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Beyond The Centuries: Two Thousand Years Later

episode 1: Machine

Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Mina are you here...?
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
There you are. *[Walks straight to Mina]*
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Hey wake up
Mnn.... *[Slowly waking up]*
You.... Why... What are doing in my *[Yawning]* house.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Huh...! If I didn't come here I'm sure you would starve yourself to death because of the research you've been working on.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Here I brought you some food.
Thanks Thea, I know you care about me. 😄😄😄
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
So how is your research? Have any progress?
Sigh *[shakes head]*
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
What? You've been working on it for about a year, how come there are no results yet?
Well... The machine is a bit complicated so no progress until now.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Is that really hard?
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Then, do you at least know what does it do?
*[shakes head]* I have no idea
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Oh... I see
*[Smiles]* Do you want to have a look?
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Sure! I would love to.😊
*[Walks to the room where the machine is being keep]*
They stayed there for a couple of minutes, examining the machine.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
This is so awesome...👍
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Just where in the world did you found this thing?
That's.... Um... *[Hesitant]*
well... It's in the bottom of the ocean.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
The bottom of the ocean... I see
Anyway let's go
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Just as the two preparing to leave the room, a sudden and unexpected event unfolded before their eyes. A sudden energy emanated in the machine causing it to light up. In a matter of seconds, a powerful vortex formed, exerting a tremendous sucking force that begun pulling everything in the room towards its center.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
❗*[Turns around]*
As the chaos unfolded and the vortex's suction force intensified, Althea found herself momentarily caught off guard, unable to react in time. In a split second, she was pulled towards the center of the swirling vortex, unable to resist its powerful grasp. Her friend reached out desperately, but her efforts were in vain as she was swiftly swallowed by the vortex, disappearing from sight.
As Althea was pulled into the vortex, the machine responsible for creating the vortex abruptly ceased its activity, leaving the room engulfed in an eerie silence. The once vibrant glow dissipated, and the suction force dissipated along with it. Mina stood in disbelief, her eyes fixed on the now motionless machine. The room returned to its normal state, as if nothing had happened.
No no no no.......!!! Althea...!!!

episode 2: This forest is strange~

In the midst of the wilderness, Althea slowly opened her eyes, while trying to adjust her vision to the bright sunlight. As she sat up, she looked at her surroundings, her eyes darting from one unfamiliar sight to another.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
W-w-wait...! Where the heck is this place! *[Anxious]*
Her heart pounded in her chest as a surge of anxiety washed over her. The sudden shift in her environment left her disoriented and alarmed. However, she she knows she have to calm down.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
No... I need to calm down. I must stay strong.
She scanned the area, trying to find any semblance of familiarity in the vast expanse of wilderness that stretched out before her.
While she scan the area, she saw something familiar.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
That thing...🧐 It's the machine!
She approached it with caution, then she examined every component of the machine, seeking any recognizable characteristics.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Just as I thought, it's really the machine. But it looks worn out.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Some parts are also missing. *[Disappointed]*
Upon realizing that the machine won't work out out because of the missing parts, she become frustrated.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
*[Sat down in the ground]* (Sigh) This is totally pointless.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
How can I even go back, when some parts of the machine are missing. *[Troubled]*
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
I don't also know how to make it work. *[Irritated]*
Overwhelmed by her emotions, she let out a cry of frustration and despair. Tears swelled up in her eyes as she lay down in the ground.
As night fell, Althea remained lying on the ground, lost in thoughts and the weight of her situation. She only noticed the time when hunger begun to gnaw her stomach.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
*[Stomach Growling]*
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Ahh......I'm hungry...... *[Lifeless tone of voice]*
Althea pushed herself from the ground and sat up.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Should I go hunting.......? But it's already dark.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
*[Stomach Growling]*
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Ugh... Seems like I can't skip a meal tonight.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Let's see first what I got in my pocket.
She began searching through her pockets, hoping to find any tools that could aide her in hunting for food.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
I found one. (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
She was quite relieve to have something in her pocket, but when she looked again at the knife in her hand, she suddenly reliaze something.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ ???
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Why do I have pocket knife in my pocket?
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
*[Thinking deeply]*
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Oh I remember now, this is Jake's knife. Oh my gosh, I forgot to return it.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Anyway, I'm going to hunt.
As she walks through the forest, she kept her senses sharp, attuned to any movement or sounds that might lead to a potential food source.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Strange, I can't spot any living creature.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
{💭: Why is it very quiet? I've been wandering here for about an hour, but heard nothing, not even the chirping of crickets.}
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
My instincts tells me something is amiss here.
Name: Althea Age : 23 Status: College student
Name : Mina Age : 26 Status: Independent scientist

episode 3: Run Away

Following the unsettling incident that happened in the room, Mina urgently called the others without delay. With a trembling voice, she told Emma to come to her house immediately.
Mina tell me now. Just what happened here...?!
It's... It's Tia(Althea)... She... She was pulled into a vortex created by that machine. *[She said with a trembling voice]*
Mina, I'm not in the mood for jokes right now, so please tell me what's really--
I'm not joking! *[Serious]*
What...? M-mina... You can't be serious.
*[Shakes her head]* It's true...
Emma... *[Sobbing]* it's all my fault... If only I hadn't... If only I hadn't shown Tia the room, the incident wouldn't have happened. *[Crying]*
I don't even know how to make this damn machine work, so I don't know how to bring her back. *[Wiping her tears with her sleeves]*
*[Lossing her balance due to shock]*
I'm sorry, it's all my fault... *[Crying]*
Mina... *[Gently embracing her]* Don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known this would happen. We'll find a way to bring her back, so please stop saying it's your fault.
I'm certain that Tia wouldn't want to see you like this either.
Wah.... Hic.... Emma.... *[Crying nonstop]*
Tia sat near the machine, deep in thought about her current situation.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Ugh... What should I do now? It's not like I can return using this broken machine. *[She muttered to herself]*
Lost in her thoughts, she paid little attention to her surroundings.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
I ended up here because I was sucked into a vortex created by that machine. Now, I'm stranded in this wilderness. *[she mused, her mind racing with possibilities*]
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
This is unbelievable, to think that there is a device that capable of transporting a person to another place.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
If word got out about this, the world would go crazy for sure.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
*[Deep sigh]*
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
No, I can't stay here.
With this realization, Tia knew she couldn't stay put, hoping for a miracle. She rose from her spot and embarked on a journey.
As she traveled, an uneasy feeling washed over her.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
I've been walking for a long time, but I haven't seen a single creature. Is it just me, or is this forest strange?
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Never mind, my priority right now is to find my way home.
Her journey continued, and soon, thirst began to gnaw at her. She went in search of a river and, to her relief, she found one nearby.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
It's a river, finally, I've found water.
But, as she was about to quench her thirst, a large figure emerged from the shadows. Her eyes widen in shock as she took in the sight of the monstrous lizard standing before her.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
What the...
The creature let out a strange sound, its gaze fixed on Tia. Suddenly, it raised its arm, preparing to strike.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
{💭: Shit it's going to crush me to the ground.}
With a swift movement, she managed to dodge the creature's attack, the ground cracking under the force of its blow.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
What the heck is that thing! *[She thought, while her mind is racing.]*
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
No, I can't stay here.
Knowing she was in danger, Tia turned on her heels and ran. But to her horror, the lizard pursued her.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Why is that thing following me! Run, Tia, run faster, or you'll become food for that lizard!
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Wait, don't lizards eat insects? If it's hungry, it should look for an insect to eat, not me! *[Heart is pounding in her chest]*
After what felt like an eternity, Tia finally managed to lose the creature. Panting heavily, she collapsed on the ground, her body trembling from the adrenaline.
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Just what was that thing? And why was it so massive? Also, the pattern on its body was weird, I've never seen anything like it. *[Panting heavily]*
Althea Walker
Althea Walker
Aghhh.........! How did my life become like this....?! *[She cried to herself]*
Name: Emma Age : 27 Status: ???
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