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Poor Girl Meets Rich Boy:

Poor Girl Meets Rich Boy: A Love Story


Clara, the poor girl, grew up in the heart of the countryside in a dilapidated town.

She is portrayed as a polite, obedient, and down to earth daughter of a drunken, aggressive, and selfish farmer. From the way in which the father treats her, we know that women during that time were not on par with men and were only expected to serve men.

They treated women like commodities, suggesting that men only wanted to use women for their own benefits.

Rather than nurturing her, Clara's father shatters her self-esteem and faith in herself. On the other hand, Alfredo, the rich boy, was a spoilt grandchild of the mighty Duke of Harpenden England.

He grew up in a luxurious mansion and was fed by a silver spoon. Alfredo's vanity and predilection for sensual pleasures were shaped by those who catered to him.

Both characters were systematically abused by members of society, resulting in disillusionment and crises of identity.

The introduction implies that there is a force in the world that unites two lovers who were never meant to meet and fall in love.

Both the poor girl and the rich boy experience suppression on their thoughts of love predefined by the world, yet they tried to break free from the conventional and indulge in an unconventional relationship.


Piper Hamilton, born as the only child in her family, was raised by her mother. Her mother used to work as an assistant nurse at the city hospital, earning minimal wage. Piper's father had left them when she was just a few months old.

She remembered her mother had told her father was a lawyer, but he didn't want to reveal their relationship and have a family at that time. He needed to put his career as a first priority.

Her father's family was well known in the city, but the moment her mother got pregnant, she was outlasted from that world. Same goes for the father. It was too shameful for a high class lawyer to have an illegitimate child with someone from a low-class society.

Her grandparents, tutors, and playmates suddenly became strangers in two weeks' time after her mother's pregnancy was revealed in one of the charity dinners her father's family organized. Her mother was strongly against the idea to file for child support

because she didn't want her daughter to be some 'dirty money'. She wanted Piper to grow up with dignity, to never feel ashamed or worthless about herself because of money that comes from her father.

Her love for Piper is far more valuable than anything her father could possibly give.

One thing Piper always remembered was her mother's favorite bedtime story: Cinderella. Her mother told her the story ever since she was able to understand words.

Alina Hamilton was Piper's inspiration from every Cinderella's faceless mother. She was a hardworking, loving mother who has shared her laughter and her tears.

Every time Piper heard the story, it was like a reassurance for her to remember who she is and where she is from. Her mother was not a living and breathing fairy godmother to grant her wishes,

but a hardworking mother who would go the extra mile to make Piper smile on her darkest day. Her father,

however, more to resemble the character of Prince Charming. A selfish, egotistic being who only seeks his own satisfaction and happiness.


Background of the Rich Boy

Our male protagonist, whom I shall call Andrew, is perhaps the most interesting and complex character in "Poor Girl Meets Rich Boy:

A Love Story. Andrew was born to a rich and influential family. They live in a luxurious mansion, situated at the heart of a sprawling estate.

Andrew's father is a successful businessman,, And he holds a hereditary title of nobility. However, this does not mean that the family fortune is ancient. In fact,

Andrew's paternal grandfather made the family's money by selling weapons during the Second World War. On the other hand, the family of Andrew's mother has always been wealthy. In fact,

Andrew's maternal ancestors have often held high positions in government. From the very beginning, it is clear that Andrew has led a life of comfort and privilege, with an extended family that dotes on him, ever since he was a child.

 He has always been able to live a life of leisure, with a personal chauffeur to drive him to and from his private school, and a maid to cater to his every need. As a result, he has become quite grumpy, with a tendency to harbor feelings of entitlement

And dissatisfaction. For example, when his parents told him that he would have a little sister after the birth of Elena, their domestic helper caught him ripping up the teddy bear that she had bought for the baby.

He is also prone to mood swings, and has on several occasions, thrown tantrums over trivial matters. Despite their fights, nearly all members of the family admire his intelligence and wit.

His quick temper and sarcastic tongue are often dismissed as mere dissatisfaction with the rest of the world. Ever since, he is yet to find someone who understands him completely, so that he may be completely comfortable and act as he likes without the fear of being misunderstood.

We will come back to Andrew's intriguing and sometimes frustrating personality later on. I promise we will also uncover more about this poor girl too.

The next section of the story is


"The Chance Encounter

the story shifts to focus on The male character and his side of events. It begins with him reluctantly attending a high-class event at his faTher's place of work, a famous lawyer's office.

We are slowly introduced to his background, and it becomes obvious that he has always been a bit of a rebel at heart - he has no interest in inheriting his father's money and pursuing a career in law, and instead dreams of traveling the world and writing about his experiences.

This contrasts hugely with his father, a strict man who is keen for his son to follow in his footsteps and maintain the prestigious reputation of the family.

The male character makes an effort to present himself as happy at the event in front of the work's clients and his father's colleagues, mingling and enjoying himself in a laughably outdated suit.

However, after a while he becomes disinterested, escaping to the balcony for some peace and quiet. It is here that the male and female characters first meet:

the protagonist recalls being struck by the pure, unfiltered joy on the girl's face as she danced under the stars alone to the orchestra's music.

He is captivated, and they share a moment of pure, natural laughter and conversation that reinforces the strong contrast between their characters

and the suffocating tension of both of their current lives. The section ends with his father rudely interrupting, asking him to return straight away and join the important guests for a family photo


Unexpected Meeting

The Unexpected Meeting

Upon returning home, they promptly got out of the car and entered their house together. They went their separate ways after wishing each other a good night. Alex went into his study and began reading while Emily went to her room and made a fashion design. They both went to bed after midnight. When it struck midnight, Alex was uneasy. He was very aware that it was the anniversary of the deaths of his parents.

His parents had gone to the theater to watch a show and had died in a car accident on the way home, a few hours after the show had ended. His parents had left him a huge heritage.

They had also left a substantial amount of money for him to finish his studies; a condition he had not yet fulfilled. Growing up, living with the guilt that he was the reason for his parents' death and managing their wealth was overwhelming.

But as the man of the house, he had nobody to comfort or understand him. He never shed a single tear in front of Emily over the deaths of his parents. It was the biggest secret that he had kept from No.6. His heart ached and pain seared through him as he lied in the bed where he had seen his parents alive for the last time.

He looked at the clock, and it read 12.40am. Suddenly, he heard the same melancholic melody of a music box playing. But this time, it was not his music box. This melody was stronger, clearer and more beautiful. In a rush, he sat up. The music was coming from outside. He quickly put on his clothes and went out of the house. The music led him to the back garden.

There, he saw Emily sitting on a swing. The music box was in her hand and she was humming to the beautiful melody. When Alex walked out, she stopped humming and looked at him with surprise.

Their eyes locked onto each other. Emily was the first one to break the silence by apologizing, "I'm sorry if I disturbed you, I found this music box in the attic this afternoon and I just couldn't stop myself from playing it. I promise I won't play it again today." His heart raced, and his palms were sweaty.

He could not believe that the girl that captured his heart was right there in front of him, playing the music that reminded him of his parents. He was stunned by her beauty; the way her glossy brown curls touched her perfect fair skin, the way her big brown eyes lit up his world and the way her lips curved up into a sweet smile.

Furthermore, he was deeply moved by her. Furthermore, he could hardly articulate any words, but finally he managed to say, No, you don't have to apologize. That was my mother's favorite melody. You.

you play it beautifully." Their deep eye contact lingered for a few more seconds before Emily replied, "Thank you. I found it very charming too." It was the start of their unexpected and yet destined love for each other.

of money and power, an instantaneous belief in a romantic future can become realized in strange and wonderful ways.

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