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* Prologue *

A fact that whenever someone is sad or heart starts pouring fullest....

On the night Kim Taehyung showed his true colours and brutally broke his heart... Jungkook decided to threw him out of his life..out of his heart....his eyes were crying but his heart turned into a stone....once a bubbly kookie turned into a cold person....

On the other hand a person full of his ego and revenge was now feeling like his body was without soul...he was feeling a battle inside him with heart and mind...

Its been three months since Taehyung and Jungkook's relationship ended...but sometimes it seems like ending but....

ok no spoiler.....

I hope you all liked the first part 'Hell of love'

please show your love and support....

purple you 💜


Whenever we feel like we lost everything or everything came to an end...there's always a new way and new start...

Salon is quite far from Jungkook's house but he decided to walk...his mind was occupied with some thoughts which he wanted to remove from his mind.  its already monsoon...clouds covered the sun completely, people were in hustle to save themselves from rain but Jungkook cared less... 

He reached at salon but people in there looked him weirdly so he asked from his colleague,

What happened...? Why everyone is staring me?

Ohh! Jungkook hyung..don't worry about them...they just heard something about they are just ....

Ok...I understood...

Saying that Jungkook went to his customer.

He know that his past is walking with him no matter how much he tried to run away but now he learnt to live with this...

He started his day with his work...and went back at home.

His parents were not at home they were out of town.

But today he is all alone at home because Yuna went to her friend's birthday party with Hyuna so Jungkook went to the fridge, got some food and started tv.

He was eating but suddenly stopped when he heard headlines about a familiar name.

*Popular star Kim Taehyung lost his cool and slapped a reporter because he asked about his personal matters.*

Jungkook coldly switched off the tv and ate his food. After dinner he went in balcony the billboard poster was still there and person was none other than Kim Taehyung but now Jungkook feel nothing.

His wounded heart not hurt anymore but he felt angry with himself because he is unable to erase those memories...those happy, sad and heart broken memories.

He remember clearly about that night when he felt like killing himself, when he felt pathetic, when he found himself pitiful.

Remembering that night he chuckled bitterly. It's been five months but still he feels like everything happened just yesterday....

When he was feeling all happy because Taehyung decided to marry him but humiliated him in worst way. His hurtful words are still in Jungkook's mind.

The way he rejected and made fun of his love.

He clearly remember how broken he was when Taehyung said hurtful words and when he didn’t know what to say so he just left Taehyung and Jimin in Church and ran away from there.

Even Jimin tried to stop him and apologized but Taehyung was not bothered by his condition.

And when Jungkook left the Church sky showed his emotions for Jungkook's pain and pored down heavily. On that cold rainy night Jungkook was on roads walking towards vehicles. He came back to his home but when his parents saw him they were sure that something happened to him. But they kept their questions to themselves and tried to make him feel the warmth of love. And once again Jungkook was in his mother’s warm hug who was trying to calm him down and his father was drying his hair, his sister made some hot chocolate for him. On that day he decided to not to love anyone else other than his family because they are the only one who supported him and loved him always.

Next day he went as usual at his work. After greeting his colleagues he started his work. Suddenly he heard yelling sounds at first he decided to ignore but eventually he went outside to take a look...but what he saw was not amusing at all for him.

Sometimes you Can't deny the fact that once you fall in love you'll do all stupid things...

When Jungkook heard the voices of cheering and all he went outside but the scene was not amusing because the person standing there was the least he wished to see.

Kim Taehyung was there. He smirked cunningly when he saw Jungkook was there. He directly went inside to his boss's cabin.

Jimin who was with Taehyung went near to Jungkook but before he could say anything Jungkook ignored him and turned to leave.


Sorry Mr. But I don't know you...

Jungkook..please I know it was his fault but I was really unaware of his deads at that time...

Sorry Mr but I don't have time to talk to you because I don’t have a boss who can give me salary for talking and slacking of.

I need to work...excuse me...

But he is here for you Jungkook...!

Yeah surely thinking a new way to hurt me...

It's not like that...try to understand...

You try to understand Mr...I don't have time for your rubbish and I don't care about anyone...

But he is...

He is nothing to me...there's nothing between him and me...



Ohh! Jimin you're here...let's go work is done..


As Taehyung came outside he saw Jimin and Jungkook were arguing and he clearly heard what Jungkook said so he was unable to say anything else.

When they left Jungkook was so tense and angry but he managed to calm himself down...




After that day he didn’t heard anything about Taehyung so somehow he felt relaxed. But after one week his boss suddenly called him to discuss something....


Oh're here...Jungkook I have something to tell you...

Yes sir..!

Jungkook A company hired some makeup artists from our salon for their Artists...and you are one of them...

But sir I'm doing well here...

But Jungkook this is your opportunity...and also they'll pay you much better...and you're one of the best makeup artist in this please understand this...

Ok...sir...I'll think about it..

Ok...Jungkook...I hope you choose the right thing...

Jungkook was confused but at the same time he wanted to seize this opportunity so he decided to join that company....

Next day he went to his boss to tell him that he decided to join the company...

Well....this is a good decision Jungkook...

What about other ones?

Oh..yeah with you...there's three more people are going with you...

Ok sir..

Ok...I'll tell you about paper work..

Ok...thank you sir...

Jungkook decided to take a day off...he went to Church with his sister but his luck was not by his side...

There he again met with someone he least want to see...

Hey Jimin...see who's here...?

What...? Are you here to ask for a new partner Mr. Jeon Jungkook...oh maybe new husband 😈

Jungkook clearly ignored what Taehyung said and walk passed which was unbearable for Taehyung so he grabbed his hand. They were close to each other but it was suffocating for Jungkook so he tried to free himself but soon a slap's sound echoed there.


(Author is obsessed with slaps 🤪)


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Taehyung felt a stinging on his he saw Yuna was there...when she saw him with Jungkook her anger got best of her so she slapped him.

What are you doing...?

Mr Kim Taehyung this is my warning stay away from my brother...

Ohh...I'm terrified....sis Yuna is so dangerous...hahaha 😈

Miss Jeon Yuna stay out of my personal matters...otherwise you know me...

Yes I know are the most ridiculous person I've ever met.

And this is not your personal matter this is about my brother and this time..

Noona...please let's go...

Jungkook stopped his sister because he didn’t want to create a scene there and for Jungkook.. Yuna went away from there unwillingly.

Jungkook also followed her without sparing a glance to Taehyung.

Taehyung stop doing all this please...

Ohh Jimin...mind your business...I'm Kim Taehyung and I can do whatever I want...

Taehyung also left from there...looking at him Jimin sighed and followed him.

From Church they went to their studio while Jungkook went his new company's office and Yuna went to her shooting site.

Jungkook was in the office of company's manager who was busy on a call.


Ok Mr Jeon Jungkook I think you got to know that you'll be working here .

Yes sir..

Good...we've prepared the papers you can sign today if you are okay with it.

Ok Sir I'll sign the papers..


Jungkook saw the contract papers in which it was mentioned that he'll be doing work in the company for 6 months.

He signed the papers and returned them.

Ok...Mr Jeon Jungkook you can join from tomorrow...we will meet with the Artist tomorrow morning.

Thank you sir..

Jungkook was going out from the gate suddenly Taehyung appeared infront of him. At first he thought that he is going to say something but Taehyung just smirked and entered inside.

Jungkook was confused but he cared less and went to his home.

He called to Lee Jun who was his colleague and got selected with him in the new company.

Jun told him that he signed the papers with company and going for job from next day so they decided to go together.

On the other hand IU was happily dancing in her room because after so many trials she got a role in a movie as second female lead. And there was second reason in that movie Taehyung was male lead.

Jongsuk was not in mood to talk with her so he decided to go for a break and left from there for a work trip.

Mrs Lee in Kim Mansion was the only one who was not happy at all from the day Taehyung kicked out Jungkook from Kim Mansion, she tried many ways to persue Taehyung to bring Jungkook back but Taehyung was blinded by revenge and his ego that he didn't even realized what he was doing was wrong with Jungkook and with himself.

So she decided to not to talk much with Taehyung.

The Great Mr Kim Taehyung was feeling proud the day he kicked Jungkook out of his house and life but somewhere in his heart he was not satisfied. He started to drink more and more and not followed his schedule and work. Then after suffering like this for a long time he came to a weird conclusion that he is not satisfied and feeling good because his revenge is still not completely over. 😐




Next day Jungkook was ready to go he was in cab when Jun called him and informed that he'll meet him at a place near MasterChef Jin's Restaurant.

Jungkook picked him up and they reached at their work place.

Manager introduced them to some other workers and then he told them about his new film project...

Both of you are new I decided to make you a part of our new film'll be our new film's artist's makeup artist...

Mr Jeon you'll be working with Miss Hana our Actress and Mr Jun you'll be working as Miss Lee IU's makeup artist.

As soon as Jungkook heard the name he became tensed because he clearly want a distance from everyone related to Taehyung. But his luck....

He was engrossed in his thoughts that he doesn't realized that other makeup artists were also there and they also got to with whom they were going to work but Jungkook was not in mood to listen anymore.

Soon manager went back into his office and a worker showed them their rooms and artist's vanities.

But something caught Jungkook's eyes 👀.

Jungkook saw that Typhoon called Kim Taehyung's name was also there near a room door but he cared less and went to meet the actress Xi Hana. She was a good and kind person.

After meeting with her he received his schedule. With that he came to know that he was about to work with the crew in which Kim Taehyung is lead actor. He was tensed at first but he calmed himself down and took his leave from the manager.

At home he was once again all alone because Yuna was busy with her schedule. He cooked some instant noodles and went to his fav spot of course balcony stairs.

He was eating his noodles and thinking about his work.

You have to behave normal and calm can’t be affected by him and his presence, he doesn't matter.

He is merely a person who hurted you so don't pay attention to him.

You are going for think about your work...

Yes for work fighting..fighting...



He keep reminding himself to be calm.

But you can’t deny the fact that even if you ignore a person but if he messes with you, you can't keep yourself calm...




Next day was movie's first day of shooting so they all were there.

Jungkook just ignored Taehyung's presence but Kim Taehyung was looking him like eagle. 👀

After Hana's makeup she was the one with Taehyung for first scene...she was a little bit nervous because it was her first time filming with famous Kim Taehyung but being aware of the fact that she was nervous Taehyung tried to help her he behaved normally but Jungkook was aware that Taehyung was trying to pull something.


Miss Hana...don’t be nervous...I'm also a human and normal person so you don't have to be like this....

And look your makeup is not looking good...where is your makeup artist?

Who is your makeup artist. mean Mr Jeon Jungkook..there..

Ohh! MR Jeon Jungkook...Mr Jeon can you please come here...her makeup is a bit ruined... can you help...

Jungkook was right in his mind...Kim Taehyung is really a person who can't leave you alone...he gritted his teeth but went near her and touched up her makeup.


Shooting went well for the day but Jungkook's day was not so good...because he now knew the fact that Taehyung was going to mess with him but he decided to not give him a chance to mess with him.


He was getting in the elevator when Jimin also entered inside. Jungkook was feeling uneasy but tried to be normal but...

How are you Jungkook??

None of your business...Mr. Park

Don't be like this...look I know I was wrong to help Taehyung but now I regret it. I mean it really...

I'm getting off here...

He coldly replied him and went out side the building he was not angry but sad that there was no one he can trust anymore because of what happened with him.

He saw in his left side of road there was Kim Taehyung's car and he was near his car and looking the gate of building...their eyes met for a second but there was not love.... in Jungkook's eyes there was distrust and disappointment and in Taehyung's eyes there was something but Jungkook can’t figured it out.




He took the cab and left for his home.

Taehyung was looking his every move untill his cab disappeared from there..



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