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Ambassador's Stubborn FireLord~

The wound

TW:this story might contain Violance, bad words and extremly bad grammer

TIME: midnight

Zuko's POV:

I woke up covered in sweat... Its the same dream all over and over again! 'it'll hunt me forever...wont it?...' i tought to my self as i held my head in my hands trieing to collect my toughts. A million toughts were running trough my head... From the time Ozai challenged me to an agni the time of the final agni kai whit Azula... Every mistake i ever made was comeing back to me.. Every single one... It's eating me alive... Images of my mother leaving, flashing trough my mind...'How could i be so stupid!...', i tought...'how could i be so fucking stupid!... I even Betrayed the person who was always there for me... The only person from my family that actually loved me..', Sometimes i cant help but ask myself how i could be so naive to belive Azula and Fath-..Ozais words insted of uncles words?...I truly am an idiot.. And an a##hole too...Zuko sighed as he slowly looked to the other side of the bed only to be meet whit a pair of bright blue sleepy eyes...Sokka sighed, "c'mere...", he said as he pulled me into a tight embrace. "its not your fault... Nothing is.. Youre not stupid.. Youre far from that", he said as he played whit my hair. He was more then used to this situation.. Its like.. He can read my every tought. "I AM stupid... How could i Betray the only person who ever actually cared about me!", i said as i buried my face into the crock of his neck. Sokla sighed, "Youre not-" "I AM! i am, i am, i fucking am!..i was an idiot then, and im still an idiot now!",i said as i lifted my face from his neck so i could look at him.


I sighed, this has Been happening almost every night... Its getting concerning. Zuko doesnt know that I have been awake the whole time, only now that he looked at the side of the bed has he actualy realised that im awake. "its okay,little Flame... Its okay...", i whispered into his ear as i pulled him onto my lap and pulled him even closer into me burying his face into my chest.i could muffled sniffles and mumbled comeing from him. "im an idiot, im a fucking idiot!", Zuko yelled. i looked at him, worried "shh...dont yell... You'll wake everyone up... And.. Youre not an idiot..." "Never think of yourself like that, yes, you might have made mistakes... But you realised that..."Ever since he visited Ozai in the prisione four months ago he has Been haveing the same nightmare almost every day. I dont know what exactly Ozai told him since Zuko refuses to tell me... But whatever it is... It cant be good"...but... Most importantly... You changed,Zuko...", i kissed him on the cheek"and...",i poised,"im proud of you for that..."

"... Never forget that, my dear.. M'kay, love... Hmm?...", i said as i looked down at the boy curled up in my arms.

Zukkos POV :

"... Never forget that, my dear.

M'kay, love... Hmm?", Sokka said as he looked down at me....Worry and concern evident in Sokka eyes as he looks at me, "okay...", i muttered as i looked away. "im proud of you..." he repeated "and I always will be...Ya know that,right, flamey?..." Sokka said whit a small smiles pulling on his lips. My eyes light up, "r-really... Youre.. Not just.. Playing around whit me.. Are you?...". Sokka gasped dramaticly, "you really thing that lowly of me!?",he then pressed his forehead against mine. "Darling you out of all the people should know THE Best i would never do that...", he said whit his signature grin on his face. I chuckeld at that, he always manage to bring a smile on my face..

Even in the wrong moments, especialy in the wrong moment, he will always do that on purpes, "of course i know,and you should know by now that i would never doubt you,you-" i wiped my tears and hit him in  the face whit a pillow "penguin!"

At that moment we both couldnt control our laughter as he hit me back whit the same pillow i throw at him the first time


Zukos POV:

IT was now about 5 in the morning, i havent gotten even a glanc of sleep last night.Now, I'm lying down on my side of the bed looking at my fiance sleeping whit out a care in the world.I know i should've gotten up and got ready for the day...But I just couldent bring myself to look away from the sleeping boy...He look so peacfull.. So beautifle... 'How did i get this Lucky to have him?', i tought to myself as i sighed 'i should get up... I have work to do...', i  give Sokka a Quick kiss on the forehead and got up, careful not to wake the boy up. "sleep well, you stubborn penguin...",i sigh and go to get ready before going to my study to do some work and then start the day of endless meetings... Like always... Quiet litteraly always... Yes, even on the weekends, people.

Time skip:

As i got out of my room i was greeted by my uncle"oh good morning, Uncle", i smiled softly as i hugged him. Uncle Iroh embraced me too, "good morning, Zuko..."


I was walking down the hall to the garden when i saw my Nephew, Zuko, he looked rather tired...this isnt the first time this happens. Zuko Greeted me and i did the same. "You look rather tired, my boy.. Did you not get any sleep last night?", i said realiseing him from the hug,"ah dont worry Uncle, im complitly fine?", Zuko smiled, 'does he really think im that old that id not be able to see hes acting and hes not actually fine?', i tought to myself. I sighed, "you've always been a terible lier, Zuko..." "yeah, yeah.. I know, Uncle... I just dont want to talk about it... But I promise i'll tell you eventualy...", Zuko said smileing a bit.

"okay, kid... I wont pressure you to talk if you dont want should go.. You have duties to attend to.", i smiled a little as i walked away towards the dinning room.

Sokka's POV:

IT was about 6AM when i woke up.

I looked around the room as I rubbed my eyes and yawned, burying my head back into the pillow. " i should get up... But I dont want to its too comfyyy...", i whined. A quiet chuckles was heard from the door...

"then dont get up, i dont see the problem whit you being in bed the whole day, ya know, penguin?...", Zuko said as he sat on the edge of the bed, gently rubbing his hand up and down my leg, "donn'ttt!..." i whined as i tried to kick his hand away, "hmm, how about... No-", Zuko picked me up and swing me around before putting me into his lap, pulling me close, "hey-", suddenly i felt his lips pressd against mine, i let out a quiet moan. Zuko pressed himself agains me more... even tough i wanted to, i couldent protest.. It just felt so good.. Too good even... But then again it is still too dangerous to do anything as zuko is still injured "Zuko, wai-mph-", before i could say anything he kissed me again but i pulled away and put a hand on his mouth, "no.. Zuko.. Youre still injured, youll hurt yourself more then you alredy are..." "fineee...", zuko whined, his voice muffled by my hand...

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