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A Crybaby's Hell

Chapter 1 : Dead and Deader.


Life is far too unpredictable at times, no one ever knowing whether tomorrow will be their last.

To Hanagaki Takemichi, he never expected that two weeks into his happy marriage life could end so abruptly along with his life when he is accidentally pushed off to the train tracks.

It is also unpredictable in the way with him opening his eyes and waking up as a ten year old under the care of what was definitely the most dangerous criminal organization in Japan.


Takemichi never got involved with Toman and was married to Hina but dies and a ten year old child....taken by Bonten.

Life is far too unpredictable at times, no one ever knowing whether tomorrow will be their last.

To Hanagaki Takemichi, he never expected that two weeks into his happy marriage life could end so abruptly along with his life when he is accidentally pushed off to the train tracks.

His life with Hinata Tachibana had been blissfully beautiful. They both had grown up together and fallen in love over the years. They both had gone through plenty of ups and downs, and were more than ready to take the next stage in their relationship with the blessings of their friends and families. Their wedding day was the most momentous day in Takemichi's life, seeing everyone he loves be the witnesses to him and Hina swearing their vows together.

Their honeymoon was gentle and loving. Moving into their new house was a tiring but fulfilling day. Each day with Hinata was nothing but happiness. He vividly remembers the cozy interior of their humble house. Cream colored walls, child friendly furniture, and their place always being filled with laughter and love-

-So why?




Muffled screams and groans of pain echoed and Takemichi blinked. Right, three men were about to die in a few moments.

Three unfortunate men who were gagged and tied and forced into kneeling positions, facing away from their executors.

In a blink of an eye Takemichi's paradise was cut short, his body going as cold as the fish warehouse he currently was in along with several others.

The scent of blood and fish carcasses lying here and there invaded his nostrils, creating a putrid smell that he will never be able to become familiar with. There was a tray of sharp utensils dyed with fresh sanguine liquid.

Takemichi grimaced when the scent of taiyaki joins in, and he remembers the casual grip of a lanky arm wrapped around his ten year old torso.

Ocean blue eyes trembled as he hears gulping and flinched.

"Bring down Bonten's Hammer of Judgement on the traitors!"

The familiar manic and drug addled voice of Sanzu Haruchiyo rang loud and clear, and Takemichi couldn't even be granted with the luxury of covering his eyes or ears from the madness that was unfolding behind him. Instead, he only leans back to the lean chest of his 'captor', who's grip on him tightens for a second before letting go, patting raven locks in what could be deemed as fondness.

"Shush Shush Shush" Sanzu says in mock gentleness, leaning uncomfortably close to one of the soon to be human corpses. "Pay attention to Mikey's words."

Mikey, who was sitting on a crate a few distances away from Sanzu, who also had a handcuffed Takemichi on his lap and was leisurely eating a piping hot taiyaki on one hand. The gentle patting on the younger boy's head never ceased, even as the older male calmly and indifferently seals the fate of three lives.

"Kill them."

More muffled screams were then followed by three gunshots. The sickening sounds of blood splattering on concrete ground and three lifeless thuds entered Takemichi's ears, and his eyes closed-inwardly murmuring a quick prayer for the foolish souls.

They truly were foolish for deciding to mess with Bonten of all groups.

Bonten, the worst and most prominent criminal organization in all of Japan. Bonten, who had insane executives all swearing loyalty to one fearsome man.

And said fearsome man, Sano Mikey Manjirou, who owns Takemichi.

Takemichi had to hand it to them, they were able to keep him captive for a solid two hours before they were tracked down. There was only a handful of kidnappings where they were able to keep him for an hour at least. Props to them for effort.

His first kidnapping had been the worst way to wake up from death, yet after a couple more and the young boy had learned to discipline his reactions to an eerie degree. From death, he wakes up to what could be the most unfortunate and gruesome life.

Yes, Hanagaki Takemichi died from being accidentally pushed off to the train tracks, a complete mistake that ended with him dying early at the age of 26.

And by some sick twist of fate, wakes up as a crying ten year old gagged and handcuffed-surrounded by armed crooks. Armed men who quickly dropped like flies as bullets flew here and there, and Takemichi being the witness to their pitiful and painful deaths as his 'rescuers' come into the picture. His rescuers, who were all Bonten executives, casually releases him and takes him in their blood soaked arms.

Who would've though he would be the last living relative of Sano Mikey Manijirou, the head of the bloody organization that is Bonten?

Sano Takemitchy was the boy's-his name now. A young scrawny ten year old boy with a Hanafuda tattooed horizontally around his neck.

Sano Takemitchy, a boy who smiled like sunshine rays no matter the occasion, no matter how much blood was spilled.

"Those who don't fit in Bonten are scraps!" He hears Sanzu, Bonten's number 2, confidently state with demented chuckles.

From a distance, the emotionless but firm voice of Bonten's number 3, Kakucho, echoed. "Make sure you properly clean the dead bodies."

"Crush and freeze it. Turn it into fish bait." Was the callous suggestion of Mochizuku Kanji, one of Bonten's executives.

The other executives, Haitani Ran and Rindou, remained silent along with Bonten's advisor, Akashi Takeomi. Meanwhile Kokonoi Hiajime, another Bonten executive, smirked.

"Keep it in your heads everyone. Even between us, whoever betrays will eventually become scraps too."

Takemitchy feels himself be lifted off and gently placed on the ground by Mikey-the leader of Bonten. The young child doesn't show an ounce of fear, all his fears and feelings of disgust tightly kept on a leash within the deepest recesses of his mind.

The raven haired boy looks up to his older brother, meeting abyssal black eyes-there truly was no light of life in those eyes of Mikey. The older male reaches out a hand to him, and Takemichi takes the outstretched hand with a thousand watt smile. With a cheerful tone, the younger Sano chirps.

"That's how Bonten works!"

Hanagaki Takemichi may be gone, but he will make sure Sano Takemitchy lives on.

He has to live, no matter what.

Chapter 2: Sano Takemitchy


Hanagaki Takemichi learned to live as Sano Takemitchy.

He worried at first that posing as a ten year old around the most dangerous men in society would wound up with him dead.

He is proven wrong when he realizes there is more to Sano Takemitchy than just being the little brother of Sano Manjirou.

Takemichi respected a little boy named Sano Takemitchy from the bottom of his heart.

Chapter Text

Exiting the warehouse was uneventful but secured as Takemichi and the rest of Bonten's executives along with their leader were escorted in separate luxury cars. Of course, Takemichi is automatically put in the same ride as his older brother. Sanzu and Kokonoi followed right after them. Now the young boy sits comfortably between the two white haired males-with Koko at his left and Mikey to his right. Sanzu seats at the front passenger seat.

"Good thing you're didn't get hurt this time eh? Takemitchy." The familiar voice of Kokonoi Hajime drags Takemichi back to reality as the boy feels his hair be affectionately ruffled. "We would've no choice but to go all night if they hurt you."

"Yep! I got lucky with the misters.." Takemichi innocently replies back before pouting adorably. "Ah~ I remember Mr. Baldie telling me I'm going to be sold off abroad after getting the ransom from Bonten though!"

"Fish bait is a pretty light sentence then." Kokonoi's grin was sharp, his eyes holding a cruel glint. "Should've harvested their organs without anesthesia first, Sanzu."

"That I should've." The pink haired male slowly turns to give a remorseful look at the only child in the car, "Don't worry Takemitchy, I'll make sure their friends and families get their organs harvested. They'll all pay the price for laying hands on you."

The ten year old boy, who was internally a twenty six year old man that grew up in a normal life, wanted to scream profanities at the madmen around him.

'Whose faults is it that I got kidnapped in the first place anyways?! I'm pretty fucking sure you all let this thing happened-' Despite the frustration settling deep in the pits of his stomach, the smile on Takemichi's face doesn't twitch nor let up-revealing nothing of his ire towards the three adults. Not wanting to add more innocent corpses on his list of dead bodies, the boy beams. '-I need to distract them quickly...'

"No need~ If you do that you guys can't play as much with me." He then childishly pouts, chubby cheeks puffing for extra measure. "We snuffed out the traitors already, didn't we?" Pointing at himself, Takemichi grinned as he sees lanky arms reach for his sides. "I want a reward!"

The young boy allows himself to be placed on Mikey's lap, unminding the amused chuckles of Sanzu and Kokonoi.

Mikey's insomniac appearance didn't garner any negative reaction from the younger Sano, who only giggles. Instead, the older Sano stares unblinkingly at his little brother before slightly tilting his head to the side.

"I'll give you anything you want."

Ocean blue eyes crinkled in delight as he leaned forward, gently placing his forehead on Mikey's with gentleness.

Beautiful ocean blue orbs locked with pitch abyssal black ones.

"I want a whole day with Mikey-nii!"

"I'm all yours then, Mitchy."

He considered the small smile on the older Sano's usually emotionless face a win.

Hanagaki Takemichi learned to live as Sano Takemitchy.

He worried at first that posing as a ten year old around the most dangerous men in society would wound up with him dead.

He is proven wrong when he realizes there is more to Sano Takemitchy than just being the little brother of Sano Manjirou.

Takemichi respected a little boy named Sano Takemitchy from the bottom of his heart.

See, after Takemichi woke up as Takemitchy, he gained the young child's memories in life. And from there the adult male learns of the younger boy's trials and tribulations in life. He learns that Takemitchy was a child from troubling circumstances.

Takemitchy had a mother who was hooked on drugs, leading to a turbulent life of constantly on the move and parental neglect. The young boy having to see adults come over and snort white substances, turning into a completely different versions of themselves.

Takemitchy learned early on to hide when the parties happen, to fend for himself when the adults around him clearly couldn't.

Even when his mother unceremoniously drops him off at the Sano Dojo with little to no explanation, the young boy never complained.

Eight years old and abandoned, Takemitchy was unfazed at the odds stacked against him.

There lived one old man in the huge Sano household. He was kind enough to take Takemitchy in without questions, didn't question the blood of Sano flowing in him. He gave Takemitchy roles in the house and was always satisfied that the young boy was not only polite but a quick learner.

Takemichi learns that at eight years old, Takemitchy already envisioned his goals in life.

The young boy would always draw in his spare time, doodling a simple house by the sea.

Takemitchy wanted nothing in life but to live a quiet life by the sea. To live by himself surrounded by pets and always close to the sea to hear its calming waves.

That's why the youngest Sano never complained with whatever task the elder gave him. Takemitchy wholeheartedly believes that by being in the good graces of his grandfather, he can live a normal life and work for his goals like any other driven individuals without having to worry for food, safety and shelter.

However, good things must always come to an end.

Takemitchy noticed the deteriorating health of his grandfather, and worried for the future.

Little Takemitchy didn't waste any time, quickly going back to his room to begin thinking his next steps.

At eight years old, he enters the rooms of his other siblings. He deduced that two of them were dead, and the living one was out of contact. He calmly predicts that he might be thrown in an orphanage once his grandfather dies. To which Takemitchy doesn't lament on, anything was better than being shoved back in with his drug addict of a mother.

However, Takemitchy still kept on revisiting the rooms and absorbing any information he could get. He spends sleepless nights looking through albums and coaxing his weakening grandfather to tell stories of his 'siblings'. He did so with the intention of replicating his dead siblings' characters if ever the living one, Sano Manjirou, decides to show up and take him in.

Little Takemitchy knew he can never fully imitate his dead siblings, and only focused on getting an overall feel to their basic gestures and facial expressions.

All for the sake of surviving.

Most people would be frightened of how calculating and calm the eight year old was being, but Takemichi only cried for the little boy.

Because Takemichi sees that Takemitchy never actively harms anyone, despite the brilliance of his mind-he never boasts or has driven ambitions to trample on others. No, Sano Takemitchy genuinely only wanted a quiet life by the sea. That was all his little heart desired.

That's why, when Takemichi wakes up as Takemitchy, the deceased twenty six year old wept for the ten year old.

The executives were all surprised to see the usually unfazed and cheery Takemitchy crying himself to exhaustion when they arrived at the scene.

Even when forced to live in Bonten, Takemitchy never let up his fears to anyone-having a solid control of his emotions and knowing just how much can he take advantage of the new privileges' given to him as Sano Manjirou's little brother. The same boy who never complained when his older brother calls for a tattoo artist to have the symbol of Bonten tattooed around his neck. Never uttered a word of complaint at the blood and gore around him.

Sano Takemitchy single handedly became the strongest person Takemichi ever knew.

And Takemichi vowed to achieve the little boy's dreams.

-As well as his own, to see his wife one more time.

Slowly but surely, the silence and gentle rocking from the car along with the pats on his back lulls Takemichi into unconsciousness. Once his soft snores filled the car, Mikey opens his mouth.

"Sanzu." The reply was immediate.

"Yes boss?"

"Kill the families. Harvest their organs as well." A beat of silence, and Mikey adds as an afterthought. "Give the wives to Rindo and Ran."

Sanzu's grin and wide manic eyes was nothing short of insane. "It will be done, my king."

"Poor little Takemitchy, and he tried so hard to distract us too." Koko's twisted smirk widens. "It's always cute to see him try though. Can't get enough of our little sunshine and his endearing antics."

"Bonten is your only home, Mitchy."

The fearsome leader of Bonten softly murmurs, only adjusting his hold on his younger sibling who peacefully sleeps away-oblivious to the all encompassing darkness in his older brother's unblinking gaze..

"I am your everything."

Chapter 3 : Heart


Bonten, for better or worse, needed Takemitchy to keep the organization alive.

And so, for as long as he breathes, Sano Takemitchy's fate is chained to Bonten.

To its executives. To its leader.

To Sano Manjirou.


TW: Suicide attempts.

Chapter Text

The day Sano Takemitchy's existence was discovered, Bonten was at a risk of falling apart at its very core.

Sanzu Haruchiyo was a hair string away from blowing all his underlings' brains out with the amount of stress his mind and body was going through.

The rosy pink haired male with blue eyes can be seen downing more of his illegal drugs at the sheer stress of it all.

Well, Sanzu would down more of it if he wasn't busy tackling his boss to the ground and wrestling to pry the gun off his hands. Blue eyes were wide with panic and madness as he yells for the nearest bodyguards to enter the room.

"Bring the fucking sedatives NOW!"

"Get off me Sanzu." His boss, his god, Mikey curses him up a storm-mercilessly kicking and punching to take the gun back. "Stop being a goddamn pest every single time."

The rosy pink haired male grunts in pain at the force, Mikey did not hold back on his kicks.

Thankfully at last, the grunts have arrived with the sedatives' and it doesn't take much time before the leader of Bonten enters a deep slumbering state from the amount of shots injected to him. Sanzu doesn't let himself rest until he had carried a knocked out Mikey back to bed and confiscating any other possible items his boss can use to kill himself.

"That's the third time this week."

Sanzu doesn't bother sending Akashi Takeomi a greeting, only slumping on the wall with a tired sigh. The older male had a lit cigarette dangling on his lips as he continues. "Our boss might not last long at this rate. Even with you treating him like a mental patient..."

"Shut the fuck up Akashi. You continue with that line and I'll shoot a hole in your head." The smoking man raises his hands placatingly at the venomous glare directed at him. "What? You got any better fucking ideas?"

"Sure do. Whether it'll work or not though is up for debate but still worth giving a shot." Akashi passes him a slip of paper, in which Sanzu grumpily takes and opens with an annoyed stare. His gaze narrowed. "A new Sano's been registered in the family. Get Mikey to meet the lad, see if it'll get him taken off his suicidal tendencies."

"He hasn't contacted anyone from Toman and family for a decade already, are you fucking retarded? What makes you think he'll believe he has a little sibling all of a sudden?"

"He will." Both men snapped their heads at the arrival of a new but familiar voice, seeing Kakucho coming out from the shadows. "Kurokawa Izana is proof of that. His other sibling, Sano Emma is half blood but he loved her all the same."

"Even better." Akashi grins, pulling out a picture from his suit pocket. "He smiles exactly like him"

In the picture is a young boy with raven black hair with the bluest eyes in existence, he was sitting next to the elder Sano, smiling with a gentleness so achingly similar to that of the charismatic Sano Shinichiro.

Even Sanzu was not blind to the level of affection Mikey held for his siblings, Sano Shinichiro especially.

There wasn't much grounding his God to this world anymore, and if dragging one kid into the hellish web of Bonten is what will work then...

Sanzu crumpled the paper in his grasp.

"When's the funeral of the grandfather?"

Akashi grinned.

"In three days, make sure Mikey meets the kid before anyone from Toman does." Sanzu glared at him at the mention of the old Toman members. "You know they'll take him under their care."

Droopy eyes sharpened.

"That kid will be Bonten's property."

Convincing Mikey to visit his grandfather's funeral nearly costs Sanzu an eye and a leg. However, there was nothing the rosy pink haired male wouldn't do for his king.

Akashi supposes he should thank Bonten's number 2 for having such devout loyalty. At least that spared him the effort and risk of convincing Mikey who was becoming more happy trigger far too frequently these days.

The funeral had already began for visitors, and revisiting his dearest friend's house triggered the feeling of nostalgia within the grown male.

It seemed as if time had stopped in the Sano household, everything was where it was. And it honestly looked like Shinichiro would pop out of one of the rooms to give them a friendly and warm greeting.

'I miss you, old friend.'

Akashi doesn't let his stony expression lift, soldiering on as he follows the leader of Bonten through the Tatami hallways.

Entering the room where the funeral is being held, there were already a few elderlies that were friends with the late Sano. Their presence alerted the old people, all of them giving Mikey and his entourage wary glances. Their reactions were understandable, given their appearances and the intimidating aura they exuded.

However, there was only one soul who didn't turn at their entrance. One particular child whose back remained facing them.

One child who continued to pray for the deceased Sano.

Despite the gasps and the murmurs, the boy doesn't turn back until he finished. Mikey doesn't so as much breathe a word of greeting to anyone in the vicinity, only making his way to the only child in the room. Sanzu and Akashi right on his heels.

By the time they reached him, the young child slowly turns towards them as he finished the last of the funeral rites.

The first thing Akashi thinks is that the pictures did his eyes no justice.

'If those ain't the bluest things I've ever seen in my life, I don't know what is.'

Facing them now was a small scrawny boy with fluffy looking raven hair and glistening ocean blue eyes. His youthful features were unreadable, except for the fresh stream of tears running down his doe eyes.

The other visitors exchanged worried glances and murmurs but Akashi only focuses on the two Sanos facing each other.

Sano Takemitchy looks up to Sano Mikey Manjirou, and smiles gently. Eyes closing and lips lifting up to smile so softly and warmly just like Shinichiro.

The kid, barely eight years old and brimming with innocence, opens his mouth. Akashi notes that there wasn't a trace of fear in the boy's eyes, only taking in their appearance with amicability.


From the lack of a violent response from their leader, Akashi knew they've found the cure to ending Mikey's suicide attempts. He lets out an inaudible sigh of relief when the older Sano replies back.

"You're coming with me."

Sano Takemitchy was a strange kid.

He never once put up a fight nor showed any signs of alarm at the intimidating figures surrounding him. When he was told to his face that he will be moved to a different location permanently, the boy only smiled and nodded politely back.

Being taken to the main quarters of Bonten's most important members, the little boy only bows to each of them in greeting with the same kind smile.

He even thanks them for giving him his own room, even with the lack of decoration. Just like that the boy quietly fits himself in Bonten. Mikey had given him the exclusive rights to wander within the luxury penthouse of Bonten, The executives found it oddly fascinating to see a little child curiously walking through the halls and balconies, always having the same soft smile thrown their way when their gazes meet.

Takemitchy was given more than enough allowance to buy whatever he wanted, but the boy only indulged in arts. Often times he can be seen drawing and coloring at random spots of the penthouse throughout the day if he wasn't called by his older brother.

Speaking of which, Mikey's suicidal tendencies had lowered significantly since the arrival of the youngest Sano.

It would only be one particular night that Bonten's executives truly understood Sano Takemitchy's worth when they couldn't find the two Sanos in their usual spots. Worried that their leader is once again attempting to commit suicide, and this time possibly adding his younger brother on the list, everyone had searched high and low in the penthouse-desperate to put a stop on Mikey taking his life.

Imagine their surprise when they find the missing two in Takemitchy's bathroom, with a sleeping Mikey holding tightly unto his younger brother.

The razor blade and pill containers spilled on the tiled floor doesn't escape their notice.

Despite the uncomfortable position they were in, Takemitchy only looks at their shocked expressions with a calm smile so off putting on an eight year old's expression.

"Mikey-nii is sleeping, can you take him to bed?" Is the first thing that comes out of the little boy's mouth. Even when Mikey was successfully moved back into his bedroom, Takemitchy stayed close to his older brother, carding his little fingers through ivory white hair-watching with a gentle gaze as the older Sano relaxes further into the touch.

From then on, Mikey never attempted another suicide.

Mikey always called for Takemitchy's presence, which the younger brother never denied him of. The older Sano could always be seen sitting beside his little brother, granting him anything his little heart desires. The leader of Bonten appeared to be just like a stoic but doting older brother when not busy with Bonten's affairs.

Takemitchy remained cheerful and began acting more like a kid slowly but surely as his relationship with his older brother solidified.

Yet his his wishes were all so simple.

"I want to spend the day with Mikey-nii."

"Can we all eat together?"

"Can I have more art supplies?"

These three things were all he ever asks for, and Bonten's executives didn't know whether to be fond or baffled at the boy's selflessness. Perhaps they already were doing both.

Takemitchy became the perfect stabilizer for Mikey and Bonten.

He was the perfect child who is always lovable no matter what he did. Never throwing tantrums and only showing enough playfulness that the adults around him can tolerate. A child who only wanted three things: Time with his older brother, meals with everyone, and art supplies. A boy who never has any interest in power, only wanting to be a soothing companion for the leader of Bonten.

They do not acknowledge the longing looks on Takemitchy's face whenever he sits on his lonesome on the windowsill in his room.

They do not comment on the tears of pain streaming down the boy's cheeks when the mark of Bonten is forcibly tattooed on the eight year old's neck.

Not a word escapes them when they have to wake the boy up from the terrible nightmares he'd have from the amount of blood and gore they'd brutally exposed him to.

Bonten, for better or worse, needed Takemitchy to keep the organization alive.

And so, for as long as he breathes, Sano Takemitchy's fate is chained to Bonten.

To its executives. To its leader.

To Sano Manjirou.

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