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True Love From The Unexpected

Chapter 1- The marriage proposal

Mr. Peterson had called his friend Mr. Roberts to make a proposal. "I would like my daughter, Aurora to marry your son, Liam."

"I'm not sure of what they have to say about this. You know, we have to seek their opinion on this matter before marrying them for themselves", Mr. Roberts said.

"After what Lucas did to my precious daughter, I wouldn't want her to fall into the hands of a traitor like Lucas again. He cheated on her and even threatens to hurt her because she broke up with him. I think she would be safer with Liam than with any other random man."

"I guess so, it seems so well that Liam is capable of protecting Aurora, I'll talk him to do it and I hope he yields."

"Thank you Roberts, I really appreciate you." "Aurora!!" Mr Peterson yells his daughter name.

She rushes down to her father "Yes dad? You called"

"Yes I did, I would like to tell you something. Sit down"Mr. Peterson said to her.

Reluctantly, she sat down and listens to what her father has to say.

"I, um...has made a proposal for you to marry Liam than to be with another man. I think it is ri..."

"No dad, you can't tell me to marry Liam, Liam?? I don't even like him, he is self-absorbed, a jerk and doesn't care about people's feelings. And even after what Lucas did to me, I'm not ready to trust any man. Maybe in another life, not this life, I can't marry Liam." She stands up and walks away.

"Aurora!!" her father yelled. "Get back here I'm still speaking with you!"

"I'm sorry dad, but I can't marry Liam"

"What makes you hate Liam so much??" Mr. Roberts asked.

"I don't know, we aren't friends, he is self absorbed and thinks about himself alone. After what Lucas did, I'm pretty sure Liam is not any much better."

"But I would like you to give him a chance, not all men are the same"Mr. Roberts said.

"Yes, do I, your father treats your mum like crap?? You can't conclude that all men are the same."

"I'm not marrying Liam and there's nothing you can do to change my mind."

"Oh really?? We'll see about that." her father said.


After an hour or so, Mr. Roberts got up to leave,he thanked his friend and left.

Mr. Peterson called out his wife, and explained his proposal to her. She considered it a nice thought and offered to speak with Aurora. She went up to Aurora's room and had a talk with her.

"Aurora, my dearest. You would listen to your dad, he wants nothing but the best for you. Marrying Liam would be the best decision for you, you haven't dated him so you can't conclude that he is bad. Or do you want your father to have another heart attack?? Do as he says and please him. I'm begging, make him happy."

"Alright mum, I'll think about it"

"Please do"

"Sure I will"

"Thank you"her mother said as she left the room.


"Liam, my son, Mr Peterson and I already had a talk, it's time for you to settle down. You are a handsome man, well educated, wealthy, and a perfect choice for women. You are twenty-four for crying out loud."

"I don't have any woman for now. I'll let you know when I get one" Liam replied

"How about Aurora??"

"Aurora?? You mean that girl?? No, no, no. O can't marry her. I don't like her, no, I don't want her!!"

Mr Roberts eventually convinced him and he agreed. He called Mr. Peterson to tell him to start the preparation for the wedding.

Chapter 2- Forced marriage

 The preparations for the wedding was going on, their fathers were making arrangements to make the wedding perfect.

 "Liam, let's go get you a wedding suit" Noah said to Liam. Noah is Liam's best friend and a personal assistant. He helps Liam around and gives him helpful advices.

 "Sure, when you are done."

 "Be ready in 10 minutes"

 "Alright. But...Noah, Noah, I...I...I don't like this girl, I don't want her around me"

 "Why'd you hate her so much??"

 "I dunno, she thinks the world revolves around her"

 "Chill, you guys would get along for sure, trust me"

 "No we won't"

 Noah sighs at Liam's statement. He proceeds to finish up with what he was doing. He signaled to the driver to get the car ready. He called out Liam and they went shopping for the wedding suit.


 On getting to the boutique, Liam met Aurora there, they made eye contact, they ignored each other. They continued trying out clothes without saying a word to each other. Iris, Aurora's best friend bumped into Liam and spilled her hot cocoa on him.

 "I'm sorry" she apologized.

 "No, it's okay" he replied

 Iris left his presence and went to sit with Aurora.

 "Why did you apologize to him, you ought to dump the entire cup on his head. That jerk." Aurora said pouting her mouth with an angry expression on her face.

 "I was at fault so I apologized?? Is there anything wrong with that?? I know you don't like him but please give this marriage a chance"

 "What chance?? He doesn't deserve one."

 "All what you are doing isn't worth it"

 Aurora rolled her eyes at Iris' statement. She(Aurora) excused herself to the bathroom.

On getting there, Liam also walked in. He shut the door behind him. He walked up slowly to Aurora.

 "So, may I know why you hate me so much??" Liam asked

 "You are annoying, self absorbed, a jerk, I just hate everything about you and nothing can change that"

 "Oh is that so?? How about we change that?" He walked up closely to Aurora, their faces inches apart. He leaned in for a kiss, although, Aurora dislikes him, she couldn't resist his aura. He placed his hand on her waist and pulled her face closely with the other hand. They locked lips, kissing passionately, his hand roaming her back. He tried to pull away, but she pulls him closer by his shirt. She pressed her body against his, he began undressing her. Unzipping her dress, he pulls down her dress a bit, revealing her cleavage and half of her breasts.

 He kissed her neck, breathing heavily on her neck. He kisses her lips again, caressing her boobs. Her dress fell off and she presses her boobs on his chest. Slowly, she started unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his bare chest. She pulls him closer, wrapping her arms around his neck. He caresses her butt and it got more intense. She began moaning softly...

"Bang bang" a knock on the door interrupted them

"Aurora, Aurora!! Are you there??" Iris asked.

"Yes...yes...yes, I'm here. I'll be out soon" she replied. She began dressing up and cleaning herself up. "You pervert" she said to Liam

"What did I do? You kept pulling me closer because you couldn't resist, how am I a pervert??"

"You started it"

"But you enjoyed it more" he said, winking.

He tried to kiss her again. She slapped him and walked out. Liam rolled his eyes and wore his shirt and left the bathroom.


After picking the wedding outfits, they all went back to their homes and continued the marriage preparations.


Two weeks later, it was the wedding day. Aurora was sad, she doesn't want to get married to Liam. She wants to run away but there is no where to go.

Liam already accepted his fate. He is ready for the marriage.

Few minutes later, Mr. Peterson was already walking Aurora down the aisle. Standing before Liam, Aurora had teary eyes, Iris urges her to get brave. The Priest joined them together and they were officially a couple.

After the wedding, Aurora moved out of her Father's house to Liam's house. They began living as a couple without love.

Chapter 3- New home

 After their wedding, their parents urges them to make babies in order to make them grandparents. Aurora doesn't want to have anything to do with Liam.

 After their parents had left, Liam reminds her of what happened in the bathroom the other day.

 "You were enjoying it more than I did. You were pulling me closer, I tried to leave, but you pulled my back. You were undressing me and..."

 "Stop, just stop it. You started it first!!" she replied yelling at him.

 "Chill, but how about we recreate that again??"

 "No, stay away from me."

 "Okay, okay. But I know you want me"


 Aurora walked up the stairs to her room. She called her best friend, Iris and narrated what happened at the boutique between Liam and her.

 "Oh...wait, you mean you both were making out in the bathroom?? No wonder you were taking so long in there"

 "I know, no need to remind me of it" Aurora replied

 "Relax, but I thought you said you despise Liam, why would you make out with him??" Iris asked

 "I don't know, he has this kind of aura, it's so hard to resist"

 "I understand, relax. It's nothing, you guys are married now, interact more with him. That's all I have to say."

 "Ugh" she sighed "Alright, thank you"


 "Aurora!! I'm going out with Noah, I'll be back late" Liam said, before leaving the house

 "I don't care, stay out forever if you want!" Aurora yelled.


 Liam and Noah met at a café. They had a nice chat, Noah asked about how Liam's marriage was going.

 "Boring, she doesn't interact with me. I know I said I don't like her but still, we are married."

 "But for real, your relationship shouldn't be boring. You ought to make attempts to make it work"

 Liam sighs.

 "So you guys haven't touched each other or something?" Noah asked.

 "We did"

 "You did?? Tell me about it"

 "It happened when we went shopping for the wedding suit. She went into the bathroom, I didn't know she was in there. I questioned her on why she hates me so much..."

 "Go straight to the point, I'm eager"

 "I don't know, I kissed her, she kissed me back, we made out in the bathroom"

 "Wait, wait, wait, are you for real??"

 "Yes, I am"

 "Nice progress" Noah said, winking. "Go home to keep her company, your newly wedded wife"

 "She said I should stay out for all she cares"

 "You know how women behaves, go and be with her"

 Liam got up to leave, "I'll see you later "

 "Sure, bye" Noah replied


When he got home, he got a call from his men saying the enemy's men had attacked their headquarters. He took his keys and raised to the office.

 "I'm on my way" he said before leaving the house.

 Aurora thought he was on his way to see his mistress. She thought he has someone outside despite being married.

 "Even though we are forced to get married to each other, at least respect the marriage. I'll have to follow him" she said herself

 She followed him at a distance, driving few meters behind him.

 Liam got off, he entered the building. His men already tied the intruders down.

 "What's your purpose here?" Liam asked the three men, who were tied on the floor.

 No response came from the men.

 "Oh, no answer, right??" He brought out a pepper spray and sprayed them in their eyes.

 They groaned in pain. But yet refused to talk. Liam ordered his men to tie them to a chair and put their legs in a bucket of water. He placed an electrocuted wire in it and turned on the socket. They were electrified.

 "I...I...I...will...speak..." one of the men said, groaning in pain.

 "Speak!!" Liam yelled.

 "Master Lincoln sent us, please...please, don't kill us" he pleaded.

 "Go over to Lincoln's, destroy everything, kill everyone in that building, do not spare a soul. Burn the building afterwards" Liam commanded his men

 He walked over to a counter and picked a gun, he put it some bullets and pulled the trigger, he aimed at the head of one of the captives.

 "Please, I'm pleading" one of them said.

 Aurora was watching from a corner, covering her mouth out of fear. She tries not to make a sound.

Liam aimed the gun and shot the wall


 Liam looked directly at the direction of the sound. He went over and found Aurora.

 "Aurora?? What are you doing here?? You are not supposed to be seen here. Wait for me here I'm coming, let me finish up some works" Liam said to her

 "'t tell me you'll kill those guys" Aurora said trembling in fear

 "Just chill, they deserve death"

 "No, no, no, Liam don't!!"

 "Wow you even called me my name, it's quite surprising that you even know my name"

 "Just don't kill these people"

 "You don't understand how this job goes. You might want to cover your ears" Liam said as he shot the three men straight in their skull.

 "Haaaaaaaa, are a murderer. I'll report you to the cops" she said as she tries to run out of the building.

Liam pulled her back and held her two hands. He returned the gun and ordered some of his men to clear the corpse.

He drove Aurora back home as she was still trembling. On their way home, Liam was curious about why she followed him.

"What were you doing in the building??" Liam asked with a stern look

"No...nothing. Can't I move around anymore??"

"Not at my workplace, if any of my men had seen you they would have harmed you not knowing you are my wife. Do not follow me with me knowing. Is that clear??"

"No, why can't you introduce me as your wife??"

"Says the person who doesn't want to be seen with me"

"Even though" she replied. "You are still a murderer by the way"

"Shut the f*** up. My business and work isn't supposed to be intruded by enemies or outsiders. They got what they deserved." Liam answered her with a stern look

There was silence throughout the ride home. Aurora had questions, but couldn't ask Liam. She kept them to herself till the right time.

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