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-S.O.S- (Taekook)


Darkness surrounded every single inch of Jungkook’s room, as the sound of cold, heavy rain poured down on his front windows, hitting the glass sharply, yet so gently. The streets were busy, and the lights from below illuminated the huge city of New York.
The murmuring and pleasing sound of the rain helped the raven haired to settle his disrupted mind and ease it at the same time, not wanting to move from his spot on the wooden plated floor, where he leaned back against the side of his bed. Moments like these were the only ones that helped the boy to reconnect, but relive the hell he went through four years ago.
Jungkook stared down at his thighs, where he held a slightly scrambled, and torn picture of his 18 year old self and his father. Whenever he bothered or gained the strength to pull the picture out, his mind flew in different directions. It made him rethink about his past and the possibilities he could have acted upon to fix some of the things he can’t undo anymore.
A soft knock was heard on his door, and a calm voice followed right after.
“Jungkook, can I come in?”, it was Jungkooks cousin, Namjoon.
Jungkook answered quietly, not bothering to raise his voice for the other to hear, knowing damn well, that Namjoon will step in to check on him anyway.
Namjoon gently pushed the door open, and stepped inside the room, not closing the door behind him as his eyes aimed at his once again hopeless cousin, sitting on the ground. Sighing to himself, he took a few steps closer, crossing his arms before speaking.
All good?
Yeah. Perfect.
Namjoon brushed Jungkooks sarcasm away, knowing that he has no right to get mad, since this day was one of the days where his little cousin suffered the most out of every year. The day his father died in a tragic accident.
Silence engulfed in the room. Jungkook kept his head low, not prying his gaze away from the picture, while Namjoon kept staring at the raven haired.
Jiyeon called
No answer.
As expected. Namjoon knew that Jungkook hated hearing his mothers name more than anything, but no matter how much he tried to persuade Jungkook to reason with the only parent he had left, he never bothered to even put a thought to it.
Namjoon understands Jungkooks pain, and why he has such hatred towards his biological mother, but sometimes he feels as if he’s overdoing it too much.
Jungkooks mother, Jiyeon, was busy from the begging of his childhood, with her multimillion fashion brand, while his father on the other hand, Sunguk, was an Air Force pilot. It would’ve seemed impossible for Jungkooks parents to find free time for their son, due to their important and busy lifestyles, but regardless, Sunguk always found a way to spend some time with him.
He found ways to bring him on his training days to show him and teach him how to pilot an F-16, and later on when he got slightly older, to even fly one. Jungkook is no pro, but he’d manage to fly an aircraft if it was necessary.
Jungkooks parents never divorced, and despite their poor relationship, he always took his fathers side.
Jiyeon loves her son to this day, but her behavior and personality has not changed whatsoever. Her business was located in her hometown, Seoul. So she flew to South Korea quite often and stayed there for long periods of time, while her son stayed in America, motherless.
Work and duties were her number one priority, while Jungkook sat always behind, wanting her attention. She did spend a lot of money on him, without him even asking for it. “Time’ and ‘love’, were the only two things he craved from her, but never got.
Jungkook later on found out that his mother was cheating on her husband, catching her in action as he demanded a good reason to why she has done so, she replied, stating:
Your father and I barely see one another. He never cared to reach out to me, or even take a day off at work to spend some time with his wife. If he’s at home, he just talks to me about his work and nothing else. I will not put in effort in our relationship, if he deems so either.
Jungkook later on told his dad that he was cheated on, but to his surprise, he just snorted and chuckled. As if he didn’t cared in the first place.
I know
That’s all he said, and still to this day be remembers those words very clearly.
Then why were they bothered on being married? How did they got engaged to one another in the first place? Let along had a son? It was fucking weird, and it never made any sense to Jungkook.
Sometimes it even pissed him off, since he wanted his father to be happy with someone he would actually love.
He wasn’t worried about his mother, since she found her ways to entertain herself with people who clearly were not his father, and later on ended up with someone.
But once he was told by his grandmother that their so called ‘love’ was arranged, he understood.
The lack of love and affection his parents had, destroyed Jungkooks belief in ‘true love’, or simply in love at all. It was all stupid and depressing to him.
But despite their horrible marriage, Jungkook would always favor his father over his mother any day.
His relationship with his dad bloomed every day, because he actually put a lot of effort into his son, while his mother barely tried.
And Jungkook was always grateful for even the littlest things that genuinely came from heart.
He never had the chance to see romantic love or affection with his own eyes, or observe it from far away, since he was homeschooled from a young age.
He later on became a university student, all of his classes were online, so he mostly spend his days in his apartment. Not going out much.
Jungkook had relationships, but only for sex. He saw the people he ‘dated’ as a waste of time, since he did not felt any type of connection whatsoever.
It was all attraction and for his needs. Within a few weeks he broke it off, but that was 2 years ago. His play boy era died off.
(End of backstory)
Due to the long silence, and no answer. Namjoon decided to push the question on the other once again.
Jungkook, did you hea-
Jungkook cut him off at the speed of light, annoyed.
Yes, I did. And what?
She told me that, you should reconsider the offer and just go.
You’d be on the flight tomorrow night….You should go, Jungkook
Jungkook finally adverted his eyes away from the picture and looked up at his cousin in disbelief.
Are you being serious? You agree with her?
Don’t give me that look.
You don’t want to visit your fathers memorial in Busan? The place where he was actually buried?
Jungkook stayed silent, and kept throwing daggers at Namjoon with his gaze.
Be opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off.
Don’t even think about pulling the, ‘He has a grave here in New York’ bullshit.
You know damn well that this is not his home, and that underneath that grave is nothing but dirt.
Every time you go to that graveyard, you’re visiting a stone, Jungkook. Not your father.
Namjoon replied in a slight harsh manner, wanting to knock some sense into the younger to understand, that what he’s doing is immature, stubborn and just plain out stupid. But Jungkooks anger and stubbornness always gets the best of him.
Jungkooks avoid visiting South Korea, due to the fact that his father died in that country, it took him away, and it was the country where his mother always disappeared into.
Jungkook was born in Busan, moved to Seoul a few days after his birth and went to kindergarten there, but after he finished primary school, his family moved to the United States.
He flew to Seoul a few times in his lifetime to visit his grandparents, but that was it. The last time he visited South Korea was nine years ago.
“I’m not going”, Jungkook plainly replied.
Namjoon scoffed, shaking his head while he sarcastically laughed it off. Getting tired of the younger’s behavior, while wanting nothing but the best for him.
Why? Because your mothers there? Because you hate your own country? Why?? Don’t you want to-
I’m scared! Don’t you get it! That fucking country took the only person that ever loved me! The only person I genuinely knew from heart from the beginning of my fucking life, Namjoon!
It was not the country that took your father, Jungkook! It was the facility! The fucking aircraft that killed him!
The tension slowly died down, as the two calmed themselves.
Jungkook knew that Namjoon was right, but he always had to find something to blame his fathers death on, even if he knew that the blame was all on him…if only he didn’t fight with him…
“He died in a terrible accident…the aircraft just went to flames, when he took it on a test run…”, Namjoon said softly.
Jungkooks vision got blurry as he looked away, letting his tears fall.
He was too tired of always wiping them away. And Namjoon knew.
It was not your fault, Jungkook….don’t ever put this on yourself, but you know that our country has nothing to do with this shit either…
Jungkook stayed silent. Not bothering to fight back his argument, since Namjoon always brought up the truth.
Your dad was not the only person that loved you…If you don’t want to believe that your mom does, fine.
But I’ll be damned if you thought that I don’t. You’re like a brother to me, and I love you.
Namjoon took a seat on the floor next to the other, and it didn’t take long for Jungkook to turn, and engulf the other in a strong warm hug. Letting his pain out, while the older held him back.
I’m sorry, Jungkook. I miss him too, he was an amazing uncle to me…
It took more than ten minutes for Jungkook to decide but he did.
“I’ll go…”, he said, pulling away from the hug.
The rest of the night went silent, it was sad but a pleasant atmosphere, thanks to their strong bond.


Jungkook just woke up with a headache and an empty stomach, and the hunger bothered him more than the actual pain, that went all the way up to his ass.
Not literally.
After stumbling out of his room, he went straight to the kitchen, missing a view of packed suitcases in the living room.
“Morning”, Namjoon said with a warm smile.
Jungkook rubbed his eyes, and saw Namjoon standing in his way to the fridge. Nodding, he was about to walk past him to the fridge, but got stopped once again.
Annoyed and confused, he looked at him.
Did you forgot something?
Jungkook gave him the most confused look that he could, before he rolled his eyes.
Morning. Now move.
Finally walking past, he opened the fridge.
That’s not really what I meant, but I hope you know your schedule for today and didn’t forgot.
I was trying to wake you up at least two times and your lazy ass couldn’t wake up.
Jungkook wasn’t listening, as he was busy rummaging through the fridge, looking for something decent to eat, but groaned whenever he grabbed something that seemed unappetizing to him.
“Jungkook”, Namjoon called out, knowing that the other didn’t heard a thing.
Jungkook finally grabbed a leftover sandwich from yesterday and turned to face the other, tired, with a raised brow.
Did you heard what I just said?
Jungkook shook his head and took a bite off his sandwich, grumbling weakly at the disappointing taste.
“You should get a few things ready”, The older replied, staring at the other.
“Fhor whad?” He asked with a full mouth, swallowing it after.
Your flight is at 10
My flight?
Jungkook stood there in silence, before he looked at the digital clock on the kitchen island that read 9:10 am.
His eyes balled out of his eye sockets, as if he just woke up from a deep sleep. Shocked, he stormed out of the kitchen, and into his room.
Not knowing what to do first, he walked into his closet, grabbing anything that he could reach and threw it on the bed.
You couldn’t wake me up! I hate delayed flights! I’m fucked if I’m late!
Namjoon walked into his room, completely unfazed.
What are you doing?
Jungkook ignored him once again, and kept on throwing some of his clothes on the bed, before he stepped out of his closet.
Where are my suitcases?? I had them in the closet!
Namjoon was confused at the others reaction, before he realized and broke into a soft laughter, which triggered the younger.
The fuck are you laughing about?! Didn’t you just told me that I’m late??
Namjoon shook his head.
When did I told you that the flight is at 10 in the morning?
It’s at 10 o’clock in the evening, Jungkook. And the suitcases are already packed.
Jungkook felt like hitting something after hearing what his cousin just said, and Namjoon could tell, which made him cough several times of laughter on his way back to the living room.
“Fucking hell! I should’ve recorded that shit!”, the older yelled from the hall, while laughing historically.
Very fucking funny…idiot couldn’t be more specific…
Jungkook hissed to himself and slipped back under the sheets, trying to get more sleep, and forget the huge pile of clothes on his bed, and the flight at night that he was not thrilled about whatsoever.


The airport was crowded at this time of night. People were scattered all over the place, foreigners, locals, waves of different types of faces.
It was simply a chaos, as people were hustling and bustling with their luggages to reach their destination, while some were either filling out the benches or dramatically welcoming their loved ones, with tearful eyes.
The scenarios were giving Jungkook the biggest headache of his lifetime. Especially the category of people who were being all dramatic about seeing their loved ones.
There was a scenario going on in front of Jungkook just now, a few feet away from him.
A couple.
Jungkook poked his inner cheek in annoyance, as he watched the alleged girlfriend, swiftly pulling her heels off, before she ran towards her boyfriend, jumping on him like he was about to die any second if she wouldn’t hug him.
Why the hell was he looking at them anyway? Maybe it’s the fact that they are being overly all lovely-dovey, and it’s hard for anyone not to stare, because they were obviously doing too much. Right?
The way the guy was spinning her around, both laughing and tearing up in unison, while he attacked her face with kisses made Jungkook gag.
‘They are going to break up in a few months, or maybe even weeks. Who knows? It’s obvious’, Jungkook thought to himself.
Was it hope? Did he felt bad for casting such hopes and wishes upon other couples that seemed genuinely in love with one another?
Absolutely not.
Jungkook never understood the meaning of romantic love, and probably never will.
He hates seeing couples.
But it’s not them being in love what bothers him, it’s the fact that he knows, deep down, that he’s jealous of them.
Every single one of them.
He hates admitting it but he’s not heartless. There were times where he wished and craved to give his other half to someone he’d love more than himself, but those times died down once he grew older.
His parents bitter bland relationship wasn’t a positive influence either. And his first relationship was his complete dead end for love.
Jungkooks expression softened, yet stayed emotionless as he stared at the now kissing pair.
The time stopped for the raven haired for a few seconds, before.
A strong force on the back of Jungkooks left side made him wake up from his weird trace, as he almost trembled to the front with the other person, who fell down on their knees, slightly hissing from the impact.
Jungkook stayed in the same slightly bend forward position in disbelief, raising his head to just stab daggers into the others back with his gaze, while planning to throw a few punches in return.
‘Who in the actual f-‘ (in his mind)
The person didn’t took long to reach out on the floor, and start grabbing some of the few items that flew from his little travel bag, when he fell from the impact, while murmuring, “I’m so sorry”, in a loop.
Jungkook slowly straightened his posture and buried his hands into his black sweatpants, while not adverting his eyes from the boy on the floor, who was apparently too busy to notice the others death stare behind him.
The raved haired waited for a solid 35 seconds, before the other individual decided to finally get up and turn to face him.
Jungkook was about to throw a handful of insults at the others incapability to walk like a normal person, instead of ramming into him like an idiot at full speed.
Was he blind???
Are you bli-
Jungkook was about to say but his voice cut off the moment he made eye contact with the dark brunette.
The boy possessed a pair of eyes that you see in a dream.
They were so mystically dark, yet held all the stars and galaxies in them. It was remarkable, yet so hard to look away.
Jungkook felt as he was lured in by a weird force, but it seemed as he was not alone since the brunette stared right back at him. But partly frightened.
The weird tension between them was cut off, when he heard the other speak.
I-I’m so sorry, sir. Forgive me and my clumsiness.
It was within seconds that the dark brunette deeply bowed down to him, grabbed his suitcase and ran off once again in a hurry.
Jungkooks eyes were glued on him, before he went off sight.
‘What the hell just happened?’ (In his mind)
Jungkooks face crumpled in confusion as his brows knitted. He couldn’t comprehend what just happened, and the wave of emotions he felt in that brief second while he was looking into the brunettes eyes was unexplainable.
He can’t even remember his face, just his weirdly luring eyes.
The raven haired looked away for a brief second, before he looked back up at the direction the other boy disappeared into.
Air hostess
Air hostess
~Good evening. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 67B to Busan, South Korea. We are now inviting passengers to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately 10 minutes time. Thank you.~
Jungkook shook those unpleasantly unfamiliar thoughts and emotions away, when he heard his flight number, grabbing a hold of his suitcase he was about to leave, but a certain shiny item on the floor caught his eye before he could do so.
The raved haired crouched down and grabbed it to take a proper look at what it was.
It was a golden dangle earring, that had two little white purls on it.
‘But where is the second one?’ (In his mind)
Jungkook turned his head to every direction to see if by any chance he could find the second one, but there wasn’t another one on sight.
He held it from the tips of his fingers as he stood back up. Taking in it’s details.
Not putting a lot of mind to it, Jungkook was about to put it back on the ground but the second he remembered that he didn’t had much time left, he decided to just push it down his pocket and was on his way to the gate.

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