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You Are Imprisoned On My Island

The unknown man

In a prison cell is a man waiting patiently for someone. Not long until one guard came up to this man and game him something in his hands
Everything is ready for you sir just make sure you get out in 5 minutes before others notice your absence (said professionally)
Is the car ready outside the walls (asked coldly)
Yes sir everything is just as you ordered
Alright then you go i will be out of here in 6 minutes (said coldly)
Good luck sir it was a pleasure working for you (bowed his head and walked away)
This unknown man looked at his hand and saw that the guard gave him a key to his prison cell. He opened his cell carefully and sneaky as to make the others aware of his escape.
5 minutes have passed and this man was outside the walls. He saw a sport car waiting for him with no one around. He got in the car and drove away, far away as possible from that place
After 3 hours of driving he reach the seashore and got out of the car.
He walked towards one boat that has his name on it
He looked at the boat and gave a heave sign.
Time for freedom(said with and releaved face)
He was enjoying the view of the ocean
The man got interrupted by a bodyguard
Sir the boat is ready for you
The man did not respond but started to walk towards the boat and got on it
Feels good to be out and leave all the bullshit behind
Your  author
Your author
Hi guys this is my first story so please support and do not report if you do feel uncomfortable
Your  author
Your author
See in next chapter


The unknown man manages to escape successfully and drove his boat far away from the world
Time skip
He reach to what seems to be an beautiful island
He got of the boat and push it near the shore and tied the boat with a rope on a tree
He that went to the water and dive in the water
He later than got out the water and walk towards a house
There was a girl crying in her bedroom as there was a body on her bed
Mother please don't do this they are monsters you can't please mom (cried miserably)
You must do what you are told(said with coldness towards her daughter)
No mom please i can't they killed dad(crying)
The body on her bed was her beloved father
mafia boss
mafia boss
Come sweetheart don't you see your mother sold you to me for millions (laughs like a maniac)
The girl tried to run away but there was two guards that caught her and dragged her in front the mafia boss
Note: please ignore the dress and the priest
Cassandra this is your fate just accepted it(said coldly and walked away)
mafia boss
mafia boss
Come sweetheart ones we reach Roman we will get married (said like a mad man)
Cassandra Oliver(fl)
Cassandra Oliver(fl)
Nooo i dont want to..( cried hardly)
She was taken away from her home and loaded in the car
Later they reach a luxury boat
She was forest on the boat after all the effort of struggle

Trying to escape

Miss please stop struggling
Cassandra Oliver(fl)
Cassandra Oliver(fl)
No i want to go home. Leave me(struggling)
The guard dragged her to a room on the boat
He released her and left with the girls left alone in the room
Cassandra Oliver(fl)
Cassandra Oliver(fl)
(Trie to open the door but found it was locked)
Cassandra Oliver(fl)
Cassandra Oliver(fl)
(Banging on the door while shouting) Someone please help me!
A few minutes later she stop yelling and and started to look around the room for a way to escape
Cassandra's pov:
I have to escape no matter what. I know had a huge debt to pay but I can't believe my own mother would sold me her beloved daughter to a old man to pay of the debt.
Come on Cassandra now is not the time to feel sorry for yourself I have ro find a way to escape
I started to look in the bathroom for a way to escape but to my luck there was no way, I then ran to the room trying to open the window's but they where locked
Oh God why does this have to happen with me, why me...
Pov ended.
She tried to look for every way as possible but luck was not on her side
She sat on the bed and got frightening when she heard the rooms door open
mafia boss
mafia boss
Oh my sweetheart don't worry there is no way you can escape. We are on a boat in the middle of the ocean so where could you possibly run to (laughslike a maniac)
Cassandra Oliver(fl)
Cassandra Oliver(fl)
W...what do you want from me
mafia boss
mafia boss
Sweetheart you will be my sex slave why else would I want you hmm for love hahahaha(laughs like a maniac)
mafia boss
mafia boss
I dont do love(smirks)
Cassandra Oliver(fl)
Cassandra Oliver(fl)
I would never love a man like you, you are disgusting ( trying to stay strong)
Thats when he slap Cassandra in the have that her face turn to the left and turn red
Cassandra Oliver(fl)
Cassandra Oliver(fl)
(tears escape)

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