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My Teacher Lover S1

Chapter 1

Angel let out a loud yawn as she came closer to her apartment. It's been a long day at school and nothing sounded better then a nice long nap. It was the weekend which means she didn't have to do her homework until the day before it was due.

She hummed a small tune as she lightly skipped down the street. Before turning the corner which leads to her apartment, Angel stopped in front of the small shop that she goes to almost daily. She saw the owner fanning himself in front of his store while his two young, part-time workers were sweeping the dusty ground.

The shopkeeper looked up and waved. "Konnichiwa Bushū-san! Here to buy more snacks?"

Angel approached the shop and nodded. "I'm here for the weekly 'charge-up.'"

The red-haired worker snorted.

Angel raised an eyebrow. "What was that, Kent?"

The boy just crossed his arms and smirked. "I just wanted to let you know that if you keep eating like that, it won't be long before you get fat—augh!" he grunted in pain when a fan suddenly hit him straight in the face, knocking him down on the ground.

Mark looked at his unconscious worker before looking down at his hand where his fan was just mere seconds ago. He looked back up to see Angel still in her throwing-position. He quickly pulled out another fan from his sleeve and started fanning himself. "My oh my, someone sure is feisty today."

Angel snorted as she returned to her original task: getting food. She walked into the shop, followed closely by Mark so he could ring up the price for everything she was buying. The petite girl went through each aisle in the small shop, stopping once in awhile to put something into her little basket.

Eyeing the young girl, Mark smirked. "Bushū-san. Did you know someone just moved into our little neighborhood this morning?"

Angel continued her shopping, not at all interested in what he was saying. "So?"

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that he moved into the small apartment building in front of yours. Maybe you should go by and say 'hello.'"

Angel snorted. "And why should I do that?" Before Mark could respond, she held out her basket to him. "Ring it up," she ordered. Mark looked down and chuckled. The basket was filled with chips, drinks, sweets, etc. and most of them were labeled with Chappy the Bunny. After punching in some numbers Mark announced the price with a smile. "That will be 1500 yen." (A/N: Which is equivalent to around $15).

Angel pulled out a couple of bills from her wallet and slammed it on the counter before grabbing the plastic bag of treats and exiting the store.

"Don't forget to welcome our new neighbor!" Mark called out before Angel slid the door shut.

Angel pulled out a pack of pocky from her bag and placed one stick in her mouth. Why is Mark so persistent that I go visit this person? It's not like I'm the landlord or something. Angel grunted in annoyance. "I shouldn't be bothered by it."

She turned the corner and was nearing her apartment. Swinging her school bag and the plastic bag in one hand and holding a pocky stick in other hand, Angel closed her eyes as she enjoyed the warm sun playing on her face. Today was a beautiful spring day, and summer was just around the corner. She felt like going to the park and—

"Hey! Watch out!"

Angel came back to reality just in time to step back before a large, heavy box landed on the spot she was just at a second ago. She tripped over a stone and landed on her ass, dropping her bags and the pocky that was in her mouth. "Ow," she groaned as she rubbed her sore bottom. A shadow suddenly loomed over her, blocking the warm sun above her, causing her to look up.

"Sorry about that. You okay there kid?" the shadow asked. The man was standing inside a moving truck and wiping a sweat off his brow. He was wearing a pair of shorts and a simple white wife-beater that fitted his muscular chest tightly, with a towel wrapped around his hair tied in the back, and a pair of work gloves. The man looked back at her and raised an eyebrow. "Oi, kid. I asked if you're okay."

It took Angel another second before she could react. "What the fuck?!" she cursed at him as she jumped to her feet. "You could've killed me you bastard!"

The man jumped off the truck and placed his hands on his hip. "Well, I did tell you to 'watch out.' Besides, it's your fault for spacing out."

Angel walked up to the man, but had to tip toe in order to get closer to his face since he was about a head taller than her. "You shouldn't have thrown that damn box in the first place!"

He rolled his eyes. "Well if you haven't noticed, I'm trying to move into this apartment before night falls so I'm in a hurry. Besides," he placed a hand on top of her head and ruffled her dark hair. "It's hard to see you when you're so short, midget."

Angel felt a vein pulsing against her forehead. She took a step back before she sent her leg flying.

To where you ask?

"SON OF A BITCH!" he screamed.

To the bastard's shin that's where.

He hopped around on one leg while the other was being held up with his hands. "What the fuck was that for, midget?!"

Hearing the same cursed word again Angel pushed him off balance, sending him flying onto the ground. "That's what you get for calling me a 'midget' jackass!" she huffed before grabbing her stuff off the ground and stomping away.

The man continued nursing his bruising shin as he watched her walk away. "This is some fucked up place," he cursed.

"You're a dumbass that's all," Andrew Fernandez walked over and extended a hand.

Ichigo Walker cursed before accepting his friend's help. "Shut up Andrew. I don't need you making fun of me every second of the day."

Andrew smirked before he grabbed another box out of the truck. "Let's just hurry up. I have papers to grade."

"Yeah yeah yeah," Ichigo pulled the towel off his head, revealing a shocking color of orange hair. He walked over and picked up the box he thrown at the midget when he suddenly noticed a small Chappy the Bunny charm next to it. He placed the box down before picking it up by the string. It must have fallen off her cellphone or something, he thought to himself.

It was a simple charm of Chappy (which he knows thanks to his sister Megumi) with a laminated rectangular paper hanging under it vertically. Looking carefully he read Angel written on it in katakana.

"Walker! Hurry up!" Andrew shouted back at him.

"Alright already!" Ichigo shoved the charm into his pocket before he grabbed the box again and followed his friend to his new apartment.

Chapter 2

A sigh came from Angel as she walked towards Mark store. It was Sunday, which meant "homework day;" which in turn means "more-sweets-needed" day. She slid the front door open and stomped inside. "Mark! I'm here for the usual!"

Mira, a young, sad looking girl jumped up and bowed. "Welcome back. I'll go grab your favorites."

"Thank you, Mira," Angel smiled as the young part-time worker went around the store to gather up all the goods. She walked up towards the counter, pulling out her wallet from her pocket, when she suddenly noticed something orange from her peripheral vision. Angel looked up only to see the back of a person with a shocking color of orange on top of his head. Before she could even process everything into her head, Mira came back with a full basket.

"Here's everything!" She smiled as she held up the basket.

Angel smiled back. "Arigatou."

Upon hearing a very familiar voice, Ichigo turned around, only to see the same girl he saw the day before (*A/N). He smirked when she turned around and placed her basket of treats on the counter. "Sugar isn't exactly going to help you with your height, midget."

A vein quickly appeared on Angel's forehead upon hearing his mocking voice. With the most evil glare she could muster, Angel turned her head to the side and directed it to the owner of the voice. "What are you doing here?" she growled through her clenched teeth.

An orange brow went up. "You're not exactly appealing with that look. Besides, since when was there a store where only a midget can go and not a fully grown person?"

Angel bit down on her lower lip to stop herself from screaming at him. "Can't you think of something else besides calling me a midget, sherbet?"

"Sherbet?" Ichigo asked. Angel nodded her head upwards. Getting the message, Ichigo smirked before running his hand through his hair. "Well, that was a pretty creative nickname. Made that up all by yourself?" he teased.

Angel opened her mouth to fight back when Mark suddenly popped in front of them. "Ara, although I do love watching young lovers flirt, please remember that you're in the vicinity of young children."

Both parties stopped their verbal war to glare at the shopkeeper. "WE ARE NOT FLIRTING!" They both shouted at the same time.

Mark just smiled and sarcastically responded, "Mmhm, and I'm only wearing this hat to hide my bald spot."

Ichigo leaned forward to look at the older man more carefully. "Aren't you?"

Mark gasped. "I can't believe you would even think that, Walker-kun! This hat is the latest trend for people my age!"

"This is just great," Angel rolled her eyes, "I'm surrounded by the town's idiots."

"Watch who you're calling an 'idiot'. I'm a lot smarter than I look," Ichigo glared at her.

"A-ha!" Angel smiled triumphantly. "So you do admit you look stupid?"

A small twitched formed by Ichigo's left eye. "I'm really close to throwing you across the store, shorty."

Angel glared back as she leaned closer to him. "Oh yeah?! I bet I can beat you up without dropping a sweat."

Ichigo leaned forward as well. "I'd like to see you try, chibi!"

"Stop calling me that before I kick you in the balls!" Angel snarled.

Mark fanned himself while wearing a mischievous grin. "Ara. Youths these days have the oddest way of showing their affection. And they're even willing to kiss in public—augh." His words cut short when two angry fists simultaneously landed on his face and knocked him out. And again, the two slammed several yens on the counter at the same time before stomping out of the shop with their respective bags in their hands.

The two turned into the sidewalk, leaving the store and its perverted owner. It wasn't until they both turned a corner that they realized they were still in each other's presence.

"Will you stop following me, sherbet?" Angel growled.

Ichigo snorted in annoyance. "In case you've forgotten, I live around here. Besides, why would anyone follow a midget like you?"

Feeling stem blowing out of her ear, Angel turned around, ready to give him a verbal lashing, when he interrupted her by sticking out his hand.

"My name is Walker Ichigo. What's yours?" he asked.

Angel looked back and forth between his face and his hand. "What's with the sudden formalities?"

Ichigo shrugged. "Well, I just thought it'd be nice to know my neighbors. And seeing how we met both days since I moved here, I have a feeling we might meet more often. Call it 'fate' if you will."

"How stupid are you?" She suddenly asked.

"Not so much that I'd leave a person hanging for so long," he replied, nodding his head towards his outstretched hand.

Angel snorted before grabbing his hand, hard, and shaking it, hard. "My name is Angel Bushū. It is NOT a pleasure meeting you."

Ichigo bit his lower lip to stop himself from making any sound. How can such a small person have such a strong grip?! "Well, Angel, the feeling is mutual." He finally yanked his hand out and walked on ahead, shoving his injured hand into his pocket. The two continued their silent walk, Ichigo ahead of Angel.

She was looking at the back of his orange head, thinking of other ways of making fun of him, while he was too busy trying to remember why her name sounded familiar. It wasn't until his apartment came into view that it struck him

The charm! "Oi, Angel—" Ichigo turned around only to see no midget behind him.

"Yeah?" she called out from the side.

Ichigo turned to his right to see Angel, frozen in mid step, facing a parking lot in front of an apartment. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"Home," she replied.

Ichigo looked at her, the apartment and back at her before shouting, "You live here?!"

"Why else would I be going here?" she snapped back, her hands at her hips.

Ichigo scratched his head. "I just didn't think you lived this close to me."

Angel sighed before asking, "What do you want?"

"What—oh yeah! Um, yesterday I found this Chappy cellphone charm with your name—"

"You have it?!" Angel suddenly appeared right in front of Ichigo with wide, sparkling eyes.

Ichigo couldn't help but take a step back, feeling rather insecure with such eyes staring at him. "Y-yeah, well it was on the ground and so I picked it up. It's back at my apartment so if you want it back you can come back with me and I can give it to you."

At those words Angel stepped back and looked away, uncertainty in her eyes. "I don't know…"

Understanding what she was thinking, Ichigo snorted. "Please, like there's any chance I'd jump a midget like you."

Angel glared before stomping on his foot. "Who would be afraid of an idiot like you?" She turned around and headed towards his apartment, "Let's go, carrot top."

Ichigo cursed as he limped after her, trying to keep his weight off his bruising foot.

They approached his apartment but once they reached the side of the building where the stairs were located at, Angel stopped and turned around. Ichigo halted to a stop, almost running over the smaller person.

"Why the hell did you suddenly stop?"

Angel rolled her eyes. "Duh. I don't know where your apartment is."

"Oh, right." Ichigo quickly walked past her, avoiding whatever look she was throwing his way. They made up to the second floor and stopped when they reached the end of the hallway. "Now, don't mess anything up when you come in here," he teased while inserting the key and opening the door.

Angel snorted. "Che, like it wouldn't be a pigsty already—"

Have you ever eaten your own words?

Well Angel did the very moment the door opened, showing a very clean and organized apartment.

Seeing her shocked expression, Ichigo smirked. "Come in," he said, leading the way with his hand.

Angel took one step inside and entered the genkan. Without even realizing what she was doing, Angel slipped out of her shoes and stepped into the apartment to get a better look at the place.

It was a total bachelor pad. It was a two bedroom apartment with one bathroom, a large living room and kitchen. It was well furnished; the living room had a wide screen TV against one wall and on the opposite side was a large, leather black couch with a single-sitter companion to one side. They surrounded a glass coffee table in the middle of the room. The kitchen was full of stainless equipment, immediately bringing a question to Angel's mind: can he cook?

Angel aimlessly walked around the apartment. He just moved in here and this place already looked really good! Not to mention the fact it was cleaner than her apartment.

After a few steps, Angel stopped when she came across the wall that hung several pictures. She stopped upon seeing a picture of a family. There was a father who was smiling like an idiot while holding up two young girls. And a young mother, smiling, with her arms around a young boy with orange hair. "Is this your family?" she asked, pointing to the biggest photo on the wall.

Ichigo walked over and stood behind her. "Yeah, that's my family."

Angel smiled. "How old were you when you took this picture?"

"I think I was around eight or so." He then pointed to the two younger girls. "These are my sisters, Megan and Megumi. They're fraternal twins. And that's my crazy old man."

Angel chuckled while still looking at the picture. She then noticed he hadn't said anything about the woman in the picture. "You're mother is very beautiful," she said.

Ichigo was silent before letting out a breath. "Thanks."

"I'm guessing you got that crazy hair of yours from her," she teased.

Ichigo smirked. "Thanks for noticing it's real. Others keep bothering me thinking it's bleached or something."

Angel was about to comment when suddenly her phone started ringing. "Moshi-moshi?"

Ichigo watched from behind at the sudden transformation on her face as she talked to whoever was on the other line.

"Okay…yes, I know. I just forgot for a bit—well sorry for being human!…What does that mean?! FINE! I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!" Angel shut her phone while glaring at it. When she heard small snickers from the side, she directed her glare to the owner of it. "Shut up."

Ichigo raised up both hands in defeat. "Sorry. Anyways, what was that all about?"

Angel sighed. "My friends are waiting for me. I totally forgot I had plans with them." She walked over to the door and slipped on her shoes. "See 'ya later, strawberry!" She shouted before quickly running out of the house.

"Don't call me that, midget!" He shouted after her before the door closed. Ichigo rolled his eyes and walked towards his kitchen when he suddenly remembered why Angel was here in the first place. "Shit. I forgot to give her back that stupid bunny." Ichigo went to his room and opened the drawer where the Chappy cellphone charm was placed on top of his papers. He smirked before closing the drawer and walking away. "Hopefully fate will let us meet again, midget."

Chapter 3

Classroom 3-2...


...It was loud as any other day.

Angel took a step to her left just in time to avoid the human-missile attack, which ended up smashing into the classroom door behind her instead. "Ohayo, Lopez-kun," she greeted Jonny Lopez with a fake smile.

Jonny jumped up and saluted, completely ignoring the stream of blood falling down his forehead. "As expected of the lovely student representative; you are always quick on your feet. My love for you only grows stronger by the day. Bushū-san!" he squealed as he tried to hug her again but ended up kissing the ground when Angel swung her bag and knocked him down on ground.

Angel smiled at his twitching form as she made her way to her seat.

"Geez Angel, I don't know how you can stand him jumping at you like that day after day," Jane Bieber said, "Why don't you just get rid of him once and for all?"

"I could," Angel tapped her chin with her finger as if thinking before ginning up at her friend, "But it's kind of stress-relieving to see guys like him getting hurt like that once in awhile."

"You're amazing, Bushū-san," Joshua Gaston chuckled, "You sure know how to play with a man's heart."

"Aw, you're so cute, Angel!"Bia Santos squealed, hugging her smaller friend against her large bosoms.

Angel let out an awkward chuckle while patting her friend's arm. "A-arigatou... I can't breath," she wheezed.

"Let go of her before you suffocate her," someone said by the door. Santos turned back to see Justin Tan walking into class. The red head paused for a second before kicking Jonny on the ground. "Still not giving up are you?" he asked before he reached the girls.

Bia pouted as she started wiggling her upper body with Angel still in her arms. "I'm not hurting her. Why do you hate it whenever I try to show affection to Angel?"

"Because you have a tendency to show your affection in a dangerous way," he reasoned.

Bia reluctantly released her hold and Angel popped out from between her bosoms, gasping for air. Jane grinned before smacking her petite friend on the back to help her breathe. "I think today's a new record!" she teased.

Angel glared at her before looking at her childhood friend. "Thanks Justin."

The red head merely shrugged before going to his seat behind her.

Ding ding ding!

The school bell finally rang but nobody really paid too much attention to it since there was no teacher in the room.


"Okay kids, settle down!"

Never mind.

Angel sat in her usual spot next to the window as Andrew Fernandez came in.

"Okay guys," he started, "as you know, you guys will be having a new homeroom teacher who will also be your new literature teacher since Mina-sensei is on maternity leave." Everyone cheered at this news. Andrew sighed as he pushed up his glasses. "ANYWAYS!" he shouted over the noise, "I want to introduce to you guys your new teacher." He looked over to the door and nodded.

And in came the most unexpected person, ever.

Angel wasn't paying much attention until she saw something orange from the corner of her eye. She slowly looked to the front of the class only to see...

"Ohayo. Watashi wa Ichigo Walker desu. Dozoyoroshiku."

No fucking way!

Placed into a state of complete shock, Angel was about to jump up and yell, when suddenly...


...someone else already beat her to it.

Angel looked over to see Jane standing up with an even more shocked face. "What the fuck are you doing here, Ichigo?" she asked.

Everyone gasped when they heard her use their teacher's first name and talking to him in a familiar way.

Ichigo smirked. "Hey there, Jane. I haven't seen you since you were in middle school."

"No shit," she crossed her arms across her chest, "That was when you moved away to go to college."

There was another gasp of surprise.

"Um, Jane," Bia poked her friend from the side, "How do you know the new hunk?"

Jane raised an eyebrow before pointing at Ichigo. "What the fuck are you talking about? Him? A hunk? I think you might need to get your eyes checked, Bia ."

Ichigo glared at her. "Glad to know your manners haven't changed."

Jane ignored his remark and continued. "This guy used to live here in Tokyo and he babysat me and a few others in this classroom before he moved away."

Andrew looked at his friend and raised an eyebrow. "You babysat kids?"

Ichigo rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I watched other kids along with my sisters when I was younger." When Andrew kept giving him suspicious looks, Ichigo groaned. "I needed some money!" he reasoned.

"Right," Andrew smirked before looking back at the students. "Please sit back down, Bieber," he said.

But as Jane sat back down someone else jumped up.


Jane, who was still on the ground next to the door, jumped up and flew towards his old babysitter. "I HAVE MISSED YOU MY SENPAI OF PORN-AUGH!" Before Jonny could get too close to him, Ichigo threw out a huge fist, which collided with the young teen's face.

"Glad to know you're still the same too, Jonny," Ichigo scowled, while still kicking Jonny to the ground each time he tried to grab him.

Andrew cleared his throat to get back everyone's attention. "Anyways, I have to get going since I have my own class to attend to. Will the class rep please stand up?"

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