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Not A Different Love Story

The Beautiful Boy Doll

The party hall… the playing sound of violin. Hey, look it was him. He was looking so handsome even form this far distance. Wow, he is so cute. I want him. Oh! See his dimple, so cute. Screaming…ladies.

Why is it so crowded here? Excuse me, Ladies. Excuse, me…Finally, passed away from the crowd… What are they staring at? Oh! It’s again him. Why is this happening again and again to me? This guy is seriously something. He is why, why, so good at everything? I really hate him. See…Not even a single young lady is interested in me. Even though I’m handsome as hell. Wow... He is so cute. Pushed him in the rush to get near our hero.

God damn...These girls seriously have no eyes for me. The violin playing music stopped. Ladies and Gentlemen’s thank you for your patience listening. Bowing down respectfully.

The sound of applause and cheering sounds tear ears. Girls were driven crazy to hear his voice. Wow…his voice was so magnetic. It would be great if he spoke few more words. I’m going to record his voice.

Oh! How cheap? Thinking like that. Only his voice? Next time I’m just going to record his full performance, as a video. Umm..That’s right, what she said was true... I’m also going to record his each and every reactions. Oh…just thinking of that, I’m getting dizzy.

Hey, what’s wrong with you? Stand properly you…hey don’t lean over me. What is she doing? She is ruining my beauty. I’m sorry mam... behalf of my friend, she just lost herself in dream.

Oh My GOD…She is so weird, being super dramatic. Looking over the stage, Where? Where did he gone?

Mom, my warm greetings to you (bowing down). Get up, Honey!!! You really did a great job today. Our partners were really interested to invest in our business. Really, they all enjoyed your music. Your Dad was really happy that it was a good deal. Excuse me, Madam…the Sir was calling you. Mom….

Sorry, Honey I’m leaving…enjoy the party, you really did a great job. Yeap! It’s my pleasure mom… (Not even finished his words).

Yeah…Yeah, catch you later guys. I knew him, here he goes again. Excuse me, (walking towards him). Is the little puppy is sad without his owners?

Scarlet…stop playing with me. I’m not a puppy, importantly not a little puppy!!! Don’t forget I’m your elder brother. Hmm…alright, alright. Don’t keep your face like that. My little puppy was not grown yet.

Like every story, in our hero’s life, he also has one angelic soul around him. Here in this story that angelic soul was his younger sister. Apart from his sister, his childhood memories and many of his days and years was passed by muted.

He didn’t really completed his words well, as earlier. The things for him always goes like this. He finished his elementary education and moved to secondary education, there he started to learn new things. After long years he slowly started to express himself. Started to like and dislike the things. As an introvert, while he started to express, his character was becomes quite unpredictable to others. This lead huge changes in his life.

When he started to express himself more, the more he become weird to others. It was quite a normal things but it always becomes the hot news, whatever he did.

“He must be lunatic. What’s wrong with him…? Hey…what happened to you? You are acting weird, lately. Hey, look he is weird…???" people’s voice echoes in him mind repeatedly.

After a war within himself, he started to run from those words quietly. He started to silently cry and tried to bear all those pain within his strength. Not really ready to speak out. But it was already quite a lot to handle by him for his age. He perplexed!!! Really who he is? What his real self??? Without knowing again, he returned to his initial point where he started.

Stopped to expressing himself. He just played according to his parents will, irrespective of his own desire. Without his knowledge, it becomes his comfort zone after a long run. He even started to believe that, "This was his life". The days and years crawled.

Surprisingly, the bloomed business of his family crashed down to the bottom. Slowly everyone, his family believed as their partners betrayed them.

This little boy couldn’t understand what’s going on? Because it was the sudden situation which was not in his parents well designed plan for him.

Each and every day becomes a war to him. He lost in the new world which was unplanned. The boy started to meet new peoples, in his language the strangers. He was scared and trembled quietly inside himself. His parents now didn’t have time to make a plan for his life anymore. They were too engaged to make their life better again. Now our hero’s life fall out of plans and predictions...

Being a quiet child, he always tends to obey others. Didn't learnt to disagree. Later, after his family business falls down everyone started to bossy and bullies him. As the quite boy, only he taught to obey others, he naturally learns to adopt himself to get bullied. The more he adopted the more he got bullied and teased. These events made him totally muted. When it hurts habitually we start to scream in pain and when we are happy we tend to smile. But in his case, he stopped screaming at one certain point and also stopped smiling. Whatever the situation he just has an expressionless face. In the middle of all, these, time won't pause for anyone right. He completed his secondary education and entered into a higher secondary level.

It was totally a new ground for him. In this level he moved away from his home for his education. More importantly parted from his sister. From the only angel he has, who speaks up for him, also the one who understands and listens to him. He was in the new territory with lot of strangers. This new air was not been refreshing to him. It really becomes suffocating. He couldn’t able to adopt himself to this new settings. The boy missed his sister a lot. The boy who didn’t dared to speak, the boy who didn’t dared to express himself…started to vanish in the thick skinned world. His tears busted like unannounced heavy rain after a long time.

He started run and to run... Didn’t know where he is going to stop? Because of sobbing he couldn’t able to balance the breathing...

He started to struggle for breathing. Puff…puff…Finally he stopped running. The boy’s legs started to tremble without strength and his hands shiver. His body shoaked with sweat. He felt like throwing up and couldn’t bear the new changes around him. Fell down and out of breath…

Hey... what's wrong? Open your eyes, I got you buddy.

To be continued...

Met His Angel

In the previous chapter, we get to know about our hero and his childhood memories which were not pleasant and enjoyable.

To be continued…


Ares… Open your eyes. Wow…He really got long eyelids. It looks beautiful, damn my eyes... Got stuck with it. Is he trying to open his eyes. He is trying to open his eyes slowly.  The blur vision…Who is he? His face, It's not clear. Did he say beautiful? Me?

Hey, are you with me? Can you stand up? Do you hear me? Carrying him. Ares couldn’t open his eyes well, like his eyelids were glued. What’s wrong with this guy? He is taking me somewhere? Is he from one of that bully gang? Whatever, I can’t do anything… I’m totally exhausted. Hey! You can do anything to me. He whispered these words into his ears and went blank.

Hi…what’s wrong? Why are you like this? Puff…Puff… hassling to breath. You actually carried someone here... So confused.

Madam Julian, please look over him. Ares is… Ares is… his voice trembles like he is about to cry. Umm… I got it. Hey, help me to lay him on the bed. Thank you, Now, please wait outside. Hmm-Mm... Can't I… Stay here with him. Can't I... Hey, believe me he is in good hands. With half a heart, he closed the door and came out.

Madam Julian, starts to examine him… she started to unbutton his shirt. She was so shocked to see, how his body was covered with scars and buries… What is this, all? What is he going through? Her eyes filled with tears. Instantly, tears shredded down without control. Those tear drops slowly landed on his cheeks. But he wasn't even able to feel it. This fact hits her heart hard.

She gently begins to treat all his wounds. Time flies. Knocking the door. Knock… Knock… Hey, don’t die by waiting outside, just, get in. I’m done. He crawled straight away into the room.

He didn’t open his eyes yet? So shockingly he spilled out his words. Madam Julian…why is he not opening his eyes yet? Didn’t you say that, I left him in the right hands? Then why is he not opening his eyes… Why?

Hey, calm down, don’t burn me in your anger. He is just sleeping. He was too exhausted. Give him time to take rest. Looking you like this...Don’t say that he was the one you…

Meanwhile, Ares slowly gains his senses. Opening his eyes slowly. Hey, you really have no patience. You disturbed him. He is opening his eyes. You deal with him, give me a minute...

Hi... I'm... I don't know what to say? Seriously, what is he doing behind me?

Hmm... Thank you for a minute. Let me look at him first. Excuse me.

Ares…how are you feeling now? Are you alright? Do you hear me? Can you say, how many fingers is this? Showing two fingers in front of him. Hey, you stop it. You are scaring him. Can’t you see that...

Hmm…I’m, I’m really sorry.

Ares are you feeling better now? Do you want to have some water?

Mm... Thank you for asking. I’m fine. I don’t feel thirsty, now. But, Where am I? And you? He was totally perplexed. Not aware of his surroundings, where he was and who are the people in front of him? Hey, hey, calm down. Don’t be anxious. I’m Julian, the nurse from your school. You are in the nurse office. You fainted earlier and he got to carry you here.

I’m sorry, that I’m troubled, you both. Trying to get up. You, don't move just lay down. You need rest. I'm really sorry... To trouble you.

Ares don’t say that. I only felt sad that we met in an unpleasant situation like this. Otherwise, I’m really glad to meet you face to face…because I only heard about you . And you are so…

Madam Julian, please, stop blabbering in front of  him. Now, you are scaring him more than I did before

What???  Why does she sound, so familiar, with me? And how did they know my name. Madam Julian, if you don’t mind can I ask, how did you guys know my name? I don’t think we met before.

Mm-Hmm… that’s right. How did I know your name? Looking up and down… It’s because, I just have every student's profile. And I remember their names from there. See the profiles, there on my desk. That’s right, I know your name from the profile.

Alright! Madam Julian. But how did this guy know? Oh! He is asking more questions, now what should I say? Yeah! This guy knows your name from me. Yes, it was like that...

Umm… You stop talking now and get some rest. I think you need more rest. But... Oh...Oh... Close your eyes and get rest. Please excuse us, for now. Both, disappeared from that place.

Even though, she said it was from the students profile. But, it feels so suspicious. According to the data of our school website, I read that, the strength was approximately five thousand students and how can she remember those all names? It's really strange, I should be careful with her. And the boy next to her, why did he wear a mask? All of a sudden, while I’m trying to open my eyes. And while asking, how he learnt my name, he couldn't answer me. He is more suspicious than Madam Julian. Ares mind overflowed with hundreds of questions one by one without giving him a break. But he fell asleep because of the influence of injected drugs without his knowledge.


Hey, stop being vexed. You, drink some water and remove your mask. You look so scary with that. I’m so tired that you dragged me so far from him. Offering him a water bottle. Alright, I’m in the wrong place. I’m sorry, I’m so excited to see him in person. And you know it was my first time to see him head in head, and he is really an art of God. Also, he is well-spoken unlike you. I couldn’t control my emotions well.

Madam Julian… his voice sounds jealous.

Oh! I’m sorry again. Wow…he is a superb friece, when he is jealous rather than angry. Stop looking at me like that. Hey, you tell me something, now?

What’s wrong? Madam Julian sounds so serious suddenly.

Are you aware that he has been bullied for a long time still now? Are you?

What? What are you saying? No, I’m not really aware, Madam Julian.

Umm, I just discovered, earlier, while examining his body. Ares body was totally covered with scars and buries both front and back side. I noticed that, they are continuously targeted to hit him below his neck and above his hip. I’m really, shocked. He must be in so much pain. I'm really sorry felt for him. Hey…where are you running?

To him, Madam Julian. Hey, you, take your mask. Thank you.

He is really something. She chuckles…Ares don’t be scared anymore, you met your angel. This guy won’t let you, get hurt, not even a little bit. Wow…finally it’s happening. But I really feel bad for those bullies.


He reached the room. Heavily breathing…Puff…Puff… contorling his breath for a moment. Getting inside the room without making sound. Being so cautious, to not make any sound. He reached close to him. His eyes loaded up with tears. He slowly caresses his hair. Touching his long eyelids gently. Slowly… unfastening his shirt buttons one by one. 

This World Not Suitable For Him…

In the previous chapter, Ares met a strange person. Who cares about him a lot, he carried him to the nurse office and helped him to treat his wounds.

To be continued…

Ares…I’m sorry, don’t be angry when you get aware of it. He unfastened all buttons. Staring at his scars and buries. Gently, start to blow on his wounds one by one… His eyes filled with tears, without his knowledge.

He whispered the words, I’m sorry. His voice sounds so sad. Slowly caress his hair. He really got a full moon shaped face. He has grown a lot. And he is getting cute day by day.

While gazing at his face… His eyes again got stuck with Ares attractive long eyelashes. His long fingers… compassionately, starts to embrace his thin black eyebrows, his long, straight and downward-pointing nose, his pretty earlobes, his puffy cheeks, his fine thin lips, his long neck and at last his fingers arrived back to feel his ravishing eyelashes where his eyes were locked for a while.

He couldn’t stop himself to control his urge to touch it. Moving his hand to caress them…gradually. His heart suddenly starts to throb. Immediately withdrawn his fingers back. How can he let his guard down like this? He is so careless.

Ares sleeping soundly. Or he must be not still out from the influence of durgs, yet. Hmm… He is so charming when he sleeps belithe (care-free) like this. Heard a footstep sound… he hurried to secure his unfasten buttons. So, possessive, he didn’t want others to see Ares like this.

Please, Stay there… don’t come any further or make noise. He is sleeping. I don’t want anyone to disturb him. It’s true but rather, he really didn’t want anyone to see him. Especially at this moment… Ares looks so adorable when he slumbers (sleeps). Stepping outside with that guy without making any noise.

Bowing down in front of him.  Reporting…Young one, we found that bully gang. How do you like me to deal with them?

He is also bowing down. Young One… So, shocked. Why are you bowing down in front of me?

Giggles… same reaction over years. He didn’t get changed at all. Getting, closer to him. He whispered… these words in his ears, hmm…Because you did, so I did. If you won’t stop bowing down in front of me then I don’t think I will stop…doing it.Young one, really didn’t change a bit even after so many years. He is still as humble and kind as he ever is. Also still being playful and lively.

Can we get straight now? That’s really kind of you, Young one. Hmm-mm… now he also wants me to remind him of my name… Alright then, Hey… Try calling me Levon. Do you also need the pronunciation…It’s Lev-On.  Don’t say that you are already forgotten my name. I’m sad. I’m so heart-broken. How can you do this to me? Just because we both met after so many years. After all, how can you forget those beautiful times we spend together??? Have you??? Getting too close and teasing him. Did you really forget about me???

Levon… don’t you think, your play was going too far??? Suddenly, he hugged him. Lev…what are you doing? Trying to step away. But he couldn’t… Wow, he got stronger than before. Couldn’t help but to hug him. Ethan, you really don’t know how bad I missed you for those past years… But you dare to treat me as a stranger???

Alright…alright. I’m wrong, don’t cry. Kissed on Levon’s cheeks. Ethan… Oh! you really have a nerve to kiss me now, after you are treating me as an outlander earlier. You are really so cold hearted…As always.  I’m sorry. Hugging him tightly. I’m just so nervous… And I don’t  really know how you want me to behave? I should behave as your friend? Or As your serv…(servant). He closed, Ethan’s mouth tightly. Lev… he couldn’t speak. Don’t dare to say that word…again in front of me. Levon’s playful eyes immediately turned into the menacing ones. Levon…Seriously, control your temper, don’t you see… You are hurting him. I’m sorry, Ethan… Stepping away.

His temper still stays unchanged as immortal. Also Levon’s eyes still have the unwavering power… spacing out.

Ethan…??? Hey, do you hear me? Waving hand in front of his eyes. Returned back to his playful mode again. Ethan??? Are you here…

Finally, he recollects his senses back. Yes, I’m here.  I’m all ears, Levon…

Aright, did you get it done???  

Yes… I sticked to your words. Levon…How do you want me to deal with them???

Hmm-mm… I just want them to realize, What grave mistake they have ever made in this lifetime??? His high-sprited voice slowly turned into blood-crudling. And make sure, that idiots won’t forget their sin, even after they get reincarnated for a thousand more years from now. Hmm… be sure that Ares doesn’t get to know this. Even a bit. He didn’t really like this kind of thing. But don’t you think Ethan, that he is too soft to live in this harsh world? Actually, this world is not suitable for him… Don’t you think the same??? Oh…buddy, you're really blinded by him.

As of your words… It will be copied as you said. They both parted from there.

Opening his eyes slowly… he felt his body refresh. Seems like I’m thirsty… trying to reach the water near his bed. But, his hand was too short to reach-out. He slowly moves his body… to get the drink. Unfortunately, Ares lost him balance and gravity pulled  him down towards the ground. I’m done… Wow, let me guess what part do I get to hurt this time? I think it’s not going to be as bad as the last time. But what to do??? I’m really terrified of getting hurt still. Closing his eyes tighter in the fear. Finally, gravity wants it nothing could do??? Preparing well to embrace the pain.

He hit down. Wow…it’s hard…it’s really hard. But something feels strange… it does not hurt. Totally perplexed. Feeling it… Mm… It’s hard…so hard but it does not hurt… Too weird. Opening his eyes…






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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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