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A New Hope

Chapter one

It has been four months now ever since the fire has happened. Stomach, empty as a dark cave than ever, I’ve been working hard to take care of myself. I miss them dearly every second of the day, wishing I could turn back time and fix everything. Oh Mom! Oh Dad! Why did you have to be in that tragic fire? All I could think of now is never running away from them like that again. I blame myself for their death, I know they wouldn’t want me to. Yet is it my fault?

As I walk in my worn-out white shoes, I have nothing but myself as the hot rays of sun beams onto my face. Never knowing where I am, I just walk every day, working for money to buy food, and looking for places to stay overnight to rest. Right now, all there is to see is a road and just a plain field surrounding it. Wait though- in the distance, there are buildings. I start to run with the last bit of energy I’ve got in my body. As I ran, there’s a tall sign. It said “Terebrith City''. Weird thing is, I’ve never heard of Terebrith City before. I have heard of multiple cities, just not this one.

As I walk further and further down the road, I see houses. And for the tall buildings, they’re still waiting for me in the horizons. Entering for what must be a neighborhood, each of the houses were lined up with each other and have their own big lawns. Though one stood out from them all. Having the biggest of a lawn compared to others, a gate, and the house is huge. It looks like a mansion, but it’s just one big house that looks like one when it isn’t. I walked up and put my hands on the ironed gate.

They could always get some help from me. If that happens, I can afford a small feast for myself! Then again, they probably already have plenty of maidens and butlers. Also, they probably won’t trust a sixteen-year-old girl like me. Never know without trying- so I look for a doorbell. None to be found nor person. About to give up, I smell something delicious. The amazing smell lingers from inside the house as my stomach howls. Desperate to subside my hunger, I looked around to see if anyone was near or watching me.

No one was, so I started to climb over the fence alongside the gate. Finally, over the fence, I rushed to an open window and jumped inside. Luckily, I ended up in the kitchen. It was nice and small- nothing fancy or special to it. That is when I saw what made the delicious smell. The smell of pie. Being drawn to it, I grabbed it, but realized it was too hot. Jugging it within my hands, the pie fell to the ground with a big crash. I panicked in fear, trembling in the thought of knowing I’ll be caught.

“I think the crash came from the kitchen.” A fearful woman called out from the distance…..

Chapter two

Quickly, I dashed underneath a table where the tablecloth hid me from view. Would they find me? Are they going to send me to jail? The swiftness of the footsteps became louder and louder, until they were in the same room as I. My heart pounded in my chest.

Someone’s here.” A concerned man told the woman

They knew I was there, and I had to get out of there quickly or else, I’ll be caught. My breathing became rapid and my body began to tremble.

“Maybe we should call the police.” The woman suggests.

“No!” I blurted out.

The frightful woman screamed from the sound of my voice. I blew it and I’m sure to be a goner.

“Come out so we can see you!” The man told me.

I slowly crawled out from underneath the table and stood in front of them. I stared at the man in bewilderment.

“Why did you break into my house?” He asked.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “It was an accident.”

The man sarcastically laughed. “An accident?” He said.

“How can you accidentally break into a home? Tell you what, if I take you straight home to your parents instead of to the police, do you promise not to do this again?”

Take me home? Parents? Even though he doesn’t know what had happened, I don’t have a home or a Mom and Dad.

You would think my relatives would be searching for me- that is not mine though. Only because they wanted another boy and not a girl in the family. So, I was always the outcast in the family. Yet, Mom and Dad stood up for me. Always saying that I was the most precious gift given to them. At least, it was what they used to say before what had happened. Thinking about them made me start to sob.

“Why,” I asked. “Why did they have to be in it?”

Both of them exchanged looks at each other, then at me. The woman placed her gentle hand on my face and wiped away my tears off of me.

Her smile was like a mother loving on her child.

“Looks like you had it rough,” she said to me.

“How about we get you into some clean clothes, is that alright with you?”

I nodded and followed her out of the kitchen and up the stairs. She started to warm up a bath for me to soak into.

“I apologize for scaring you. Mr. Johnson and I do have other people that live in this home with us but aren’t here right now. They should be home soon though. By the way, what is your name?”

I studied Mrs. Johnson for the first time. Her hair is long and wavy in the color orange...her skin so fair and gentle like too. She also wore a short-sleeved pink dress that matches her heeled shoes.

“My name is Clarisse.” I quietly said to her.

Once Mrs. Johnson left the bathroom, I pulled off the clothes and dunked myself into the big tub. It even felt amazing to just lay there and close my eyes! Finally, was I able to get the smell of vomit off of me and smell like the scent of flowers!

After what seemed like hours, I put on a fuzzy white robe, white slippers, and then a towel on my head.

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