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The Second Leads

Ep 1

Aisha De Elmir
The very thought of blue eyes girl
How could she bully therese
the damn stupid bitch
who could she thought she can win over dayan
by bullying
She really insulted my therese in front noble people and accused her for poisoning emperor
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
*I desperately want to Aisha feel the same pain, the same heartbreak which therese was now suffering with. He wanted that petty little princess to exactly feel how it is to have broke someone mentally *
Why don't you take day off from literature class, and I'll drop you home and you get a good rest?
Why would she throw away our friendship, was it me? *sad eyes *
While callisto could wait no longer. His clenched jaw, fisted hands, and angry red eyes was a clear sign on how much he wanted to go and confront the girl who could stoop so low.
rather warned him to not do anything stupid because he knew how his best friend was, t would do it and then think over it.
why she did it *tears*
A last glance at the girl who wiped another one of her tears, Callisto went out, and on the dark street. He was seething in rage when he came out, he wants kill her but stop he Don't like his hands getting dirty
"tomorrow "
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
*lowered her head as the sharp vicious words of her father rang in her lead*
tomorrow is the empress birthday behave well I am already decided about you marriage . Don't sit in room And after What you have done!!!!
That was a threat okay? you must attend birthday part even though you humilated
did you understand?
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
at party
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
*What Why he is staring at me*
after few minutes
*how can she talk so freely !!*
Aisha why did hurt therese* says with anger*
why!!just because I love her I Don't know your are this low
at this moment
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
I didn't regret do that !!!
before entering part Aisha hardly got any eyes at her because the very famous therese was still the talk of the school, especially when rumors of she bullying therese keeps coming whispering. .all
she suddenly felt afraid burning glares of her friends. Or were they not her friends anymore?
will you stop bullying therese
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
"I don't want to *cold*
*Cold voice a little more icier, a little more strange as looked at Aisha the girl who didn't bother to stand. *
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
if you are here to ask me why I did It
she looks at him, her signature blank look, which dayan was never accustomed to, kept the conversation on the lower end.
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
then I don't want to
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
But you have to answer me.*cold*
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
aisha and dayan turned at that familiar, loud and chaotic voice.Callisto never looked this angry as he did then. aisha forgot about his presence she remembered that therese had another guy wrapped around her little finger.
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Why? *scoffed*
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Why would I?
Callisto only rolled his eyes, and grabbed onto Aisha 's arm, pulling her up in a swift response, alarming both aisha and dayan.
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Because I said so.
His clenched jaw and aisha gritted teeth were enough for the others to now stop chatting and witness the unfolding of a fight.
dayan trying to comprehend the situation and handle Callisto 's temper, but Callisto heard no one as he pulled aisha with him, outside the party hall and away from the crowd.
Aisha didn't fight her way out of Callisto 's grip, even though she knew she could easily do so and callisto didn't create a scene in front of the others, even when he wanted to do so. Their intensity was enough to make the silence between them, a signal for the calm before the storm.


Never did Aisha expect Callisto , the ruthless bastard, lower than average IQ and ridiculously a jerk pull her along with him as he wanted to speak to her. , Callisto and Aisha hardly crossed paths, or considering how the two hot heads never held a conversation longer than two seconds. But, the duo had a little grudges of their own over the years, since dayan was their mutual friend, Callisto and Aisha were also at loggerheads more often than not.
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
hey you jerk!! leave my hand stop pulling you bastard
However, what Callisto said next was something Aisha did not anticipate in this century.
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
are you okay? *concern*
He asked, taking a step closer from their five feet apart stance.
She lost her speech in that minor second as she gawked at the guy standing in front of her, with little to no etiquette was asking her if she was okay when he knew that she bullied the girl he doted so much on. She tilted her head, , wondering whether or not she heard him right.
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
She managed to reply, when he took another step closer, his eyes holding both care and concern and the way he looked at her made Aisha really uncomfortable. Was this really Callisto who once pushed her in pure spite and did not apologise even after being punished by his mother? Or the Callisto who often called her a nerd and teased her when they were kids.
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
He asked, snapping her back to reality, "
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Are you okay?
He asked again, clearly she heard him right.!!
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Callisto I am not....
She considered the possibilty of this being an insult, a witty remark or a sarcastic taunt, however, it was nothing but a simple question with silence as he waited for her to speak.
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
She asked, wondering what alternate universe this was
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
The rumors about you..
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
*Furrowed her eyebrows*
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Also the fact that dayan was about to lash at you...
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
I just did not want anyone to publically humiliate you
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
*Rolled her eyes*
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Are you okay?
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
you don't have to save me from anyone
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
I can handle myself
She moved past him, ridiculing this as some petty humor which she was too above to understand
To her suprise, there people who are cursing her behind her back she can heard them which stated horrible things she was a psychopath and needed to be shunned out of the from academy and that a bitch like her should suffer the worst there was. Aisha gulped, the way this rumors were spreading was blowing was not the scariest part as the way she felt the urge to rub the dirt off her hands. the comments were downright horrific and rushed to the washroom where she rubbed her hands, washing them time and again with water She kept cleaning her hands until they burned, and she stopped, to lean on the basin and look at herself in the mirror.
"You are so pretty," therese said when she first met Aisha
Have you looked at yourself," Aisha replied, instantly liking the new girl, because not only was she kind and soft spoken, she had a beautiful smile, introduced herself, hand forward and therese shook it, "welcome to Millionnaire's Lair Academy"
Aisha looked at herself closely, and she did not see this pretty beauty which therese mentioned in the reflection, instead she saw a slumped figure, burderned with dark circles, miserably dry hands and a low self-esteem bitch who would do anything to win. Aisha wiped the tear from her eye instantly, this was not how she was going to be, she was on the way to win in this world and the only way to win was to put others down.
That was what her father taught her, to win was to be ready to let go of others, even if it was by deceit.
Aisha wiped her hands with the paper towels and ignoring the girls Who talking bad words to her walked in on her, she rushed towards party
"Aisha is clearly interested Dayan more than anything," The voice from the back made the atmosphere snigger at once, and while Dayan intensely stared at the girl, Aisha averted her eyes from Dayan to Callisto who once again, looked concerned
The party go back to being silent, the Aisha looked at the guy who did something again to confuse her
Their eye contact was short this time nevertheless her mind completely diverted from the class and back to the words of whispering the comments about her increased, some wanting her to leave the school, many asking for a public apology to therese and those who called her a bully, wanted her to go kill herself.
To that Aisha scoffed, if she knew the last option was available, wouldn't she have tried it by now, however, the comments did not sit well with her. Aisha never regarded others opinion important enough to derange her sanity, but lately with the way her father was abusing her and her academy grades falling along with the fact that dayan did not like her, every single word that people spoke against her felt like a tiny needle piercing her soul.


next day
at Millionnaire's Lair Academy
The rest of the day went by slow for Aisha leyala, Aisha 's best friend ever since the childhood refused to acknowledge her presence and Dayan headed out of the door as soon as the last his practice is over. Aisha was the only one to stay behind in the empty classroom, afraid to go back home with that she that her traders were not first would now be a cause of another storm in her life. She was afraid not because she was scared of her father, rather, she was afraid because she was losing herself slowly, piece by piece and that scared her.
The books from her bench fell down , and she sighed, bending to pick them up only to touch fingers with the boy who immediately came to her aid. Aisha did not even get any time to react as Callisto helped pick her books and handed them to her. All she did was stare at him, She instantly pushed the books in her bag and got off the place, staying with Callisto was going to drive her up the hill and honestly.
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
do you want me drop you?
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Callisto Regulus (ml )
Aisha turned, cringe evident on her face as she eyed the boy who asked her for a lift.
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Her raised eyebrows were enough of a warning for him to not ask her again
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Aisha De Elmir fl)
Stop whatever this is

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