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Castle Of Thorns [Mature]

Visiting the Village

[Verzyne Duchy - In the outskirt of Barthof Village]
[The Montez Family Home]
In a little wooden house on the outskirt of Barthof Village, lived a pair of mother and son.
The mother, Mariya Montez, was a young widow in her thirty. Her brown hair was always neatly tied up under her headscarves; her brown eyes often looked deep with worry.
Her 10-year-old son, Raven, was a beautiful young boy with dark ebony hair and a pair of silver eyes, a unique trait that made the boy's appearance even more striking.
One day, Mariya fell sick from fatigue; she had been lying in her bed all morning, with the young Raven fussing about in worry.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Mother, are you feeling better?
Little Raven stood by Mariya's bedside. He put his little hand on her forehead, tried to feel her temperature - just like what he often saw the neighborhood auntie doing when her child was sick.
Mariya Montez
Mariya Montez
I'm fine, Dear. Just feeling a bit under the weather.
Mariya tried to sit, but Raven gently pushed her back.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
No, Mother. You need rest. You seem to have a fever.
Mariya Montez
Mariya Montez
But I need to bring the apples to the village. I promised Madam Brinsley that I will give her this week's harvest.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
No, Mother! You can't go anywhere in that condition. What if you collapse? I can just bring the apples to Madam Brinsley. You should stay at home.
Mariya looked terrified at her son's suggestion.
Mariya Montez
Mariya Montez
No! You cannot go to the village by yourself. The baskets will be heavy. What if you fall? What if you got lost?
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Mother, I'm already ten years old! I know my way around the village, even though I always go together with you. And the baskets won't be that heavy; I can still carry them if I take the carriage with Mister Lowell.
Mariya Montez
Mariya Montez
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
No buts! Even Thomas next door often goes to the village by himself; and he's younger than me by a full three months! The others will laugh at me if they found out I never go out alone at this age.
Mariya contemplated her son's argument for a moment. It was true that the boy had grown up; other children already running around the village without supervision by the age of five or six.
However, their house was a bit farther from the village; it was located near the forest. Besides, her Raven was so precious; she worried if anything happens to him.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Please Mother, I won't be away for long. I'll just drop off the apples at Madam Brinsley's store. I will immediately return after.
Raven looked pleadingly at his mother.
Mariya Montez
Mariya Montez
Alright... But make sure you don't wander around the village, especially near the castle!
Mariya finally relented. Her heart felt soft upon looking at his pleading silver eyes.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Oh thank you, Mother! I promise I won't wander around!
Raven giddily kissed his mother's cheek and ran out of the bedroom. Mariya just smiled softly at his antics.
In the kitchen, little Raven busily packed the harvested apples into two woven baskets. With some efforts, he picked up the full baskets and carried them to the front porch.
Outside their house, a middle-aged man wearing a merchant suit was patiently smoking his pipe among the patches of vegetable plots, already waiting.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Mister Lowell! I need your help in delivering these apples!
The man called Mister Lowell kindly greeted the young boy.
Bernard Lowell
Bernard Lowell
Hello there, Raven! You're going alone today?
Raven noded cheerfully as he hauled the baskets toward Lowell's carriage, taking care not to damage the contents.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Yes, Sir! My mother is feeling rather unwell today.
Bernard Lowell
Bernard Lowell
Ah, pity the Madam, it must be the blasted weather! Well, you're a big boy my lad, it surely will not be a problem delivering these tasty looking apples by yourself. Now up to the carriage you go!
Lowell easily hoisted the full baskets onto his carriage, while Raven quickly took his place beside the driver's seat.
Once the baskets were safely placed among the other goods, Lowell also took a seat and started commanding his horses to move towards the village.
[Verzyne Duchy - Barthof Village]
Bernard Lowell
Bernard Lowell
Here we are lad! Do you want me to drive you up to the cook's house?
Lowell offered as they arrived in the village entrance.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Thank you, Mister Lowell. You can just drop me off at the nearest alley. I'm sure you have a lot more things to deliver.
Raven politely declined the offer.
Bernard Lowell
Bernard Lowell
No problem at all. Go slowly, just take your time. Once I finished delivering all these stuff, I'll be waiting at the Golls Tavern.
The elder man replied kindly. He thought highly of the boy's politeness; not many of the village's children had manner as good as this one.
After a short while, they finally arrived at the nearest alley to Madam Brinsley house. Lowell helped the boy unloading the baskets from the carriage then continued his journey to deliver things around the village.
Raven struggled a bit in carrying the baskets; they were, indeed, quite heavy. However, he still managed to carry them up to Madam Brinsley front porch.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Excuse me, Madam Brinsley?
Raven politely knocked on the front door.
Julia Brinsley
Julia Brinsley
Wait a moment!
Someone answered from inside. Not long after, there was a sound of latch being opened and Madam Brinsley came out of the house looking a little disheveled.
Julia Brinsley
Julia Brinsley
Well? What's you business with me, little boy? I'm a bit busy this afternoon.
Raven pointed out to the baskets sitting outside the door.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
I'm here to deliver the apples from my mother, Madam Brinsley.
Brinsley seemed to think for a while and exclaimed when she finally remembers her order.
Julia Brinsley
Julia Brinsley
Aha! You must be Mariya Montez's precious little boy! Come in my child; it is rare to see you alone. Where is your mother?
Brinsley asked as she ushered the boy to come inside.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
I came alone; my mother is feeling rather unwell.
He explained as he carried the baskets inside.
Julia Brinsley
Julia Brinsley
Oh, I hope she doesn't catch the flu. It's horrible; I heard Penelope Emers had been bedridden for days when she caught the flu last month.
Raven looked rather worried when he heard the Madam's story.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
It only feels like a mild fever earlier; do you think she may be having the flu, Madam?
Julia Brinsley
Julia Brinsley
Well, it is always better to make sure. Why don't I go with you after I finished making these pies? Only a few more to go; after that we can visit your home to check if your mother has similar symptoms with Miss Emers.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
I'd be very grateful if you can, Madam Brinsley. My mother has been looking a little weak since this morning.
Julia Brinsley
Julia Brinsley
That settles it then. I'll start working on the new pies. In the meantime, can you help me to make delivery to the castle? There are only two pies in the basket; they shouldn't be heavy. I'll give you some coppers.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Sure! To whom should I deliver these?
Julia Brinsley
Julia Brinsley
Just go up to the castle's gate and tell the guard that you're here to deliver Mister Bartholett's order. He's the gardener; they'll let you in.
Brinsley went to the kitchen and started packing the pies. Once they were neatly packed inside the baskets, she handed them over to Raven.
Julia Brinsley
Julia Brinsley
Here you go. Don't run; you might fall.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
I won't, Madam Brinsley. See you later then!

A Little Girl Among the Roses

[verzyne Duchy - Marxstein Castle]
Raven arrived at the castle gate.
Castle guard
Castle guard
Hello, child. May I know what business you come here for?
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Good afternoon, Sir. I'm here for a delivery on behalf of Madam Brinsley. She asked me to give this to Mister Bartholett.
Raven raised the basket to show the guard.
Castle guard
Castle guard
Ah! Must be the Madam's infamous meat pies. Well then you can enter, child. Turn right after you enter the gate and just follow the castle walls until you found the garden. Bartholett's cottage is nearby.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Thank you, Sir.
Castle guard
Castle guard
Do not wander, child. Make sure you stay hidden from any noble personage; they don't like it when random stranger enters the castle.
The guard sternly warned Raven.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Of course, Sir. I'll be quick.
Once inside, Raven continued walking along the walls. On his way, he came across a beautiful garden, where a huge glasshouse stood among the neatly-lined trees.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Wow! Such a beautiful building! I wonder what's inside...
He knew he wasn't supposed to be there, but Raven's curiosity about the glass building was irresistible.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
I'll just take a look really quickly...
He finally succumbed to temptation and sneaked in to the glasshouse.
He took in his surroundings and was amazed by the sheer variety of flowers being grown inside the glasshouse.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Wah, so beautiful! If only I can show this to mother...
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
Who's there?
He was surprised when someone appeared from behind the rose bushes.
It was a delicate-looking little girl, her noble lineage apparent. She was wearing a violet satin dress, while her hair cascaded freely down her back. She stared curiously at him with her sparkling silver eyes.
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
Who are you? How did you get inside?
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
I... I...
Castle maid 1
Castle maid 1
Miss? Are you inside?
Before he could explain himself, another person, who seemed to be searching for someone, appeared outside the glasshouse.
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
Hide! Don't let her see you!
The girl suddenly pushed him down towards the bushes. He felt something pricked his arm, but the pain was overshadowed by the fear of being discovered.
Castle maid 1
Castle maid 1
Miss Serafina?
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
I'm here!
Castle maid 1
Castle maid 1
Oh, thank God! Miss, I've been looking everywhere for you. Madam Ravine has arrived. She inquired why you aren't there for today's class.
The little girl pouted with a sullen expression.
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
I'm bored! Madam Ravine's class is really boring. I couldn't care less about which utensil I should use when eating dinner!
Castle maid 1
Castle maid 1
But, Miss... The class is important for when you enter high society...
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
Just this once, okay? I'm really sleepy. I stayed up late last night reading the new book that father gave me. Can you please tell her I'm not feeling well enough for today's class?
Castle maid 1
Castle maid 1
Oh well, if you insist...
The maid couldn't resist the little girl's pleading.
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
Thank you! Oh, and I'll be staying here for awhile. I'll return some time before supper.
Castle maid 1
Castle maid 1
Will you be okay all alone?
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
What harms can be done when I'm inside the castle? Don't worry, I'll be fine.
Albeit hesitantly, the maid finally relented and left the glasshouse.
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
You can come out now!
Raven came out from behind the bush. His clothes were a bit disheveled and his cheek was smudged with dirt. A couple of dry leaves stuck to his hair.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Thank you for covering me, Miss.
Serafina giggles amusedly at his untidy appearance.
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
You're welcome. So, who are you? What are you doing in my greenhouse? Are you from the outside?
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
This place is yours?
Serafina nods.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
This place is amazing! By the way, my name is Raven. I'm here to deliver items to Mister Bartholett. I got distracted on my way to his place and ended up here. I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused.
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
It's okay, I'm glad to see you. It is rare to see people from outside.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Your name, Miss?
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
I'm Serafina! Nice to meet you, Raven.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Nice to meet you too, Miss Serafina.
After introducing themselves, the two children could only stare awkwardly at each other.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
So, uh, I have to go, Miss.
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
Oh! Must you leave so soon?
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Yes. I still need to deliver this to Mister Bartholett. I also need to go home soon; my mother is waiting at home. She's kinda sick.
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
Ah, okay. Just follow the walls; you'll find the gardener's place nearby. I hope you mother gets better soon.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Thank you, Miss! I'll get going then.
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
Oh, and please don't tell anyone that you've seen me! You'll probably get scolded if you do. I'm not allowed to talk to outsiders.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
And, if one day you visit here again, can you drop by and say hello to me?
He felt guilty at the sight of her hopeful expression. His mother had strictly forbidden him from venturing into the village, let alone entering the castle. However, he found himself unable to refuse the girl.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
I don't know if I will be able to visit again, but I promise to come see you if I do.
Young Serafina (FL)
Young Serafina (FL)
I hope you do. Goodbye, Raven!
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Goodbye, Miss.
The little girl, surrounded by roses, quietly watched as he left the glasshouse.
Once he was a good distance away from both the girl and the glasshouse, he finally sighed in relief.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Phew! I almost got caught. Thank God Miss Serafina was there to help. I should quickly give these pies to Mister Bartholett and leave. Mother will worry if I return too late.

The good 'ole Gardener

[Verzyne Duchy - Marxstein Castle]
After walking for a while, Raven finally finds what seems to be Mister Bartholett's home at one corner of the castle.
Knocks on door.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Excuse me, Mister Bartholett?
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
Who is it?
A deep voice of a male can be heard from inside.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Sir, I'm here to deliver food from Madam Brinsley!
The door swings open. A middle-aged man comes out from the cottage.
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
An unfamiliar face! What holds back the Madam?
Smiles awkwardly.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Good day, Sir. The Madam is swamped with work. She asked me to help her deliver this.
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
Hoo, dear cousin succeeded in snatching the job, after all.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
The old man scoffs at Raven's confused expression.
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
Nothing your pretty little head should worry about. Just a joke among relatives. Come in and have some of those pies, boy.
Raven hesitates for a moment before he follows the elder man inside.
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
The name's Jared. No need to call me Sir, I'm just a good 'ole gardener. The real sirs around here may feel offended.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Yes si.. I mean, yes, Mister Jared. Where should I put this?
Raven points to the basket.
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
The table's in the corner. I'll get us some plates and drinks.
Raven puts the pie basket on the dining table.
The cottage is small. It consists of a main room separated into seating and dining area, a small kitchen, and a small bedroom. Nevertheless, it's comfortable and looks inviting after a long walk from the village.
Raven goes to the kitchen then helps Jared set up the plates. Once set, Jared cuts two pieces from the pie and puts one in each plate.
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
Eat, boy. Have some juice as well. It's homegrown.
Raven takes a sip of the orange juice. It's fresh and tasty. He immediately gulps down some more to quench his thirst.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
It tastes good, Mister Jared!
Jared laughs happily.
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
I'll give you some to bring home.
The old man and the boy continue to eat while conversing about their daily lives.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
So you've worked here since young, Mister Jared?
Raven asks as he savors the pie.
The pies are delicious. It was crispy on the outside, but the meat inside is tender and rich in taste with a hint of sweetness.
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
Yeah. I came here when I was twenty or something. My uncle, Julia's father, asked me to help with things around the garden. He's the castle's previous gardener.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
That Madam Brinsley of yours.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
It gets lonely around here sometimes. The maids are kind, but always feel distant. The cook visits me once in a while whenever she needs some spices.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Are the guards nice?
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
Raul is nice. He's the gatekeeper. You probably see him when you entered the castle.
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
The higher level guards and the knights can be a bit snobbish sometime; some of them do have ties with noble families.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
What about the Duke and his family?
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
Bah! There's no way someone like me could ever see the Duke! He's the top of the top here. But I've seen the little lady several times before.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
little lady?
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
The Duke's only child. I think her name is Serafina or something. Such a darling little angel she is; I heard she's very nice to the people around her.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
You never talk to her before?
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
Only her close attendants are allowed to talk to her. The princess is basically raised like a prized rose in a glass house.
Raven recalls the lonely gaze of the little girl as he left the greenhouse earlier.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Must be lonely to live in a place this big without many people to talk to...
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
Ah well, peasants like us can never fathom the thoughts of the nobles. Let's not worry about them. You should be more worry about the time; gotta leave soon if you want to be back at home before the sun sets.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Oh, you're right! I better make haste.
The boy wolves down the rest of his pie and drinks what's left of his juice in one go.
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
Leave the plates; I'll wash it later. Make sure you bring those oranges, it would be good for your mother's health. I hope she recovers soon.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Thank you, Mister Jared! I'm leaving. Goodbye!
Jared Bartholett
Jared Bartholett
Bye, child. Take care and do come visit me some other time.
Young Raven (ML)
Young Raven (ML)
Will do!

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