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The Miracle Knight

Arc 1. The emergence of miracles


A man dressed in dark blue and wearing a fox mask was standing on top of a tall building, and seven people came up to him and immediately knelt before him.

"We are ready to await your orders, sir, command us anything."

The man turned around.

"Tonight, the world will hear our names! We are the ones who will destroy the world! Move! And spread the destruction!"



They all went scattering in all directions.

"Tonight, the moon is shining its magic"

The man also jumped off the building, and left very quickly in an unknown direction.


Inside the palace.

Amara looked at her four childhood friends who already had engagement rings on their fingers, Amara was very surprised by what she saw, at their meeting after so long Amara got a very painful surprise.

Amara held back her tears and anger, Amara's heart was broken into pieces and Amara was filled with disappointment and resentment, then Amara left the place without the knowledge of her four childhood friends.

Amara went to a cliff, then cried and shouted loudly because she was so upset.


Amara's loud shout lured several dragons to her.

"(Dragons? Well, I don't have anything left anyway, let's not even bother)"

Just as one of the dragons was about to grab amara, a man wielding a large sword sliced the dragon in half.

"Are you okay?"

Amara who saw it became annoyed.

"Leave me alone!!! I want to kill myself here!!!"

The man was surprised by Amara's words.

"Do you realize what you just said?"

"Of course! I have nothing left!!! So there's no point in me living!!!"

The man swung his sword, and defended the entire dragon in an instant, then pointed his sword at amara.

"Are you sure about your choice?"

Without any hesitation, Amara nodded.

"Then let me kill you."

The man raised his sword, and swung it at Amara, just as the sword was about to cut Amara, a huge explosion was heard from the direction of the kingdom, they immediately rushed there.

There was chaos everywhere, and many corpses were lying on the ground.

The man ran straight to the palace, and Amara ran straight to the orphanage where she grew up.

When she got there, the orphanage was half destroyed, and there was a dragon that wanted to attack a little girl.

"Run from there!!! Lili!!!"

The little girl was too scared and finally fainted, the dragon immediately opened its mouth, ready to eat her. Amara immediately threw stones at the dragon.

"Over here!!!"

The dragon was provoked by Amara, and immediately chased her, the children and caregivers of the orphanage who saw it were very scared.

"Brother amara!!!"

"Brother amara!!!"

"Bring lili in!!!"

The orphanage caretaker immediately picked up the unconscious lili and brought her in, while amara was chased by the dragon.

Amara kept running away from the dragon until she entered a small cave where the dragon couldn't enter.

"(What a hassle! I'm really weak!!! If only I had great strength, I would have been able to kill that dragon in an instant!)"

Amara clenched her fists and was very upset, suddenly the dragon's body was cut into small pieces, Amara was very surprised and confused.

"What happened?"

"Are you okay? Amara"

A woman holding a small sword appeared in front of the cave, and Amara immediately looked upset but she tried to cover it up.

"Luna, thank you for helping me."

"As usual you are careless, I came to help those at the orphanage, and they said you were being chased by a dragon so I quickly looked for you."

Luna immediately patted amara's shoulder, as she patted amara's shoulder, her hand was immediately cut off and a black aura was seen covering amara, a sharp red gaze was directed at her, and the voice of death spoke to luna.

"Don't touch me"

Luna was immediately frightened and slightly moved away from Amara.

"What's wrong luna?"

"Ah! I-it's nothing"

Luna woke up and she immediately put on a smile to amara, but she was actually very scared.

Luna immediately looked at her hand that was cut earlier, and it was still there and not cut.

"(What was that? An illusion?)"

A huge explosion was heard from the direction of the palace, Luna quickly headed there to see what happened, while amara headed back to the orphanage.

When amara arrived at the orphanage, two male twins with different colored clothes and eyes were stabbing the orphanage owner with their swords.

Amara was so shocked by the sight, the two men turned around to face her.

"Hahahaha! Looks like there's another prey here, right blizzard?"

"Don't lower your guard Inferno, he could be a dangerous enemy"

"Hahahahahahahaha! I don't feel the slightest bit of aurora energy in this kid, hahahahaha...... Really funny! Hahahahahahah......"

*aurora energy is, energy that resides in the human body to bring out their sword and unleash the power of their sword*

Blizzard pointed his sword at Amara.

"If you want revenge, take revenge on your parents who gave birth to you."

Amara was silent for a moment, then opened her hand.

"You've really given up, haven't you?"

"I have no reason to live anymore, everything has been taken away from me."

"Then I'll end your suffering here"

Blizzard immediately swung his sword at amara, but lili came out of hiding and saved amara.

"Lili!? What's wrong with you?"

"Don't leave us sis! They killed the nanny, if you die, who will take care of us!!?"


"What a troublesome little girl, if you keep hiding, we will pretend not to see you and leave, but you came out instead"

Blizzard quickly strangled Lili and lifted her up.

"First I have to get rid of you first"

"St-stop! Don't kill her! Let her go!"

Inferno immediately kicked amara, causing her to be thrown away.

"You're so noisy, take it easy, we'll kill you too!"

"Goodbye, little girl"

"Stop it!"

Blizzard immediately pointed his sword at lili's heart, and stabbed her.

Amara who saw it became very desperate and could not do anything, blizzard then came towards amara.

"Next it's your turn"

Without much more talk, blizzard immediately stabbed amara in the heart.

"With this, your request has been granted"

Blizzard pulled his sword from amara, suddenly amara's hand moved and held the sword.


Blizzard and Inferno were surprised by what they saw.

"Why, why did you kill lili!!!"

A sharp gaze emanated from amara, amara began to stand up and pull out blizzard's sword that was stuck in her.

"What exactly are you? No human is alive after having their heart pierced"

"I am amara! Which means immortal! There is not a single creature that can kill me!!!"

Amara launched a kick right at blizzard's stomach, and blizzard was thrown far back, Inferno was shocked by what she had just seen.

"(I understand now, this world really hates me, before the world destroys me then, I will destroy the world first!)"

Different voices appeared in Amara's memory.

"That's right."

"Your name is"


"Which means immortality"

"There is not a single creature"

"that can kill you"

"And you will become....."

Amara closed her eyes, and memories of her past popped into her head, of her being 7 years old and drawing a sword, sitting under a tree with a man.

"Look! Look! I made this!"

"Hmmm? Is this amara?"

"This is my sword"

"Wow, that's great! So, what's the name of this sword?"

"Its name is ....."

Amara opened her eyes again, then raised her hands up.

"Inferno, quickly kill him!"

Inferno moved quickly, and in an instant was in front of Amara.


Just as Inferno's sword was about to cut off amara's head, a wind appeared from under amara's feet and formed a huge whirlwind, sending Inferno flying backwards.

A long and light sword with a slender and pointed double-edged blade, which was black and purple in color appeared in amara's hand, amara grasped the sword and the vortex stopped.

The sky around them became night and the wind continued to blow strongly.

"I won't let you take more from me!"

Eps 2. Sword of Destiny

A few minutes ago, in the palace.

An extremely strong auroral energy was detected from the palace's warning, and that energy came from the village at the end of the border.

And the vortex belonging to Amara was so large that it was visible from the palace.

"Luna! Look at that! Isn't that the direction?"

"It's from the orphanage!"

"Hah! But we can't move yet either!"

The man with the large sword, who had wanted to kill Amara earlier, came towards Luna and Ruby.

"Let me go, you guys take care of it here."

The man moved quickly, heading towards the orphanage.

Back to the present.

Now. Blizzard, Inferno, and amara were staring at each other with a sharp gaze.

"I didn't expect you to make a surprise like this, it seems that underestimating the enemy is not good! (The shape of the sword represents how much aurora energy a person has, and the sword has a very beautiful shape. ...... That means the energy he has is also very large), be careful Inferno"

"I know that! I can feel it too, she's like a different person than before"

Inferno began to move quickly towards amara, but amara's movements were much faster than Inferno, in an instant Inferno's hands and blizzard legs were cut off by amara's sword.


"(What the hell is that speed?)"

They took a step back and regenerated themselves. Inferno immediately released a huge fire dragon, and attacked amara. Amara also created a wind dragon that was much bigger than Inferno's, and Amara's wind dragon devoured Inferno's fire dragon.

Inferno and blizzard continued to unleash their greatest techniques but all of them were copied by Amara, and used with far greater power.

"What the hell is this guy! Did he really just awaken his power?"

"Hahahahaha! Who cares about that, this is getting interesting!!!"

"There's no choice anymore, time to join"

Inferno and blizzard crossed their swords, and a mountain of fire and an iceberg formed behind them, the swords began to glow and merge as well as their bodies.

"Now! Time to get serious!"

They swung the Inferno sword to the right, and everything within range of the sword was burned. Then they swung the blizzard sword to the left and everything within range of the sword was frozen.

Amara looked at the caretaker of the orphanage, and in her hand was the exact same fox mask that the man in Amara's memory was wearing, Amara took the mask and put it on.

"Thank you for everything, caretaker"

Amara returned to the presence of Inferno and blizzard who had joined.

"I didn't think there would be a human this strong, introduce your name honorable knight"

"I am inara!"

"Inara, I'll remember that name, let's finish this!"

Inferno and blizzard brought the tips of their two swords together, and the power of fire and ice converged.

"Take this!"

They directed their attacks towards amara, amara took a step back and a dark whirlwind appeared on her sword, as the attack approached amara, Amara immediately launched her own attack that destroyed Inferno and blizzard's attack, and made a hole in the chest of both of them.

Inferno and blizzard separated again, and they fell to their knees in pain.

"Impossible, ordinary humans beat us"

Inferno and blizzard lay unconscious and drained of energy, and the mountain of fire and ice also disappeared.

The other children who were in their hiding places immediately came out and hugged amara, as did the few people in the village who witnessed the fight. They all cheered Amara's victory.

Amara looked back at lili and the caretaker of the orphanage and went over to their corpses, the festive atmosphere instantly becoming sad. Lili's body suddenly shone and lifted up, her hair suddenly turned long and golden, miko clothes appeared on lili's body.


Lili's body radiated white light, and her eyes turned into gold color, with a soft voice Lili spoke.


Lili's body emitted white light, and her eyes turned into a golden color, with a soft voice Lili spoke.

"Congratulations on your awakening, lord amara£}€[^{¢["

"(Ha? Did she just say something? Why can't I hear her? More importantly), what did you do to lili? And who are you?"

"This child is fine, and I am {¢°¥×¢{"

"Ha? What did you just say?"

"I see, you still can't hear me, right? Someday, we'll meet again, see you soon, Mr. Amara£}℅|{¢[¢"

Lili's body returned to normal, and she still fainted.

In the palace.

All the monsters attacking the kingdom suddenly retreated, all of them confused by what happened.

"What is this?"

"We don't have time to think about that! Let's hurry to the orphanage!"

The four of them moved quickly to the orphanage, while the man was already at the orphanage and was very surprised by what he saw.

"(What is this? What just happened here?)"

To his right was a sea of fire, and to his left was a land of ice, the man explored deeper into the village and finally met the one person who lived in the village.

"You there! What happened?"

"Ah, this village was attacked by a wild sword"

"Wild sword!!?"

*wild sword is, a case where a weapon has escaped from its former owner (the owner has died or deliberately left the sword behind) and is possessed by dark forces*

"Where is the wild weapon now?"

"A young boy in a fox mask has defeated them"

"I see, sorry for our delay knights"

"That's no problem, we also know you're busy protecting the king"

The man looked very surprised.

"You said they were!!!? How many wild swords attacked this village!!!?"

"Th-th-there are two of them"

"(Two wild swords! And it was defeated by one person? He must be very strong), please describe the characteristics of that person"

"We-well, he has black hair, his face is not visible because he wears a fox mask, he has a very beautiful sword with wind power, he also wears dark blue clothes, and he introduced himself as Inari"

"Thank you for the information *gives dozens of gold coins*, this is our apology and thanks"

The man left very quickly.

"*sigh* Huuuu, with this you've calmed down right? Amara"

Amara came out from behind the building.

"Yes, thank you for your help"

"No need, you helped us all."

That night.

The villagers held a dinner party for Amara, until at midnight, Amara was talking alone with the village chief, and she had no idea that the children in the orphanage were eavesdropping.

"So, you're leaving soon."

"Yes! I've made up my mind! If this world wants to destroy me, I will destroy this world first!"

"We knew this day would come too, so bring this *gives a dark blue outfit, and some gold coins*"

"This? Are you sure?"

The village chief nodded and smiled.

"Of course, the money needed to rebuild the village and take care of the children is more than enough, so we left you the clothes...." Remind? When you were little, you used to draw things you really liked on paper, then show them to that person.... That shirt was one of the things you drew, and also that sword."

"That person?"

Amara thought back to herself sitting under the tree while drawing something, and as soon as she showed the drawing to the man sitting with her beside her, she smiled happily.

"Mr. village chief, who exactly-"

"Someday you will know, that your destiny is not in this world."

The village chief walked away leaving Amara behind.

The next day.

Amara immediately prepared to leave the village, and her departure was escorted by all the villagers, the children also cried to see Amara leave, Amara immediately approached them.

"It's okay! If you have any problems, just call me, I'll come and help you!"

The children's cries slowly subsided, and they slowly smiled, amara then left the village.

Eps 3. On the start of the journey

After getting the information from one of the people in the village, the man immediately returned to the palace and reported the information to everyone.

"The person wearing the fox mask and introducing herself as inara? I've never heard that name before, if it's true, then she will be a big threat to us, it would be beneficial if she sides with us."

The king thought about what to do next.

"Hero Shizuna, can you find that person and invite him to join us?"

A woman appeared suddenly in front of the king, she was smiling happily and very excited.

"Leave it to me, King! I will definitely find him quickly! But, what will I do to him if he doesn't want to join? Do I have to kill her as usual?"

"Don't be foolish! He can defeat two wild swords, how can you kill him, if he refuses, go back to the palace and I will give you information about the next step"

"Alright! Then, I'll leave first."

The woman disappeared again suddenly.

In the forest.

Amara had just started her journey to destroy the world, and she was sitting in a tree watching Inferno and blizzard fighting.

"I told you! We should go right, right is always the right way!"

"Who said that? Your right always brings trouble"

"Huh? That's not true, it's your left that always brings trouble!"

"That's not true!"

They stared at each other in annoyance.

"You guys, are we done?"

"Then, there's no other choice"

"You're right!"


"Lord amara, choose a path!"


They both fell silent and looked at each other and answered simultaneously.

"I just thought of it."

Amara looked very upset, and decided to take a left.

"(I'll tell you, why did they come with me? It all started right before the man arrived at the village)"

Before the man came to the village, Inferno and blizzard were already completely dying and it was only a matter of time before they broke.

*when a sword breaks, it's the end of that sword, and inferno and blizzard are swords that take human form*

Amara looked at inferno and blizzard who were about to disappear, and she came up to the two of them, inferno and blizzard looked at amara and smiled.

"This is the end for both of us, but we are happy to die at the hands of a powerful warrior like you"

"We have both killed many people, so this is a fitting end for both of us"

Amara clenched her fists.

"There's no way I'm letting you two get away with this!"

Inferno and blizzard looked confused by Amara's words.

"You must atone for your sins! Make a contract with me, and come with me! I will help you, atone for all your sins"

Inferno and blizzard were shocked by amara's words, with their remaining strength, they smiled and tried to kneel down.

A large magic circle formed on the ground. Amara, blizzard, and Inferno entered the circle. Inferno and blizzard knelt before amara, and the magic circle lit up, Inferno and amara's bodies came back into view.

"My name is amara! I hereby swear to be your sheath, and will use you to destroy all my enemies!"

Inferno and blizzard smiled.

"We are willing to be your swords, and will protect you."

The symbols of fire and ice appeared on amara's palms and now that the contract was complete, inferno and blizzard had become amara's swords.

Back to the present.

"(And that's what happened, even though they were so good at working together before, why are they fighting now?)"

They had been walking for five hours, and finally they came to a river and decided to rest there.

"By the way I just realized, where is that little girl?"

Blizzard and amara immediately looked around, and suddenly lili came out of the bag that blizzard was holding.

"I'm inside here, because the journey will be long, so I came inside here"

"(No wonder my bag feels so heavy)"

"Don't wander around without my permission understand!?"


"(Lili came with us for two reasons, first she said she got a message from that mysterious woman to come with us. Secondly she forced us to let her come, so we couldn't help but let her come)"

They rested by the river that night, and when morning came, they continued their journey.

"Lord amara, I sense a large presence of people ahead"

"That must be a horde of people who are evacuating"

Inferno was suddenly startled.

"Wait a minute! I sense that the presence of those people is starting to disappear one by one."

They were surprised by Inferno's words, and immediately rushed there, Amara put on her mask again.

"Inferno, take care of lili"

"Yes, sir."

"Let's go blizzard!"

Amara jumped out of the forest towards the horde, and saw that the horde was being attacked by several zombie mutants, amara immediately froze all the zombie mutants and destroyed them all.

"Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine, thank you for helping us."

Amara suddenly turned around, and stabbed towards her front, and her sword was bleeding, and suddenly a man appeared in front of her, and the man was stabbed by Amara's sword.

"Why? Did you know...?"

"No matter how good you are at hiding your presence, as long as your killing spirit is strong, you will still be traceable."

The man fell to the ground and was lifeless.

"Lord Inara, I feel a huge auroral energy from out front."

"That must be the leader."

Amara immediately moved very quickly in the direction indicated by the blizzard, when she arrived there, there was a young girl wearing white armor and a large sword with a serrated blade.

"So you're the one who spread the zombie mutants?"

"Right, I've been looking for you, inara.... My king ordered you to join us as a hero."

"...... Too bad, I'm not interested...."

"I see! Too bad!"

The girl moved quickly in front of amara and attacked her, and amara parried her attack.

"Hm? Lord inara! Stay away from this girl now!"

Amara immediately took a step back.

"What's wrong blizzard?"

"That sword is a violet poison sword, she can create deadly poison, even without others realizing it, no wonder she can create zombie mutants"

"Hahahaha! Your sword turns out to have extensive knowledge, right! This is my partner violet, she is a little shy, and I am Shizuna mira, the hero of the specter kingdom.... Actually the king told me to retreat once you refused to become a knight, but seeing someone as strong as you, I really couldn't resist!!!"

Shizuna continued to urge amara, and amara just kept dodging and defending.

"Blizzard, come back!"

Blizzard disappeared from amara's hand, amara raised one hand.


Amara's original sword appeared in her hand, shizuna smiled and moved quickly towards amara, but amara now moved much faster than shizuna, in just three seconds, shizuna's sword was thrown away, shizuna lay on the ground and amara's sword was right in front of her neck.

"It's over, I'm the winner!"

Shizuna and amara looked at each other, and the battle ended with amara's victory.

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