming visit from Alpha Kaiden.

“I should be finished with the celebration preparations by tomorrow afternoon”

I heard my mother say and my fathers response to my mother was short but sweet as always as he replied, “Timely as always dear.”

My mother smiled lovingly at my father as he turned his attention to me,

“Liza, could you please join me in my study when you’ve finished? I have something I wish to discuss with you.”

“Of course daddy” I replied, he then rose from his seat, pecked a sweet kiss on my mother’s forehead and left.

My mother and I finished eating and she too left to continue with the preparations for Alpha Kaidens arrival celebration, Ellie, one of the maids and someone I deem as a friend approached and cleared the table. She grinned and said playfully, “ ooooooooo, someone’s in trouble.” With a small giggle, I replied “Shut up Ell.”

“Who did you beat up or offend this time Liza?”

“No one.” I replied simply “At least, not that I remember” I said with a small shrug. We both giggled and went our separate ways.

After I had left the dining room, I walked up the stairs and down the corridor to my father’s study as requested. I knocked on the door and was called to enter.

As soon as I entered, I was greeted by Beta Gregory with a small bow, “Good morning lady Eliza.” I smiled and nodded back “You really don’t have to do that Beta Gregory” I said with a smile, I hate formality, “Yes, so you say pup, but I also keep telling you, I may be an old man but you can simply call me Greg.” Snap, I suppose I couldn’t really argue with that considering what I was asking of him, see, I’ve been brought up to respect my elders, and Gregory is more like an uncle to me, yet we still address each other with such formal titles out of respect for our positions in the pack.

My father smiled as he watched our interaction and decided it was time to address the reason he’d called me here “Greg, can you please leave us?.” Beta Gregory then turned to face my father and gave a small nod “Yes Alpha, I need to check on the progress of the new pack house anyway so mind-link me if you need me.”

My father nodded and Beta Gregory left, my father then turned to me and his face grew serious yet somehow sad. “What’s the matter daddy?” concern swept through me like whirlwind in a storm, my father looked me in the eyes and replied full of sorrow “Liza, Gamma Alexander was killed by rogues while patrolling the boarders last night.”

I gasped and threw my hand to my open mouth, shock painted on my face and then pure sadness.

Alex and I had been friends since childhood, he came from a family of Gamma’s, unfortunately he lost both his parents and never had pups, not that he didn’t want them it was just that he didn’t want them with me. Alex was my first mate but while we felt the strong pull of the bond, we also valued our friendship more than anything so we decided that he would reject me and I would accept, at the time we realised this would be painful and meant going through life mate less but it didn’t matter as long as our friendship remained strong.

My father then spoke again, bringing me out of my daze “Are you alright sweetheart?” Father asked as a stray tear fell “Yes.” I replied as I wiped the tear away, I never was one for crying, I won’t start now.

My father then continued “Sweetheart, that’s not the only reason I have asked you to come and see me.” I looked into his eyes, my head tilting in confusion. “Then why else am I here daddy?” I questioned.

What else could there possibly be? I thought.

My father cleared his throat and what he would say next shocked me to my core.

“Eliza, I spoke with your mother and Beta Gregory early this morning and we were wondering if….” Father hesitated for a moment, a look of concern and uncertainty painted his eyes until he said “If you would do us the honour of becoming our new Gamma?”

”What?” I asked, both out of shock and confusion, did I just hear my father correctly? Did he just ask me to be the Half Moons new Gamma? Again, my father coughed and broke me out of my daze, “Are you sure daddy?” I asked. My father nodded his head with a smile “If you want it sweetheart, then the position is yours.”

Me, a Gamma, such a compliment but at the same time it’s bitter sweet, if Alex hadn’t have died, then I wouldn’t have been offered this chance, I lost my friend but gained his title. “I’d love to be Half Moon’s Gamma.” I said with a smile, I’ll make Alex proud and pass on his teachings as he did with me. My father then rose from his seat and walked around his desk to face me and gave me the biggest hug. “Thank you daddy” I said softly “You deserve it baby girl.”

“I won’t let you down” I said with a soft smile. My father smiled back and told me he’d given the soldiers the day off to mourn their now late Gamma. My father was so different to the rest of the Alphas in the area, daddy ran the pack like we were one big family and understood that the soldiers have feelings too, and like everyone else, they needed to process Alex’s passing.

We took our seats once again and my father’s face was still soft but also concerned. “What’s wrong daddy?” I asked, he looked at me as if I were a pup again.

“I know these changes will be hard Liza, not just for you, but for the soldiers but I hope you understand that you are my pup no matter how big you get, this grumpy old man will worry. If there is anything you need to make this transition easier, please come to me.”

I stood from my seat and rounded the desk to my father and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, resting my head against his, I replied “I will daddy, thank you.” He held onto my arms that were wrapped around him and after a moment he spoke again “I love you little lavender.”

That pet name always gave me comfort. As a pup, my father would take time out to play with me, we would always run around in the fields but I would always find myself drawn to a lavender field we had nearby. My father decided to start bringing a picnic so when we’d finished playing, we would sit in the lavender field to eat. The pet name gained even more meaning when I turned 16 and finally gained my wolf, my father joked that the lavender streaks were from all the years rolling around in the lavender field, now as an adult, it makes me smile because when my father is no longer around, I will have a visual representation of my pet name. “I love you too daddy” I replied as I pulled myself out of my memories, “Do you need anything else daddy? I’d like to take a walk.” I asked,

“No sweetheart, you can go, I need to get started on Alex’s funeral arrangements anyway.” My father’s voice was sad, he took each loss we suffered in the pack to heart, he mourned every passing as if they were direct descendants in our own family tree.

“If you need any help with it daddy, let me know.” He gave me a nod and a gentle smile and gestured for me to leave.

I knew my father better than most, he needed time to process the loss as much as I did and I wouldn’t be the one to stop him so finally, I stood tall and left the room.

I stood in the hall for a moment and decided I would go to our private garden, no one else went there without our families permission.

As I made my way out to the garden, I mind-linked Cara and asked her to meet me by the pond, we would sit by the pond almost daily as pups, reading, laughing and playing board games while my mother would sit on the bench, watching us and smiling at our innocence.

The pond was beautiful, my father had it constructed and planted with flowers that reminded him of my mother and I. Lilies and lavender bushes decorated the parameters of the pond while a large cherry tree offered shelter for the bench at its base.

I sat down on the bench thinking about what father had told me in his study, “Poor Alex” I sighed. I wondered if he’d been afraid in that moment. Did he know he was going to die? Did he feel his life draining? Alex was loyal to his Alpha and pack, fear wasn’t a word I’d have associated with him but I couldn’t help it in this moment and then a question came to my mind, was that why the decision to reject each other came so easily to him? Was it our friendship that drove him? Or was it the mate bond? Was he trying to protect me from the pain losing the mate bond through untimely death caused? As I sat thinking through this, my thoughts were quickly driven away by a voice.

“Liza, what the hell is so important that it could’t wait until later?” Cara snapped, she was pissed for sure. “Your mother will kill me if she finds out I’ve left,” I know mother can be quite stern but rather than worry about it all I could respond with was “Alex is dead.” Shock slapped Cara in the face and she pulled me into a hug, “Oh my god Liza, I’m so sorry.” Sympathy replacing the anger she held a moment ago “How did it happen?” she asked. I couldn’t give her a full explanation, hell, I wasn‘t given full details so I said the only thing I could muster, “Rogues.” I couldn’t look Cara in the eye so I kept my gaze on the pond, watching the light waves from the summer breeze as the sun reflected off the surface. Cara pulled me into another hug before saying “I’m sorry Liza, I really have to go but we’ll talk about this later ok, I love you girly.”

After Cara left, I decided that I was going to stay here for a short while, I’d mind-linked my parents to tell them I was by the pond if they needed me and not to worry about me.

I needed to process what had happened this morning. I lost one of my closest friends and been given his title all in the same day, of course my parents understood and my father told me to take today to let things settle in my mind and that he would come with me to the morning training to inform the soldiers of the change and given the circumstance, I gratefully accepted.

after a few hours of sitting and pondering my role moving forward, I decided to head back inside and join my family for lunch. I wasn’t particularly hungry but I valued this time with my family, running a pack is hard and leaves very little time for anything else but we all made a conscious effort to make sure we ate together so we could spend time as a family.

As I entered the dining room, I was met with pure silence. My parents looked at me with concern and while I understood, it also made me feel a little self conscious. Their eyes followed me as my made my way to my seat and sat down. After what felt like forever, the silence was finally broken by my mother, she’d cleared her throat and then spoke “Are you ok princess?” My mother had clearly been worried about what effect my father’s news had on me. “I’m fine” I reassured her. Though part of me knew that my mother knew I was lying, my mother just smiled and started tucking into her lunch.

As I sat pushing my food around my plate with my fork, the silence itself was deafening. My parents were usually chatty and cheerful but today, there was nothing, if it wasn’t for the fact that my mother had inquired about my well being, I’d have sworn a witch had cast a spell, stealing both their voices.

I decided to break the uncomfortable silence and looked at my mother “How are the preparations coming along?” I asked with a fake but cheerful tone. My mother looked at me as if she knew what I was trying to do and replied with a small smile “They’re going well, thank you princess,” she then countered “Cara disappeared earlier but wasn’t gone for long, I assume you summoned her from her duties?” It was more of a statement than a question, I nodded “Yes, sorry mum, I just really needed her.” My eyes dropped to my still full plate as mother replied “That’s fine princess, I was already expecting her absence, I’d given her an assistant for that very reason.” Silence followed but I offered my mother a grateful expression, I didn’t have to say anything, my mother always knew what I was saying just by reading my face.

Once lunch had finished, my parents hugged me tightly, they suggested that I should get some rest. They knew I hadn’t been sleeping well lately, I nodded in agreement, after all, I needed all my strength and wits now more than ever, I was the Gamma now, I had to ensure that I was always at the top of my game if I wanted to give the soldiers the best chance in battle and ensure the safety of the pack.

We left the dining room together and split off in our own directions.

Once I entered my room, I fell onto my bed and my thoughts again filled with the days events so far. I tried to pick my mind for what Alex would say to me about all of this. I knew that he would be pushing me, I wasn’t the kind of girl who would be sat in her room crying and if I was, I’m sure Alex would have dragged me out of it by my hair if he had to.

Alex always told me he admired my strength and fierce attitude, he would always make sure he had a front row seat every time an Alpha visited, he loved nothing more than watching me tear an Alpha down a peg or two with my sarcasm, he knew I had a very low tolerance for ass holes no matter who they were or what title they held.

I giggled to myself thinking of the last time an Alpha came to visit from the Moon Light pack, Alpha John Howl brought his son Andrew with him and his Beta. The Beta was a nice guy but the Alpha and his mutt were the biggest ass holes I’d ever had the displeasure of meeting, his son was very…..handsy for lack of a better word, and one day in the dinner hall at the pack house, he took it too far, I broke his nose in front of the whole pack, our fathers were furious but Alex found the whole thing hilarious.

My thoughts then turned to dread, how the hell was I going to cope with another too big for his boots Alpha without my friend? I had no idea but I needed to push the thought aside, “One day at a time Liza.” Amber must have felt my turmoil as she came forward to comfort me and retreated back into my mind. “Yeah, one day at a time” I repeated out loud and closed my eyes, after a few minutes, I managed to drift off to sleep.


I suddenly found myself in a glade. The sun hugged my skin bringing me warmth, it was an amazing feeling, I looked around and watched as butterflies and bees kissed the wild flowers and the birds sang in the trees, I felt at peace, one with nature some would say.

As I looked around, my attention was moved to one particular spot and I’d frozen in my position.

Off in the distance but not too far, I figure walked out from between two trees, it took a couple of minutes for the figure to become clear.

When the figure was close enough for me to see, I was shocked, what is happening?

“LIZA!” the figure called, it was him. Alex.

Alex approached and wrapped his arms around me, I accepted his embrace and hugged him back tightly. “Alex?” I questioned, “Am I going crazy? Daddy said you’re dead, how is this possible?” Alex giggled and moved away, he smiled down at me and began to speak “I may be dead physically Liza, but I will always be alive in your heart and mind, this is all a gift from the moon goddess herself.” A gift from the moon goddess? Yep, Eliza, you’ve finally lost it I thought to myself. Then, as if he was reading my mind, Alex offered an explanation. “I promise Liza, you aren’t going crazy, Selene thought you may need some closure and allowed me to come to you, she said you had questions that only I could answer and feels if I give them to you, you may be able to accept what’s happened.” So this is real, he knows of my inner turmoil in the garden.

After a minutes of silence between us, I finally managed to pluck up the courage to ask the questions I so desperately wanted the answers to. “Were you scared?” He stood there for a moment as if contemplating the carefully, he then said “Maybe we should sit Liza.” We sat down and Alex sighed “I won’t lie to you, I was a little and to answer another question, yes, I did feel my life draining but I accepted it long ago. Being a Gamma is a risk in and of itself Liza, see, as Gammas, we need to understand that we can’t expect the soldiers to give their lives for us and the pack if we ourselves, are not willing to give our own.”

I let his words sink in for a minute, even in death he was teaching me, giving me knowledge that I otherwise wouldn’t have learned until it was too late.

I stared at him, I wanted to know if he’d felt the pain as he slipped away but I couldn’t, if he did, how would I handle the answer? I decided to move past it and ask another. “Was that why it was easier for you to reject me?”

He seemed taken a back by my question but swiftly answered “Really Liza?, you thought it was easy for me?” He asked rhetorically, “That couldn’t be further from the truth! Rejecting you was the hardest decision I had ever had to make, you were my best friend, I loved you so much, I was over the moon when my wolf recognised you as our mate but I couldn’t put you through the heart ache. I knew my death would come eventually and more than likely unnaturally. The pain you’re feeling now is nothing compared to what you’d have felt through the mate bond Liza, I couldn’t be responsible for causing you that kind of pain.”

So the rejection wasn’t about our friendship. It was indeed, about saving me from the pain. Silence surrounded us again and then a thought came to my mind, I’m the new Gamma, is he happy for me? Could he offer further advice? I suppose now was as good a time as any to ask, after all, I may never be able to after this.

“Alex, I gather the moon goddess has informed you of the situation regarding your title,” Alex nodded and smiled at me sweetly “She has” he replied. I took a deep breath and sighed “How am I going to do it Alex?Look at me, I’m 5ft nothing and female for goddess sake, how will the men ever take me seriously?” “Hey, stop that right now!” He said in mock annoyance, “You are Eliza Stone, heir of the Half Moon pack, you’re confident, feisty and smart, if anyone deserves my position it’s you!” His voice radiating the belief he had in me.

That was all I needed. To know I had his blessing threw out all of the doubts I had about my new role. “Thank you Alex,” no one could ever bring me to my senses like he could, he always knew just what to say.

“No problem, now, let’s cut the mushy crap, this isn’t us, I’ve got to go now Liza but I want to say something before I go.” My ears pricked and I tuned in, it sounded important so I listened intently. “Alpha Kaiden is due tomorrow, part of me really wants to see you hand his ass to him like you did the last one,” we both giggled at the memory but Alex turned serious, I couldn’t tell he was going to offer me guidance on how to handle it now I was the Gamma. “You need to keep a cool head. As Gamma, the pack will be relying on you to ensure their safety, if the Alpha doubts you, even for just a second, he may rethink the alliance and we can’t afford that, the rogues are getting stronger and growing in their numbers, I’ve heard talks about rogue Lycans too, it is just a rumour but you must keep this is mind Liza, you can’t be too careful.”

I took his words and considered them, I’ve heard tales of Lycans but we’ve never seen them, I always thought they were just figments of our imagination, they still could be just rumours, fantasies put out there by the rogues to scare us. “I really do have to go now Liza, just remember what I said, you’re going to be an amazing Gamma,” we both stood and I pulled him into a hug. The next thing I knew, I was awake.

I didn’t feel as if I’d slept long but when I looked at the clock it was 5:36pm “DAMN IT!” I yelled to myself as I jumped out of bed and ran to the dining room. I rushed through the door to my seat and my parents watched me with confusion. “Hello dear” my mother said, “We’re sorry princess, we thought you weren’t coming so we started without you.” I nodded and smiled, “Sorry, I slept longer than I wanted too,” my father then cut in “It’s quite alright my little lavender, now, get some food, you’ll need your strength for training in the morning.”

My father was right, tomorrow would be my first day as the new Gamma. As I thought of my dream and the conversation I had with Alex within it, I remembered what he said “You’re Eliza Silver, heir to the Half Moon pack, you’re confident, feisty and smart.” A smile graced my face as I recalled his words of confidence, yes I am, I thought to myself, and with those encouraging words, I ate my dinner and for the first time today, I actually looked forward to what tomorrow would bring.

I glanced at my father who seemed miles away but as I looked at his eyes, I noticed they were glazed over and realised he was in a mind-link.

Once he’d ended his link, he looked at me and coughed while emptying his mouth of the food he’d been chewing, “Little lavender, you’ll need to take training early in the morning, Alpha Kaiden will be here by 8am so I’ll need you back here by 7:30 at the latest.” Damn it!, I’d forgotten about the Alpha! “Well, that bliss lasted long” Amber chuckled in my mind, “Not now mutt!” I replied internally as I looked at my father and nodded obediently, “Of course daddy” I smiled. He nodded at me and smiled back.

I looked at the watch I’d decided to wear today and took in the time, 6:40pm. I lifted my head back up and looked at my parents, “May I please be excused?, I would like to have a bath and get an early night ahead of tomorrow.”

“Of course princess” my mother responded, so that’s exactly what I did. I took a long hot soak in the tub and decided on what the training would consist of. Content with the choice I had made, I exited the tub, got dried and into my pjs.

I went back into my room and climbed into bed, allowing the plush pillows and duvet to suck me into comfort and whisk me away in to a deep sleep.

Chapter 2: Kaiden’s Search

Kaiden’s P.O.V

*“**Alpha, that woman is here again**” Beta Luke mind-linked. “Tell her I’m busy***” I demanded as I stared out of the window in my study.

Where is she moon goddess? Where is my mate?

This thought as been in my mind since I turned 16, everyone around me had been granted their mates but mine was no where to be found, I long for her so badly but as of yet, I’ve had no luck. Some say it’s a good thing as a mate makes you weak, others think that a mate makes your wolf stronger and more in touch with your senses as the urge to protect them intensifies, as for me, I’m not sure what I believe but I sure as hell want to find out.

Being an Alpha has its benefits but it can also be lonely, you never know who you can trust so your guard is always up.

As I was looking out of the window, watching parents with their pups play in the grass, I was ripped away from my thoughts by a loud crash and a shriek “KAIDIE! IS IT TRUE YOU’RE GOING AWAY?!” Ashley.

“First of all, you know damn well it’s Alpha Kaiden so you will call me as such, second, yes I am going away for a week, not that it is any of your business and third who in the HELL told you that you could come in here?”

Anger. Anger and disappointment is what I felt. I was angry and disappointed in myself. I had searched for my mate for a few years and when i didn’t find her, I became depressed and turned to alcohol, I wondered if I would ever find her and in my weakness, I turned to Ashley. Luke told me it was a bad idea, Ashley was obsessive by nature and obsessed with the idea that I would take her as my Luna, so much so that when she found her mate Gamma Damien, she rejected him, the pain damn near killed him but Ashley only had one thought in her mind, she would become Luna and no mate bond would stop her. I thought I’d put a stop to her thoughts of power when I told her I had no intention of rejecting my mate when I found her but I was so, very wrong.

“How could you leave and not take me with you? We’re partners, who would serve your needs if I didn’t come with you?” Don’t get me wrong, Ashley was a beautiful she-wolf, she had long red hair, green eyes and olive skin from the sun, she was tall and slender but had curves in the right places, for any other man she would be a trophy wife, but Ashley wasn’t the loving type, she couldn’t be a loving wife and mother, if we were to marry and have a child, the child would be no more than an heir to her, someone who would keep her relevant in the eyes of the pack and that for me was not an option.

I want to marry my mate for love, not for the sake of carrying an heir.

“Ashley, I’ve told you a thousand times, we are NOT a couple, we are NOT partners, you are nothing more than a bed warmer.”

Ashley’s cheeks glowed red and puffed out, she screamed with anger and frustration, turned on her heels and walked towards the door but before she left, she said in an infuriated ton “one day, you’ll love me Kaiden,” and with that she left.

After that goddess awful interaction was over, I sat down behind my desk and mind-linked Luke “get your ass in here!” annoyance underlined my tone and a minute later there was a knock on my door “Enter” I said with a sharp tone and in walked my Beta with a look that said ‘I told you so’ which in a weird way calmed me as I thought of our childhood and how he would give a cheeky grin when ever he told me something would go wrong and it did……A LOT.

“You summoned me angry, I mean Alpha” he said with a smirk. “Remind me again why I made you my Beta” I joked “because you looooove me” he joked back, we both chuckled and I gestured for him to sit in the seat on the opposite side of my desk.

“Are the preparations for our visit in place?” I asked with a more professional tone. “Yes Alpha, we have a car arriving at 6am, that should get us there by 8 and Kaleb and Luna Tamara will be handling the pack business while we’re gone.”

Although my brother had no desire to be Alpha, he’d sat with our father and I while we handled the packs business, there was no one better to hold the fort than Kaleb and with my mother’s guidance, I knew my pack were in safe hands with them.

“Excellent.” I said plainly, Luke stared at me for a moment and opened his mouth as if he had something to say but swiftly closed it again, I looked back at him and gave a reassuring look that said it was okay to speak freely.

Luke dropped his gaze to the floor and sighed “Do you think you’ll find our Luna at Half Moon?” I searched my mind for an answer, I wanted to say something hopeful but instead, I simply replied “I really don’t know Luke.”

It’s important that an Alpha finds his Luna because without a Luna, rogues see packs as weak, though in our case, we have proven to be strong without a Luna. Luke lifted his head and looked at me with a with a knowing smile, Luke, himself has not found his mate yet either which is both comforting and yet, still so sad.

Luke deserves more happiness than anyone, he lost both his parents so close together when he was 11 or 12 years old, they passed away leaving Luke and his little sister Amelia alone so my mother and father took them in and raised them as their own and when my own father sadly passed away and I became the Alpha, I formally made Luke my Beta which in turn continues his blood line.

“Who knows Luke, you might be the one who finally finds his mate,” I stated with a smile. Luke looked at me and smiled back softly, followed by a small nod of his head and replied “Yeah, maybe.” his tone sounded equally as deflated as mine.

Luke and I sat in silence for what felt like hours but was in reality, probably for only minutes, I then interrupted the silence by telling my Beta I had a mountain of paper work to get through. Luke stood from his seat and gave a small bow and left, I then began to sift through the files that sat on my desk, doing my best to get through them ahead of my departure tomorrow.

I went through file after file with a fine tooth comb, ensuring I’d crossed all the T’s and dotted all of the I’s. I wanted to make sure that I didn’t leave too much of a burden on my brother in my absence, after all, usually all he had to worry about was women and travelling the world.

My brother was the complete polar opposite to me, when I came of age, I searched for my mate, I wanted to find her so badly not only for love, but selfishly so I had someone to hold my hand through the transition from heir to Alpha but my brother was much more laid back, he too is mate-less but rather than search for his counter part, he runs through life as a man whore, care free. He lives in the moment and that can only be admired, sometimes I can feel a little jealousy, my brother can just take off at the drop of a hat and be gone for months, only to return to rest or when I need him, unfortunately that is something I can’t do as an Alpha.

Whenever I take a trip anywhere, for any reason, everything has to be planned carefully and mapped to the very last second, otherwise it would cause chaos for the pack and I couldn’t allow that. I had to put my packs well being above my own, they didn’t deserve an Alpha so arrogant that he values his own life more than that of their own.

while sifting through the files, I became distracted by a soft knock on my door, I‘d know that knock anywhere, it was my mother.

“Come in mother” I called out, not even a full second later, the door opened and my mother walked in, closing the door behind her, she walked across to my desk and took a seat.

I looked at her and smiled as she smiled back, she looked at me with a mother’s love but also concern. “Oh Kaiden, I do wish you wouldn’t work so hard my son” I took in her words and replied with a reassuring tone “I’m fine mother, I promise, I just want to get through these files so you and Kaleb won’t have to worry about this side of things while I’m away.”

She nodded in understanding and continued “I know darling, thank you for thinking of us but we’ll be fine,” I smiled at my mother’s confidence. I knew my mother was more than capable of handling it, goddess knows how much she helped my father during his time as Alpha, but I didn’t want that for her, my mother has done her time and she deserves to enjoy life.

It was my turn to care for her and though I wish she would give up her Luna title and enjoy some free time, she refused when I asked. She told me she won’t give it up until I find my mate, rogues were less likely to attack while we had a Luna and so she stuck with it, putting me and the pack before herself as she’d raised me to do the same.

“Are you ready for your trip?” She asked, the look on her face told me she was changing the subject, she knew exactly what I was thinking and wanted to avoid the topic completely. “Yeah, Luke’s handled the arrangements, I have a car picking us up at 6am.” My mother nodded and responded “I’ll be there to see you off.”

I smiled at her, I couldn’t argue with her about it because it wouldn’t make a difference, her tone changed and she spoke again “I hear that mongrel came to see you earlier” she stated, it didn’t take a genius to figure out who she was talking about, “Unfortunately” I said, “I assume she’s come to you?” I asked, not that I needed an answer because Ashley would always run to my mother when I’d rejected her advances or said something she didn’t like in hopes of my mother coming to her defence when the truth of the matter was, my mother couldn’t stand her.

When she found out what had happened between Ashley and I, she hit the roof, she unleashed a wrath I’d never expected of her, anyone would be forgiven for thinking that a Luna’s wrath was harsh, but what she unleashed that day was a mother’s wrath, and I had to admit, it was terrifying, it was far worse than any Luna’s temper I’d ever witnessed.

“Yes she did, I don’t know why you put up with her,” a light chuckle escaped me, I couldn’t help it, the irritation on my mother’s face only made me chuckle more. “Oh I’m so glad my misery causes you so much happiness.” She said. “Mother, just to be clear, I don’t put up with her, that’s exactly why she runs to you.”

I managed to respond through my ever growing chuckles, my mother then smiled and looked me in my eyes “Well, let me make myself clear Kaiden, I’m one more of that mongrels tantrums away from drowning her in the lake.” That was it, we burst into fits of laughter, though I knew it wasn’t just an idle threat, she meant it but the tone and expression on her face as the words left her lips were hilarious.

After a few minutes of uncontrollably laughing to the point of tears, we managed to calm ourselves and silence surrounded us for a moment until my mother decided to take her leave. “I have to go sweet heart, I promised Angie I would visit today as I’ll be tied up while you’re away, I love you darling, please don’t work too hard.”

I nodded at my mother as she left, throwing myself back into my files, I know she said they’ll be fine but I planned to make it as easy for them as I possibly could. If I got through these files, that was the biggest job done and one less thing for Kaleb and mother to worry about.

I’d managed to get through at least a quarter of the pile by the time lunch came around so I decided to invite Luke to my study for lunch. “Luke, you hungry” I asked through mind-link, Luke replied like a moody teenager “U****gh, obviously, when am I not dude?” I giggled at his child like response “G****et to my study, I’ll link the maids to bring us lunch” and with that I closed our link and linked the maids as promised.

Luke arrived just as the maids had left, his eyes widened as he took in the sight of the feast that lay on the table top. He sat down on the sofa opposite me “Dude, this looks amazing! I swear, if I don’t find my mate, I’ll be marrying the chef.” I laughed and replied “Yeah, you can try but I think his wife might have something to say about it,” we both laughed and I looked at him, I calmed myself again and looked back at my Beta “Well, what are you waiting for, tuck in,” Luke picked up a plate and said “I don’t need telling twice.” We piled up our plates and dug in, I can confirm, the food tasted as amazing it looked.

We filled ourselves to bursting point and just sat while it digested, Luke’s face looked like he was falling into a food coma and my stomach apparently looked pregnant because Luke’s cockiness came to the surface. “So what are you going to name it?” I looked at him in confusion “What do you mean?” I asked, not quite getting what he was getting at, “The baby” his reply was short and when I didn’t respond, he looked at me like I was a moron, “Urgh, the food baby you knuckle head.” Ooooooh so that’s what he meant, we both chuckled when I finally twigged what he was saying. “Angus” I replied through my chuckles. “Dude, that is the ugliest name I’ve ever heard! Of all the names in the world, why would you choose that one?” He asked with utter disgust on his face. I laughed, the tables have turned and it was his turn to look stupid “Yeah, Angus. You know, as in Aberdeen Angus, after the burger I literally just ate,” we burst into laughter again. “Oh yeah” Luke coughed out through his laughing.

We wiped the tears that had welled in our eyes from all the laughing and massaged our aching rib cages as we fought to calm ourselves, Luke then turned back to business mode as he stated “The maids have packed your suit case.” He paused for a second and continued on “Well, they’ve packed your suits. If you want something more comfortable, I suggest you pack a separate case for more casual wear,” I nodded in agreement, there was absolutely no way I was going to be in an uncomfortable suit in the privacy of which ever room they accommodated me in. “I think I’ll definitely do that,” I replied, not that I needed to because look knew all too well, that I hated the formal clothing I’d wear on a daily basis but out of politeness, I offered an answer anyway.

Luke nodded at me and cleared his throat “Well, thanks for lunch man but I need to go over the security arrangements with Damien before we leave tomorrow.” I gave a slight not and Luke left. Once he’d gone, I linked with a maid to collect the dishes and returned to my desk, I still had a ton of work to get through so I picked up where I left off and continued on.

This was another part of being an Alpha that I hated, paper work was the most boring and tedious part of my position, though it was necessary, I couldn’t honestly live without it, I wouldn’t miss it while I was away, that’s for certain.

By the time I’d finished with the files, I looked at the clock which read 6:43pm. I decided that I would retreat to my room and freshen up before I had one of the maids bring dinner to my quarters, I thought it best to get an early night ahead of my early start in the morning.

I grabbed my suit jacket that I had just tossed on the back of my desk chair, it had a few wrinkles where I’d been leaning on it for hours but it didn’t matter, it was merely part of a costume I’d wear to conduct my business, I much preferred my jeans or joggers, they were much more comfortable than this formal attire.

I left my study and made my way to my room on the third floor. Inside, it was more link a grand apartment with a big balcony over looking the pack lands, you could see for miles on a clear day but by far, my favourite view was that of the lake that sat just beyond the park. It was such a beautiful sight on a summer evening.

I took myself for a shower and then mind-linked one of the maids to bring dinner and sure enough after around 5 minutes, she appeared with the dinner cart and placed it on the table I had next to my window, I sat and ate a little even though my appetite was dwindled due to the question my Beta had put to me earlier, it was all I could think about. would I find my mate? Would he find his? It’s a possibility but I doubted it, i didn’t want to get my hopes up, I had to focus on the purpose of my trip to Half Moon, they needed an alliance because they had an influx of rogue attacks recently, no one knew why, but for some reason they were targeting the pack and I will always help a pack in need if I can.

The fact is I’d already decided to help them but I needed to know what kind of pack they were and that is knowledge only gained by seeing it for one’s self.

I’d finished my meal and tried to filter through my thoughts as best I could, between thinking about the possibility of finding my mate and what I could offer their Alpha in terms of help, I realised how tied I felt.

I decided I would lay down and read. Reading had become a habit of mine over the past year or so, I could always rely on a book to take me out of reality for a little while. I walked through the door that led to my actual bedroom and mind-linked the maid to come and retrieve the dishes and I picked a book off the shelf, I laid down and allowed the pages to take me to the mountains where the story takes place.

I put myself into the main character’s shoes as he went on his journey for riches, only instead of riches he found love. These are the novels I took refuge in, the stories of mere men exploring and coming across a damsel in distress, swooping in to save the maiden only to fall hopelessly in love and having their outlook on life change completely, some may call me sad or a hopeless romantic but for me, I could place myself in their shoes. After all, I’m an Alpha without a mate, I have been on my own adventures near and far in search of the only treasure my heart and my wolf desires. My mate. It’s a far cry from the riches my book characters sought, but to me, what could be more valuable than someone who loves you unconditionally?

I soon found myself in a different world from that of the book, I found myself in a field of lavender that was blanketed with summer sun and butterflies. I glanced around at my surrounding and suddenly stopped as I heard rustling sounds from the deeper parts, Jax suddenly pushed forward and took control, as much as I tried, I couldn’t stop him. My bones cracked and broke until I’d completely shifted. Jax’s eyes glowed as they scanned the field looking for the potential threat but soon, his gaze fell upon a beautiful white wolf frolicking and playing.

Her size easily equalled that of an Alpha minus the black fur. As the sun kissed the beautiful creature, we could see hints of lavender streaks, neither Jax or myself have ever seen anything like her before, she was absolutely breath taking.

Silence fell upon us for what felt like eternity but then, out of no where, the gorgeous creature crashed into us, landing on top of us, our back to the floor. She looked down at us and we noticed her eyes, they were glowing purple. She climbed off of us and sat staring at us right in the eyes, Jax suddenly grew tense and his eyes widened “Mate!”

We were frozen on the spot, was this beautiful wolf really our mate? This couldn’t be right could it? Before I realised it, the day gave way to night and the moon appeared, surrounded by stars, as I studied the wolf infront of us, the lavender streaks through her fur glowed and her eyes appeared to glow brighter than they had when she landed on us and then, for the first time, she spoke “I’m waiting” she said and giggled. “Wow, even her voice is beautiful Jax.” Jax didn’t respond to me but instead, he answered the wolf “I’m coming love.”

Suddenly the wolf turned and ran into the lavender field, giggling with every step and bounce, Jax gave chase also chuckling as he ran. It’s been a long time since I’d witnessed and felt Jax be genuinely happy, I sometimes forget that Jax also feels the loneliness that comes with not having our mate.

Part of me wanted to regain control and ask the wolf to bring forward her human counterpart so I too could meet my half of my mate but I didn’t want to ruin this for Jax. He’s guided me through so many years and never judged my decisions, even if I was wrong.

Jax deserved every second of this. Jax made the decision to pounce on his mate, as soon as he landed on her they giggled together and she nuzzled his snout, Jax reciprocated her advance and nuzzled her in return, Jax removed himself from her and sat down, she laid down in the grass and gestured for us to join her, we laid down beside her as close as we could get and looked up at the moon and stars. Jax lowered his eyes to meet hers and asked “What’s your name love?” “Amber” she responded, her voice sounded sweet as honey “A beautiful name for an even more beautiful wolf” Jax replied, sincerity flooding his tone. “I’m Jax” he informed her.

At this point, Jax had melted entirely, he looked at her like a love sick puppy, not that I could blame him, I’ll probably have the same dumb look when I meet her human. “Well Jax, I must say, you’re certainly taking your sweet ass time to find me” she joked Jax gave a light giggle and responded “Me? What about you? you haven’t found me either.” Snap, surely she didn’t have a come back for that. “Well, judging by how quick your human allowed you control, I’d say he’s easy going, my meat bag on the other hand is a little ball of man hating rage.” Jax burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, Amber joined and I couldn’t help but gulp internally, “What the hell does she mean Jax?” I asked in panic, Jax calmed himself and said “That means you have your work cut out my friend” Jax chuckled a little more but quickly composed himself “Kaiden can be a handful, but he’s a good guy” he finally responded to her. “Amber, can I ask what your humans name is?” Jax asked, clearly realising that I had taken a back seat so he could enjoy his time with his mate so the least he could do was get my human mates name. “Yeah sure, it’s…..”

At that moment I was pulled from my dreams by a loud banging sound, it took me a moment to pull myself together before I yelled “Who is it?,” I could feel my irritation surge through my veins when a female voice called back “It’s me Kaidie, can I come in.”

Goddess, why are you punishing me?’ I thought to myself “Goddess damn it Ashley!” I yelled, I looked at the clock and noted it said 12:13am “Ashley, it’s after midnight, what the hell do you want?” I asked the question but I didn’t really care about the answer. “I wanted to show you what you’ll be coming home to,” she stated in that annoying tone she thought was seductive. “No Ashley, get lost, I have to be up in a few hours!”

“But Kaidie?” By now my irritation was growing into anger “No Ashley, leave before I throw you out of here!” Truth be told, I wouldn’t. I wasn’t one for putting my hands on a woman other than to protect myself and my pack but she didn’t know that.

I sat for a few minutes, the silence clarifying the fact Ashley had left, I hated to scare her but goddess knows that woman can’t take no for an answer.

I laid myself back down and stared at the ceiling. Was that really my mate? Or was this just a sick joke the moon goddess was playing? I don’t know but for the first time in a long time, I felt hopeful. “Jax, do you really think that was our mate?” I asked, Jax raced forward excitedly “Yes, she’s waiting for us, we need to find her now!” I chuckled to myself as I saw him jumping around in my mind like an excited puppy “Jax, calm down, we’ll find her.” I continued chuckling as Jax carried on bouncing, it was time to resume my search for my mate, she said she was waiting for us so what kind of werewolf would we be if we kept her waiting? I smiled to myself and as Jax finally settled, so did I, I closed my eyes and drifted back off into a deep, peaceful sleep for the first time in years, for once, I was actually looking forward to a new day.

Chapter 3: Today’s The Day

Eliza’s P.O.V

I set my alarm to wake me at 4am this morning and I instructed the soldiers to do the same. We needed to start training early because today is the day Alpha Kaiden arrives and there’s a celebration tonight which some of the men are guarding.

“Good Morning meat bag.” Amber said with a yawn in my mind. “Good Morning mutt” I replied as I exited my bed. If some heard the way we spoke to one another, they’d wonder why we had been put together but my wolf and I had always used these terms, not out of hatred or dislike, but in fun. They were our terms of endearment, like when couples call each other sweet heart or dear.

“So, today’s the day. Do you think you can get through it without punching or offending the Alpha?” She asked with a chuckle.

“I don’t intend to be around him long enough to feel that urge, I have no desire to be around another arrogant Alpha, we need this alliance so I figured the more I avoid Alpha Kaiden, the less likely I am not to do anything that could jeopardise it,” I replied, after all, it was a solid plan, I couldn’t promise anything other wise, I will be the first to admit that I’m a loose cannon with low tolerance for arrogance and entitlement.

“Liza, I hate to break it to you, but you’re the Gamma now, father will need you and the Beta to help reassure Alpha Kaiden that Half Moon can go against those rogue flea bags.” I took a moment to let Amber’s words sink in and then, reality hit me, as much as I hated to admit it, my wolf was right.

Now how was I going to handle this? I couldn’t answer Amber and I definitely wasn’t going to tell her she was right, so I simply said “Amber, we don’t have time for this, we have a long day of training and preparations for tonight’s celebrations.” And with that, I took my self for a shower and got ready for the day’s tasks.

Once I was ready, I discarded my dirty laundry in the laundry basket and made my bed, while I knew this was Cara’s job, I didn’t want to put too much on my friend. Just as I cleared the last wrinkle from my now neatened duvet, I heard a knock at my door “Who is it?” I called, I then received a mind-link from my father “It’s me little lavender, please keep it down, your mother is still sleeping, are you ready?” Just as promised, my father had arrived to accompany to the training ground so he could inform the men of my new position. “I’m coming” I linked back, I opened the door to my bedroom and my father drew my into a hug while linking “Good morning my little pup,” my father loved to use the term ‘little’, I couldn’t couldn’t argue though because on a technicality, he wasn’t wrong so I giggled quietly and linked “Good morning grumpy.”

Father released his hold and gestured towards the stairs “Shall we?” He whispered, I nodded at my father and we headed out, having father with me calmed my nerves, I knew he’d be able to deliver the news to them better than I could, father had a way of getting people to really listen and understand what was going on and the reasons behind his decisions.

I admired my father for this, he radiated power without being dick about it which only made me love him more. My father is a kind man but can still be fierce and generated fear into those who needed it.

We reached the training ground and as my father had requested, all the men were there waiting for us.

“Good Morning everyone” he called across the grounds.

“Good Morning Alpha” they called back with a thump to the chest and a bow of their heads.

I smiled as they straightened and waited for what ever daddy was going to say.

My father cleared his throat and began to speak to the large group of men. “Gentlemen, as you all know, yesterday morning, we all lost our dear friend and Gamma, Alexander.” As I looked out at the crowd, every single soldier had bowed their heads out of respect to Alex and as such I bowed too. “Alexander was one of the bravest, most courageous and most loyal men we could have ever of had the pleasure of knowing, but time must move on, titles must move on and so, though it was a hard decision to make, I have unfortunately had to replace him.” The men looked up but didn’t at all seem surprised, I suppose they knew we couldn’t really function without a Gamma, my father continued “I had a rather long and difficult conversation with our Luna and Beta Gregory about this matter and we reached a decision,” father took a deep breath and exhaled “I have given the title to Eliza, just as Alexander requested if anything should happen to him, so with that being said, I will hand you over to your new Gamma.”

“Yes Alpha” they chimed back and father turned to leave but something stopped him in his tracks “Oh and gentlemen, there’s one more thing,” the men’s ears pricked at this as did my own, “Don’t piss her off, this one has a low tolerance for BS,” he said with a smile and walked away. The men laughed at his words and suddenly swarmed around me, giving me hand shakes, hugs and congratulations, while it was nice, I couldn’t cope with the soppy crap so I ordered them to break into pairs and spar, they again thumped their chests and did as instructed.

I slowly walked around, visiting each pair and watched as they battled, making a mental note of each one, their strengths and their weaknesses, keeping each in mind and showing techniques that would surely help them overcome their weaknesses and further improve their strength and abilities in battle. Though we could shift into our wolves, there wasn’t always time, so battle would sometimes begin in human form until we had opportunity to shift.

We continued on this through the morning, the men pushed themselves hard and I couldn’t have been more proud of them, with each passing minute, they improved but something was bugging me. I had this gut down feeling I was missing something, I just couldn’t put my finger on it, I glanced down at my watch, 8:47am “Oh crap!” I exclaimed. I then yelled across the training ground “That’s a wrap guys, go home and get some rest, I want the men that are guarding the celebration tonight to meet me in the lobby of the pack house at 5pm sharp to discuss the plans, is that understood?” “Yes Gamma” they called back and dispersed.

I quickly gathered my things and ran back home, daddy was definitely going to kill me, he’d informed me last night that Alpha Kaiden would be arriving this morning and asked that I be home by 7:30 at the latest.

I ran through the door and was intercepted by Beta Gregory. He offered me a bow and a smile and then spoke “Your mother and father have requested your presence in the study.”

Crap, crap, crap I thought to myself, I was definitely in a trouble! I nodded at the Beta “I’ll head straight there.”

I ascended the stairs and walked down the hall to daddies study, I knocked and entered.

My mother smiled and came to hug me but my father’s face was stern, oh yeah, I was in trouble.

“Sit!” My father ordered so I nodded and sat in the seat opposite him at his desk.

“Where have you been Eliza?” He asked, anger spread over his face, “I’ve been at the training ground daddy, I’m sorry, I just lost track of time,” I said, my eyes focused on the ground, I hated upsetting my father, I loved him dearly but this was a genuine accident, I didn’t intend to be late. After a few moments silence, my father spoke again, this time, his face and tone had softened “Well, I suppose there’s no harm done, you’ve only been Gamma for for a morning really, I suppose this only shows that you’re taking your new role seriously.” I looked up and cleared my throat to speak but my father cut me off before I could say anything “Liza, your mother and I wanted to discuss something with you, it may come off offensive but we really don’t mean anything by it,” he said with a slight apologetic tinge in his voice, I tilted my head in slight confusion.

My mother looked down at me with a smile and placed a hand on my shoulder as she always did while I was growing up, she always said it reminded her of when I was a pup, I’d always tilt my head when I didn’t understand, my mother then said with a slight giggle “You have a tendency to be a little hot headed darling, it’s a trait you got from your father,” “Thank you darling” my father cut in jokingly, “Not a problem dear,” she fired back with a slight smirk “Anyway” she continued “All we want to say is we want you to be on your best behaviour during the Alpha’s stay.”

I looked at my parents for a moment, this was important so I simply nodded my head “Of course,” my father stared at me for a moment and then smiled “I’m so proud of you Eliza, now, why don’t you go and rest and prepare for tonight’s festivities, I’ve had Cara go and buy you some new dresses and accessories for tonight so she’ll deliver them later and assist you getting ready.” I smiled and thanked him. As I stood to leave, my parents also stood and approached me, they drew me into a hug, I then turned to leave when my mother called out, “We love you princess.” I turned and smiled at them “I love you too.”And with that, I turned back to face the door and left.

I had every intention of doing what my parents advised but as I stood in the hall, the noise filled my ears, I walked towards the top of the stairs and looked down.

The foyer of our usually quiet mansion was absolutely buzzing with life, maids were rushing in and out of the house, fetching and carrying things between the mansion and the pack house, while guards were switching shifts and being directed by Beta Gregory. I’d never seen anything like this before, at least, not here. I snapped out of observing gaze when a hand gently grabbed my shoulder.

“Is everything alright sweetheart? I thought you were going to rest” my mother stated. “I’m fine mum, I just rushed back so quickly that I didn’t see any of this going on.”

My mother giggled “Well princess, there were some last minute things that couldn’t be achieved until today, so we’re just whipping around and trying to get them done in time for tonight.” I looked up at my mother and my head must have tilted again because she followed up with “what’s on your mind?” I didn’t know whether I should say anything or not because I’m not sure if my mother would appreciate what I had to say but mother knew me better than any one and I knew her well enough to know that she wouldn’t leave it alone until I told her, so I took a deep breath and straightened myself, “I really don’t understand why we’re making such a fuss for another Alpha, I mean, seriously mum, if the others are anything to go by, this one will be just as arrogant and snobby as them” and there it was, the disapproving look.

Mother’s eyebrows creased together and her disappointed tone reached my ears. “Eliza Marie Silver! I raised you better than that!” I instantly dropped my head in submission and glared at the floor hoping it would open up swallow me whole. “You shouldn’t judge people Eliza, not all Alpha’s are the same, just look at your father! I’ll also have you know that Alpha Kaiden is a very kind and polite young man and you will show him respect, do you understand?” Her last words were rhetorical but I lifted my head to look at her, oh she was pissed, right now I wasn’t looking at my mother, I was looking at her wolf. “Yes mam.” I nodded, I knew there was only going to be one outcome with Sky at the surface so I did the only thing I could do in that moment, and that was to submit.

Once my mother and her wolf Sky were content that I would behave myself, I was finally allowed to leave my spot on the stairs but of course, Amber had to pipe up before we entered our room, “Well meat bag, you really fudged that one up didn’t you, my mother never claws to the surface.”

“Shut it mutt, I just don’t understand what all the fuss is about that’s all” I snapped back “Well you better keep those opinions to yourself, father is counting on you to behave and help the cause.” Damn she was right but instead of saying a word I just grunted at her and retired to my room to shower and rest. Hopefully tonight wouldn’t drag on too long.

Once I’d showered and changed, I decided that a nap may be in order, I needed to be well rested in order to keep my mind clear and in check when I inevitably met the Alpha.

“What do you think he’s like?” Amber piped up out of no where, “Who?” I asked as if I didn’t know who she was talking about, “The Alpha!” She replied, her voice sounded irritated in my mind.

“He’s an Alpha, the Alpha’s from the other neighbouring packs have all been arrogant, pompous, douche canoes, why would this one be any different?” I put to her. Amber was silent for a moment but then she fired back “You’re judging him before meeting him, you shouldn’t draw conclusions without evidence meat bag, it will be your downfall.” As if it were a matter of fact. The only response I gave was a scoff, to which she replied “Fine Eliza, but mark my words, no good can come from your lack of willingness to get to know people before judging” and with that, Amber retreated back into the back of my mind. I loved my wolf dearly but I could never understand why she would be so tolerant of these Alpha’s, she’s been there and seen their self entitled attitudes and yet, she still thinks I should try to understand them, “stupid mutt” I said to myself. “I heard that!” Amber shot at me, I simply rolled my eyes and didn’t reply.

Well, I will not tolerate their B.S, not me, hell no, I will not role over like a dog wanting belly scratches I declared to myself, I then rolled over and sank into slumber.

“This is your gift” a voice called from deep within my subconscious. I looked around but all I could see was a bright light, “Cherish it, respect it” it called again “What gift?” I asked but got no response, the bright light flashed and suddenly, I was standing in the lavender field I frequented with my father as a child, I was standing under a full moon and clear starlit sky and the only sound I could hear was the gentle breeze flowing through the lavender and surrounding trees, it was beautiful. I looked up at the hill and noticed a huge, pure black wolf with bright orange glowing eyes, he was breath taking.

Suddenly, I felt Amber pulling forward, “Mate” she rumbled, feeling her attraction I replied “Amber, that’s impossible, we’ve had 2 mates already, a third is simply not possible.” Amber grunted and retreated back into the back of my mind. I sat myself down among the lavender and took in the beauty around me and watched the wolf, he was prancing around like a pup chasing the birds, it was so cute to watch. After a while the wolf disappeared and I was dragged back to light. “This is your gift” the voice repeated “cherish it, respect it.” “What do you mean? What is my gift?” I asked again, this time, I was frustrated, I didn’t understand what this strange light was talking about, again, I was met with nothing but silence.

The light flashed once again but this time I woke up. I shot up and sat, taking in the room for a moment and then dropped back to my pillow. What in goddess’s name was all that about? I wondered. The bright light, the confusing talk, the wolf and Ambers confusion over the wolf? What does it all mean?, non of it makes any sense.

I tried to filter through all these thoughts but decided there was no sense to be made, it was just a silly dream, it means nothing.

I dragged myself from my bed and took myself to the bathroom and threw some cold water over me face, “You need to get a grip of yourself Liza” I said out loud as I looked at my reflection in the mirror, my eyes turned purple and Amber spoke, “We still have a few hours before we have to get ready meat bag, why don’t you try to get some more sleep.” Though I didn’t want to admit it, Amber was right yet again, sleep is definitely something I don’t get a lot of these days so I nodded as Amber retracted again and took myself back to bed. I felt as if I’d been lying here forever, trying to quieten the thoughts that kept rushing through my mind.

I kept telling myself it was just a stupid dream but my own mind betrayed me with a counter question. What if it wasn’t just a dream? What if it was actually a message of some kind?

After an hour or so and no sign of falling back to sleep any time soon I decided to get up and watch a film in the hopes that it would take my mind off of the dream.

I settled down on the sofa with a blanket and watch my all time favourite film, ‘Bad Boys 2’. The humans world and our world never mix, we make sure of it but even we have to admit that the humans know how to make a good film.

As I sat watching the film, my concentration was disturbed by an incoming mind-link. “Liza? Are you awake?” “Yes” I replied. “Awesome, your dad asked me to get you some new dresses for tonight so I just wanted to bring them up so you have time to choose one for the party tonight.” Ah yes, the dresses, I had forgotten all about those, my father had mentioned them to me earlier.

“Sure” I said “Come straight in, the door’s open.” I closed the link and continued with my film until Cara arrived, she had so many bags, I didn’t know where to start. I wasn’t one for formal wear so I relied on Cara to help me a lot where shopping was concerned, that’s why my father sent Cara shopping instead of me.

“Cara, what the hell is all this?” I asked, shocked at the mountain of bags she piled in my room, “Seriously Liza, you have new outfits to choose from for every night this week! Your dad demanded that I ensure you’re prepared for any and everything!”

What in the hell is my father doing? I thought to myself, “Cara, there is absolutely no way I’ll be wearing all of this!” I shot back “Well you should!” She snapped back “You’re beautiful Liza! And this stuff will just amplify your beauty, you spend so much time looking like you’re ready for fight, I’m sure you’ve forgotten how to look like a woman!”

While I felt slightly insulted by her outburst, she wasn’t completely wrong, I enjoyed the comfort of baggy jogging bottoms and T-shirts, I was always prepared incase we came under attack, I’ve never really been the ‘girly’ type except for special or important occasions. Makeup and hair styling are completely alien to me but thankfully, I’ve always had Cara’s help for these kind of things.

The other she-wolves in the pack have always said I’m a natural beauty but I could at least put on some eyeliner to enhance my eyes. I did try once but I damn near poked out my damn eye so decided I was more than happy to continue as the goddess intended.

Cara began unloading the bags into my walk in wardrobe, showing me each piece as she was putting them away, I counted at least 14 dresses in the haul, I never understood why she-wolves bought so much when they’re never going to wear it all. After around half an hour, we’d finally managed to minimise the choice of attire down to three. A long red, figure hugging halter neck dress with an open back, a long, figure hugging, emerald green, off the shoulder dress and a long, blue, strapless dress that had a minimal but stunning crystal design on the bodice. We talked about the pros and cons of each but decided on the blue dress, the tone matched my eyes perfectly, the fabric of the blue dress changed shades in different lighting just like my eyes depending on my mood, and the crystal design twinkled in the light, it was certainly perfect for me and enhanced my curved in the right places.

Once we’d decided on the accessories that would best compliment me and my dress, Cara informed me that my mother had given her the afternoon off as she would be waitressing at the celebration tonight so I invited her to finish the film with me. Cara obliged but insisted we needed some snacks first, Cara always believed you couldn’t watch a film without snacks so I smiled and let her gather the snacks. Once she returned, she snuggled under the blanket with me on the sofa, we ate our snacks and laughed to the point of having tears in our eyes. I loved having this time with Cara, it didn’t happen as much as I’d have liked these days so when we got the chance, I truly enjoyed it.

Once the film had finished and the snacks we gone, we were well into the afternoon, we decided it was time for me to get ready as I had to meet the men guarding the pack before the celebration so, while Cara prepared my outfit, I showered and joined her back in the bedroom. Cara then helped to dry my waist length hair and assisted me into my dress, she then took time and care to style my hair into simple but stylish up do and ensured my makeup was complimentary but elegant.

Cara stood back and admired her work as I stood and took myself over to my body length mirror, as much as I wasn’t into all this girly crap, I had to be honest, I looked amazing. “You did an amazing job as always,” I smiled at Cara, “What can I say, I had the perfect blank canvas.” “Shut up idiot” I giggled which in turn made Cara giggle herself “I need to get going Liza, I need to be ready for work, please don’t do anything to ruin any part of your look,” she pleaded, I giggled “ I won’t, I promise,” Cara smiled, turned on her heels and left.

Once Cara had gone and I’d tidied up my dressing table, I decided to head out to the pack house so I would already be there when the men arrived for the briefing.

I arrived at the pack house by 4:44pm so I decided to stop in at the banquet hall to see how my mother was doing, I looked around and finally found her stood over on the far side with her trusty clipboard and talking to one of the maids.

Mother looked more stressed today than she has been in the last month planning this event, I walked over and waited for her to finish speaking. Finally she turned to me, “Oh Eliza dear, just look at you!” She exclaimed with her hand cupping one side of her face “You look beautiful princess” I replied simply “Thank you mother.” She stood for a moment and took in my appearance then took a breath “What brings you here darling?” She asked, “I’m the new Gamma mother, I need to ensure my men know what they’re doing tonight both here and out on patrol.” “Oh yes of course, silly me, I’m so sorry baby, I’ve been so busy today, I completely forgot about your responsibilities” she replied as her sudden realisation sunk in, “I’m a little early for the briefing so I thought I would drop in and see how you’re doing.”

My mother looked at me and smiled, “such a sweet child, I’m fine darling, just finishing up and then heading to get ready.” I turned and looked at the clock on the wall, “Well, I have to go now mother, the men will be here any second, please don’t worry, tonight is going to be fine.”

My mother looked at me, not quite convinced but simply nodded and smiled, I turned and walked back to meet the men in the lobby.

Once everyone was gathered, we went to the meeting room and discussed the plans for tonight, if everything went according to how I planned it, then there should be no issues tonight.

The men dispersed to the designated places and I decided to head to the bathroom before I joined the celebration. One I had completed my business and took myself over to the sinks to wash my hands, I gave myself a small pep talk before leaving “Behave Eliza, it’s not so bad, you can do this” I told myself, I just had to be patient and get through tonight. I promised my mother and father I would keep myself in check and do my best not to be rude, though I doubted I’d be able to stick to it, I’d definitely try, for their sake more than mine, after all, if the Alpha decided he didn’t trust me, then the alliance would fall flat and it would all be my fault.

I felt the whole weight and severity of this situation on my shoulders, I wasn’t sure how I was going to handle this, what would Alex say? I wondered, I stood back and stared at myself in the mirror, searching my mind for the words Alex would say to calm my nerves, the way only he could.

Just then, Ambers voice broke through the chaos in my mind “Everything will be fine meat bag, just stay dignified and remember your manners,” she said. “What if he’s an ass hole though? I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself Amber” I stated back, my voice tainted with concern. “You’ll be fine if you just follow my advice for once” she was right, every time I ignored her advice, everything went belly up and turned to complete crap, “You know what Amber, you’re right, I promise I’ll do my best to keep what you said in the front of my mind.”

Amber chuckled in my mind “Yeah right meat bag.” “Shut up mutt” I fired back as I turned and made my way back out of the bathroom.

I stepped in to the hall and heard a voice from the past, there, stood before me was one person I never wanted to see again, Austin.

I narrowed my eyes at him “Well, look what the dog coughed up.” I said, clearly agitated by his presence. “It’s a pleasure to see you too Eliza” he responded with his arrogant smirk, agitating me further. “I assure you, the pleasure is ALL yours” I spat back “What are you doing here?” I asked, not that I really cared, Austin was my second mate unfortunately and a total tool. Everyone was ecstatic when we found out I had a second chance mate. Everyone except Austin that is, he said that Selene must have made a mistake because he couldn’t possibly be mated to a short, boy-stress mutt like me.

Austin took in a breath but rather than answer my question, he instead replied “Eliza, I never knew you could look so feminine, you’ve changed so much since our last encounter,” he said as if I was supposed to be flattered by his words “I have indeed, look Austin, what ever game you’re playing, I suggest you stop right there because now I’ll gladly throat punch you for so much as even breathing in my direction, do you understand?” I asked the question rhetorically, I turned to walk away but Austin grabbed my wrist with a firm grip and snarled “That’s no way to talk to your mate Eliza, maybe I should teach you some manners!”

He raised a hand to hit me but I ripped my wrist away and popped him clean in the nose, his nose instantly cracked and spat blood. Austin stood there cupping his face “YOU BITCH!” He yelled and I just stood there in front of him, a smile crept onto my face, I felt content with this situation, “You rejected me ass hole, go back to chasing your tail,” and with that, I turned and entered the hall.

Let’s get this show on the road.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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