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Eye Of Creation

chapter one

In the opulent halls of the Ashrone Kingdom, the elite gathered to celebrate the birth of the kingdom's heir, a momentous occasion hosted by the 21st king.

The king, his face radiant with joy, raised his wine glass in a toast, his voice echoing through the grand chamber. "To the birth of my heir, the future of our kingdom!"

The crowd erupted in applause and cheers, their voices mingling with the sweet melodies of harps and flutes. Yet, amidst the jubilation, a bittersweet truth lay hidden.

The child being celebrated was not the king's firstborn, but his third. The first two, both daughters, had brought disappointment to the court, as tradition dictated that only a male heir could inherit the throne.

For years, the king had pleaded with the gods to grant him a son, but his prayers had gone unanswered. Until now.

The heir was born not from the crown queen, but from a humble knight, a woman of exceptional beauty and virtue. The king, desperate for an heir, had taken her as his concubine, and their union had produced the long-awaited male child.

As the festivities continued, the king's heart swelled with pride and relief. He had finally secured the future of his kingdom, but at a cost. The birth of his heir had come at the expense of his own heart, torn between duty and desire.

As darkness enveloped the room, the windows overlooking the kingdom of Ashrone shattered, plunging the hall into an abyss of despair. From the depths of the shadows, whispers echoed through the air: "World ending empire of arrow."

Suddenly, bright purple light erupted from the darkness, taking the shape of countless arrows that pierced through the air with deadly precision. The hall erupted in chaos as the arrows indiscriminately attacked everyone in their path.

Some managed to defend themselves, their weapons clashing against the ethereal arrows. But many were not so fortunate, their bodies riddled with wounds as they fought back in vain. Amidst the carnage, a lone masked figure emerged from the shadows, his body wreathed in purple flames.

With lightning speed, the masked man charged at the king, his fists ablaze with the same otherworldly energy that had summoned the arrows. The king fought back valiantly, but the masked man's power proved overwhelming.

In a final, desperate attempt, the king unleashed a powerful spell, but it was too late. The masked man's fist connected with the king's chest, sending a surge of purple energy coursing through his body.

As the king's life ebbed away, the masked man whispered his final words: "how the mighty have fallen".

As the masked assassin basked in his bloody triumph, another figure burst through the grand hall with earth-shattering speed. In a matter of seconds, he unleashed his sword with his right hand, channeling his phoenix fire magic. Flames erupted from the blade, engulfing the masked man in an inferno.

The masked man screamed in agony as the flames consumed him, reducing him to ashes. The queen, her eyes filled with tears, glanced at the floor where the blood of her slain king stained the marble. Her two young daughters stood frozen in shock, their faces etched with horror at the sight of their father's demise.

The assassin who had come to their rescue stood tall, his sword still dripping with the masked man's blood. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the carnage and the grief-stricken faces of the royal family.

I have arrived too late


As the sun rose over the peaceful kingdom of Ashrone, chaos reigned in the air. The royal family's loyal subjects were summoned to their duties - some were tasked with guarding the castle walls to ensure the safety of the queen and the royal children, while others were dispatched to seek out the perpetrators behind the heinous crime of the king's murder.

In the opulent chambers of the castle, a serene scene unfolded. A young woman with flowing blonde hair sat by the window, cradling the crown prince in her arms as she nursed him. However, her face bore the unmistakable signs of exhaustion, a testament to the heavy burden she carried as the kingdom mourned its fallen ruler.

A sudden knock on the chamber door broke the silence, prompting the woman to call out for the visitor to enter. A somber figure stepped into the room, bowing deeply in respect.

"I'm sorry to intrude at such a time, your highness," the visitor began, addressing the woman formally.

The woman chuckled softly, her tired eyes lighting up with a hint of amusement. "I have told you many times to call me Jessica," she interjected with a warm smile.

The young man hesitated for a moment, then spoke earnestly. "Lady Jessica, with the king's passing, I fear for your safety within the castle walls."

Jessica's expression softened, understanding the unspoken concern behind the young man's words. As the former king's confidante and companion, her position in the court was now precarious without his protection.

Despite her weakened physical state due to a lingering illness, Jessica was far from a delicate flower. She was a seasoned warrior, renowned for her skills on the battlefield during the tumultuous Purity War. However, circumstances had forced her into a role of vulnerability within the confines of the castle walls.

"I must find a way to protect my child," Jessica declared solemnly, gently placing the baby prince back into his crib. Her gaze lingered lovingly on the infant, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips.

Minato, the young man who had served the royal family for years, nodded in silent agreement. He knew the gravity of the situation and the dangers that lurked within the castle's shadowed corridors.

Jessica approached Minato with determination in her eyes, enveloping him in a heartfelt embrace. "I have trained you well, my dear friend. One day, you will rise to greatness and become the Sorcerer King this kingdom needs," she whispered, her voice filled with conviction.

Tears welled up in Minato's eyes, a mix of sorrow and determination reflected in his gaze.

As the evening wore on, tragedy struck the kingdom once again, shattering the fragile peace that had briefly settled over Ashrone. News spread like wildfire through the streets and corridors of the castle - the crown prince and his mother, Lady Jessica, had perished in a devastating fire that ravaged their chambers.

chapter two

In ancient texts, it is documented that demons once held dominion over the world, subjecting many to unimaginable suffering. The Goddess of Creation intervened by bestowing humanity with the gift of magic during the turbulent era known as the Malike Ages. Humans were endowed with a magical core, enabling them to harness the power of the elements. The Goddess introduced four primary magic symbols – fire, wind, water, and earth – to aid humanity in their struggle against the malevolent forces that threatened their existence. Over time, these symbols evolved, giving rise to various magical disciplines that became essential in the battle against monsters, ultimately culminating in what was termed the Holy War.

Within the expansive Kingdom of Ashrone, located in the renowned country of Varania, intricate societal divisions exist. The kingdom is partitioned into three distinct sections: the opulent Noble Realm inhabited by the esteemed houses blessed by the Goddess during the Malika, the Vlatava region where residents of moderate means and magical abilities dwell, and lastly, the impoverished territory of Yugaria. Situated near desolate lands, Yugaria is shrouded by dense forests and plagued by a maleficent magic that has stagnated growth and progress. The populace of Yugaria, marginalized and disenfranchised, languishes in poverty and obscurity, with even the revered Great Council neglecting to allocate resources due to the absence of powerful sorcerers capable of achieving military distinction beyond a mere D rank



As the wheels of the wagon crossed the road leading to the city of Magriala, a sense of weariness settled upon the traveler. Emerging from the vast forest of Yugaria, the landscape transformed into a more prosperous setting. The traveler, growing impatient, directed his frustration towards the old driver, questioning their progress.

"When will we arrive?" he demanded, frustration evident in his voice, "It has been a month since I left home, and you seem to have no idea where you're taking us, old man."

The old man's words hung heavy in the air, his annoyance palpable. "Shut the fuck up, boy," he screamed. "I should leave you out here and see how you go home with all these beasts around here."

A cruel smile spread across his face. "They will eat you, and I can finally have peace."

"We will see how mom takes my death then."

Suddenly, the old man's vision was replaced by that of a blonde-haired woman. She stood tall, a sword in her hand, lightning flashing behind her. Shivers ran down his spine.

"Look," he whispered, his voice trembling with excitement . "Look."

He glances in the pointed direction and sees the entrance to the city of Magriala. Magriala is the city where the entrance exam for becoming a knight is held, and where non-pure bloods go to enter the exam. With its hard-stoned structure, it signifies its military look.

"I can finally become a knight." A smile crosses his face, and a star-struck look appears on his face. But the old man in front of him has a grim look on his face.

... flashback

In the flickering candlelight, two figures sat across from each other, their faces etched with worry and uncertainty.

"Are you really going to allow him to take that exam?" the man inquired, his voice raspy from years of smoking. "You know what will..."

"I know what will happen," the woman replied, her voice laced with anger that slowly subsided into a whisper. "He's just like his father."

Silence filled the room, broken only by the crackling of the candle flame. The man's face, now fully illuminated, revealed an elderly man with dark, weathered skin and a shock of white hair. Despite his age, his physique was that of a much younger man.

In the dim candlelight, she coughs as blood leaks from her mouth, but quickly wipes it away with a handkerchief.

"I don't have much time," she whispers, her voice weak and raspy. "And I don't think he is strong enough." She takes a slow, labored breath. "But the spell will hold on a lot longer."

The man standing nearby finishes his cigarette and flicks it away. The candle flickers for the last time, plunging the room into darkness.


They march on towards the entrance, or rather, the young man's beginning.

chapter three

In order to successfully become a knight of the Ashrone Kingdom, candidates must undergo two rigorous tests. The first test involves forming a three-man squad and competing against another squad. The objective is to steal the opposing team's flag as a symbol of victory. The losing team faces being eliminated from the selection process. It is worth noting that out of the initial 100 candidates, one has already been promoted without having to undergo the exam, thanks to being recommended by a squad captain. This leaves 99 candidates remaining for the selection process.

The second test requires candidates to engage in a one-on-one combat using magical techniques they have acquired through their training. Success in both tests is crucial for consideration for knighthood. Only those who demonstrate skill, determination, and bravery throughout these challenges will be chosen to join the esteemed ranks of knights in the Ashrone Kingdom.


Oliver takes a moment to scan the room, sizing up his teammates. First up is Henry, a mysterious guy with jet-black hair who's always draped in clothing that conceals his entire body. Despite the secrecy, you can tell he's slender. He's got this whole brooding vibe going on, hiding his face behind a book like he's got some deep, dark secret. And then there's Charlotte, this blonde powerhouse who's practically bursting with energy. Her muscles are taut, and she can't stop grinning, radiating excitement for the upcoming battle. Henry seems a bit skeptical about their team dynamic, especially when he looks over and sees the trio of triplets on the opposing side, grinning like they know something he doesn't. The tension in the room is palpable, and Oliver can't help but wonder how this mismatched group of fighters will come together when the battle begins.

The location that had been chosen for the battle was a rocky terrain, with large rocks scattered all around the battlefield. As the weather changed, the atmosphere of the place also shifted, adding to the tension of the impending showdown.

The heat beat down mercilessly on the three teammates standing at their side of the battleground. Henry, noticeably sweating more than the others, nervously voiced his concern, "So what do we do?"

Charlotte, brimming with confidence, draped her arms around her teammates' shoulders and flashed a manic grin. "Don't worry, let me handle all of them."

Oliver, the more cautious of the trio, shook his head in disagreement. "I don't think that's the right approach. We're all here to compete for knighthood, we should each showcase our abilities."

Henry, ever the peacemaker, chimed in, "I think Oliver is right."

Charlotte, undeterred by their reservations, confidently declared, "It's simple, I'm the strongest here." With a cocky flex of her muscles, she continued, "Short stuff and weird boy, just guard the fort and watch me take care of all of them." With that, she marched boldly into the enemy's territory alone.

Watching her advance, Oliver seethed with anger at her arrogance. "Can you believe the audacity of her?"

As silence enveloped the air, sniffles and sobs suddenly pierced through the tension. Startled, Oliver turned to see the boy on their team, tears streaming down his face as he shouted defiantly, "I'm not weird!"

"I'm going to fail".


One of the triplets, eagerly awaited their opponents to enter the battlefield while he hid amongst the rocky terrain. With a gun in his right hand, he focused his energy, preparing to unleash his powerful weapon - the "Small Piercing Water Gun." This unique weapon was known for its ability to travel at incredible speeds and pierce through almost any armor that stood in its way.

Impatiently, he murmured to himself, "When are they arriving?" Squatting low, he fixed his gaze like a seasoned sniper, ready to strike at the perfect moment. Suddenly, without warning, a massive rock to his left shattered as a figure burst through, grabbing him by the scruff of his neck and hurling him towards another rock. The impact knocked the breath out of him, leaving him gasping for air and leaking blood from his mouth.

As the blurry figure approached him, the mysterious assailant punched the large rock, causing it to crumble into pieces. The dust settled, revealing a muscular form scanning the surroundings for any signs of his opponent. "Where is he?" She demanded, his voice echoing through the battleground.

The spectators watching the intense battle gasped in awe at the sheer strength and ferocity displayed by the combatants. "I didn't sense any magic in that attack," Iruku muttered in disbelief, unable to comprehend the astounding feats unfolding before his eyes.

Standing on the sidelines, Commander Hunter Blouet from the prestigious noble house Blout observed the spectacle with keen interest, analyzing each move and strategy employed by the fighters.

Meanwhile, Charlotte surveyed the scattered rock fragments, her eyes searching for any trace of her opponent. "Where did he go?" she pondered, her mind racing to anticipate the next move. Suddenly, a figure emerged stealthily from behind her, his eyes shifting from brown to a menacing red hue. Sensing a looming threat behind her, Charlotte braced herself for what was to come.

The ominous figure wielded the power of fire magic, conjuring a dazzling array of symbols that shimmered with intense energy. In a low whisper, he incanted, "Fire Magic: Rays of Destruction," as a massive beam of fire erupted from the symbols, hurtling towards its target with destructive force. Reacting swiftly, Charlotte raised her right leg and slammed it into the ground, conjuring a formidable barrier in front of her to deflect the scorching flames. With a swift motion, she unleashed a powerful punch, sending a barrage of rocks hurtling towards her fiery adversary.

Charlotte's eyes widen in disbelief as she watches her opponent's body start to reform in a peculiar way, indicating that his magic is derived from earth magic. However, that isn't what leaves her in a state of shock. "He had used water magic, fire magic, and now earth," she mutters to herself in amazement. "Does he have ascending magic ?"


During the Malika ages, the goddess of creation granted humanity the gift of wielding magic against demons. Originally limited to one element, over time people gained a second elemental ability called ascending magic.


From the deep recesses of the shadow, a mysterious figure observes the chaotic battleground with keen interest. The figure is consumed by a sense of rare exhilaration as they witness the extraordinary abilities being unleashed before them. A thrill courses through their body, sending shivers of excitement down their spine.

As the figure's piercing purple eyes reflect the intense light from the dark, a glint of anticipation and curiosity dances within their gaze. This enigmatic individual, known as Saethan Sunsworn, finds a strange pleasure in the spectacle unfolding before them.

With a slight smile playing upon their lips, Saethan leans forward, drawn further into the mesmerizing display of power and skill. The air crackles with energy as they murmur softly, their voice a mere whisper against the backdrop of chaos.

"Show me more," Saethan Sunsworn's voice resonates with a tantalizing mix of awe and hunger.

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