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Strongest Nerd


Some people say high school was the best memory they could have, but for me, my high school was only despair and misery.

In my school, there were only two types of people: the predator and the prey, and unfortunately, I found myself in the latter category. Every day felt like a relentless cycle of torment, with the bullies treating me as if I were their personal punching bag, a mere servant to their whims.

"Hey!!!" Slaps "Didn't I say buy me apple juice, not orange juice?"

Yeon Ji Shik winced as the slap landed across his cheek, his heart sinking at the familiar sting of humiliation. "Uhm, I'm sorry, there's no more apple juice," he muttered, bracing himself for what he knew would follow.

A blow to the stomach doubled him over, leaving him gasping for air. "Ugh! Ugh!" he groaned, trying to shield himself from further harm.

Lee Gon Seon loomed over him, a cruel sneer twisting his lips. "Because you are slow," he spat, his tone dripping with disdain.

"I'm sorry," Yeon Ji Shik whispered, his voice barely audible above the taunts of his tormentor.

"What will I do with this, huh?" Lee Gon Seon held out the juice carton mockingly. "Oh, I see, how about drinking it for yourself?"

Yeon Ji Shik's eyes widened in horror as Lee Gon Seon added a disgusting twist to his torment. "Wait before you drink it." With a contemptuous gesture, he spat into the juice and flicked his cigarette ash into the mix. "Now drink it."

"I can't," Yeon Ji Shik protested weakly, his resolve crumbling under the weight of fear and revulsion.

The next blow struck his face with a sickening thud, leaving him reeling. "Yes, I will drink it," he mumbled, his spirit broken.



Lee Gon Seon turned, his expression darkening at the interruption. "Who is that?"

Kim Ji Sooo stood defiantly, her eyes blazing with righteous anger. "You guys still bullying Yeon Ji Shik? I'm gonna report it to the headmaster."

Lee Gon Seon's facade of superiority faltered, replaced by a begrudging acceptance. "Okay, okay, fine. Let's go back to our room."

"Why didn't you fight back or try to report it?" Kim Ji Sooo asked, her voice laced with concern.

Yeon Ji Shik's gaze dropped to the ground, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "What could I do? He's the son of the mayor, and I'm just an orphan," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper. "My parents died three years ago, and now she's the only person I have."

As they made their way to the school clinic, Yeon Ji Shik couldn't shake the feeling of hopelessness that clung to him like a suffocating shroud. Each step felt heavier than the last, a constant reminder of his powerlessness in the face of his tormentors.

Two hours later...

"Ugh! My whole body is tired," Yeon Ji Shik groaned, his muscles aching from the relentless assault. "Sorry, where am I?"

A random classmate approached him, his expression filled with curiosity. "Have you heard that Kim Ji Sooo wants to meet up with Lee Soo Geon?"

Yeon Ji Shik's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Lee Soo Geon, a notorious figure rumored to lead a gang of troublemakers. "Didn't Lee Soo Geon's group have crazy people?" he asked, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"HEY!!!" a voice bellowed from across the hallway, drawing their attention.

"Where? Where will they meet up?" Yeon Ji Shik asked, his curiosity piqued despite his reservations.

"I think it's in the back of the school," the classmate replied, his eyes widening with fear.

Yeon Ji Shik's pulse quickened as he raced towards the designated meeting spot, his mind swirling with a mixture of fear and anticipation.

In front of the door, sounds of laughter echoed through the corridor, sending a shiver down Yeon Ji Shik's spine.

When the door finally swung open, Yeon Ji Shik recoiled in horror at the sight before him. Kim Ji Sooo stood in the center of the room, her dress torn and her expression shattered, as if she had endured unspeakable horrors at the hands of her tormentors.

"Out of anger, he threw a punch, but Lee Soo Geon avoided it effortlessly, his movements fluid and precise.".

"You should have seen her face while begging for mercy," one of Lee Soo Geon's lackeys jeered, a cruel smirk playing across his lips. "But she was great, HAHAHAHA! Burn this warehouse and dispose of both of them, feed him to the sharks."

After what felt like an eternity, Yeon Ji Shik found himself lying on the cold, hard ground, his body battered and broken, his spirit shattered beyond repair.

"Ugh, my head. Where am I? So, this is the end, huh?" he murmured, his voice barely a whisper.

"NO!!!" a voice cried out, cutting through the darkness like a beacon of hope.

"I will never let them off the hook. I will return this favor 100 times. I will kill them myself. Don't worry; I will take revenge for you," Yeon Ji Shik vowed, his determination burning brighter than ever before.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Yeon Ji Shik broke free from his restraints, his eyes ablaze with righteous fury.

"AHHH!! What's happening?" he exclaimed, his senses overwhelmed by the chaos surrounding him.

As the water current pulled him towards the bottom, Yeon Ji Shik's consciousness began to fade, his mind consumed by thoughts of vengeance and retribution.

One day later...

"Where am I? Who are you? How long was I out?" Yeon Ji Shik demanded, his voice hoarse from the ordeal.

An old man stood before him, his weathered face etched with lines of wisdom and compassion. "Easy, young man,"


Yeon Ji Shik woke up to the gentle lapping of waves against the shore. Blinking against the harsh sunlight, he found himself lying on the soft sand of a secluded beach, with the old man sitting beside him, watching over him with a look of concern.

"Where am I?" Yeon Ji Shik groaned, his head still throbbing from the events of the previous day.

The old man, known as Aze, a former military man from the Philippines and a master of close combat, offered him a reassuring smile. "You're safe now, young man. You washed ashore after being caught in the currents."

Memories of his confrontation with Lee Soo Geon and his gang flooded back to Yeon Ji Shik, filling him with a renewed sense of determination. "I need to get back," he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "I need to make them pay for what they did to Kim Ji Sooo."

Aze placed a comforting hand on Yeon Ji Shik's shoulder, his gaze steady and unwavering. "I understand your desire for revenge, but you must tread carefully. Lee Soo Geon is a dangerous man, and his influence extends far beyond the school grounds."

Yeon Ji Shik's jaw clenched as he struggled to contain his rage. "I won't let him get away with this," he vowed, his fists tightening at his sides.

Aze nodded, his expression grave. "Then we shall train you, young warrior. But be warned, the path ahead will be arduous and unforgiving. You must be prepared to endure hardships beyond measure."

And so, under the relentless guidance of Aze and his granddaughter Mariz, Yeon Ji Shik began his training in the heart of the forest. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, as he pushed himself to the brink of exhaustion and beyond.

Every day was a battle, a relentless struggle against his own limitations and fears. But with each passing day, he grew stronger, his body and mind forged into a weapon of vengeance.

Aze, recognizing the need for Yeon Ji Shik to have every advantage in his quest for revenge, decided to teach him a dangerous martial art known as Sitema. Originating from the Philippines, Sitema was a deadly form of hand-to-hand combat, focusing on quick strikes and brutal efficiency.

Under Aze's tutelage, Yeon Ji Shik learned the intricacies of Sitema, honing his reflexes and mastering the art of combat. Mariz, too, joined in the training, her expertise adding a new dimension to Yeon Ji Shik's skills.

As the year drew to a close, Yeon Ji Shik emerged from the depths of the forest a changed man, his resolve unbreakable, his determination unwavering.

As the training progressed, Yeon Ji Shik grew closer to Aze and Mariz, and in quiet moments by the campfire, they shared their stories.

Aze revealed that he and his late wife, Alena, had once lived a peaceful life in a small village near the coast of the Philippines. He had served in the military, using his skills to protect his homeland from external threats. But tragedy struck when Alena was captured by a group of terrorists who were afraid of Aze's prowess.

Helpless to save her, Aze watched in horror as the terrorists executed his beloved Alena before his very eyes. Consumed by grief and rage, Aze embarked on a quest for vengeance, hunting down the terrorists responsible one by one.

In his pursuit of justice, Aze uncovered a network of spies within the military who had colluded with the terrorists. Without hesitation, he eliminated them, cutting off the serpent's head to ensure that no others would betray their country.

But the weight of his actions bore heavily on Aze's soul, and he knew he could never return to the life he once knew. Seeking solace and redemption, he retreated to a deserted island, where he vowed to train the next generation of warriors and seek out those who would uphold justice in a world plagued by darkness.

It was during his time on the island that Aze stumbled upon Mariz, a young girl orphaned by the same terrorists who had taken Alena's life. Seeing the same fire and determination in her eyes that had once burned in his own, Aze took her under his wing, raising her as his own daughter and teaching her the ways of combat and survival.

Mariz, too, had her own tale of loss and resilience. She had witnessed her parents' brutal murder at the hands of the terrorists, and she had vowed to avenge their deaths by any means necessary. But when Aze found her, she saw in him a chance for redemption, a way to channel her anger and grief into something greater.

Together, Aze and Mariz forged a bond stronger than blood, united by their shared tragedy and their unwavering commitment to justice. And now, with Yeon Ji Shik by their side, they embarked on a journey that would test their resolve and bring them face to face with the demons of their past

*one year later*

Together with Aze and Mariz, he returned to the city with new identity, ready to confront his enemies and seek justice for Kim Ji Sooo.

The Highclass family

After their return to the city, Aze, Mariz, and Yeon Ji Shik found themselves wandering the streets in search of a place to stay. The city seemed unfamiliar and cold, a stark contrast to the tranquility of the forest they had left behind.

As they walked, their eyes caught sight of a disturbing scene: a hulking man towering over a small child, his fists clenched in anger. Without hesitation, Yeon Ji Shik rushed forward, his muscles tensing with the weight of his training.

Using the techniques he had learned under Aze's guidance, Yeon Ji Shik moved with fluid grace, striking with precision and power. In a matter of moments, the hulking man lay defeated at his feet, his aggression turned to dust.

Mariz rushed to the side of the trembling child, offering words of comfort and reassurance. Together, they guided her away from the scene of the confrontation, her tears slowly drying as she clung to Mariz's hand.

It was then that they met the parents of the child, Gauz and Viesy. Gauz was renowned as one of the greatest hackers in the country, his skills unmatched and his reputation legendary. Viesy, on the other hand, was a former black belt taekwondo player, known for her strength and agility in combat. She was also a loving wife and mother, her caring nature evident in the way she comforted her daughter.

Moved by their kindness, Gauz and Viesy offered Aze, Mariz, and Yeon Ji Shik a place to stay in their home. Grateful for their hospitality, they accepted, finding solace in the warmth of their new surroundings.

As they settled into their temporary abode, Yeon Ji Shik found himself opening up to Gauz and Viesy, sharing his own story of loss and redemption. They listened with empathy and understanding, offering words of encouragement and support.

But their newfound peace was short-lived, shattered by the harsh glare of the television screen. The news blared with reports of their enemy, Lee Soo Geon, being hailed as a hero for his supposed bravery in rescuing hostages from a burning warehouse.

But Yeon Ji Shik knew the truth. He knew that it was all a facade, a carefully orchestrated ploy to deceive the public and further Lee Soo Geon's own twisted agenda. Anger boiled within him, threatening to consume him whole.

Determined to confront their enemy head-on, Yeon Ji Shik rose to his feet, his fists clenched with righteous fury. But Aze and Mariz stepped forward, their expressions grave.

"You cannot face him alone," Aze warned, his voice heavy with concern. "You still have much to learn, young warrior. Patience is a virtue, and haste will only lead to your downfall."

Mariz nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the same determination that burned within Yeon Ji Shik's soul. "We will face him together, but not until you are ready," she declared, her voice ringing with conviction.

Reluctantly, Yeon Ji Shik stood down, his anger simmering beneath the surface. He knew that Aze and Mariz were right, that he still had much to learn before he could confront his enemy and emerge victorious.

And so, with renewed determination and a sense of purpose, Yeon Ji Shik returned to his training, his mind focused on the day when he would finally face Lee Soo Geon and bring him to justice. But until then, he would bide his time, honing his skills and preparing for the ultimate showdown that lay ahead.

To be continued...

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