NovelToon NovelToon

Mafia's Forced Wife

First Meeting

At Night
It was raining heavily. In front of road one girl is helplessly seeking for someone's help.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Please... help me... 😥 *running towards the cars passing by and continues to call for help*
In the midnight, in the street of Italy, she is running here and there trying to get some help for somebody, but everyone is just ignoring her.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*starts crying* Please help... I beg you please help... 😭
The weather is getting more intense than before. Juliet lastly falls in her knees in the middle of the road.
At that time, one car stopped in front of her and due to that Juliet closed her eyes tightly.
*came out of the car* Are you okay? *concerned*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Please Sir... Help me... M-my brother he is injured... Can you take us to the hospital? There is one hospital near please take us there 😭 *hopping to get some help*
*looking at her*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*grabs his hand* Sir.... Please sir... take us to the hospital... 🥺
*it feels like I know this touch*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Sir.... *shake his hands*
Huh? Okay I will take you to the hospital, but where is your brother?
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
He is there *without wasting a second she pointed towards the footpath*
*helps her brother to sit in his car's backseat*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*sit in the backseat of the car and take his brother's head on her lap*
- ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ -
Her Brother's name is Evan Wilson, but she calls him little one. He is 18 years old, and he was a college student.
Someone beaten Evan in his college. There were so many wounds in his body. There was some dry blood in her forehead too.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*slaps Evan's face lightly* Little one open your eyes... look we are going to the hospital, and we will reach there soon. Don't make your sister cry.
Evan Wilson (FL Brother)
Evan Wilson (FL Brother)
*not responding as he was unconscious*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Sir please drive fast... *looked towards that man*
*looking towards Juliet through the rear mirror* We will reach hospital soon don't worry.
After 10 minutes they reached to the hospital campus. The man stopped the car in front of hospital gate.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*came out of the car*
*came out of the car and started helping her to take his brother inside the hospital*
As soon as they entered two ward boys came along with stretcher and take Evan with them.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*started walking with the ward boys but she thought to thank the man who helped her in her crucial time she turned around*
Before Juliet could say anything that man put his coat around Juliet's shoulder and left from there.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
I couldn't get a chance to say thank you properly... I guess god send him to me for the help... *runs towards her brother's stretcher*
Juliet was sitting in front of OT room from half an hour. She was waiting for the doctor to complete the operation.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
God, please keep my little one safe...
Juliet was fully drenched in the rain, so she is trembling due to wet clothes.
*came out of OT room* Who is his family member?
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*puts the coat aside and stands in front of the doctor* I am his sister... He is fine right? 😥 *worried*
*looked at Juliet and recognised her* You are the intern from neurosurgical department right? I think your name is Juliet.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*nods* Yes...
- ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ -
Juliet is an ordinary girl who is living in Italy. She is 23 years old. She was working as an intern in the same hospital where she is standing right now which is S. B Hospital and Research Center.
Juliet was currently wearing a white shear long dress. Her wet clothes was perfectly hugged her body which one can clearly see her body shape.
Her long hairs, her perfect pair of emerald blue eyes, her natural tinted pink lips and her milky white body everything is just perfect, but her nature makes her even more beautiful.
Currently, in this situation, she is looking beautiful with wet hairs and her nose turned red due to coldness.
You know about his situation right?
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Yes 😥 *worried*
Your brother is badly injured around his head and because of that he lost so much blood...
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Whatever it takes just treat my brother... I just want him to get healthy 🥺 *tears foam in her eyes*
There is one way we have to perform brain surgery because of the wound his brain got some injury.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*a drop of tear falls from her eyes*
We need to stop the blood if we couldn't stop the flow we can't save your brother.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Then why are you waiting. Please start the surgery as soon as possible *impatiently said*
We could only start the surgery when you pay the bill. You know that this kind of sugery costs so much.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*nods as yes* How much it will cost?
It will cost 4,00,000 Euro
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
4,00,000 Euro 😥 *tensed*
Look when you pay the amount then only we can start the surgery and if you can't afford it than take your brother to another hospital *left*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*runs towards the doctor* I will pay the fees just start the surgery.
Okay then fill the form and deposit the token amount we will start the surgery *left*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
How will I manage to arrange the money *rubs her sweat from her forehead*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
S-Should I take his help? No…No… I can't... Please, God lead me some way.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
I guess Amara... Yes Amara must be in the reception right now she can help me... *started going towards the reception*
Juliet heard someone is screaming... Water... Water...
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*looks here and there and found someone from ICU is asking for water*
She slowly walks towards the ICU and opened the door there she saw a man was laying in the bed through his stomach just wore black pant.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*saw the bandages in the man's back and felt bad*
Water... water... *searching water while his eyes is closed*
Juliet holds his shoulder and helps him to sit.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Sir... Are you okay?
Juliet grabs the glass of water and put the glass to his lips. The man hold Juliet's hand and starts drinking like he is drinking water after so many years.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*felt shiver through her back when that man's cold hand touched her hand*
The man's eyes were closed. He is not in his senses right now.
*Eyes were covered with his hairs which makes him attractive, and he didn't wear anything in his upper body which makes him look hot*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*looking at the man's sharp facial features and his well built greek god's body*
*drinks the water*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*place the glass on the table and was about to got up*
*grabs her waist and pulled her closer then snuggles in her chest*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*froze and shocked due to his sudden unexpected action* Sir.... 😳 *grabs his shoulder and tried to push him*
*tighten his grip*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*feels his warm breath around her neck and with that her breath starts getting uneven* S-sir... leave me... *push him with full force without caring about his wound*
Because the grip is so tight the man falls along with Juliet in the bed.
*falls on his back* Ahhh.... *scream due to pain*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*closed her eyes in fear*
*turned and make her lay on the bed*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*starts swearing so much due to fear* Move away from me *push him with full force*
*falls again*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*stands and runs away where her scarf falls on the bed*
*trying to see who was that but could only see some blurry figure wearing something white running*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*running in the corridor, and yet she didn't notice about her scarf*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Huff.... huff... 😮‍💨 *bumped into someone and was about to fall*
*hold her shoulders before she falls* Are you okay Miss?
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*didn't say anything and runs from there*
What a weird girl. She didn't even thank me *eyes roll and entered in the ICU room*
*sitting while resting his head on the bed*
Sebastian you are already awake...
- ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ -
Sebastian Brown is a top businessman. He is 29 years old, but he is a very smart businessman who rules the business world. He also has some other names like cruel, arrogant, heartless and the great mafia king known as dark devil. People are scared of him just by his name.
Sebastian went to club today and was attacked by his enemies. Where he got shot two bullets in his back. His friend took him to the hospital.
~ ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ ᴇɴᴅ ~
What do you guys think will Juliet could manage the money for her brother's surgery?
Who did this to her brother?
Will Juliet could.manage to save his brother life?
Stay tuned to know what will happen next ✨🌈
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Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Rizz do you know who came here just now?🥶 *said in cold voice*
- ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ -
Rizz Milano was Sebastian's best friend. He was handsome and have charming personality.
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Who? Who came here? I haven't seen anyone coming over here *confused*
At the same time Rizz saw scarf in Sebastian's hand.
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
*took the scarf from Sebastian's hand* Look's like girl's scarf who gave this to you?
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
*glare and snatched the scarf*
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
*thinking* 🤔
Sebastian inhales the fragrance coming from the scarf. He is getting addicted to the fragrance.
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
I guess this scarf must belong to the girl who was running in the corridor. She bumped into me and I remember she wore a white dress.
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Which girl? *said with shiny eyes*
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Why are you suddenly getting interested in that girl. Don't tell me you fall in love with her 😏 *teasing*
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
*pissed off and throws the pillow towards Rizz* Shut up... Don't speak if you don't know 🥶
Wɪᴛʜ Jᴜʟɪᴇᴛ
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*stopped running* huff... huff.... *feeling tired*
Someone taps her shoulder
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*turn around* Thank God you came here. I was just coming to meet you.
Amara (FL Friend)
Amara (FL Friend)
Juliet what are you doing here at this time. Your shift is already ended.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Actually I want your help. My brother got hospitalized right now, and I want 4,00,000 Euro to deposit *worried*
Amara (FL Friend)
Amara (FL Friend)
Don't worry let's deposit the cash right now *worried about her brother*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Thank you.... Thank you so much for the help *genuinely said*
Amara (FL Friend)
Amara (FL Friend)
Thank me later but first let's pay the bill.
They went to the deposit counter.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Please make the...
Are you the one whose brother got hospitalized?
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Yes it's me *confused*
Your bill is already paid mam *smile*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
But I didn't pay anything yet *shocked*
Just now one man came and paid the bill. Look there he is *point towards the man leaving the hospital main door*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*runs towards that direction*
Before Juliet could reach him. He already left from there. But by looking at the car she knows that he was none other than the one who helped her brother to bring him hospital.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
He helped me twice, and I couldn't thank him properly *gets back to the hospital and stands in front of OT room there she saw that man's coat*
Amara (FL Friend)
Amara (FL Friend)
Where were you I was searching for you everywhere *stand in front of Juliet*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Wait a minute... *checks the coat pockets* There must be something which can give that man's identify.
Amara (FL Friend)
Amara (FL Friend)
What are you doing Juliet?
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*get the business card* TGA Enterprise's and there is address and contact number too *little happy*
Amara (FL Friend)
Amara (FL Friend)
Whose business card....
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
The one who paid the bill and the one who helped to bring my brother to the hospital. He came here as a angel today because of him the surgery started on time.
Amara (FL Friend)
Amara (FL Friend)
Oh, that man? Do you know him?
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
No I don't, but I go tomorrow at this address to return his coat and to thank him for today.
Amara (FL Friend)
Amara (FL Friend)
You should *pats her shoulder*
After hour and half doctor came after performing the surgery. Juliet and Amara saw the doctor and came towards him.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
How's my brother doing? *worried*
He is fine now. You can meet him *said with smile*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Thank you... Thank you so much doctor *happy*
No problem. Now excuse me *left from there*
Ward boy was shifting Evan to another room. When Juliet saw her brother with drips and bandages she started crying.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*hold Evan's hand* Little one wake up now... Please 😭
Amara (FL Friend)
Amara (FL Friend)
Juliet don't cry. Doctor said he is fine now so don't worry and wait for him to wake up *concerned voice*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*hugs her*
Amara (FL Friend)
Amara (FL Friend)
*pats her back* Now you should rest it's already 3...
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*broke the hug* You should go too. Your mom must be worried for you.
Amara (FL Friend)
Amara (FL Friend)
How can I leave my friend here and that to be all alone.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
I will manage from here don't worry Amara. You should go home.
Amara (FL Friend)
Amara (FL Friend)
Okay fine... but you have to rest okay *hugs her for the last time and left*
Wɪᴛʜ Sᴇʙᴀsᴛɪᴀɴ
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
*sitting without holding any emotion just looking at the scarf*
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
*came there with Sebastian report card*
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Did you find out who planned that last attack? 🥶
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Yes. They are sent by one of our rival Mr. Marco. They thought they will kill you but look you are all alive my friend.
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
That Marco I will kill that b@stard 😡 *angry*
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
But they don't know till now nobody is born to kill you and never will be there too *confident*
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
*smirk after listening Rizz* Now I will show him what worst can happen if they meddle up in Sebastian Brown.
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
You will never change *in little voice*
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Have you talked to Mr. Antonio regarding our deal?
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Yes Mr. Antonio want to have the meeting with you by tomorrow at 11 in the morning.
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
But I don't think you should go to the meeting that to be in this situation.
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Okay than fix tomorrow's meeting, and then we will leave for Paris. Anyway I am feeling suffocated in this place.
One female nurse came inside his room.
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
*looking at her carefully as if he wants to confirm is it the same girl who came to his room last night*
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
*saw Sebastian* Don't stare at her so much. It looks like you will eat her alive.
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
*glared at Rizz*
Nurse removed the drip and left from there.
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Rizz Milano (ML BFF)
Tell me the truth are you thinking that she could be the same girl who came here last night?
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Shut up... 🥶
Wɪᴛʜ Jᴜʟɪᴇᴛ
Juliet changed her dress into new one and came outside. Amara just came and saw Juliet going somewhere.
Amara (FL Friend)
Amara (FL Friend)
Juliet where are you going?
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
I will tell you later but for now please stay here with my brother *hurried to left*
Amara (FL Friend)
Amara (FL Friend)
Okay... Okay but be safe
After sometime Juliet was standing in front of big building the TGA Enterprises. She entered the building at went towards reception.
How can I help you mam?
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*gave the business card* I came here to meet him.
You want meet Mr. Alessandro. Do you have any appointment?
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Sorry mam if you don't have any appointment then you can't meet him
~ ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ ᴇɴᴅ ~
Who is Mr. Alessandro?
What is the relation between Juliet and Mr. Alessandro?
Stay tuned to know what will happen next ✨🌈
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Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Please Miss I really want to meet him *starts convincing her*
But mam we can't allow anyone to meet Mr. Alessandro without any appointment
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Please its really important and urgent... Miss, please let me meet him.
Lastly the receptionist called someone and asked if she can allow Juliet to meet Mr. Alessandro.
Okay you may go now. Sir's cabin is in the 21st floor left side.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Thank you, Miss.
Juliet reached at the cabin and knock the door before entering.
Come in 🥶 *cold voice*
Juliet entered, and saw everything in the office is perfectly placed and one man was sitting in the chair checking the papers.
What do you want to talk?
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Actually Sir I want to thank you that last night you helped me to bring my brother to the hospital and paid the deposit amount.
Oh! come on no need to thank me I will not help you than who will help you Juliet *look towards Juliet*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*shocked* D-Dad *little voice*
: ᖴᒪᗩSᕼᗷᗩᑕK :
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Dad you don't love us. You never cared about us after mom died. You are so selfish. I hate you Dad. I really hate you
: ᖴᒪᗩSᕼᗷᗩᑕK Eᑎᗪ :
ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ
Lucas Alessandro was a famous businessman. He live in Paris with his family. He has his main business in Paris and other in Italy. Furthermore, he got married again when Juliet's mom died.
Juliet's stepmom always troubles her and her father didn't even bother to stop her stepmom. When Juliet turned 10 she left the home with her brother and then too her Dad didn't stop her to leave.
After 13 years she is standing in front of her father. All these years she never saw or contacted her father.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*tighten his grip on the coat*
Lucas Alessandro (FL Dad)
Lucas Alessandro (FL Dad)
How are you my child. I missed you all these years *came towards her and hugged*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*pushed him a little* I guess you are having some misunderstanding Mr. Alessandro I am not the one you are thinking.
Lucas Alessandro (FL Dad)
Lucas Alessandro (FL Dad)
Oh, come on Juliet don't lie to me. I recognized you last night only when you came in front of my car. I saw the necklace you are wearing was from your Mom.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Believe me if I know that it could be you I would never take your help. I hate you the same as I hated you before 13 years.
Lucas Alessandro (FL Dad)
Lucas Alessandro (FL Dad)
I know that and that's why I didn't say anything to you.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*turned her face to other direction*
Lucas Alessandro (FL Dad)
Lucas Alessandro (FL Dad)
*turned her towards him* Dear you don't know how much I love you. I searched you two everywhere, but I couldn't find you.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Don't lie Dad...
Lucas Alessandro (FL Dad)
Lucas Alessandro (FL Dad)
I am not lying dear and now that I found you I will take you two with me to Paris. You don't have to suffer when I am here for you my child.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
I guess I should leave now. I just came here to thank you and don't worry I will pay back your money *hands his coat to him*
Lucas Alessandro (FL Dad)
Lucas Alessandro (FL Dad)
You are so stubborn same as 13 years before *disappointed*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
I don't have time for this nonsense talk *left*
Lucas Alessandro (FL Dad)
Lucas Alessandro (FL Dad)
*throws the coat harshly* She never listens to me. I have to do something.
Juliet was coming back to the hospital. She was remembering what happened 13 years back like how her father behaved with them after her mother died. She hates her father the most.
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*saw the vendor crossing the road and one black lavish car came in so much speed that it bumped into the vendor* Hey! Mister can't you drive safely *angry*
Everyone gathered at the scene. Juliet was so angry on the driver. One man came out of the car wearing whole black outfit looking handsome as always. He is the same man which Juliet meets last night in ICU room.
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
What do you want? 🥶 *cold deep voice*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
*in mind* Why does his aura feels so intimidating. He was looking dull yesterday but look at him now he is all fit and fine.
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
*looking at her*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
You should say sorry to him *stern voice*
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
WHAT?? 🥶
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
I think you don't understand English.
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
*folds his hand and looks at her with head to toe*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
What are you looking at?
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Girl do you even know with whom you are speaking to and that to be in this tone *deep cold voice*
Someone said in the crowd: He is Sebastian Brown right? Now that girl is gone for sure...
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
*smells the fragrance coming from Juliet which reminds him the scarf*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
I don't know who you are, and I don't even want to know. I just know one thing that you should apologize to him for hurting *eye to eye contact with Sebastian*
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
I am Sebastian Brown and I will not apologize to anyone so better go away 😡 *got angry*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Look Mr. You have to apologize to him. Can't you understand this much *not letting him go*
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
*looking at her like he is piercing her soul* 😡
Till now nobody had ever talk to him with this tone and language but today in front of six to seven people Juliet took a fight with him and speaking with this attitude makes him more angry.
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
You are teaching me... to Sebastian Brown 😡 *angry*
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Juliet Wilson (FL)
Yes if you are wrong then you should apologize. You should know some basic manners *folds her hand*
Sebastian Brown (ML)
Sebastian Brown (ML)
You want me to apologize right 😡 *grabs her wrist and puts his lips on hers and starts kissing her forcefully*
~ ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ ᴇɴᴅ ~
What will happen in Juliet and Sebastian's life?
Will this people fall in love with each other?
Stay tuned to know what will happen ✨🌈
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